Welcome to Clinton
County Missouri Genealogy Research

Chautauqua circa 1910
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Clinton County Missouri
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
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County Data
Clinton County is a county
located in the U.S. state of Missouri and is
part of the Kansas City metropolitan area.
As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the county
had a population of 20,743 Its
county seat is Plattsburg. The county was
January 2, 1833 and named for Governor
DeWitt Clinton of New York. The county seat
of Plattsburg derives its name from
a town of a similar name that is the
county seat of Clinton County, New York,
which was also named for the Governor.