Dodge City Daily Globe - date of obit Unknown, Emma Barnes died February 12, 1952 Resident South of Town Dies Mrs. Emma Grace Barnes, 64, resident south of Dodge City died early Tuesday morning in Trinity Hospital where she had been a patient for treatment. She had been ill for several weeks. Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. M. A. Hawk at Hulpieu-Swaim Chapel. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Barnes was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Perkins. She was born February 16, 1887, in South Dakota. When she was three years old she came with her parents to Spearville. She was married December 20, 1908, to Riley Barnes. They moved to the community south of Dodge City 23 years ago. Mrs. Barnes was a member of the Methodist Church of the Order of the Eastern Star of the D. I. Y. home demonstration unit. She was serving this year as unit "mother". Survivors are Mr. Barnes; five sons, Floyd, Wayne, Glenn, Marvin and Merle, all of Dodge City; three brothers, Guy, Lee and Nelson Perkins all of Spearville; two brothers-in-law, J. O. Barnes and O. W. Barnes of Dodge City and seven grandchildren.