Clark County Clipper, April 19, 1906 OBITUARY. Little Georgie Plummer who was laid to rest in the Bucklin cemetery, Wednesday, April 14, 1906, was born in Crawford county, Kansas, June 28, 1896. On the 10th day of March, 1903, her parents moved to Clark county, where they have resided for the last three years. Until her attack of illness on Wednesday Georgie was a perfect picture of health. Hope for her recovery was entertained until Sunday evening. All was done that loving hands and medical aid could do, but her life is ended; she is at rest. "There in faith we hope to greet her, Where all cares and griefs are o'er; Reunited there to meet her On that happy heavenly shore." Kind and loving of disposition, she was a favorite with all who knew her; exceedingly bright in school, and one who was idolized by each member of the family, it seemed hard to give her back. "Fair as the dawn's first glow, Sweet as the dawn's first glow, Bright with a look celestial. Such as the angels' know, Pure as the morning dew drop, Unstained with earthly toil, Rare in her strange child beauty, Now under the prairie soil." She leaves father, mother, a sister, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. The funeral services were held at the home of the deceased Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., Rev. Patterson officiating. "Dark and desolate is the home she leaves, Void of sunshine and light; And how can we help but mourn and grieve, She is banished from earth and our sight. "Bright is the home she has entered e're now, There is joy and the angels' song; And forever is banished all care from her brow, And guiltless is she from all wrong. "Oh Father, our sorrow and grief is so deep Since Georgie, with life just begun, Now in the cold dark grave doth sleep, But Lord thy will be done." Alice E. Parker, Kingsdown, Kansas. CARD OF THANKS. To the many, many friends of our beloved daughter and sister; To those who have so patiently and lovingly inquired about her welfare and kindly tendered their help and sympathy, we thank you. He, who doeth all things well, bless, keep and guard you and yours, and when the dark hours of sickness and death shall come, may He send as kind and loving friends to your side. Again to all many thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer and Family.