Hawaii County Newspaper Abstracts |
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Pacific Commercial Advertiser: 2 July 1856:
Schooner Kekauluohi sailed June 21 for Kona Hawaii, due about July 4. Schooner Liholiho sails today for Hilo Schooner Mary sails July 3rd for Kawaihae
Agents for the Pacific Commercial Advertiser: Capt J Worth - Hilo Thomas H Paris, Esq - Kona Capt James A Law - Kawaihae
Earthquake on Hawaii. Capt James Law of Kawaihae writes that on the night of the 8th at 11 a severe shock of earthquake was felt so severe as to crack the walls.
Pacific Commercial Advertiser: July 10, 1856:
Coaster in Port: Schooner Haalilio, soon for Kona Hawaii.
Hilo Tribune: 2 Jan 1902:
Dr M Wachs, Dentist Walter H Schoening, Dentist W S Wise, Atty Chas M Leblond, Atty J Castle Ridgeway and Thomas C Ridgeway, Attys Godfrey F Affonso, Atty John J Grace, MD R H Reid MD C L Stow, MD A E Sutton and H Vicars, Agenst Fire Insurance W A Purdy, Agent, Fire Insurance E D Baldwin, Real Estate Agent
Estate of Joseph Keaweopala, deceased. Administrator is A E Sutton. Creditors of said deceased to present claims at the office of Ridgway and Ridgway.
Estate of Edward Northrup Hitchcock, deceased. Harriet C Hitchcock executor. Creditors of said deceased to present claims at the office of Smith and Parsons.
Estate of Viria E Gehr, deceased. Herbert B Gehr, executor. All creditors of said deceased are hereby notified to present claims to Ridgway and Ridgway.
Estate of John Niau, deceased. Letters testamentary to Maria Niau. Daniel Porter, clerk.
Notice is hereby given that on and after the 15th day of November 1901, the business now known as A. M Potemkin's store will be called and named "The American Grocery" and will be continued as such under the management of L. Helbush. All debts of the firm A M Potemkin will be paid by the American Grocery, and all billed owned to the firm A M Potemkin must be paid to The American Grocery.
W J Robinson, the first man to be appointed to the third judgeship of the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii was born in the city of Cleveland, Ohio on March 9, 1868. He came to Hawaii from Alameda, California in July 1900, Settling in Honolulu. He attended common schools in San Francisco. He entered the office of Hon Morris M Estee, San Francisco as a clerk and law student and in 1889 went into the office of Hon James C Martin a member of the Oakland and Alameda bar. Judge Estee gave the certificate of his character and standing on his application for admission to the Hawaiian Bar.
Kinan Passenger list from this week: A A Braymer, C H Teaff, H Rooney, M Cappello, E Rooney, Mr Firn, Miss M E Maby, Carl F Rose, H A Naawahi, T E Wall, L Warren, A F Mahaulu, J W Kahalewai wife and child, Miss M Kanoha, Annie Aylett Poole, Wm McCloskey, M K Cook, Miss Mary K Low, Miss Lilihana, Miss F Washburn, J W Kelkee, Chas Sutton, H H Dimonds, Miss L K Harrison, C Hedemann, J W Cathcart, Miss E M Cheek, Mrs M W Gunn, L T Kenake, F J Testa, Capt Berger, 27 band boys and 2 girls, Maui baseball team, G Cummins, A H Jackson, T Pickard, J Garcia, A Garcia, J Yates, L R Crook, F Keliinci, G Kruger, J Ross, J Hutchinson, W H Conwell Jr.
In the suit of Tonukawa vs U. Gama, decree has been entered by Judge Little, ordering specific performance of a certain contract for the transfer of real estate.
In the estate of Unahioela k, Jos. Gouvea has been appointed administrator.
Olaa Sugar Company has resumed planting at 14-1/2 miles, getting fine seed from fields being cut at 10 miles. Mentions Nine Mile school under the supervision of Miss Ward, the principal. 1/3 of the children are Puerto Ricans. Mentions the Hawaiian church at 12 miles. Mr George Stratmeyer is the assistant manager at the Olaa store. Mr L M Whitehouse has been awarded the contract for building a wagon road on the Furneaux place. Mr and Mrs Hayes were guests of the McStockers on Christmas. Mr and Mrs Fred Clay spent Christmas at Mt. View. Capt Warland and family have been spending the holidays at the Stevens home. Miss Warland, the elder daughter of Capt and Mrs Warland who is a trained nurse, recently from NY, and will probably locate in Hilo if she can arrange matters. Dr Theodore Wiggins is mentioned as a resident of Hilo. Dr Frances Wetmore and Miss Deyo are mentioned.
Waipio Valley Water. Waipo Valley, which is owned by the Bishop estate. A S Tuttle who is now in Waipio is expected in Hilo to visit the volcano. Harold I Cruzan was with Mr Tuttle in the valley.
Grand Jury was sworn, they are: C C Kenedy, foreman. John F Baker, M L Whitehouse, H Olney, Chas E Wright, E N Holmes, H F Schoenn, Henry M Henshaw, W H Beets, John T Moir, Wm Todd, Wm Pullar, Peter Gibbs, A E Sutton, J S Janeway, J E Gamilson, Arthur M Richardson. J S Overend was appointed Baliff.
The wife of Baliff E. da Silva is seriously ill at her home in this city.
Miss Louise Hapaii spending vacation with Miss Ivy Richardson at Reed's Bay
Miss Ridgway, Art Director at the Punahou
R W Jones who is the manager of the Humuulu Sheep Station was in town this week at the races.
Miss Maude Hansen stayed at Mr and Mrs J. A. Cruzan's several days last week.
Robert Hellen, manager of Excelsior Soda Works at Hakalau
Ralph Hamilton from Honomu Plantation was at the races
Miss Maude Cheek, a popular teacher in Hilo spent a few days with her brother on vacation at Honolulu.
Hon. Julian Monsarrat is manager of Kapapala Plantation at Kau.
Harriet and George Hapai are spending their vacation with their Uncle Ahrens of Oahu Plantation.
W G Purdy, father of W A Purdy of Hilo, retired from President of Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company on January 1.
Sam Parker and Henry Beckley both of Waimea.
F Souza on King Street tutoring Spanish language.
Albert Horner of Kukaiau.
Haili Church, Rev S L Desha. Capt Berger played the organ.
Louis Keuake, cashier at Honolulu Post Office is here to investigate post offices here.
Dr Holland
Wm Beers from the Boarding School.
Fancy dress ball at Laupahoehoe on New Years Eve given by Mr and Mrs Colin McLennan.
Hilo Tribune: Jan 10, 1902
Three natives from Hamakua charged with malicious burning of logs and brush on the land of Albert Horner. Plead not guilty.
Kau Kau, a wanderer from China was charged with attempting to reduce his wife to submission by cracking her skull with a hammer. He wanted to plead guilty. He was fined $250 and sentenced to five years.
Fugisaki Matsutaro, indicted for murder in first degree, represented by Smith and Parsons. He was accused of murdering the paramour of his wife. He plead guilty to manslaughter in 1st degree. Sentenced to Hilo jail for ten years.
Clarence Boyd indicted for larceny in second degree - plead guilty. It was a ring worth about $4 from an employee of Dr Reid. Clarence has already been in jail 6-1/2 months and was sentenced to 60 days in Hilo jail. The next time it will be ten years.
Koko Kualii, indicted for larceny in second degree
Kapalani and Kainoa, indicted for burglary in second degree. They are young youths about 12-14 years old and students of the Union School. The father works for W H Shipman
Kahalekaa, a native lady, plead not guilty to taking a gold and ivory lace pin. Kahalekaa was acquitted of all charges.
Francisco Rupert, from Puerto Rico, plead not guilt to stealing a saddle with $12 and a blanket worth $1.
Jesus Toro, a Puerto Rican youth about ten and a half years old plead guilty to larceny of $20. The judge asked him if he had been to school and he said he went twice to Papaikou. He wanted to be deported but the judge sentenced him to confinement at the Government Reform School.
Manuel Perez, aged 12 years, an emigrant from Puerto Rico, plead guilty to acquiring $20 from another. He has been in Hawaii for about 6 months, has not gone to school. He said he was induced to leave Puerto Rico by a man who gave him a dollar to meet his traveling expenses. Confined to reform school during the remainder of his minority.
Lim Hin, a chinese cook tried out some new dishes with a compound of tea and some paris green for several friends who became very sick and accuse him of assault and intent to commit murder.
F Gardner, charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
George Durkee, larceny in second degree, plead not guilty. Felonious intent lacking in the case.
Kawakicha Psunekichi was charged with extortion, plead not guilty.
Agopate Guadalupe, a Puerto Rican who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Pleads guilty. Has been in jail six months and was sentenced to 60 more days.
Okeda Mansuke, charged with burglary in second degree. Pleads guilty. Money had been stolen from the house of William Wilson, a blacksmith at Kukuihaele, Hamakua. Sentenced to three years hard labor.
Nagiyama Jinjaria charged with burglary in first degree, sentenced to four years hard labor.
Ah Quong indicted for rape. Chinaman sentenced about two years ago for rape upon an infant child at Laupahoehoe.
Ah Jim was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, verdict not guilty.
Grand Jury report: A man named Omori was in the grocery business at Kalepolepo from June 1901 to the month of December. He occupied premises owned by Yutaro, a police officer in the Dist of Hilo. He transferred the business to his brother for which he received no pay. Company known as Japanese Wine and Liquor Co. President is B Onome; Vice President Tomita; Secretary N K Lyman; Treasurer C E Hapai; Audidtor Eugene Lyman.
Local Items: Paul Jarrett of Puna has gone to Honolulu to bring his family home. Cinch Club meets this afternoon at the home of Mrs C E Richards. W E Skinner of the Honolulu Electric Company is in the city on business Miss Thomas, one of the Hilo teachers, was kept from her duties by illness. The name was given a luau at the home of Nailima in Puueo The Reading Club held its regular meeting last Monday at the First Foreign Church Hilo Railroad Company will begin to erect a depot at Ferndale within a few days. Demosthenes Lycurgus, the genial host at Waianuenue street Cafe is laid up with the grip. Thomas Kennedy, dangerously ill with pneumonia during the holidays, now out of danger. Dr E Garrison has been in Hilo attending court will take a trip to the Coast for vacation. W S McLean who has charge of the Cigar Dept in the HIlo Merchantile Co is in business in Honolulu. Charles Williams is in Honokaa looking after the interests of several clients. Mr and Mrs Cruzan spent Monday and Tuesday at Kaumana. Sunday, January 12th will be the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of Postmaster Severence to Hawaii.
Grand Jury: C C Kennedy, foreman; A W Richardson; John T Moir; W G Walker; Wm Pullar; Albert Horner; B F Schoen; W H Beers; J E Gamailson; E N Holmes; Peter Gibb; A E Sutton; John T Baker; W H Shipman; L M Whitehouse; J S Janeway.
R W Jones, manager of the Humuula Sheep Station was called home early in the week by a telephone message that his wife was ill.
Piano Club held at the home of Miss Elvira Richardson.
David Hughs, in company with a Government forester is making a tour of the island, party being piloted by Eben Low.
News of the death of Mrs J S B Pratt came to Hilo by the last Kinau. She was well known here.
C A Simpson, a long time Manager of the Pioneer News Co is returning to Honolulu.
Fish Kaia, an old Hawaiian, was seriously injured by falling stones. He was going out over a bluff and was unable to get out of the way of loosened boulders.
F J Testa, of Honolulu who has been in Hilo ten days on a vacation returned home a week early due to new of illness of Mr Norrie.
James Scott leaves to take Management of the Kihei plantation in Maui today. He had been at Olaa long enough to prove himself.
Mr and Mrs Janett T Lewis announce the engagement of their daughter Hazel to Mr Clarence Robinson of Babylon, Long Island. Miss Lewis is one of Hilo's most esteemed young ladies. Mr Robinson visited Hilo two years ago and met Miss Lewis then.
Mrs Terry and Miss Deyo are forming a new sunday school class.
Dr E Garrison of Honokaa had a case against the Humuulu Sheep Station Co for medical services.
Mrs Helen Willis Steele to Mr William McKay Jr, married in Puneo, Hilo, Friday Jan 3, 1902.
Hilo Tribune: Jan 17, 1902
In probate: In the matter of the Estate of Unahio-Leo (k), lare of Hamakua, Hawaii, deceased, intestate. Petition for letters of Administration. Petition having been filed by Jose Gouveia praying that letters of Administration upon said estate be issued to said Jose Gouveia. All persons concerned may appear and show cause if any they have why said petition should not be granted.
Notice to Creditors: In probate: In the matter of the Estate of Wm Watt Jr, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased. All creditors of said estate are hereby notified to present their claims, duly verified with proper vouchers if any, to the undersigned at Ookala Hawaii within 6 months. W G Walker, Administrator.
Notice to Creditors: In the matter of the Estate of Viria E Gehr, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of said deceased. All creditors of said deceased are hereby notified to present their claims duly verified and with proper vouchers, if any, to the undersigned at the office of Ridgeway and Ridgeway in Hilo, Territory of Hawaii. Herbert B Gehr.
New Powder House. One of the first acts of Mr Marston Campbell, Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, on this trip to Hawaii was to arrange for the removal and enlargement of the powder house. The necessity of such a precaution in the interest of public safety in the neighborhood was pointed out in last weeks tribune. The powder house will be moved a mile further out on the old Puna trail. the magazine as improved will be 16x24 feet and constructed of stone. the work will be commenced in a day or two.
Rev J A Cruzan's sermon delivered last Sunday night at the First Foreign Church and published in this issue, has the ring of bold sincerity too notably absent in pulpits.
Kitchen cabinet. It is state in the reports of the Executive Council that that body has decided all land on the Volcano road shall be reserved for residence lot rather than farms. What a lovely boulevard it will be when lined on either side with brown stone mansions. The policy should be pushed by the Kitchen Cabinet while the Volcano Road is smooth. A rain at any time might make it an undesirable highway on which to build a city home. The same report has it that a settlement association application for Puna lands was turned down on account of the proximity of the tract to Hilo and the probability that it might be required for public purposes.
Local Items: Sheriff Andrews, after a week in the hospital is again upon the streets. J E Rocha, well known tailor will make will make a business trip to Kohala in a few days. Frank Woods, the cattle rancher of Kohala is in Hilo stopping at the Hilo Hotel. The Matson Line has completed the construction of two new barges to be used in lightering vessels. R L Auerbach arrived home by the Kinau with his wife and three children after a short visit in the Capital City. A W Pearson, business manager of the Hawaiian Gazette Company arrived with his wife this week for a short vacation. Mrs G W Paty of Olaa, who has been one of Hilo's nurses for the past three years has given up her work as nurse. Mr and Mrs Levi Lyman came down from their Olaa residence last Friday where they have been spending the past vacation. L A Thurston was among the arrivals by the last Kinau. He cae to look into various properties on this island in which he is interested. First class pasture land for rent, principally in Honohono. For particulars apply to Chas M LeBlond. Sheriff Andrews has been empowered by the Dept of Public Works to add 32 more lights to the streets of Hilo. The addition will fill a long felt want. Miss Kate Kelley, chief clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Territory, arrived in the city last week to visit with her sister Mrs J T Stacker. Shimamota, the hustling manager of the Corner Restaurant on Front Street has decided to serve late suppers. His place will be open until 1 o'clock am. The Hilo Railroad Company is pushing the construction work on the Olaa line toward Ferndale. Within thirty days it is planned to have completed 13 miles of track. Rubber tire work done at the Enterprise Carriage Shop; reasonable prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr Mrs Hayes of Olaa was taken sick last week and confined to her bed for several says. While she is now convalescing she still feels the effects of her brief illness. 'The Simplicity of Religion" will be Mr Cruzan's subject Sunday morning. No evening service. The congregation will join in the union meeting in Haili church. George Lycurgus, proprietor of the Union Grill restaurant at Honolulu, bought at public auction at Honolulu last Tuesday the government lot on which Demosthenes' Cafe is located at the upset price $15,000.
Annual Meeting, First Foreign Church has passed Through a Successful Year. The annual business meeting of the Hilo Foreign Church was held last Wens evening in the church parlors. Favorable reports were read from the different departments of the church Clerk H M Giddings pronouncing the past year as the banner year in the story of the church. The church has now an enrollment of 151 members, 24 members having been received into membership during the year 1901. A loss of members was reported. The Sunday school is also at its high water mark, 170 pupils being enrolled with an average attendance of about 130. The Christian Endeavor Society reported an enrollment of 38 with an average attendance of 20. The Women's Board of Missions had done excellent work in the kindergarten, 68 pupils being enrolled. The Ladies Society reported that good work had been done. The officers elected were: Deacons-F S Lyman, Wm Chalmers. Standing committee: Rufus Lyman and W S Terry. Sunday School Superintendent-Mrs W S Terry. Church Clerk-Levi Lyman. Music clerk-Mrs L M Severance, Miss Elvira Richardson and Mrs Levi Lyman.
Mr James P Lino, head sugar-boiler at Pahala, Kau, with the Hawaiian Agricultural Co, was in Hilo the past and present week. He took in the Olaa Sugar Co and was astonished at the rapid strides made every where in that new plantation.
Robert Rycroft the well known authority on coffee arrived in the city by the last Kinau. He is here for Hackfeld & Co to investigate and report on the actual conditions of coffee cultivation in this district. The purpose of the inquiry is to ascertain the best policy to be pursued in the management of the Grossman coffee estate in Olaa.
The Cotillion Club held the last business meeting at the home of Mr Thomas C Ridgway last Monday evening. The new members admitted to the Club were Dr and Mrs Holland of Puna; Mr and Mrs Walker of Olaa, Misses Elvira Richardson, Severance; Messrs J B Schoen and Elgin. The matter of the German to be given on the evening of St Valentine, Feb 14, was discussed. Miss Mabel Peck will have charge of the arrangements. Mr A H Jackson has been selected to lead the German.
What promises to be one of the most interesting in the log series of union meetings will be held in Haili Church on Sunday evening. The program will be largely musical. Mrs Lewis will preside at the organ and the Foreign Church choir will sing. Mrs Paul Bartels and Mr Prouty will sing solos; the Kamahameha Quartette will render two numbers and Mr Paul Bartels will play a violin solo with organ accompaniment by Mrs Lewis. There will be congregational singing. Miss Elvira Richardson will give a reading, and there will be a brief addresses by Messrs Baptiste and Desha.
Mr Edward Scott of Kikuihaele is in Hilo.Mr Scott was in Waipio Valley during the past few months working with the Bishop Estate surveyors. During Mr Tuttle's absence in Honokane Gulch in the Kohala mountains Mr Scott had charge of the water investigations in Waipio. He reports that the big Christmas storm completely wrecked the weirs, etc, in that valley so that all water investigation is now at a standstill. He said that the roads near Maulua Gulch are in a fearful condition, almost ten culverts being numbered among the missing.
Resume of Courts: Out of about 55 cases all but two have been disposed of: These two are the Territory vs Kawagicha Psurekichi, a Japanese charged with extortion; and the territory vs Ah Quong, charged with rape which is continued to the June Term on account of the question involved being a Constitutional one which is already before the Supreme Court of the United States on an appeal from Judge Estee's Court. Territory of Hawaii vs Kapolani and Kainoa, two boys charged with burglary in breaking and entering the office of the Hilo Market Co and stealing therefrom $24. The jury found the defendants not guilty. Lim Hin, for assaulting with the intent to murder 17 companions in a camp at Papaikon by putting paris green in their tea was found guilty by the jury and sentenced to a term of ten years at hard labor. In the Territory of Hawaii vs Mrs Ross, selling spirituous liquors without a license the prosecution fell down badly in attempting to sustain their case. Marked money given a spy for the purpose of buying liquor from Mrs Ross was found in and taken from the till of the defendant by the officers making the arrest. The money the Government attempted to put in evidence, which evidence was objected to by Mr Wise, attorney for the defense on the ground that it was opposed to the Constitutional provision relative to making a defendant testify against himself. In this objection Mr Wise was sustained by the Court. J Nuhi Kumuhoa of Puna was sentenced to three years at hard labor for abducting another mans wife. Ah Moon steward on the Kinau was fined $150 for selling opium without a license. Defendant appealed. Nagayama Gingua pleased guilty to the charge of buglary and was sentenced to one year. Monido Monio and J M Rodriguez got five years for assault with intent to rob. Chan Kee for embezzling $186 was fined $500.
Harry Rycroft well known in Hilo is reported by his father as prospering at Manila. He is general agent for an Extensive Tobacco Manufactory. C G Campbell who accompanied Mr Rycroft to the Philipines is the star reporter on the staff of the Manila Freedom.
In the matter of the estate of Antone Medeiros of South Hilo, Hawaii, deceased. The last will and testament of said deceased having been presented to said Court together with a petition for the Probate thereof, and for the issuance of Letters Testamentary to Maria da Gloria having been filed.
George Mumby Hurt. George Mumby, proprietor of at the Enterprise Planing Mill was seriously hurt at the mill last Monday. He was operating a sticker machine used in guttering siding. A loose bolt allowed a four pound knife to escape from the wheel on which it was revolving 3600 times a minute. The flying instrument struck Mr Mumby on the right side of the head inflicting a wound that will keep him in the hospital some time. Yesterday Mr Mumby was feeling very much elated over his improved condition.
I have bought the Merchandise Store on Front street, opposite Ah Hips place, from Wing Lee Chang, and will conduct a Coffee Shop and Merchandise Business in the future in my own name. The place was formerly owned by Kwong Fong Cheong. Kong Yu.
Kinau Passenger list: The following passengers arrived by the Kinau this week: Miss K Kelly, P Peck, Paul Jarrett, wife and 2 children; Arthur Peel, A J Campbell, John Faily, M D Hall, L A Thurston, R Rycroft, T B C Thornhill, R L Williams, T C Buzzell, Miss B Arnaud, Mrs A B Robertson, J B Madeiros, T Ikida, S Awasaki, M Kogo, R Tanita, T Wolef, Sam Zolsinsky, Miss A Forbes, Miss E Lyman, Dr Nacai, A W Pearson and wife, Mrs C L Green, D W Green, R L Auerbach, wife and 3 children; Miss McWilliams, H P Morse, H C Barrow, H Budman.
Deputy Sheriff L A Andrews has been laid up at the hospital for over a week with a damaged knee. He was hurt in a header from his bicycle in which he struck terra firma with great force. The accident occurred Thursday evening of last week as the Sheriff was turning into the Court House Grounds.
Silva Patella, born in the Azores, was made a citizen by Judge Little last week.
Hilo Tribune: January 24, 1902
The store located on Front street, opposite Ah Hip's formerly occupied by Kwong Tong Chen and Wing Lee Chong, has been rented to Lin Hop to carry on a coffee shop and merchandise store of which the undersigned in manager. Kong Yu, Manager.
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii: In the matter of the estate of Wm Watt Jr, deceased. The undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased. All creditors of said estate are hereby notified topresent their claims, duly verified and with proper vouchers, if any to the undersigned at Ookala, Hawaii within six months from the date of this notice, otherwise such claims if any will be forever barred. W G Walker, Administrator. W S Wise, atty for the estate.
Notice is hereby given to the members of Kaihenui and Peter Lee Settlement Associations of land at Olaa, Puna, Hawaii, that application for their respective lots may be made at the office of the Sub-Agent of Public Lands for the first land district at Hilo, on and after Feb 8, 1902.
Notice to foreclose: a mortgage made by John L Kana, kaoluna and Pamalia his wife of Honokaa, Hamakua to M V Holmes of said Honokaa, dated Feb 1, 1892 and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances in Honolulu in Liber 129, on page 485 and 486; notice is hereby given that the said mortgagee intends to foreclose the said mortgage for condition broken to wit: non payment for the principal and interest.
The following item in hawaiian is not readable by me but mentions the following names: John L Kanakaoluna, M V Holmes.
Circuit Court, Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Estate of Antone Medeiros, of South Hilo, Hawaii. Letters testamentary filed to Maria da Gloria.
Business executed by Judge Little: Jan term of the 4th Circuit: Assumpsit brought by Central Meat Market against D Lycurgus to recover payment of about $800 claimed to be due the former and has been continued until the next term on account of the absence of a material witness for the defense. Suit to quiet title brought by the Hakalau Plantation Co against W Z Kahuena administrator and others, the defendants were ruled by Judge Little to be out of Court on the ground that they had mistaken their proper form of answer in pleading the general issue to the plaintiffs declaration. Rested with the plaintiff simply to give prima facie evidence of their title.....directed to bring in a verdict for plaintiff for the property claimed by it namely one undivided half of 22 acres lying next to Kaiwiki gulch, a portion of Royal Patent Grant 801.
J A Paakiki and John Luna-kila vs the Honokaa Sugar Co action to quiet title, resulted in a verdict for plaintiffs. Smith and Parsons for plaintiffs; Charles Williams for defendant.
Hilo Mercantile Co Ltd vs Herman Eldarts, action on contract for damages was continued by stipulation to next term.
A B Loebenstein vs the Kohala and Hilo RR Co, assumpsit to recover for services rendered as civil engineer was continued upon the affidavits of defendant that James Cargyll and Co Jones material witnesses in the case were absent.
Hyman Brothers vs H E Soule & Co was continued for similar reason.
Tong On, a Chinese merchant on Front Street brought suit for damages against W M Kealanui, police officer for false imprisonment, claiming that he had been arrested and searched without a warrant and that valuable papers had been taken from his person and not returned. The defendant maintained that the arrest was made under circumstances that justified a reasonable suspicion that the plaintiff was engaging in operations connected with chefa. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant.
Kealoha and Toika vs Charles Williams, ejectment, brought for the recovery of eleven acres of land situated near Honokaa, was non-suited on motion of defendant, plaintiffs having failed to support their claim of title.
C A Brown vs J T Baker and others, ejectment, was continued until next term by stipulation.
Isaac Erickson vs Volcano stables, assumpsit - continued Henry J Lyman vs Hilo Tribune Publishing Co, libel - continued Ookala Sugar Co vs Francisco Nobiga, damages - continued
W H Beers vs Ick Sing Co, breach of warranty, tried without a jury, verdict for defendant. Suit was brought about to recover damages for injury caused by the sale of plaintiff of ten pairs of rubber soled shoes which were used by the Hilo Boarding School ball team which proved so worthless that plaintiff claimed a game of ball and a corresponding percentage of the gate receipts were lost thereby.
Hilo Young Women step to the Front in Athletics. Through the efforts of Miss Maude Cheek, who at one time was the champion basketball player in the Oakland High School, Hilo is to have basketball added to the list of athletic games. Miss Cheek has been persistent in agitating the subject among Hilo young ladies. As a coach in basketball Miss Cheek had few equals on the Coast....Several practice games have already been played at Kainihi, Mr C E Richardson's beach home. Two lineups have been formed, with Miss Cheek captain of one and Miss Elvira Richardson captain of the other. Miss Cheeks supporters are Misses Washburn, Frank Eton, Ellen Lyman, Lilinoi Hapai, Neumann, Deyo, Maude Hansen and Mrs Marsh. Miss Richardson will command a team composed of the following: Mrs Schoen, Mrs Lewis, Misses Severance, Lewis, Lycan, Eton, Pomeroy and Deyo.
The omens are excellent for the early appointment of Judge Gilbert F Little to take the place of the present figurehead governor of the Territory of Hawaii.
For a splendid School. The plans for new buildings for the Hilo Boarding School, drawn and designed by architect Dickey under the direction of Principal L C Lyman will inspire any Hiloite who sees them with a desire to see the ideas of the architect, given form and actual existence on the campus grounds of the school.
Sheriff Andrews was not shamming when he was laid up with a bad knee at the hospital. He has been out for some time now and as soon as the affected joint is limbered up, he will not waste time in hitting the trail pointed out by the Grand Jury.
The appearance of the Sisal syndicate on this island is encouraging. Remarks of Mr Williams, the visiting representative published in the Tribune this week indicate that the land owners out Puna way are ready to cooperate in any enterprise of promise.
Notice of foreclosure and sale. A certain mortgage made by M B Fernandes of Lihue, Kauai, territory of Hawaii to F da Silva Lopes of the town of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Territory aforesaid, dated the 13th day of January, 1900 and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances at Honolulu, in Liber 204, on pages 198 and 199. Notice is hereby given that the said mortgagee intends to foreclose due to non payment......Parcel of land in Villa Franca, Hilo, Hawaii, Lot #3, Block C of the Villa Franca addition to Hilo, said lot being the same conveyed on the 14th day of July, 1899 by Charles S Desky and wife of Honolulu of the first part, which said conveyance was registered in Honolulu, 25 July 1899, Liber 195, Folios 310, 311. F da Silva Lopes, Mortgagee.
Mrs Hayes of Olaa visited with friends in the city yesterday. A W Pearson and wife return to Honolulu today by the Kinau. J P Ferreira was a passenger to the coast by the Marion Chilcott. Sanitary inspector, D S Bowman is not located in the office of Dr R H Reid. Government Entomologist A Koebe is again in Hilo having arrived by the last Kinau. Mrs Dr Holland of Puna, who is ill at the Hilo hospital is reported to us getting along nicely. A G Allardyce, formerly with the Waiakea Mill Co is now with the Hawaii Mill Company. The Onomea Sugar Mill passed the 1000 ton mark last Wednesday. The mill has been running 15 days. W H Little has completed his residence at the beach and has moved in. He has a very attractive home. Mrs Carlsons dancing school at Spreckels Hall every Tuesday. Mrs L E Armond, who has been visiting in the city with her husband, returned to Honolulu by todays Kinau. Shimamota, the hustling manager of teh Corner Restaurant on Front Street has decided to serve late suppers. L A Thurston after a fortnight at Olaa and Hilo, returns to Honolulu today with renewed faith in the big plantation and everything neighboring on Hilo.
The following passengers left by the Kinau today: L A Thurston, A W Pearson and wife, John Bayle, M D Hall, T B C Thornhill, Arthur Peel, Li Cheung, S Goslinsky, Thomas Wolf, Judge H C Barrow, H C Dudman, Prof Koebele, C H Jennings, Mrs L W Arnaud, Mr Boyle.
Hilo Tribune: Jan 31, 1902
Notice: The store located on Front Street, opposite Ah Hip's formerly occupied by Kwong Tong Chen and Wing Lee Chong, has been rented to Lin Hop to carry on a coffee shop and merchandise store of which the undersigned is a manager. Kong Yu, Manager.
In Probate at Chambers: In the matter of the estate of William Watt, Jr, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of said deceased. All creditors of said estate are hereby notified to present their claims, duly verified and with property vouchers, if any to the undersigned at Ookala, Hawaii within six months from the date of this notice, otherwise such claims if any will be forever barred. W G Walker, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given to the members of the Kaihenui and Peter Lee Settlement Associations of lands at Olaa, Puna, Hawaii that application for their respective lots may be made at the office of the Sub Agent of Public Lands for the First Land District at Hilo on and after Feb 8, 1902.
Judge Estes is coming to Hilo to hold Federal Court. The Annie Johnson is now loading sugar from the Waiakea plantation as well as from Olaa. Puna cane is now being ground at the Olaa Mill Mr Hayes was down from Olaa yesterday for a few hours. F M Wakefield and J Castle Ridgway were admitted to practice in the US Dist Court by Judge M M Estee yesterday A brief but rattling hail storm was the unusual tropical experience of the community at Palaaloa last friday. Peter Lee has let a contract for the erection of buildings to be used as a restaurant and lodging house at nine miles. A E Wright sells E W Barnards find coffees. Word came to Hilo that Mr Jack Noise, erstwhile of Hilo, has gone on the vaudeville stage and is making quite a hit in the east. W H Little of the Hilo Mercantile Co, received news of the death of his father, Col W H Little at Oakland, CA. 205 shares of Assessable Olaa stock belonging to the estate of O. Omsted, a bankrupt, were sold at private sale yesterday at $5.0 per share. Geo H Whitney, Carol F Lehners and G D Clagett, inspectors of Hulls and Boilers will arrive in Hilo by the next Kinau to discharge their official duties in this port. H S Rickard and family who have been in the city several days returned yesterday to their home at Laupahoehoe. They took home with them their son who has been ill at the hospital.
Young men in a basketball game: C E Hapai, H I Cruzan, William Beers, William Ragsdale, F Howland, H Howland, R Balding and V L Boeck.
Mrs Guilhermo Silveira died suddenly at her home at Waikamalu last Friday night. The cause of her death was a ruptured blood vessel, the result of a passion brought on by the discovery that her daughter had eloped. Her daughter Francisco loved Antonio Suiz, ran away with him and was married at Honomu. The Funeral of Mrs Silveira was held sunday afternoon from the Catholic church. The Hilo band attended and played solemnly on the way to the cemetery. It was the largest Portuguese funeral every held in the city.
Kinau Passenger list: The following passengers arrived by the Kinau this week: Mrs C Akau, Mrs H Porter, Miss E F Porter, Rec O Hawasi, A B Clark and wife, A B Clark Jr, O N Dunber, Miss V Searle, Miss M Payne, J E Grossman, R E Callahan, Judge Estee, A H Wagner, A L Morris, Mrs A E McLean, W S McLean, Dr J H Wast, Dr C A Allonlunger, W B Stanford, W H Corbin, W D Marlin, W King and A R McLean.
Hilo Tribune: Feb 7, 1902
Dentist M Wachs, Hilo, HI Dentist Walter H Schoening, Pitman St, Hilo HI Veterinary Surgeon Dr W H Jones, City Stables W S Wise Atty at Law, Bridge St, Hilo Chas M LeBlond, Atty at Law, Severance Building opposite Court House, Hilo Ridgway and Ridgway, Attys at Law, Wainuenue and Bridge Streets, Hilo Godfrey F Affonso, Atty at Law, Room 4, Tribune Block, Bridge St, Hilo John J Grace, MD, Waianuenue St R H Reid MD, Spreckels Block, C L Stow, physician and surgeon, Severance House, Pitman St Milton Rice, MD, Waianuenue St Ray Brothers, Real Estate, Waianuenue St, Hilo A E Sutton & Co, Insurance Agents, office in the Economic Shoe Store, Hilo W A Purdy, Insurance Agent, Front St, Hilo Chas M LeBlond, Atty for LeBlond -Smith Business Agency, Severance Bldg
For rent: in Puueo a new and modern cottage inquire of Allan Wall, Hilo Market R T Guard, Agent for Matson Line.
The store located on Front street opposite Ah Hip's formerly occupied by Kwong Tong Chen and Wing Lee Chong has been rented to Lin Hop to carry on a coffee shop and merchandise store of which the undersigned is a manager: Kong Yu, Manager.
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii: Summons: Violante Duarte, Plantiff vs Joseph Duarte, defendant Witness: Hon Gilbert F Little, Judge of the Circuit Court. Signed Daniel Porter, Clerk
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii In Probate: Estate of Enoka Kaaua, late of Hilo, Hawaii, deceased. Requesting final order of distribution be made and he be discharged from duties as Administrator. F S Lyman, Atty for Petitioner
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii: Summons: Laupahoehoe Sugar Company, a corporation, plantiff, vs H E Soule and I E Ray,defendants. Witness Hon. Gilbert F Little, Signed Daniel Porter, Clerk
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. Summons: The Hakalau Plantation Company, a corporation plantiff, vs H E Soule and I E Ray, defendants. Witness Hon. Gilbert F Little, signed Daniel Porter, Clerk
Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. In Probate: The Estate of Unahiolea, deceased. Jose De Gouveia has been appointed Administrator.
Public Lands notice: Kaihenui and Peter Lee Settlement Associations of lands at Olaa, Puna, Hawaii, that application for their respective lots may be made at the office of the SubAgent of Public Lands for the First Land District at Hilo.
Notice is hereby given that Iwamoto and Nomura doing business at Waiakea, Hilo under the firm name of Iwamoto have made a voluntary assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of all of their creditors. Creditors requested to file claims and all persons indebted to the said firm requested to pay at once. A Humburg, S Sato, assignees of Iwamoto.
The birthday of Robert Burns was celebrated in Honokaa on the evening of January 25th. All Scotch people of the vicinity and from neighboring plantations assembled at the residence of Joe Pritchard. A B Lindsay was the genial and highly successful master of ceremonies. Thos Gregg of Paauhau was the orator. Mr Forbes of Kukuihaele in kilts, wearing the insignia and plaid of his clan. M W Innis of Honokaa awakened the weird strains of the bagpipes which put life in the heels of Mr Forbes. Those present were Mr and Mrs D Forbes of Kukuihaele; Mr and Mrs John Watt of Honokaa; J Gibb and brother of Paauhau; W Stewart; Mr and Mrs Riley; Mr and Mrs H Watt; Mr and Mrs T Murray of Paauhau; Mr and Mrs A B Lindsay; Miss Mabel Childs; H Stewart; Mr Bragg; W Innis; Mrs M V Holmes; Mr Payne; Mrs Dr Greenfield; Chas Meinicke; Dr Buffet; Joe Pritchard; C McKenzie of Honokaa; Dr J L McClelland and Miss Isabelle McClelland of California; Thos Gregg and Mr Cruickshanks of Paauhan. During the progress of the entertainment, it was whispered about that the birthday of John Watt, the popular manager of Honokaa plantation, was just beginning.
Col C Kitchner, brother of Lord Herbert Kitchener, paid a visit to the Ewa Sugar Plantation. He was also rowed about Pearl Harbor.
A certain portion of Hilo Hawaiians have started an organization of a semi-political nature, with a view of branching our and organizing clubs in every district and precinct of the big island first. Governor John T Baker is its leading exponent, assisted by Senator Jno T Brown. It is called the Aloha Aina Society.
Demosthenes Cafe, D Lycurgus, Manager. Waianuenue Street, Hilo
At last term of the court of Fourth Circuit under Judge Little, eleven prisoners were convicted of felonies and sentenced to long terms in jail. Under Judge Little's ruling all of those were ordered kept in the jail in his district. The High Sheriff believe the proper place for them is in the territorial prison at Honolulu. The Judge believes there is not a territorial prison at this time, there is an Oahu jail. The Oahu jail is no more secure than the Hilo jail, as is evidenced by the escape of two murders, sentenced from the Fourth Circuit and sent to Oahu for safe keeping. L A Andrews is the Sheriff of Judge Little's judicial district.
Hawaiians in Washington. Judge George A Davis who is in Washington DC with the Sam Parker-Prince David party was there to appear in the celebrated case of the Territory of Hawaii vs Osaki Mankichi. This case involves local decisions upon the question of whether the Constitution followed the flag to Hawaii or not. The same dispatch report that Kohala water scheme has appeared in Congress. G T McCrosson has charge of the matter for Col Sam Parker is at Washington.
Lockington's Furniture Emporium, Geo W Lockington, Hilo Furniture Store including undertaking and undertakers supplies. Svea Insurance Company, H Hackfeld & Co, resident agents, HIlo Hawaiian Engineering and Construction Co. Frederick J Amwec, Engineer and Manager; W R Castle Jr is Secretary and Treasurer. N Ohlandt and Co, manufacturers and dealers of Fertilizers of every description. R T Guard, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. C Lehmann, tailor, Walanuenue St. Enterprise Planing Mill Co, Geo Mumby, Mgr, Front St in rear of Hilo Mercantile Co's Building. Owl Drug Co Lt, Hilo. J E Rocha, Tailoring, Waianuenue Street. Isaac Errickson, a Hilo Carpenter, has recently created a working model of a machine for weighing and loading cane. Pressed coal dust briquettes are intended for the Koloa Plantation, part of the European cargo which the German ship Agnes brought to Honolulu.
Funeral of Col W C Little, father of W H Little of Hilo was held in his home in Oakland, California about two weeks ago by the Order of Elks.
Wery and Carter, stone and brick masons. boiler work a specialty, Hilo. The Corner Restaurant, Front and Church Streets. Meals 25 cents and up. C Shimamoto, Prop. The Pantheon Saloon, magagement of Mr T A Simpson, late of the Union Saloon, Hilo. Oahu Carriage Manufacturing Co Ltd, 1179 River St, Honolulu. Wall, Nichols Co, We order all the new good books. Waianuenue St, Hilo. Hilo Market Co Ltd, Bridge St, Hilo Pacific Meat Market, Front St, Hilo Volcano Stables and Transportation. Geo S McKenzie, Manager. The company runs Riverside Carriage and Blacksmith Shop. Theo H Davies & Co, Ltd have received a carload of canned corned beet, vienna sausage, roast beef, pigs feet, and cement roofing. Naalehu, part of the people of Kau, want it distinctly understood that they are not trying to down Sheriff Andrews. F Souza, auctioneer and commission agent, Spreckles Building. Hilo Railroad Company, W H Lambert, Superintendent C Peacock & Company Ltd. Dealers in choice wines and liquors, Bridge St, Hilo C L Slavin, wood turner and polisher, Church St, Hilo
A E Sutton & Co auctioneers will sell at public sale on Mon Feb 3, Lot and houses in Villa Franca, addition to Hilo First Bank of Hilo Ltd, Peacock Block, Hilo. P Peck, President; C C Kennedy, Vice President; John T Moir, 2nd Vice Pres; C A Stobie, Cashier; A E Sutton, Secretary. Directors: J S Canario, F S Lyman, Wm Pullar, John J Grace, H V Patten, W H Shipman.
Matson Navigation. Jno D Spreckels & Bros Co, Agents. R T Guard, Agent, Hilo.
Local news: J W Mason is back from Honolulu; P C Beamer left Tues for Kau on vacation; R N Holmes is advertising bargains in shoes; Judge Gilbert F Little went to Honolulu today. An additional telephone line will soon be put up between Hilo and Olaa. Clinch Club met yesterday in the home of Mrs R H Reid. Mrs E N Hitchcock was a passenger on the Martha Davis for San Francisco. First class pasture land for rent, Honohono; apply to Chas M LeBlond. Manager of Kilauea Stock and Dairy, Mr Mackenzie was in Hilo this week Sam Peck of Honolulu arrived for a visit of a month at the home of his parents. Wm Dowuer is better after an illness covering a period of several weeks. J M Cameron is assisted in his plumbing business by Mr Ludwig, recently from Honolulu. Jared G Smith, Director of the Hawaii Experiment Station. M F McDonald, arrival of new goods. F Souza and family have moved from the old Coney property on King St to Pleasant St. J F Hackfield was a passenger to Hilo. A W Richardson and Chas Furneaux have been drawn to serve on the Federal Grand Jury which convenes in Honolulu. J E Rogers and his brother purchased the Kealakaa ranch last June. Geo S McKenzie sold Merril's Fore (a speedy horse) to Mr Sanborn of Olaa. There is some talk of a match with Bushwacker Feb 22. The Piano Club, entertained by Mrs Furneaux and Misses Potter at the Potter Cottage at the Hilo Hotel Rev S L Desha is preaching a series of sermons on Home Life. At the next service Mrs Cruzan and Harold Cruzan will render a duet. Whist club entertained by Mr and Mrs Furneaux at the Hilo Hotel. Frank Carson took the tug Rover to Honolulu starting yesterday. F B Stocker, manager of Olaa Plantation fell down an embankment with his horse and buggy. Philip Peck leaves for Honolulu today to discuss the advertising of the Hawaiian Islands throughout America (the Morris proposition) J K Dillon of Pepeekeo was assaulted last week
Kinau passengers arriving this week: J W Mason; W A Johnstone; Capt Whitney; Carl Lehners and wife; Miss Clarke; F S Helt; R H Spetswood; R Mitchell; W Barrett; D P Benton; J H Pedegriff; W H Davies; Mrs C P Carter and two children; S S Peck and wife; G Lyeurgus; A B Schoen; A T Paxten; A W Wall-Balkenburg; W H Haxelden; G S Jennings and J F Hackfield.
Hilo Electric Light Company: John A Scott, President; C C Kennedy, Vice President; W T Balding, Secretary; N C WIllfong, Treasurer; R T Guard, Auditor. Directors: W H Shipman, F S Lyman, John T Moir.
Seven shares of Hilo Merchantile Company stock, belonging to the estate of Olaf Omsted, bankrupt, will be sold at public auction. C E Richardson. John W Mason, trustee of estate of Olaf Omsted.
Hoffschlaeger Company Ltd, Pioneer Wine and Liquor House, Church Street. Economic Shoe Company, Hilo Cane Seed, A E Tullock, 9-Mile, Olaa Ice Making Plant, Hilo Electric Light Co. Alex Raymond, manager, Singer Sewing Machine Co, Bridge St opposite the First Bank, Hilo.
Legal Notices: Guardianship of Henry Ohumukini, minor. Petition of Thos C Ridgway asks to be appointed guardian. Guardianship of Mary Vincent, minor. Petition of Joe Roderigus Romano asks to be appointed guardian Guardianship of Genevieve Lopez, minor. V A Carvalho asked to be appointed guardian. Guardianship of Kaaewaihau (w), Aki (k) and Ah Hung (k), minors. Ben H Brown asked for order of sale of real estate belonging to the estate of Kuleana "Holopinai" at Waiakea.
N Kekaula, Lunahooponopono, Hilo. Hilo Tribune Publishing Co Ltd. C C Kennedy, President; E E Richards, V P; L W Hawroth, Secretary/Treasurer; A E Sutton, Auditor. Directors G S McKenzie and D W Marsh. Union Restaurant, N Miranda Proprietor. Hilo Saloon, J S Canario, Manager Union Saloon, J G Serrao is Proprietor Keystone Saloon, W Downer, Proprietor, Front and Ponohawai streets. Goo Ho, Front St Hilo, tailors and new suiting. m Kelley, boiler maker, Hilo Hilo Barber Shop, Carvalho Bros, Proprietors, Waianuenue Street. Enterprise Carriage St, R E Byrne, Proprietor; Volcano Street by bridge. L Helbush, selling swift gasoline launches, at Potemkin's Store, Volcano St, Hilo. Serrao Cabinet Shio, Jose G Serrao. Amana Merchant Tailor, next to Chinese Doctor, 43 Front St, Hilo.
Kau Kau, a Chinaman serving time in the HIlo jail for attempting to kill his wife with a hammer last July tried to take the life of the Guard Kaiama Amina at breakfast. The guard has been taken to the hospital. Kau Kau is locked behind bars. He was sentenced to five years for assaulting his wife.
Afternoon tea given by Mrs W T Balding at Wainaku in honor of her mother Mrs Clark who came to Hilo for a visit with two of her daughters: Mrs Balding and Mrs Sedgwick. Serving refreshments Mrs Balding was assisted by Mrs Severance, Misses Severance, Ivy and Elvira Richardson.
Hilo Tribune, Dec 19, 1902:
Wise & Ross, Attys at Law, Tribune Building, Hilo, HI LeBlond & Smith, Attys at law, Severence Building, Hilo Ridgway and Ridgway (J Castle Ridgway and Thos C Ridgway), Waianuenue and Bridge Streets, Hilo L S Thompson, Atty at law, Naalehu, Kau, Hawaii Dr J J Grace MD, Physician and Surgeon R H Reid MD, physician and surgeon, Waianuenue St Milton Rice MD, physician and surgeon, Waianuenue St Dr T Motonaga, Dentist, King St next to Tribune A E Sutton & Co, Economic Shoe Store, Hilo W A Purdy, Insurance, Front St, Hilo M Wachs DDS, Dentist, Hilo Walter H Schoening, Dentist, Severance House, Pitman St, Hilo M M Springer, Stenographer & typewriter, with Wise & Ross L E Arnaud, Embalmer and Funeral Director, Care Owl Drug Store, Hilo.
Neither the Masters nor Agent of vessels of the "Matson Line" will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. R T Guard, Agent.
In the matter of the Estate of Tsumura Nisuke, deceased. A E Sutton has filed his petition and accounts as Administrator, asking that his accounts be approved, and that final order be made, approving the same and discharging him from all further responsibility as such administrator.
In the matter of B L Jones of Hilo, a Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the first day of Dec 1902, the said B L Jones was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Thos C Ridgway, in the city of Hilo. Creditors may appear 15 Dec 1902.
In the matter of Emma F Wise, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Emma F Wise, deceased, to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at his office in Hilo, within 6 months of this date. W S Wise, Executor.
In the matter of the Estate of Robert Andrews, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased. All creditors of said estate are hereby notified to present their claims, within six months from date of this notice. John A Humburg, Adm.
Hilo Business Men to Commissioner Eustis. The population, wealth and resources of Hilo and the Island of Hawaii are set forth in a letter to the representative of the US Treasurer-Why we need a Big Federal Building.
Dec 13-J B Atherton is much improved in health, but his physician has advised that he refrain from all work for at least a year. For that reason Mr Atherton will resign from all the offices he holds in various private and public institutions, corporations, etc. Including the benevolent and religious enterprises with which Mr Atherton is connected there is a total of 39 of which he is an officer.
Kinau Saloon, C Baddaky, Prop. Uncle Sam's Union Cigar Stand, S C Shaw-Proprietor, Waianuenue St, Hilo. James M Cameron, Plummer, Tinner, Metal worker. Hilo Drug Co Ltd George Osborn, real estate, Kukaiau, Paauilo, Hawaii Enterprise Planing Mill Company, Geo Mumby, Mgr., Front St, Hilo Mercantile Co Bldg. Demosthenes Cage, D Lycurgus, Manager, Waiauuene St, Hilo. Volcano Stables and Transportation, Geo S McKenzie, Manager Hilo Electric Light Co Ltd. Houses wired, lights installed. Waiakea Boat House, R A Lucas & Co Proprs, Waiakea Bridge, Hilo.
Bananas, I want to buy bananas in quantities, up to 2,000 bunches for which I will pay the highest cash price at the wharf. Peter Lee
Kawaiakeakua, Volcano Mineral Water, bottled at the springs at Puna. By H L Williams & Co. H Hackfeld & Co, Hilo, Agents. Richards and Schoen, HIlo Harness Shop, Hilo. Owl Drug Co Ltd, Waianuenue St, HIlo.
Governor Dole is on Hawaii and the versatile H E Cooper has his hand on the executive throttle as Acting Governor.
Local Items: J P Sisson goes to Honolulu today H B Gehr arrived from Honolulu by the Kinau Father Aloysius of Kohala made a brief visit to HIlo this week. Dr R H Reid returned Wens Evening from a trip to Honolulu Mrs F M Wakefield goes to Honolulu today to spend the holidays Surveyor General Wall has been in Hilo the past week on official business Mr and Mrs W S Terry entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening in honor of his birthday The Island of Hawaii will look on with quiet satisfaction while Honolulu celebrates the arrival of the cable. J C Axtell, the Honolulu safe man has just received a car load of monuments. Mr and Mrs Walker of Ookala were in the city yesterday. Mrs Walker left by the Enterprise for the Coast F M Drake, Division Deputy Revenue Collector, accompanied by Mrs Drake is in this city, a guest at the Peacock. Mrs H J James and Miss James return to Honolulu today. Miss James, while here made an excellent record as Court Stenographer. Mr and Mrs Lyman and Miss Yoder of the Hilo Boarding School will spend most of their vacation at the Lyman mountain residence. Passengers leaving by the Enterprise yesterday for the Coast were: E Peck, Mrs W G Walker, Mrs Carr, Cyril Smith and Mr Mann. A B Loebenstein returned yesterday from Naalehu, where he accompanied Commissioner W H Eustis on his way to take the Mauna Loa for Honolulu Christmas exercises at the Haili Church will be held on Christmas Eve. Misses Elvira Richardson and Ellen Lyman will have charge of the Sunday School program. At a meeting of the creditors of B L Jones, held before referee T C Ridgway last Monday. A Humburg was elected trustee in bankruptcy with bond fixed at $2,500
Pretty Wedding at the Richardson Home last Monday. Henry J Lyman and Miss Grace Neumann were united in marriage at noon last Monday at the Richardson homestead in this city, Rev Mr Hill officiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few of the relatives and friends of the parties. The bride was attended by Misses Elvira Richardson and Sarah Lyman. The best man was Eugene Lyman, a brother of the groom. The Richardson home on Church St was beautifully decorated for the occasion. They will reside at Kapoho, Puna.
Writ of Habeas Corpus. A writ of habeas corpus was granted Tuesday afternoon by Judge Little in behalf of Kama, a native who is under arrest charged with forgery. The offense which caused the arrest of Kama for forgery consists in his alleged signing of names to a petition circulated in Puna asking for certain changes in school matters. The hearing on the writ will be to determine whether the signing of another man's name to a petition constitutes the crime of forgery.
A legal tangle of interest to lawyers is on in the District Court, in connection with the case of the Territory vs Wong Tim, charged with gross cheat. C M LeBlond is assisting Sheriff Andrews in the prosecution and Carl S Smith is for the defense. Mr Smith is cited by Judge Hapai to appear next Tuesday and show cause why he should not be committed for contempt. this phase of the case grew out of Mr Smith's refusal to produce certain papers, which the court ordered him to produce.
K of P Election. At the meeting of the K of P lodge Tuesday night the following officers were elected, the installation to be in January: A M Wilson, CC; D Lycurgus, VS; J Kelley, P; J Bohneuberg, K of R and S; E Fuhr, M of W; Herman Ludloff, M of F; I E Ray, M of E; Wm Ebeling, M of A; W McNichol, I G; M F McDonald, O G.
Shooting at Olaa: Kela Kalea, a native living at 12 miles was shot in the knee last Sunday, the 32 caliber ball just grazing the bone. There is some mystery about the shooting. The natives claim it was accidental. The disappearance of a native who was living in the same house indicated that a crime may have been committed. The police are investigating the case.
On account of his ill health, Judge Little will hear no more cases at Chambers until Monday, Dec 29. At that time he will clean up all matters waiting to be heard.
Mr Mann, the well known driver of one of the Volcano Stables busses, received word this week of the serious illness of his daughter at San Francisco. He left by the Enterprise.
Landlord Waldron of the Volcano House was in the city Monday. He reports that the pit of Halemaumau is still mildly active, fire being visible in the bottom nearly every night. He calls it slumbering activity.
Three priests of the Catholic Mission of this district took out their first papers for American Citizenship this week at the instance of their veteran priest and superior, the Rev Father Celestin of Kau. Fathers Ulrich, Otto and Adrian are the three who are changing their political allegiance.
The Christmas exercises at the Chinese Mission and Kindergarden, under the direction of Miss Walsh will be unusually interesting this year. There will be a tableaux, a fairy garden and a Christmas Tree. Miss Elvira Richardson will assist in the exercises. The exercises will be held in the Chinese Church.
Outgoing Kinau List: Mrs H J James, Miss James, G H Gere and wife, Mrs Huggins, Miss Huggins, Rev Bishop of Panapolis, Rev Father Libert, Rev Father Valentine, Dr C L Stow, Mrs F M Wakefield, Miss Myra Angus, Mrs McKenzie, T R Robinson, R W Madden, A C Lovekin, H E Hendricks, Mrs G Kaihenui, Mrs W K Akana, Mrs A Like, Walter E Wall, R J Pratt, J P Sisson Jr, George Wilson, A M Watson, A A Braymer, t Wolff, Mrs Eva Woods, Mrs Helen Widdeman, child and maid; M S Azevedo, J P Medeiros, Mrs Kelapio, Mrs H Hom, Mr Duisenberg, Carleton Miller.
The Right Rev Gulstan F Ropert, Bishop of Panopolis will leave Hilo this morning by the Kinau for Honolulu. He is in a very feeble state physically, but his mind is bright and he starts on his last ocean voyage in high hope of improving on the way. The Bishop will be accompanied by Fathers Valentine and Libert and Dr Stow. The Fathers who have been in attendance on the Bishop express for him the highest appreciation for the many kindnesses shown him by the people of Hilo during his illness here.
Kinau Passenger List: B Baronzine, Ichinoshin, George R Ewart, George C Stratmeyer, Mrs F C Snow, C M Robertson, Mrs Ah Sun, Miss R Lamb, B J Pratt, N C Willfong, Dr R H Reid, H B Gehr, Geo. Wilson, Miss Ridgway and A C Ridgway.
Card of thanks: Mr and Mrs Edward Colton express their sincere thanks for assistance and sympathy extended during Mrs Colton's recent illness.
Born: Monday Dec 15, to Mrs Edward Colton at Waiakea, a daughter. The child was buried Monday afternoon.
Kilauea Lodge Officers: The officers elected by Kilauea Lodge #330 F and A M, last Saturday night as follows: Geo H Williams, Worshipful master; F A Medcalf, Senior Warden; J U Smith, Junior Warden; E N Holmes, Treasurer; T C Ridgway, Secretary. The installation will probably be on the evening of St John's Day, Saturday, Dec 27.
Jurors for January. The following Trial Jurors have been summoned to appear at 10 o'clock, Jan 7 for service the January term: C R Blacow, E W Barnard, William Reinhardt, Andrew Chalmers, L Hellbush, G A Stark, B F Howland, E J Wright, J E Gamalialson, J P Sisson, H G Junkin, W G Walker, Wm Downer, R McKenzie, Wm Russel, Geo F Hall, J M Smith, Chas Reinhardt, Wm Silver, A B Lindsay, W J Rickard, W C Borden, J A Akana, Wm Green. Following at the Grand Jurors: R T Guard, Peter Gibb, Gus D Supe, E E Richards, E N Holmes, W A Fetter, Wm A Todd, D W Marsh, Joseph Vierra, C C Kennedy, R A Lucas, John Fitzgerald, Harry L Shaw, B F Schoen, W J Stone, D McKenzie, Geo Mumby, R R Elgin, W H Shipman, John Bohenberg, W T Halding, John McTaggert, C N Prouty. |
August 7, 1903 "The Hawaiian Gazette", Honolulu: List of Grand Jurors for October term of the US District Court: John Holt Sr; M W W Gilbert; George G Fuller; J R Galt, Honolulu; W H C Campbell, Puna Hawaii; L A Rostin, Honolulu; J E Gamalielson, Hilo; W E Bevins, Honolulu; J A Palmer, Makaweli, Kaui; C J Hutchins, Honolulu; Andrew Adams, Kahuku, Oahu; Walter H Hyman; Alex Ilihia, Honolulu; F S Grey, Hilo; Thomas Honan Jr; C B Huston; Godfrey Brown; Geo H Holt, Honolulu; E R Bivens, Aiea, Oahu; J E Gomes; J P Amaral, Hilo; W A Fetter, Hilo; Luther S Aungst, Kailua.
July 11, 1905 "The Hilo Tribune", Hilo: Administrator of the estate of Joao M Jardine, deceased. Evangelino DaSilva, administrator. Carl S Smith Atty for Administrator
In the matter of the estate of Bernado de Camara Sr, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate are notified to present same to Ridgway and Ridgway, Hilo. Jose de Camara, Administrator. Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii.
In the matter of the estate of Annie T K Parker, a minor. Order of publication and to show cause on guardians application to sell real estate. Petition of Alfred W Carter, the Guardian of the property of Annie T. K. Parker, a minor petitions the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the Territory of Hawaii. Land contained in Grant 3142 to J P Parker in Kaaoiki, Hamakua, an area of 125 acres. Land in Paauhau, Weha, Makakuolo, Keahua and Kalopa, within the boundaries of the lease of J P Parker and S Parker to W G Irwin & Company, dated July 1, 1886, of record in Liber 101, page 175. Total area 1074.50 acres. Lands of Weha, Makakuolo and Keahua, adjoining the land before described, area 745.1 acres. 1/2 interest in the Kalopa Crown Land held under lease known as General Lease 101 on file in Public Lands office, expiring July 1, 1916, area 1005.6 acres. Land in the Kalopa Crown Land held under lease known as General Lease 101 on file in Public lands office, expiring July 1, 1916, area of 1005.6 acres. The land in Kalopa described in L. C. A. 8408 to Kuhea, 10 acres. It is ordered that the heirs and next of kin of said ward and all persons interested appear 12 Auf 1905 at 10:00am at the Courtoom of this court in South Hilo. Charles F Parsons, Judge of Circuit Court of Fourth Circuit.
Hilo Armory was ablaze with the Elks Show "Lend Me Five Shillings". Mentions Will Carleton Cook, Mrs A G Curtis of Olaa, Norman G Campion, Miss Florence Scott, Thomas C Ridgway, D E Metzger, J D Easton.
Kohala Hilo Railway Project Fails. Superintendant of Public Works Holloway has cancelled the Hilo-Johala railway franchise on account of the failure of the company to comply with its terms.
Hilo Forest Reserve. Roughly the proposed reserve is bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the Flow of 1855 near the 1750 foot contour running in a line approximately parallel to the coast, above all homesteads to a point on the Hilo-Hamakua boundary line at about the 2000 foot contour, thence directly on the Hilo-Hamakua line to a point approximately at the top or the woods, thence along the top of the woods to the Flow of 1955, thence down the flow to the starting point. Private property rights will not be interfered with as far as possible and those who have property within and adjoining the reserve are requested to cooperate with the forestry division in its attempt to create a valuable reserve.
The Kohala Ditch. A mortgage has been recorded in Honolulu from Sam Parker to his wife Mrs Campbell-Parker, to secure payment by the Kohala Ditch Co to the Anglo California Bank of a sum not to exceed $300,000 also payment of a note for $37,500 to the Bank of Hawaii. The instrument covers Col Parker's property in Hawaii, Maui and Oahu. Referring to the progress being made on the project, Engineer M M O'Shaughnessy says there are now 45 tunnels under construction on the line of the Kohala ditch and that between 8,000 and 8,500 feet of tunnels will be dug this month.
Hilo Jockey Club incorporates: Mentions: J T Moir, W H C Campbell, J D Easton, C E Wright and F Brughelli, John T Moir, E N Holmes, C A Stobie, W H Shipman, J J Grace, Archer Irwin, J W Mason, J D Easton, R J Lyman, D Lycurgus, John O'Rourke, Wm Downer, W Ebeling, C E Wright, J Holland, J Pritchard, J V Phillips, F H Burningham, E H Austin, R A Lyman Jr, W HC Campbell, Jas D Lewis, W H Smith, A H Jackson, W H Beets, I W Ray, O W Rose, G W Lockington, P C Beamer, F Brughelli, W G Todd, J Watt, E Fuhr, R A Lucas, R T Guard, J G Serrao, T M Rowland, W G Walker, A Horner, J Monsarrat, J W Metcalfe, Geo V Jakins, William Silver, E A con Arnswaldt, Wm Forbes, E J Wright, J K Dillon, Jas Chalmers, Wm Pullar, C McLennan, A C Kullberg, D B Maconachie, Thos Mutch, J C Carter, John T Baker, C C Kennedy, S Parker Jr, H S Rickard, Henry P Beckley, Wm E Smith, George Rodiek, F J Humburg, E J Lyman, Geo Lycurgus, V R M Fitzsimmons, Robert Young, Geo C Beckley, W S Wise, A Humburg, C H Castendyk, A M Wilson, George Mumby, H Vicars, P Peck, F Rodriques.
Judge Arthur A Wilder is a guest at the Volcano House. Associate Justice Galbraith, formerly of Hilo, has resumed the practice of law at Oklahoma. Miss Lillian Akerman of Kona is visiting her aunt Mrs John C Searle on Waianuenne St. Miss Minnie Schmidt and Miss Franc Eaton departed for Honolulu on Friday for their summer vacations. The steamer Enterprise leaves for Honolulu tomorrow at 10am. Dr. A. B Clark departed for his home in Honolulu on Fridays steamer and expect to return to Hilo again in November. R T Guard has been selected acting consul for the Republic of Panama at Hilo during the absence of Florentin Souza. Major John Milsaps, who has charge of the Salvation Army work on the Islands will be holding meetings in Hilo and surrounding villages from the 12th to the 21st of July. W T Rawling, late deputy high sheriff has been appointed by Judge Dole to his former position of referee in bankruptcy, lately held by A M Brown, now county Sheriff. F L Johnson, bookkeeper and cashier of the Honolulu Dairymen's Assoc Ltd, arrived on the Kinau on a vacation for the sake of his health, accompanied by his mother and daughter Harriet. Capt W A Fetter, commanding Company D, NGH has received information that the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce through popular subscription. Joshua D Tucker, Inspector of the 49th Masonic Dist will arrive by Wednesdays Kinau to inspect the local Masonic Lodge. The last game in the tennis tournament took place Saturday afternoon, being the final contest in the gentlemens doubles between George Hapai and E C Mellor against Dr J J Grace and J E Metcalfe, the last years champions, resulting in a victory for the younger players. Mrs J Holland has returned to her country home at Pahoa. Capt Wm Matson has been the guest of Mr and Mrs C C Kennedy. Miss Mabel R Woods and Miss I H Woods returned to their home in Kohala on Friday Mrs Wm Shipman and family are spending a few weeks at their mountain house at 29 miles, Volcano Road. Capt W Matson and a party of friends were entertained yesterday at Hakalau by Mr and Mrs George Ross. Dr N Russel is reported is reported to be laboring among the Russian prisoners in Japan preaching liberal government for Russia. Under the new license law W C Peacock & Co Ltd are permitted to sell to their patrons all wince and liquors in any quantity. Exalted Ruler George H Angus of Honolulu Lodge of Elks, accompanied by his wife, have been visiting Hilo and the Volcano House. A party to the Volcano House on Saturday, was J F Woods, Sam P Woods, H Vicars, Geo H Angus, Dr W H Schoening, B F Howland, Dr Archer Irwin and a quintet club. Mons. Vizzavona, French Consul, Honolulu, whose health has not been very satisfactory of late, arrived Thursday by the Kinau to visit the Volcano for the first time since his arrival in Hawaii. In his absence Dr Marquis will be in charge of the French Consulate in Honolulu.
A surprise was given to the friends of Miss Caroline Castle and Rev W D Westervelt, both of whom are well known in Hilo, on learning of their marriage Monday evening, July 3d at the Castle home in Moana Valley, Honolulu. The ceremony was performed by Rev W M Kinvaid of Central Union Church. Miss Castle is the daughter of Mrs Mary Castle and the sister of Messrs W R Castle, George P Castle, James B Castle and Mrs E G Hitchcock of Hilo, Rev Westervelt has been connected with Kawaihao church, Honolulu for several years.
The Olaa Strike. The Japanese laborers on the Olaa plantation returned to work on July 5th without any difficulty, the cause of the strike apparently being merely a demand for a holiday preceding the Fourth of July, which had been refused by the head luna. There was no rioting or other disturbance incident to the refusal to work.
Malignant Diphtheria. No greater shock has been received by the community than the sudden death yesterday at noon of Miss Florence Scott after an illness of only five days at the home of her uncle, Mr John A Scott at Reeds Bay. Miss Scott contracted a severe cold at the 4th of July ball at the Hilo Armory, which developed in tonsillitis. She was up and about the house until Saturday when her condition assumed a more serious turn and symptoms of diphtheria developed. Dr Milton Rice, the attending physician, determined upon tracheotomy and calling in Dr John J Grace, an incision wasmade into her throat......Florence Wolcott Scott was born at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 17, 1882, the oldest daughter of Hector Munroe Scott and Harriet Walker Scott. She spent her early childhood at Salt Lake City, but received her education and has resided since 7 years old with her parents at Holyoke, MA. She came to Hilo on June 29, 1903 for a years visit with the family of her uncle, John A Scott and prolonged her stay until the departure of the Enterprise this month. She leaves a widowed mother and two sisters, and was 23 years of age at the time of her death.
This page was last updated on -08/02/2020