Resource Links are what makes genealogical research interesting.  There are so many sites in this world that offer bread crumbs to follow to our ancestors.

Kalaupapa National Historical Park / Molokai, Hawaii.  Historic resource study, Exile in Paradise.  Genealogy is all about learning about who our ancestors were and to tell the story about what their lives were like in relations to people, places, and things.

I am researching to find information relating to the Kalaupapa Peninsula on Molokai.  The short term Kalawao County may not exist too far into the future, but Kalaupapa Peninsula was known to the ancient Hawaiians from about 650AD.  Archaeological information may be the key since the ancient Hawaiians did not have a written language to record their history.

©March 2025 Doreen Harunaga-Ewing, Kalawao County Coordinator