Martin Hoffman, Jr. Obituary Bucklin Banner - July 24, 1930 Martin Hoffman, Jr. is Accident Victim Fatally Crushed by Tractor, Near Kingsdown Tuesday Afternoon, Funeral Today A very distressing accident happened three-fourths mile west and one and one-half miles north of Kingsdown Tuesday afternoon about 12:30 when Martin W. Hoffman, Jr., lost his lift in a tractor accident. It appears that he drove the tractor into the driveway of the grain elevator to do some work on it and while the machine was standing at an angle he went over to shut off the gas. In some way the machine slipped into gear and started up, catching Mr. Hoffman in the corner of the building and crushing him when one of the lugs struck him in the back. The machine went on through the building carrying a door with it, turned around and struck the elevator again before it stopped. There was no one around at the time the accident happened, but some hogs which had broken out attracted the attention of Mrs. Hoffman who went out and called Mr. Hoffman, who had made his way out of the building and was sitting down when she found him. He asked her to take him to a doctor and she went to the garage and drove the car to the scene, but seeing he was so badly injured she called Dr. Coffman from Ford and some of the neighbors who arrived shortly and carried the injured man to the house. After being placed on the bed he seemed to be in great pain and asked those about him to move him in different positions. While fatally injured he did not lose consciousness for some time and told his wife how the accident happened shortly after she found him. He lived about one and one half hours after the accident. Mr. Hoffman was one of the outstanding, honorable young farmers of the community and had a host of friends in the Bucklin and Kingsdown communities. He would have been 34 years old had he lived until the 14th of next September, and is survived by his wife and two children. He was a son Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hofman of this city and a brother of Frank Hoffman west of town. He was born in Stafford county. The funeral services are being held at Kingsdown this afternoon, starting at 2:30 and interment will be in the Bucklin cemetery. Martin Hoffman Killed The Dodge City Journal - July 24. 1930 Martin Hoffman of near Kingsdown was accidentally killed Tuesday afternoon. He was putting his tractor in the shed and had got off the tractor and was behind one of the wheels when the clutch slipped and the tractor started up, running into him. One of the lugs hit him in the side crushing his ribs and puncturing his lungs. He lived about thirty minutes after the doctor arrived. The friends of Mr. Hoffman were very sorry to hear of the accident and extend their sympathy to Mrs. Hoffman and baby. The Dodge City Journal - July 31, 1930 Martin Hoffman, son of Martin and Sarah Hoffman on Bucklin, Kansas, was born in Stafford, Kansas, September 14, 1896, and died at his farm near Kingsdown, Kansas, July 22, 1930, at the age of 33 years, 10 months, and 8 days. In March, 1918, he moved with his parents and brother and sisters to Bucklin and three years later came to a farm northwest of Kingsdown on which farm he was still living at the time of his death. On January 31, 1925 he united in marriage to Miss Inez Putnam at Admire, Kansas. To this union was born two children, Muriel Olive, age three years, and Leslie Dale, age two years. Besides his wife and children and his parents he leaves to mourn his loss three sister, Mrs. Olive Hill, wife of Charles Hill of Bloom; Mrs. Rena Stimpert, wife of A. W. Stimpert of Kingsdown; and Mrs. Marie Scrivner, wife of W. S. Scrivner of Dodge City; and three brothers, Earl of Sublette, Herman of Wichita, and Frank of Bucklin. Martin was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Kingsdown and also of the Masonic Lodge of Bucklin which lodges are participating in his funeral services today. He also was a member of the Eastern Star Lodge of Kingsdown. Martin was a loving husband and father and a good friend and neighbor.