MARGERY HARLAN REEDER. Margery Harlan Reeder was born on the 25th day of November, 1818. Her parents moved to Parke county, Indiana, when she was five years of age. Married David Reeder in 1842, and resided near Rockville, in the same county. After the death of her husband in March, 1860, the care and responsibility of raising a family of seven children, consisting of two girls and five boys, devolved upon her. Eighteen years later she moved to Knoxville, Iowa, remaining only a few months, when she determined to move to Kansas. After a brief visit at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, with her brother, Iowa's distinguished son, Senator Harlan, she started for Kansas, arriving at Hays City on the 22nd day of July, 1878, and located two and one-half miles southwest of town. After a residence in Ellis county, Kansas, of twenty years, she returned to visit the old home in Indiana. While with her son, J. C. Reeder, her life terminated at the advanced age of four score years, amid the loved and familiar scenes of her girlhood days. Her simple unostentatious life engendered a nobility of character that was both attractive and impressive. Though cultured and strong intellectually, her simplicity of speech and demeanor subordinated everything in this life to her ideal conception of Wesleyan duty in the preparation for life eternal. Loved and respected by all, she continued faithful and steadfast from youth to old age in living a devoted and consecrated Christian life, awaiting the final call for the full reward of her devotion and teachings of her adopted church.