WOMAN IS KILLED BY VEHICLE Mrs. May I. Haskell 71, wife of Perry Haskell of 603 Ninth Avenue was killed or fatally injured about 6:45 o'clock last evening when she was struck by an automobile. The driver of the car was Bob Blodgett 16, of 1209 Avenue D. Officers said Mrs. Haskell was returning home from a beauty shop was was walking north in the west pedestrian lane at the intersection of West Wyatt Earp Blvd. and Ninth Avenue when the accident occurred. Blodgett said he did not see Mrs. Haskell. Blodgett's car was traveling west on Wyatt Earp. He told police he heard a thump. The right front fender of the car was damaged. The victim was taken to St. Anthony Hospital by ambulance. Officer Carl W. Matthews, first policeman at the scene, said he believed Mrs. Haskell had died at the scene of the accident. Blodgett was to be arraigned this afternoon on a charge of disregarding the right of a pedestrian police said. Mrs. Haskell was born September 8, 1889, in Pawnee County and moved as a child to a Ford County farm north of Wright with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Camp. She and Mr. Haskell were married at the Camp home January 31, 1909. Mr. Haskell farmed in the Wright community until 1923 when they moved to Dodge City. Mrs. Haskell was a member of the First Methodist Church and in her younger years was extremely active in church work. She formerly taught a Sunday school class. Survivors besides Mr. Haskell are two sons, Earl Haskell of Minneola and J. F. (Dutch) Haskell, local resident; three sisters, Mrs. Roy Hasberger and Mrs. Ed Sauceman of Dodge City and Mrs. Hilary Fees of Hutchinson; a half brother Fred Camp of Portland, Oregon; three half sisters, Mrs. Bill Aten of Spearville, Mrs. Jim Reekie and Mrs. Ed Reekie, both of Ottawa, six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. The Rev. John Clinton will conduct the funeral at 2 P.M. Saturday in the First Methodist Church. Burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery. The Hulpiew-Swaim Funeral Home is in charge.