Welcome to San
Bernardino County Genealogy Research

San Bernardino 1865
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to
genealogy information to
assist people in researching
their San Bernardino County
California ancestors.
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries,
birth, marriage, death info,
grave info, photographs....etc
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San Bernardino County Data
The indigenous peoples
that resided in what is now San Bernardino
County were primarily the Taaqtam
(Serrano) and
_iviluqaletem (Cahuilla) peoples
who lived in the San Bernardino Valley and
the San Bernardino Mountains; the
Chemehuevi and the Kawaiisu peoples
who lived in the Mojave Desert region; and
the 'Aha Makhav (Mohave) and the
Piipaash (Maricopa) peoples who
lived along the Colorado River. These
groups established various villages and
throughout the region that were
interconnected by a series of extensive
Following the purchase of Rancho San
Bernardino, and the establishment of the
town of San Bernardino in 1851 by Mormon
colonists, San Bernardino County was
formed in 1853 from parts of Los Angeles
County. Some of the southern parts of the
county's territory were given to
sanbernardino County in 1893.
In the 1980s, Northern San
Bernardino County proposed to create
Mojave County due to the abysmal service
levels the
county provided. Ultimately, the
vote for county secession failed. The
proposed county was from the Cajon Pass to
the city
of Needles.