Bucklin Banner, December 20, 1901 Laid to Rest. On Monday, December 16, Miss Mary Floy Taylor died at the age of 19 years, 6 months and 25 days. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Taylor and was born at Portville, Iowa on May 21, 1882, and had been blind for the past ten years. Floy was naturally religious and learned early in life to look to her Master in prayer. While her afflictions were most grievous and of long duration, she did not complain, though at times she expressed the wish to be in heaven, seemingly feeling that this life was but a span between her and a joyous existence. She was a lover of music and possessing a musical talent, sacred songs being her delight which she would sing for hours, telling of Jesus and his love. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. Parmore on Wednesday, and the remains laid to rest in the Bucklin cemetery with appropriate ceremonies.