The Bucklin Banner - May 10, 1928 DEATH CALLS BUCKLIN WOMAN Mrs. Eva Bolinger Died at Her Home Here Wednesday Morning Miss Eva Bolinger, aged 60, died at her home in Bucklin Wednesday morning, May 9, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Bolinger was an old resident of this section, coming to Ford county from Caledonia, Ohio, 30 years ago. Her husband preceded her in death several years ago and a twin sister, Mrs. Emma Elland passed away just a few weeks ago. There are four surviving children, Mayor B. R. Bolinger, and Postmaster E. D. Bolinger of this city, and Mrs. Chester Roley and Mrs. Fred Hiss of the Kingsdown community. Mrs. Bolinger was one of our most devout Christians and a fine neighbor, wife and mother. She numbered her many friends by her acquaintances and all are deeply grieved at her passing. The funeral is being held from the Methodist Episcopal church this afternoon, conducted by Rev. R. F. Morgan. Interment will be in the city cemetery. A complete obituary notice will be printed in the Banner next week.