Welcome to Wyandotte
County Kansas Genealogy Research

Wagon Works Quindaro area circa 1880
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Wyandotte County Kansas
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
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Wyandotte County Data
The county is named after the
Wyandot (also known as Wyandott or
Wyandotte) Indians. They were called the
Huron by the
French in Canada, but they called
themselves Wendat. They were distantly
related to the Iroquois, with whom they
fought. They had hoped to hold off
movement by white Americans into their
territory and had hoped to make the Ohio
the border between the United States
and Canada.
One branch of the Wyandot moved to the
area that is now the state of Ohio. They
generally took the course of assimilation
into Anglo-American society. Many of
them embraced Christianity under the
influence of missionaries. They were
transported to the current area of
Wyandotte County in 1843, where they set up
a community and worked in cooperation with
Anglo settlers. The Christian Munsee
also influenced early settlement of this
The Wyandot in Kansas set up a
constitutional form of government that they
had devised in Ohio. They set up the
government for Kansas and Nebraska. It
was one of their own who was elected as
territorial governor.
Wyandotte County was organized
on January 29, 1859, by Auguste and Pierre
Chouteau; George Russell; George Veal;
Mryon Pratt; Jacques Johnson; Samuel
Forsythe; Marshall Garnett; Vincent Lane;
Robert Robitaille; William L. McMath;
Jucaob Willeborn; Cyrus Gordon; and
George B. Wood. The county contains the
cities of Bonner Springs, Edwardsville,
Kansas City and Lake Quivira (part),
and was named for the Wyandot Indians
(various spellings).