Bucklin Banner, August 9, 1901 OBITUARY. Sarah Maria Shaffer, widow of the late John D. Shaffer died at the home of her son, Ed. Shaffer 6 miles west of Spearville, July 26 and was buried July 28. Funeral preached at the M. E. church in Spearville from the text Mat. 3:17 by Rev. Bruce of the Presbyterian church. Sister Shaffer is an old settler of Ford Co. having moved here in the spring of 1879. She and her husband were pioneers of the M. E. Church. Her life from the age of 14 was of unquestioned Christian character and her last words were "Praise the Lord." She was loved and respected by all and denominations paid their last tribute of respect to her Christian and character. She leaves two sons and one daughter. Edward L. Shaffer and Mrs. Grace Woodbury of Spearville, Kan., and Perry Shaffer of New York City.