Bucklin Banner, November 22, 1901 Mrs. Elland Mrs. Elland, wife of W. F. Elland, died on Monday evening, November 11, after a long serious illness. She was in her 33rd year; was a highly esteemed lady, a sincere Christian, living a Christian life. She leaves a husband, little child, father, two sisters and a brother to mourn her loss. The funeral was largely attended on Wednesday afternoon, November 13th, Rev. Stromire conducted the services at the Congregational church, preaching an able sermon. The choir rendered some appropriate songs. The basket was richly adorned with garlands of flowers among which was a floral pillow ordered from Denver in token of respect by the S. S. C. E. and Woodman societies. The church was filled with sympathizers. One of Ford's largest funeral processions accompanied the remains to their last resting place in the Ford cemetery. There is always a deep and touching sympathy awakened when a husband with a motherless child is left to mourn the loss of a dear wife and mother, and to tread life alone in the shadows yet, when the spiritual influence of a Christian mother shines on the path, the shadows are made endearing by the hallowed beams. In this bereavement the mercy of a kind Providence leaves the tender child in a cultured home, in care of kind and loving friends.