Cansada and James Weaver Obituaries Obituary, August 31, 1939 from The Southwest Daily Times, Liberal, Seward County, Kansas: James Weaver Passes Today James William Weaver, 77, 503 West Second street, Liberal, passed away in a hospital here at 6:20 this morning. He had been seriously ill the past three weeks, but his health had been failing since last June. Funeral services will be held in the First Christian church, Liberal, tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o¹clock. Burial will be in the Bucklin cemetery. Services tomorrow afternoon will be conducted by Reverend Harold B. Duryea, pastor of the Christian church, assisted by Mrs. Mason Glaze, Christian minister at Meade. Burial will be in the Bucklin cemetery at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, where Weaver was a member of the First Christian Church. The body will be taken to Bucklin by the Campbell-Buckley Funeral home, which has charge of funeral arrangements. The body will lie in state from 5 o¹clock this afternoon until noon tomorrow at the Campbell-Buckley chapel. J. W. Weaver was born in Wayne county, Illinois, November 17, 1861. On June 2, 1889, he was united in marriage with Miss Cansada Malone at Upland, Nebraska. He is survived by three sons and two daughters; Henry Weaver, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Archie Weaver of Wichita, and Charles Weaver, Manter; Mrs. Nellie Stone, Canton, Missouri, and Mrs. Leonard Pitman of Liberal. He was preceded in death by two sons and one daughter, one son and one daughter dying in infancy and another son dying six years ago in New Mexico. He is also survived by three sisters and one brother, all living at Fairfield, Illinois: Albert Weaver, Mrs. Martha Talbot, Mrs. Mary Shehorn and Mrs. Stella Tibbs. Weaver came to Liberal nine years ago from Fowler, where he had farmed. He was a member of the Christian church at Bucklin. Obituary February 16, 1944 from The Southwest Daily Times, Liberal, Seward County, Kansas: ³Mrs. J. W. Weaver Taken to Rest Funeral Services at 1:30 Thursday at Christian Church Here Mrs. J. W. Weaver, age 79, passed away at 11:20 Tuesday morning at the residence of her daughter Mrs. L. J. Pitman, with whom she made her home, at532 West Seventh Street. Mrs. Weaver was taken ill nine weeks ago while visiting her son Henry Weaver in Albuquerque, N.M., and was brought back to Liberal about ten day ago. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 Thursday afternoon at the Liberal Christian Church with Rev. Leonard Chaffin officiating. The funeral party will leave immediately after the service for Bucklin cemetery. The Champbell Funeral Home is in charge. Mrs. Weaver was born in Wayne county, Ill., July 11, 1864. She and her husband moved to Liberal from Fowler in 1931. Her husband passed away August 31, 1939. Mrs. Weaver was a member of the Christian Church. Surviving her are four children: Henry Weaver, Albuquerque, N.M.; Mrs. Don Stone, Canton, Mo,; Archie Weaver, Wichita, and Mrs. L. J. Pitman, Liberal. She also leaves eight brothers and sisters; Mrs. John Padgett, Colorado Springs; Mrs. John Bullard and John Malone, Cisne, Ill.; Will Malone, Sims, Ill.; Mrs. John Warren and Mrs. John Barnard, Wayne City, Ill.; Marion Malone of Hugoton and George Malone of Copeland. Weaver's Gravesite