GJDS stands for Grand Junction Daily Sentinel (Grand Junction, Colorado) Obituary, Grand Junction Daily Sentinel December 30, 1922 p 2 Mildred Emma (or Emma Mildred) Behl Montague Botkin (w/o Frank J) Former Resident of This City is Dead in Kansas Mrs. Frank Bodkin passed away recently at Dodge City. The funeral Service there will be held Wednesday. Word has reached this city of the death of Mrs. Frank Bodkin, a former resident of Grand Junction. Death occurred at Dodge City, Kansas, Sunday morning, and was the result of an ingrowing goitre (sic). It was not thought that the goitre was very serious, and the death came as a shock to her many friends, both in this city and Dodge City. Mrs. Bodkin was well known in this city as Mrs. J. L. Montague, and moved from here about ten years ago. She enjoyed a wide circle of friends here who will regret her sudden death. She leaves beside her husband two sons, Leonard Montague and Frank Bodkin Jr. The funeral was held Wednesday with burial at Dodge City.