James M. Fleming Obituary JAMES M. FLEMING (deceased) was born in Preble County, Ohio, June 30, 1819, and was a son of Peter and Sarah (Caughey) Fleming. James M. Fleming received a very limited education, but by study and reading he became exceedingly well informed, particularly in politics and religion. When a lad, he went to live with his brother, Thompson, and when of sufficient age began to learn the trade of tanning, at which he worked for his brother until he was twenty-four years old. He was married, November 17, 1842, to Miss Sarah C. Hyde, a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, daughter of Obadiah and Sophia Hyde. To this union were born five children -- Ariadne J., Winfield S., Thomas C., Ann E, and Laura L. In 1843, Mr. Fleming came to old Lebanon [Warren Co, IN] and engaged in the tanning business; thence moved to Attica [Fountain Co, IN] in 1846, and conducted a tannery some years; and thence to this township, where he purchased eighty acres, afterward living in Prairie Township, and in Kansas in 1878, where he purchased a claim and died, at the home of his daughter, near Spearville, March 7, 1879. Mr. Fleming was a member of the Masonic body; in politics, a Republican, and an honored and enterprising citizen. Mrs. Fleming is a member of the Universalist Church. _History of Warren County, Indiana_, 1883, Pike Township, page 169.