Mrs. Zelma O. Berry, Former Resident Dies Dodge City Daily Globe - date unknown her death was September 16, 1962 Word has been received here of the death Sunday in San Rafael, Calif., of Mrs. Zelma Orr Berry, a former city resident. Mrs. Berry, whose maiden name was Hammand, came to dodge City, from Macksville as a small child. She grew up here and was married here September 23, 1913 to Oren Berry. Mr. Berry died her September 2, 1944. Mrs. Berry had lived in California about 15 years before her death. She was a member of the Christian Church here. Survivors include three sons, Vernon of Vandenburg Air Force Base, Calif., Robert of Titusville, Fla., and Leslie of San Rafael; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Holden of Sonoma, Calif., and Mrs. Edith Cole of Sebastopol, Calif., two sisters, one brother and 15 grandchildren. Funeral and burial will be in the city, but the time has not been scheduled yet. The Hulpieu-Swaim Funeral Home will be in charge.