
     Please help these family genealogists find answers to their queries. The contact E-mails were verified in Jan 2016.  Queries with valid E-mail are maintained here. If you have a surname that you think you can help with, please use the Surname Alphabetic Search. Queries may also be accessed here. They are arranged newest to oldest.

Mahalo for your kokua!

Post a new query here.

     Please remember your query must include a reference to Honolulu County and don't forget to include your contact name and an email address.

     Submitted queries will be posted and an acknowledgement email message will be sent.  Anyone browsing these Queries who may have information pertaining to your query will be communicating with you directly.

Additional information is available for the following surname queries:

Surname Query No. 97-13, surnames Falke, Greene

@July 2024                       Honolulu County Coordinator Doreen Harunaga-Ewing