Welcome to Ada County
Idaho Genealogy Research

First women to serve in Idaho
Legislature, 1898-1899.
Mrs. Mary Wright, Mrs. Hattie Noble,
Mrs. Clara Pamela Campbell
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Ada County Idaho ancestors.
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
Use the box below to
for Ada
County Data
Ada County was created by the
Idaho Territory legislature on December
22, 1864, partitioned from Boise County.
It is named for Ada Riggs, the
daughter of H.C. Riggs, a member of the
legislature; he established the county and
was a co-founder of Boise. Canyon
County, which originally included Payette
County and most of Gem County,
was partitioned from western Ada
County in 1891.