From the Lodi Sentinel, 5 Jan 1918:

Pneumonia Fatal to Mrs. L.B. Morrison

After suffering for nine days from pneumonia, Ida A., wife of L.B. Morrison, passed away Thursday morning at their home on North Cherokee lane.

Deceased was a native of California and was aged 58 years, 5 months and 18 days. For a number of years she had resided in this district and she was quite well known throughout the community for her goodness of heart and Christian spirit.

The funeral will be held from the late residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the direction of Hale & Bawden. Rev. Schwimley will officiate at the house and the Eastern Star lodge will take charge of the services at the grave. Interment will be made in Galt cemetery.

From the Lodi Sentinel, 8 Jan 1918:

Late Mrs. Morrison In Final Sleep

The funeral of Mrs. Ida A. Morrison was held from the late home on Cherokee lane Sunday afternoon. There was a large attendance and many beautiful floral offerings were in evidence. Rev. W. A. Schwimley performed the last end rites, and there was much sympathy expressed for the husband, who is now alone in the world without a living relative.

Sacred selections were rendered by Mrs. E. M. Keeney and Will Owens. Interment was made in Galt cemetery under the auspices of Woodbridge East Star chapter.

The pall bearers were: James Woodson, P. W. Shock, Lyle Fowler, George Orr, George May and Arthur Covington.