Welcome to Douglas County Kansas Genealogy Research

Lawrence KS, Massachusetts Ave  circa 1880

 My name is Bob Jenkins
and I created this website to provide genealogy
 information and links to genealogy information  to assist people in researching
 their Douglas County Kansas ancestors.

 I would appreciate any contribution that you would like to make  to this site:
 biographies, obituaries, birth, marriage, death info,  grave info, photographs....etc

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   Douglas County Data

 Brief History from Kansas State Historical Society:

 Douglas County contains the cities of Eudora, Lawrence, Lecompton and Baldwin City. It was one of the original 33 counties
 organized by the Territorial Legislature in 1855 and was organized on September 24, 1855, by Frederick Chouteau; F. W.
 Lunkins; A. R. Harper; Dr. Abram Still; L. B. Wallace; Clark Stearns; A. B. and N. E. Wade; Joseph J. Eberhart; Napoleon N.
 Blanton; A. W. and A. C. Glenn; M. S. Winter; George Cutler; F. B. Varnum; Robert and Richard Pierson; and William
 Harper. The First Territorial Legislature named the county for Stephen A. Douglas, the U. S. Senator from Illinois responsible
 for the Kansas-Nebraska Bill in 1854.

 The first church in the county was the Lawrence Plymouth Congregational Church founded in 1854. The first county fair was
 held in 1858, and the fair continues. The first school district was founded in Lawrence, in July, 1855. The first school was
 opened in Lawrence on January 16, 1855.


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