Clark County Clipper, December 6, 1928 OBITUARY (Harry A. Sibley) Harry A. Sibley was born in Spencer, Massachusetts, August 6th, 1855. He settled in Western Kansas in the early eighties and engaged in the cattle business until 1893, when he sold out and moved to Kansas City entering the tannery business but sold out again in a year and moved to Lawrence, Kansas, where he purchased the street sprinkling business which he operated four years, then buying the home place where he has lived for 28 years. Bro. Sibley went to the hospital for a major operation which was successful and he was well on his way to recovery when he had an acute heart attack and passed away immediately. He was married May 22, 1889 to Mary E. Doane of Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Sibley passed away November 21, 1928, leaving his wife and one sister, Mrs. Bert Bogart, three nieces and a nephew. Funeral services were held at the Funk Funeral Home in Lawrence, November 23rd. The committal service was conducted by Rev. A. C. Edwards at the Bucklin Cemetery at two thirty o'clock Sunday afternoon. --Bucklin Banner. _____ Harry Sibley was the manager of the Drake Ranch then known as the Sibley Ranch, during the early days of this country's history. His sister, Ida, was with him and both were charming entertainers. During their residence there the ranch home was the scene of many enjoyable social gatherings in which the younger set of Ashland frequently participated. Ida Sibley became the wife of W. R. Gordon and some years later died in her home in Bucklin. Now Harry has taken the long trail and the book is closed on that chapter. Some of our older citizens well remember Harry and tender their sincere sympathy to his beloved companion who survives him.