Dodge City Daily Globe - July 7 1970 Mrs. Ella Rose Barnes Mrs. J. O. Barnes 75 a longtime Dodge City resident died Monday morning at the Dodge City Manor after a long illness. Born March 31, m1895 at Amarillo, Tex., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berry. The family came to homestead in Ford County south of Spearville when Ella Rose was about 4 and she grew up there. She was married to Mr. J. O. Barnes May 10, 1910 in Dodge City and lived here since. Her husband died June 27, 1959. She has been a resident of Dodge City Manor three years this March. She was a member of First United Methodist Church, a member of the church's Martha Class and Woman's Society of Christian Service. She has been a member of the Westview Garden Club and of the Cameo Club. She is survived by four sons, Kenneth of Portland, Ore., Cecil and Dale of Dodge City and Clinton of Corvallis, Ore. and one daughter, Mrs. Earl Haskell of Minneola; one brother Earl Berry of St. Paul Ore., 2 sisters Mrs. Karl Zurbucken of Belen, New Mexico and Mrs. Margie Pollard of Roseburg, Ore., 15 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. The funeral for Mrs. Barnes has been set for 10 A.M. Wednesday in the Hulpieu-Swaim Funeral Home chapel with the rev. Basil L. Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Dodge City. Note by granddaughter, Donna Barnes Clark - the obituary uses the name Erma instead of Ella