Welcome to Buchanan
County Missouri Genealogy Research

Joseph Robidoux 1783-1868
Founder Blacksnake Hills Trading Post
and therefore founder of St. Joseph, MO
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Buchanan County Missouri
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
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County Data
Buchanan County is
located in the U.S. state of
Missouri. Its county seat is St.
Joseph. When originally formed in 1838,
the county was named Roberts County,
after settler Hiram Roberts. It was
renamed in 1839 for James Buchanan, then a
U.S. Senator and later President of
the United States. The county was formed
from land annexed to Missouri, as were
other counties. Buchanan County is
included in the St. Joseph, Missouri
Metropolitan Statistical Area.