O. F. Berry, Mill Employee is Dead Dodge City Daily Globe - September 23, 1944 Oran Francis Berry, 53, an employee of the Dodge City flourmill for about 22 years, died Saturday morning in Murray Memorial hospital where he had been a patient since he underwent a major operation, August 22. Funeral services will be held at the Christian Church, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Dr. David F. Tyndall officiating. Hulpieu, Morgan and Swaim funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Born in Pandandle, Texas, February 26, 1891, he came to a farm 10 miles south of Spearville in 1900 and moved to Dodge City 22 years ago. He was married to Zelma Orr Hammitte September 2, 1917. She and five children survive, Lt. Vernon H. Berry stationed at Tampa Fla.; Mrs. Donald Frame who is with her husband a technical sergeant stationed at Hamilton Field, Calif.; Ensign Robert J. Berry, Ft. Pierce; and Edith Maxine Berry and Leslie Duane Berry of the home. One grandson is James Berry Frame; he also leaves ten brothers and sisters. W. E. Berry, Offerle, Mrs. E. O. Osbourn Hooker, Okla.; Mrs. Lee Perkins Spearville, Mrs. J. O. Barnes, Dodge City, Harold Berry, Mrs. Margaret Vanderpool, L. R. Berry and E. J. Berry, Portland Ore, and Mrs. Karl Zubucken, Belen, N. M.