
If you would like to add a Family Mystery, please send an email to the Webmaster with your information and I will post it on this page. 

If you think you have an answer for Richard, please send a response to the Webmaster ... I will post suggestions on this page for all to view!!

Mystery #1 - Submitted by Richard Berney - June 2005

We have in the family records a 3" X 5" card that has printed on it Sam Hardesty (Sam Palolo) for Supervisor. It is fairly old... I'm thinking the 1920's.

Any idea where to look for more info on him or Noah Hardesty. Noah was supposed to be a steam ship captain who sailed and settled in Hawaii maybe as late as the 1860s.

@March 2025                       Honolulu County Coordinator Doreen Harunaga-Ewing