Bucklin Banner, July 5, 1901 Last week after returning from Kansas City Gotleib Barthauer became worse and Saturday telegraphed to Indiana for his brother. Monday he telegraphed to Mr. Crumbine who came down on the afternoon train to administer medical assistance. At this writing (Monday) he is not expected to live many days. LATER - Mr. Barthauer died Monday night at 9 o'clock. His relatives in Ohio were telegraphed and Wednesday his brother Henry arrived. Pending his arrival the friends here did not know what action to take regarding his remains. When Henry came he learned the Gotleib had requested that he be buried in the cemetery at this place, so in accordance with his request the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery yesterday at 10 o'clock. Gotleib Barthauer was 40 years old and came to this country in 1885, where he has resided since, being the only member of his family who lived here.