JOHN HALL. The subject of this sketch was born in Norfolkshire, England, in the year 1847. The literature descriptive of the western states in America and the rare opportunities offered for young men with limited means had been eagerly perused by him during his boyhood days. When twenty-three years of age he concluded the time had arrived to execute the ambition of his desires, and sailed for America, remaining only a few days in New York, when he pushed westward and located for the time in Chicago, and engaged with one of the gas Companies in the capacity of common laborer. This not being in harmony with his earlier resolution, he started for Kansas in the spring of 1869, and located, after some investigation, in Lincoln county. For six years he contended with the usual perplexities of farm life on the frontier, devoting the summer season to the farm, the fall and winter to the more attractive and exciting pursuit of Buffalo hunting. These expeditions brought him frequently to the Saline valley. Recognizing the advantages this section offered to engage in the stock business he concluded to move farther west. Returning from one of his expeditions in quest of game late in the winter of 1874, he immediately commenced preparations to move to the Saline valley. Early in April of 1875 he returned and located upon the quarter section now the home of T. A. Parker. The following spring he moved up the river to where he has resided for the past twenty-five years, devoting his time and attention the past quarter of a century to raising and feeding cattle for the market. The result of his care and Good judgment, the rich and nutritious native grass, especially calculated for the industry, made the efforts of John Hall a conspicuous success.