Welcome to Scotland
County Missouri Genealogy Research

Ella Ewing home circa 1900
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Scotland County Missouri
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
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County Data
Scotland County was
organized by an act of the Missouri
General Assembly on January 29, 1841.
At first its boundaries contained
all the land now known as Knox County as
well, but another act by the General
in 1843 divided it off. Stephen W.
B. Carnegy suggested that the county be
named after his native country of
He also gave several settlements in
the area Scottish names.
The first white settlement in
Scotland County was in 1833 by brothers
Levi and George Rhodes and their families
near a
location known as "Sand Hill".
Sand Hill was in the southern part of the
county, about twelve miles from
Memphis. A general store was opened
there around 1835 by James l. Jones, who
also served as Scotland County's first