Dodge City Daily Globe - Nov. 7, 1970 Mrs. Merle Barnes Mrs. Evelyn Marie Barnes 51 wife of Merle I. Barnes died late Friday in Trinity Hospital after being in ill health for about six months. Mrs. Barnes of 1314 West Trail was born August 23, 1915 at Fowler. When she was 11 she came with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walker to Dodge City. She finished her schooling here and was a Dodge City High School graduate in 1934. She also was a graduate of the Dodge City Business College. Miss Walker worked for the Ford County welfare department as a stenographer until 1936, when she went to Washington, D.C. and worked as a stenographer there in the Justice Department. In 1948 she returned to Dodge City, she and Mr. Barnes were married November 23, 1949 in Salina and had lived in Dodge City after their marriage. For the last 13 years Mrs. Barnes had been employed as a secretary of the postal inspector here. She was a member of the First Christian Church. Survivors include the widower and a son Roger, and a daughter Lenis of the home, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walker of Dodge City; a brother Donald Walker of Munster, Ind. and a sister Mrs. Beryl Perry of Dodge City. The funeral has been set for 2:30 P.M. in the First Christian Church with Sheldon Thomas minister, officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery with the Hulpieu-Swaim Funeral Home in charge.