E komo mai, Welcome!

Genealogy is also known as family history.  It is the study of families through history tracing their lineages and origins.  


 It’s a Hawaii Thing Youtube channel

Innovations happen in the most adverse circumstances.  Culturised Podcast on YouTube.  "The focus of Culturised is to learn, to share, to be versed and understand culture whether ethnic, native, or social. Every culture has a history and the goal of this show is to make sure those cultures continue to move forward and rise."  Culturised Podcast

****************************                                             Hula Events in Hawaii

Other notable hula events in Hawaii

Merrie Monarch Hula Festival (a competitive event), which began in 1964.
  Merrie Monarch Festival

King Kamehameha Day Chant and Hula Competition (a competitive event), which began in 1974.

Queen Liliuokalani Keiki Hula Competition (a competitive event), which began in 1976.

Prince Lot Hula Festival (a noncompetitive event), which began in 1978.

Nā Hula Festival, 2022 celebrated the 81th Annual Na Hula Festival online.


                                                     Static Events

     State of Hawai’i:  Hawai’i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts

               First Friday:
  First Friday of each month open 6PM-9PM with live entertainment.

     Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun Evenings (weather permitting):  Under the big banyan tree, Kuhio Beach Hula Show, 6:30PM-7:30PM   808-843-8002 for more information

     Weekly.  O Na Lani Sunset Stories, Sundays 7 PM, International Market Place, Kalakaua Ave (Storytelling through Hawaiian & Polynesian song & dance)

Visit History of Hawaii on this website.

Resources available on this website can be found on the Resources tab.  

If you are looking for help researching your Hawaii ancestors, this is the right place.  If you'd like to share research links or information please write to me!

Please help these family genealogists find answers to their queries. 

The contact E-mails were verified in Jan 2016.  Queries with valid E-mail are maintained here. If you have a surname that you think you can help with, please use the Surname Alphabetic Search. Queries may also be accessed here. They are arranged newest to oldest.

Mahalo for your kokua!

a hui hou (until we meet again)                  

Doreen Harunaga-Ewing
Honolulu County Coordinator                                                                             

@March 2025                       Honolulu County Coordinator Doreen Harunaga-Ewing