Clark County Clipper, October 21, 1901 M. M. SIBLEY IS DEAD. From Bucklin Banner. M. M. Sibley, an old and respected citizen of Clark county, died at his home in Lawrence, Kansas, on Monday, Nov. 11, 1901. Mr. Sibley was born at Spencer, Massachusetts, March 29, 1828. He was married to Salinda P. Williams in 1852. She died in 1888, was buried in the Bucklin Cemetery. Two children were born to this union - one son and one daughter. The son, H. A. Sibley, and an adopted daughter, (Alice M. Bogart), still survive. The daughter, Ida E., wife of W. R. Gordon, died in 1897 and was buried near her mother. Mr. Sibley came to Clark county, Kansas, in 1882 and to Ford county in 1889. He moved to Lawrence, Kansas, four years ago, where he died on the 11th, inst., at the age of 73 years, 7 months and 12 days. While he lived here he was extensively engaged in the raising of live stock as a partner of Mr. A. S. Drake and was widely and favorably known in this section. The remains were brought here last Wednesday from Lawrence and the funeral services were held in the Free Methodist church, conducted by Rev. T. B. Paramore. By request the remains were consigned to rest in a grave between those of the wife and daughter of the deceased. The many friends of the deceased sympathize with the bereaved relatives in this hour of their affliction.