THE HOULTON RESIDENT DIRECTORY, 1895 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE RESIDENTS, BUSINESS, STREETS, ETC. OF THE TOWN OF HOULTON, MAINE. (A. B. SPARROW, COMPILER AND PUBLISHBR, SHIRLEY, MASS, Copyright 1896 by A. B. SPARROW.) Edited by Betty Fraser (Punctuation has been added for ease of reading). Note: This is not the directory in its entirety; the first forty pages, which are mainly advertisements along with a listing of streets, public schools, churches, and clubs (lodges, societies, etc.), have been omitted. ABBREVIATIONS. Av. or ave. avenue; bds. boards; bldg. building; blk. block; c. corner; com. trav. commercial traveler; [do. Ditto]; emp. employe; h. house; ins. insurance; n. near; opp. opposite; prop. proprietor; rd. road; rms. rooms; sq. square. After the name of a street the word “street" is omitted. Where distance is given, i. e., "Bradford, Adin K., h. Calais road, 1 mile out, " it is the approximate distance from the post-office. A ABERNETHY, CHARLES, farmer, h. Johnson's road, 3 miles out Abernethy, James, h. Albert Mooers Ackerley, Oliver, laborer, h. Bangor road, 1 mile out Adair, James A., laborer, h. Foxcroft road, 1 1-2 miles out ADAMS, Alfred, porter Hotel Exchange, h. do Adams, David W., farmer, h. Foxcroft road, 4 1-2 miles out Adams, John, h. John. A. do. Adams, John A., laborer, h. River Side Adams, John Q., clerk A. H. Fogg & Co., h. 20 School Adams, Murray, brakeman B. & A., h. Green n. Bangor Alexander, George, teamster Mathew Wilson, h. at Wilson's mill off Bangor road, 3 miles out Allbright, Allen, farmer, h. Presque Isle road, 2 1-3 miles out ALLEN, Charles E. barber, h. Stephen Amazeen Allen, Mrs. Fannie, h. 16 North Alward, Abraham J., h. 75 Main Alward, Mrs. A. J., dressmaker 75 Main., h. do. AMAZEEN, S. D., hair dresser 10 Market sq., h. Weeks Amos Lizzie, seamstress, bds. 8 Kelleran Amos, Samuel, carpenter, h. Willard c. Pleasant BARNES, Clara, teacher, h. Mrs. Isa P. do. Barnes, Isa P. Mrs. (Francis), h. Bangor road, 1 mile out Barnes, Wellington, farm hand, h. 125 North Barnett, James, laborer, h. Mechanic Bartlett, Sadie, h. H. P. Ferris Barton, Joseph, farmer, h. Charles W. Whitney Bean, Hattie, h. Oscar L. do. Bean, Luther, hostler, h. Gould bldg. Market sq. Bean, Oscar L., h. North n. the old church Beatty, Charles R., milk dealer, h. "High n. Weeks Beavory, George, dry goods Military, h. do. Beloungie, Amos, laborer, h. Military, 1-2 mile out Beloungie, James, h. Amos do. Bell, Burnham J., potato buyer, h. Military, 3-4 mile out Bell, George, hostler Snell House stables, bds. do. Bell, John, h. Military, 3-4 mile out Bell, May, h. Freez Wheaton BENN, HEBER R., carriage painter Bangor, h. Spring Benn, Leander L., potato buyer, h. Pioneer bldg. Court Benson, Thomas, farmer, h. Ludlow road, 2 3/4 miles out Berry, A. H. hair dresser, bds. 44 Court BERRY, AUGUSTUS H. (A. H. Berry & Son, grocers, 3 Water) h. Heywood BERRY, CHARLES H. (Berry & Buzzell, livery, hack and boarding stable Market sq.) h. 4 Heywood Berry, Frank P., clerk, h. 66 Court Berry, George A., tinsmith, h. Kelleran n. Park Berry, Hiram O., carriage manufacturer, h. School n. M. E. Church Berry, Isaac, grocer and brick manufacturer, boots, shoes, etc. North n. County Road, h. do. Berry, John E., dealer in horses, carriages, etc. h. 49 Court Berry, Peleg H., h. 49 Court BERRY, THADDEUS C. S. (A. H. Berry & Son, grocers) h. Heywood Betts, Albion G., clerk Charles Wilson, h. Mrs. Naomi do. Betts, Jennie S. teacher, h. Mrs. Naomi do. Betts, Lottie, teacher, h. Mrs. Naomi do. Betts, Mary A., dressmaker, North, h. Mrs. Rebecca M. do. Betts, Merritt E., plumber, h. Mrs. Naomi do. Betts, Naomi Mrs. (William), h. North n. the old church Betts, Rebecca M. Mrs. (Levi), h. off North n. County Road Bickford, George G., h. 18 Pleasant BILLINGS, FRED L., (Billings & Watts, Houlton Granite Co.) h. Brook c. Cleveland Bither, Annie R., clerk register of deeds office, bds. A. P. M. Taber Blair, John F., carpenter, h. Heywood Bonnell, John B., turnkey county jail, h. Spring Boome, Charles E., laborer, h. Court n. Pierce Brook Boucher, Charles R., civil engineer and surveyor, bds. Corbett L. Packard Boulieu, Andrew, laborer, h. Military n. Catholic Church Boyd, Edward, farmer, h. the B. Road, town line, 4 1/2 miles out Boyd, John, bds. Titcomb boarding house Boyd, John, Mrs., bds. Isaac M. Harper Boyd, Rose E. Mrs. (William), h. Military 3/4 mile out Boyer, Mrs. John W., h. Park n. High BOYLE, JOHN, merchant tailor Gray's blk. rms. do. BRADBURY, MRS. ADDIE R., manager J. M. Rice, h. Main , BRADBURY, Henry C., grocer Military, h. do. 3/4 mile out BRADBURY, HENRY K., (Keaton & Bradbury, furniture dealers and undertakers Main,) h. r. 4 Winter Bradbury, Thomas M., h. Court n. Park Bradbury, William, h. the B. Road, 3 miles out Braden, John, h. Summer c. Pleasant Braden, William S., clerk National Bank, h. John do. Bradford, Adin K., farmer, h. Calais road, 1 mile out Bradford, Albion K., farmer, h. Calais road, 1 1/2 miles out , Bradford, Edna, h. Albion K. do. Bradstreet Edwin, h. High Bragdon, Burns, mill man, bds. George Alexander Brannen, Edwin D., potato buyer, h. 65 Court Brannen, Harry J. laborer, h. off Bangor n. Bridge Sq. Brannon, Elias, shoemaker, h. North n. the bridge Brasseur, Charles E., manager Boston Boot and Shoe Store Court, bds. Hotel Exchange Brewer, Ambrose, bds. Titcomb Boarding House Brewer, Andrew C., carpenter, h. H. P. Ferris Brewer, Catharine Mrs. (William), h. Pierce Ave. Brewer, Judson, carpenter, h. Heywood Brewer, Melvin, laborer, h. r. John Millar's store, Court Brewer, William, laborer, h. Franklin Ave. Brewer, Wilmot, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Brewster, Thomas M., shoemaker Main, h. head of Park Briggs, Ephraim, truckman, h. Green n. Bangor Briggs, George W. teamster, h. Green n. Bangor Briggs, Harry M. attorney-at-law Main, h. 4 Kelleran Briggs, James, laborer, bds. Burleigh Bros.' hotel Briggs, Thomas H. laborer, h. Green n. Bangor Broderick, Joseph, brakeman B. & A. R. R., h. Green c. Bangor Brostrom, Peter, mason tender, bds. H. P. Ferris Broughton, Mrs. Charles, h. Patrick Cassidy Brown Mrs. Elizabeth (Abram,) h. off Military, Johnson flat Brown, Emleraux E., clerk John Millar, h. Clough blk. Mechanic Brown, Harry C. bds., 55 North Brown, Hettie Mrs. (Joseph), h. 69 Court. Brown, J.A., dry goods, Main, h 69 Court. Brown, James A., section hand B. & A. R. R., h. Pleasant n. Willard. Brown, Moses, bds. Titcomb Boarding House Brown, Oscar S., farmer, h. Court ¾ mile out Brown, Waldo G., h. 43 Court. Bryant, C. Ralph, emp. freight depot, B. & A. R. R., bds. Hotel Exchange. Bryant, Prof. Hannibal H., traveling salesman, h. Highland Ave. BRYANT, LESTER C., prop. Boston 5 and 10c store, Main c. Water, h. Elm n. Pleasant. BRYSON, JOHN, (John Bryson & Son, photographers, 7 Market Sq.) h. Green. BRYSON, J. FRANK, (John Bryson & Son, photographers), h. Green. Bryson J. Wilder, baggage master C. P. R. R., h. Main. Bubard, Alexander, farmer, h. High n. Weeks Buchanan, Annie E., h. John do. Buchanan, Ella M., clerk John Millar, h. John Buchanan Buchanan, John, blacksmith Mechanic, h. 10 High Buchanan, May W., cashier John Millar, h. John do. Bull, Lizzie M. Mrs., h. Mechanic over American Ex. Co. Bumpus, Edwin, contractor and builder, h. Kelleran Burgess, Samuel, h. Bangor, Sweeney bldg. Burke, Maggie, h. John S. Weiler BURLEIGH, ALBERT A., president B. & A. R. R. h. Pleasant Burleigh, Everett E., civil engineer, h. 60 Pleasant Burleigh, Frances L. h. 60 Pleasant Burleigh, Harry R., h. 60 Pleasant BURLEIGH, JACOB B., (Burleigh Bros. props. Union House) h. do BURLEIGH, PARKER P., attorney-at-law 50 Main, h. 60 Pleasant. Burleigh, Parker P., h. Main c. Winter. BURLEIGH, PRESTON N., law student, h. 60 Pleasant BURLEIGH, RUFUS B., (Burleigh Bros. props. Union House, Bangor) h.. do. Burmingham, Joseph Dr., veterinary, bds. James C. Radigan Burnham, John E., Oyster Saloon 67 Main, h. 65 do. Burnham, Maria A., h. John E. do. Burns, Moses, bds. Titcomb Boarding House Burpee, Frederick, emp. B. & A. R. R., bds. 23 Market sq. Burpee, Moses, chief engineer B. & A. R. R. office 74 Main, h. Court Burt, Austin, fireman, h. off Bangor n. Bridge sq. Burt, William, carpenter, h. 45 High Bussey, Benjamin, M. D. physician, h. 48 Lawn , Bussey, Nellie C., h. Dr. Benjamin do. Butler, Fred, civil engineer B. & A. R. R., h. Court c. Military Butters, George, laborer, h. Oscar Brown BUZZELL OLIN B., billiard and pool room 92 Main, h. 6 Winter BUZZELL, WELLMAN H., prop. Hotel Exchange, h. do. BUZZELL, WILLIAM D., h. Hotel Exchange C CAIN, JOHN, bds. Hotel Exchange CALLAHAN, Agnes, h. James do. Callahan, Elizabeth Mrs. (Daniel), h. James do. Callahan, James, farmer, h. Johnson's Road, 4 miles out Callahan, Maggie, h. H. L. Arnold Cameron, Archie, laborer, h. Joseph L. Wilson CAMPBELL, Jennie I., h. Robert do. Campbell, John, farmer, h. Foxcroft road, 4 miles out Campbell, John, h. David W. Adams Campbell, J. Albert, farmer, h. John Campbell Campbell, Robert, h. North opp. the Old Church Campbell, Roland, h. Military ½ mile out CARPENTER, Frank, clerk, h. Main n. Court Carpenter, John C. scaler, h. Green opp. Horton Bros. mill Carpenter, Leonard, mason, h. Park Kelleran Carpenter, Nora L., clerk, h. 44 Court CARR, Ellen, h. 26 Charles Carr, Temperance Mrs., h. 26 Charles Carr, Wilbur, h. 26 Charles CARROLL, Charles, attorney-at-law, office 68 Main, h. Main Carroll, Patrick, laborer, h. North n. County road Carroll, Rhoda L. Mrs. (Michael), h. Main n. Spring Carroll, William F., emp. Clark's Hotel, h. 16 North CARSON, Albert T., carpenter, h. 30 High Carson, Frank, clerk J. A. Millar, h. Court Carson, John Mrs., h. Green n. planing mill Carter Edward, bds. 2 Pleasant Cary George, M. D., physician and surgeon, h. 21 Court CARY, THEODORE, editor and proprietor Aroostook Times, h. 138 Main Cary, Walter, attorney-at-law Main, h. 25 Court Casey, Mary, cook Snell House, h. do. CASSIDY, Alice G., teacher, h. Patrick do. Cassidy, Charles W. farmer, h. Patrick do. Cassidy, Ella M. h. Patrick do. Cassidy, Frank P. h. High Cassidy, Lewis P. potato buyer, h. High c. Weeks Cassidy, Patrick, farmer, h. Ludlow road, opp. Hammond’s Mill Caudle, Robert, stone mason, bds. 43 North Chadwick, Augusta E. Mrs. (Frank), h. 17 Park CHADWICK JOHN G. (Chadwick & Wiggin, turning and planing mill North), h. 16 High CHALMERS, H. M. MRS., private boarding house 2 Water, h. do. Chalmers, Volney, carpenter, h. 2 Pleasant CHAMBERLAIN, Albert, teamster, h. Charles n. Elm Chamberlain, Frank, carpenter, h. rear 6 Pleasant Chamberlain, John B., laborer, h. Palace Royal, Church ave. Chambers, Eldorado, dealer in horses, harnesses, etc., h. 47 Pleasant Chambers, Mabel V., clerk Fred Nelson, h. 47 Pleasant Champion, Forest D., clerk Keaton & Bradbury, h. c. Court and Green CHANDLER, LOWELL E., painter and paper hanger, h. Heywood Chandler, Sarah E. Mrs. (James M.), h. George F. Merritt Charter, William, carpenter, h. Putnam's flat Christensen, Christine, h. Adelaide Page Christensen, Marie, h. Henry K. Bradbury Christie, John, hairdresser Kendall, h. School Church, Charles P., tanner, h. 89 Military CHURCHILL, E. E. (E. E. Churchill & Co. clothing, furnishings, hats, caps, boots, shoes, trunks; 25 Market sq.) h. 2 Water Churchill, Mrs. Mary A. (Nathaniel), h. 2 Pleasant Clark, Benjamin E., laborer, h. off County road n. R. R. bridge CLARK, F. P., clerk Clark's Hotel, h. do. Clark, George C., commercial salesman, h. 9 Pleasant Clark, George E., laborer, h. c. High and Pierce Ave. Clark, George P., potato buyer, h. Spring Clark, James E., carpenter, h. Elm n. Pleasant CLARK, J. N., prop. Clark's Hotel, Kendall, h. do. Clark, Margaret Mrs. (Robert D.), h. 9 Pleasant CLARK, MICHAEL M., clerk of courts, office Court House, , h. 22 High Clark, Robert D., clerk Hotel Exchange, h. do. Clark, William, laborer, h. off Bangor opp. Houlton Foundry Clement, A. Albion, wheelwright, h. School CLEVELAND, EDWARD L., (Cleveland & Ludwig) real estate, office Savings Bank, h. 16 Kelleran Cliff, Anna Mrs. (George), h. Wilder bldg. Bridge sq. Clifford, B. Franklin, carpenter and builder, h. Columbia c. Franklin Clough, Alton B., laborer, h. Foxcroft road 1 ½ miles out Clough, Lionel T., livery, sale and boarding stable Mechanic, h. off 47 Pleasant Clough, Oscar L., clerk William Fox & Sons, h. off 47 Pleasant Coburn, Burt A., laborer, h. Pierce Avenue n. Court Coburn, Fred W., prop. Snell House. h. do. Coburn, Lake S., assistant clerk Snell House, h. do. Coburn, Thomas, carpenter, h. Pierce Ave. n. Court Cochran, Alexander, h. 123 Main Cochran, Robert, clerk H. J. Hatheway, rms. 108 Main Coffey, Joseph, farmer, h. off Foxcroft Road, 4 ½ miles out Coffield, John, laborer, h. John Currie Cogan, David, steam driller, h. off Military, Johnson’s flat Cogan, Edward, clerk, h. Military n. Johnson’s flat Cogan, Henry, farmer, h. Johnson’s Road, 4 miles out COGAN, JAMES, harness-maker Bangor, h. 35 Park Cogan, Margaret J., h. Henry do. Cogan, Mrs. Mary (David), h. Johnson's road, 4 miles out Cogan, William, mason, h. County road, 3/4 mile out Colbarth, Alice L., nurse, h. A. A. Clement Colbath, Dora, h. F. A. Nevers, M. D. COLLINS HENRY F. "prop. Houlton Marble Works Main, h. 24 Pleasant Collins, John, laborer, h. off Military Collins, Louisa J. Mrs. (Eben), h. School Collins, Sylvester, carpenter, h. School Colson, Charles, carriage painter, h. Military opp. High Colson, Frank G., emp. B. & A. R. R., h. George B. Grant Colson, G. L., custom tailor Court, h. Main, Palmer blk. CONLOGUE, Daniel, laborer, h. Pleasant n. Willard Conlogue, Daniel F., painter, h. Military opp. High Conlogue, Edward, h. Pleasant Conlogue, George M., painter, h. Pleasant n. Willard Conlogue, John, h. County road Conlogue, Joseph W., painter, h. Daniel do. Connell, Kate Mrs., boarding house 75 Main, h. do. Connors, Daniel J., contractor and builder, h. Highland Ave. Cook, Amos P., h. Military 1 ¼ miles out COOK, FRANK L., books, stationery, etc. Market Sq., h. Mechanic n. the bridge Cook, Nancy S. Mrs. (Jonathan), h. Frank L. do. Coombs, Adelia, typewriter, bds. 2 Pleasant Cooper, Christopher, laborer, h. Weeks Cooper, Ottie Miss, h. Christopher do. Cornelison, Edward B., hairdresser, h. 33 High Cornelison, Sarah E. Mrs. (Isaac), h. foot Spring Cosseboom, John H., mechanic, h. Columbia (Fairview) Coughlan, Jane E. Mrs. (Timothy L.), h. William S. Perks Coughlin, John, porter Snell House, h. do. Coutts, Lizzie, h. James Archibald Cowan, Eliza A., h. A. P. Heywood Cox, Fred, teamster, bds. 19 North Craig, Samuel, h. North Crane, Delila E., h. Thomas do. Crane, Effie B., h. Thomas do. Crane, Harlne P., laborer, h. Thomas do. Crane, Thomas, mason, h. Park n. High Crawford, Frank N., h. Spofford L. do. Crawford, George N., farmer, h. Spofford L. do. Crawford, Spofford L., farmer, h. the B. road, 2 ½ miles out Creasy, Henry, laborer, h. County road ¾ mile out Creig, William E., baggage master, h. Military ¾ mile out Crockett, C. E., undertaker, rms. Silas W. Taber Cronin, Jerry, laborer, h. Franklin Crosby, Alice H., h. 62 Military Crosby, Oliver K. Rev., pastor of the Unitarian Church, h. 62 Military Crossin, Elias, laborer, h. Franklin Crossin, Lizzie, h. George A. Gorham Crowley, Michael, mason tender, bds. Samuel H. Barker Crouse, George, bds. Titcomb boarding house Crouse, Samuel, bds. Titcomb boarding house Cunningham, John, bds. Titcomb boarding house Cumings, Shepard C., lumberman, h. Court, ¾ mile out Cumming, Alexander, lineman, h. foot of Elm Cummings, Daniel L., carpenter, h. Cleveland (Fairview) Cummings, Nelson, laborer, h. Bangor road 1 mile out Curran, Tames, locomotive engineer, h. School Curran, John P., laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Currie, Belle, h. Mrs. Jane do. Currie, Dana, h. Mrs. Jane do. Currie, Jane Mrs., h. Park c. Kelleran Currie, John, h. River Side, n. R. R. bridge Currie, Robert, mason, h. River Side Cushing, Richmond H., civil engineer, h. 22 North Cyr, Dennis D., laborer, h. North n. the bridge Cyr, Joseph A., h. Dennis D. do. Cyr, Julia A., h. Dennis D. do. D DAGGETT, ALMA L., h. S. Friedman Dagle, Joseph, laborer, h. Foxcroft road, 1 ½ miles Dale, Thomas, carpenter, bds. William Phillips Dale, William, laborer, h. Foxcroft Road, 1 ½ miles out Dansmore, George,, trackmaster B. & A., h. 22 Green Darrell, Robert, blacksmith, h. 29 Charles Davenport, Charles W., (C. W. Davenport & Co., clothing, furnishings, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc. Kendall), h. do. Davis, Isaac H., contractor and builder, h. Kelleran c. Heywood Davis, Ira B., boot and shoemaker Johnson's blk. Main, h. do. Deasey, Erin M., h. James H. do. Deasey, James H., farmer, h. Presque Isle Road, 3 miles out Decker, Henry C., cashier C. P. Treat, bds. Snell House De Grass, A. Woodman, farmer, h. Calais road, 2 miles out De Merchant, Normand, stone mason, h. Willard Dempsey, James, truckman, h. Main over Marble Works Denneen, Maggie, h. Augustus W. Ingersoll Dickey, John A., laborer, h. John K. do. Dickey, Frank L., laborer, h. John K. do. Dickey, John K., teaming and jobbing, h. Military, ¾ mile out Dickinson, Bruce, laborer, h. Green n. Bangor Dickinson, Emeline Mrs. (Charles N.), boarding house, h. County Road n. R. R. bridge Dickison, Thomas S., M. D. physician and surgeon, office Court c. Main, bds. Snell House Dilling, Bert J., painter, h. Mechanic DILLING, RICHARD, horse shoe Mechanic, h. 147 Main Dinnin, William, carpenter, h.54 Court DOBBINS, Frank, h. River Side Dobbins, James F., emp. B. &. A. R. R., bds. Thomas do. Dobbins, Jennie, seamstress, h. Thomas do. Dobbins, John F., hostler, h. Thomas do. Dobbins, Margaret, ,. Thomas do. Dobbins, Mary A., seamstress, h. Thomas do. Dobbins, Thomas, grist mill, h. River Side Dobson, Harry A., h. William do. Dobson, William, farmer, h. County Road, 2 miles out Doherty, Jennie, dressmaker, rms. 4 Winter Doherty, T. V., student, h. John Smith Donelly, James, farmer, h. North 1 mile out Donley, Edith, bookkeeper, h. 28 High Donley, Susan Mrs. (Fred), h. 28 High Donnell, Maria E. Mrs. (Jotham), h. 122 Main Donnell, William C., insurance 34 Market sq., h. 50 Lawn c. Court DONOVAN, Annie, teacher, bds. 55 North Donovan, Bartholomew, grocer Kendall, h. North Donovan, Frances E., teacher, h. William do. Donovan, Jeremiah, farmer, h. County road, 1 ½ miles out Donovan, Jeremiah A. farmer, h. Jeremiah do. Donovan, John C. h. County road Donovan, John T. farmer, h. William do. Donovan, Mary A., teacher, h. William do. Donovan, Timothy J. farmer, h. Ludlow Road, 3 ½ miles out Donovan, William, farmer, h. County road, 1 ½ miles out Doty, Samuel H., civil engineer and surveyor. bds. Snell House Dougherty, Owen A., emp. B. & A. R. R. h. River Side Dow, Gideon Y., carpenter, h. r. 6 Pleasant Dow, Grace, h. Mrs. Emeline Dickinson Dow, Jerusha Mrs. h. Thomas W. Jones Dowe, James, freight agent, h. Military Downes, Belle B., teacher of piano, h. 6 Leonard Downes, Vashti H. Mrs. (Henry R.), h. 6 Leonard DRAKE, George, h. 65 Military Drake, George W., farmer, h. Military 1 mile out Drake, Franklin L., butcher, h. Presque Isle road, 3 ½ miles out Drake, James A. farmer, h. Military 1 mile out Drew, Augustus H., overseer lumber mill, h. Military ¾ mile out Driscoll, Jeremiah, farmer, h. Presque Isle Road 3 ¾ miles out Drulette, Joseph, laborer, h. Bangor Drulette, Joseph S., emp. Swift Beef Co. h. Bangor n. Houlton Foundry Drulette, J. Samuel, asst. manager of Swift Slaughter House, h. 189 Military Ducett, Henry, bds. 75 Main Duffy, James, farmer, h. 38 Green Dunn, Charles, h. 35 Court Dunn, Charles E., County Commissioner, h. High c. Pierce Ave. Dunn, George B., (Dunn Bros. lumber manufacturers) h. 84 Military n. junc. Main Dunn, Patrick J., blacksmith, rms. S. W. Taber Dumphy, Andrew W., potato buyer, h. Military ½ mile out Dumphy, William H., laborer, h. Military ½ mile out DUNPHY, B. H., potato buyer, h. Military Dunphy, Humbert J., farmer, h. Foxcroft road 1 ¾ miles out Dunphy, Ida A., dressmaker, h. John H. do. Dunphy, Joel, teaming and jobbing, h. Military ½ mile out Dunphy, John H. farmer, h. Foxcroft road 1 ¾ miles out Dunn, Albert, h. High Dunton, Mattie M. Mrs. (Elijah G.) h. 34 Pleasant Durrell, Judith C. Mrs. (Baron E. H.), h. Dr. Benjamin Bussey Duston, Robert L. Rev., pastor Free Baptist Church. h. Mechanic n. the bridge Dyer, Fred E., carpenter, h. Leroy do. Dyer, Leroy W., clerk, h. Fair Dyer, Winslow N., mason and carpenter, h. Spring Dykeman, Wallace A., agricultural implements, farmer, Foxcroft Road 1 ½ miles out, h. do. Dymond, Randolf, farm hand, h. Ezekiel M. Smith E EARLE, W. Z., emp. B. & A. R. R., bds. 30 Main Eaton, Charles H., farmer. h. Foxcroft road 3 ¼ miles out Eaton, Lyman, locomotive engineer, bds. Clark's Hotel Ebbett, Henrietta Mrs. (James A.), h. 14 Kelleran Ebbett, Thomas W., shoemaker Main, h. 10 Prospect Edblad, Hjalmar, produce buyer, h. 11 Pleasant Eills, Matilda Mrs. (George), h. 20 High Elliott, Emery, laborer, h. opp. Hannond's mill Elliott, Jacob H., truckman, h. Pleasant n. Catholic cemetery Elliott, Joseph J., farmer, h. Military ½ mile out Emery, Lewis I., janitor custom house bldg. h. County n. the bridge Esmond, H. B., M. D., homeopathic physician and surgeon, office Titcomb blk. Market Sq. h. 74 Court Estabrooke, Lizzie, dressmaker 61 Main, rms. do. Estabrooke, Thomas S., photographer Water, h. Water opp. P.O. Estes, Cassius B., h. 13 Pleasant Estes, E. Evelyn, h. 13 Pleasant Estes, Robert H., plumber, h. 13 Pleasant Estes, Sarah B. Mrs. (Benjamin), h. 13 Pleasant Estey, Alonzo A., mason, h. Military ½ mile out ESTY, W. H., prop. Houlton woolen mill, b. 12 North F FALLS, AGNES, tailoress, bds. Augustus O. Jones Farqubar, John, road master B. &. A. R. R., bds. Hotel Exchange Faulkner, Joseph, h. Military ¾ mile out Faulkner, Nevill P., mason, h. Military ¾ mile out Faulkner, William R., carpenter, h. Military ¾ miles out Feeley, Benjamin B., deputy collector, h. River Felch, Llewellyn M., teacher Ricker Institute, h. High c. Heywood Ferris, Albertie, h. H. P. Ferris FERRIS, HENRY P., boarding house, h. Main Flagg blk. Fielding, Maynard, emp. B. & A. R. R., h. County road ¾ mile out Finlay, James, clerk, h. High n. Park Fitzgerald, John, h. Ludlow road 2 ½ miles out Fitzgerald, John, bds. Titcomb boarding house Fitzgerald, Richard, farmer, h. off the B. road 2 ¾ miles out FITZMAURICE, J.T., M.D. Physician, Surgeon, Oculist and Optician. OFFICE, Rooms 4 and 5, No. 50 MAIN ST., HOULTON, b. Hotel Exchange Fleming, Julia Mrs. (James), h. Jerry ltallian Fletcher, Charles E., engineer, h. Pierce Ave. Fletcher, Philander, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Flight, John S., quarryman, h. George B. Grant Flint, Daisy, h. Thomas do. Flint, Minnie, seamstress, h. Thomas do. Flint, Thomas, carpenter, h. Military 1 ¼ miles out Flint, Walter, clerk J. C. Harrigan, h. Thomas do. FOGG, ALMON H., (Almon H. Fogg & Co., hardware, etc. 72 to 78 Main) h. 115 Main Fogg, Charles H., clerk A. H. Fogg & Co., h. Main c. Winter Foley, Mary, h. n. Harry L. Putnam Forest, Elinor Mrs. (James), h. William do. Forest, William, teaming and jobbing, h. Willard Fortier, Andrew, h. Putnam's Flat Fortier, Charles, farm hand, h. Andrew do. Fortier, Sophronia Mrs. (Andrew), h Putnam's Flat Foss, George Mrs., h. Frank Lowrey Foss, Holman D., commercial salesman, h. 31 High Foss, Phebe M., h. Leland Ludwig Foster, James S., laborer, h. Foxcroft Road 1 ½ miles out Foster, O. M., wheelwright Kendall, h. School FOWLER, CALEB H., jeweler Main, h. 23 Market Sq. FOWLER, C. H. MRS., boarding house 23 Market Sq. h. do. Fowler, William A., cigar maker, h. Caleb H. do. FOX, CALVIN L., (William Fox & Sons, clothiers and furnishers, h. 108 Main. FOX, THEODORE J., (William Fox & Sons, clothing dealers) h. 108 Main Fredericks, Minnie, h. George Ingraham French, F. B., clerk O. F. French, h. Pleasant FRENCH, OSCAR F., druggist French blk. Main c. Court, h. 128 Main French, Walter T., clerk O. F. French, h. 128 Main Friedman, Simon, clothing and furnishings, h. Main Frink, H. E., civil engineer, rms. Mrs. Harriet U. Stimson Frisbie, Fred F., farmer and poultry fancier, h.161 North 1 mile out Frisbie, Hudson T., dry goods, h. Court c. Military Frisbie, Octavia Mrs. (Samuel) h. 35 Court Fulton, James E., h. Foxcroft road 2 miles out Furbish, A. B. Mrs., h. 14 High Furbish, Lillie, h. 14 High Futter, Lizzie, h. E. L. Cleveland G GADDES JENNIE, dressmaker, 86 Main, h. do. Gagnon, Joseph, emp. B. & A. R. R. h. off County road n. R. R. bridge GALLAGHER, John, hostler, h. Mrs. Susan do. Gallagher, Mary, h. Mrs. Susan do. " Peter Mrs. h. School Gallagher, Robert, farmer, h. Main Gallagher, Susan Mrs. (James), h. Bangor n. Bridge sq. Gallagher, W. Celia, h. Mrs. Peter do. Gallagher, William, bill poster, h. Bangor n. Houlton Foundry Gallispie, Maggie, h. James H. McPartland Ganong, William J., laborer, h. Court n. Pierce Brook Ganter, Amos, carpenter, h. Military opp. High Garrison, Harry B., dentist, office Perks Bros. blk., h. Powers Ave. Garrison, William, salesman, h. Powers Ave. Gellerson, Beecher, laborer, h. Charles do. Gellerson, Charles, laborer, h. Powers Ave. Gellerson, Frank A., bookkeeper A. H. Fogg & Co., h. 68 Court Gellerson, Lillie B. h. Selden do. Gellerson, Selden, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. GENTLE, GEORGE S. (Gentle & Ludwig, insurance, office Savings Bank bldg.) h. 73 Court Gerow, Elmer, laborer, h. George do. Gerow, George, laborer, h. Court n. Columbia Gerow, James C., (Gerow & Starkey, livery and boarding stable), h. 4 Heywood Gibson, Carrie, h. Burleigh Hotel Gidney, Ann Mrs. (Bernard R.), h. Foxcroft Road 3 ½ miles out Gidney, A. Wilmot, farmer, h. Foxcroft road 3 ½ miles out Gidney, John S., farmer, h. Mrs. Ann do. Gilbert, Robert, blacksmith and carriage maker Military, h. Military ¾ mile out Gilchrist, William, farm hand, h. Ezekiel S. Manson Gillen, Charles, emp. Frank Titcomb, h. Mrs. Susan Gillen Gillen, Daniel B. farmer, h. 36 Pleasant GILLEN, DANIEL MRS., (Sincock & Gillen, millinery and fancy goods) h. 36 Pleasant Gillen, Henry, deputy collector of customs, bds. Hotel Exchange GILLEN, JAMES, JR., postmaster, h. 16 Pleasant Gillen, Kate, h. Mrs. Susan do. Gillen, Mamie Mrs. (John), h. 123 Main Gillen, Mary h. Mrs. Susan do. Gillen, Patrick F., conductor B. & A. R. R., bds. Clark's Hotel Gillen, Rose, bookkeeper, h. Mrs. Susan do. Gillen, Susan Mrs. (James) h. 36 Pleasant Gillispie, Allen, cook, bds. H. P. Ferris GILMAN, GEORGE H., editor Aroostook Pioneer, h. 34 Pleasant Gilpatrick, Ora, mfr. of last blocks, h. 54 North Glendenning, James, farm hand, h. 139 North Glendenning, John A., telegraph operator, B. & A. R. R., hds. Hotel Exchange Glenn, John, emp. John Millar, h. Kelleran n. Park Glenn, William, baker, h. John do. Glidden, Fannie H. Mrs. (Frank W.), h. 43 Pleasant Glover, Leon O., teacher Ricker Classical Institute, rms. Institute dormitory Golding, Maud, h. William R. Whitney Gollither, Robert, farmer, h. Main n. junc. Military Goodiell, Wesley G., teaming and jobbing, h. Sussex Goodwin, Alonzo N., commercial salesman, h. Heywood Gordon, Edward, mason, h. Court c. Columbia Gordon, Walter L., machinist, bds. Snell House GORHAM, GEORGE A., cashier Farmers' National Bank of Houlton, h. 51 Court Gorham, George A., Jr., (Wilson & Gorham, attorneys-at-law, Frisbie block) h. 51 Court Goudie, Jennie, h. Malcolm do. GOUDIE, MALCOLM, (McDonald & Goudie), Johnson's blk. 1 Main, rms. do. Gould, Jacob H., janitor Ricker Institute, rms. Institute dormitory Gould, John C., carpenter, h Green n. Bangor Gould, Sarah A., Mrs. groceries Military ½ mile out, h. do. GRADY, J. T., (Hanson & Grady, merchant tailors and dressmakers), bds. Snell House. Grant, Alberonia W., farmer, h. 197 Military Grant, Ada, h. Frank A. Gellerson Grant, Enoch A., laborer, h. North Grant, George B., emp. B. & A. R. R., h. Riverside n. R.R. bridge Grant, George E., teamster, h. foot Church Ave. Grant, Oscar C., laborer, h. Fair Grant, Richard E., laborer, h. North Grant, Thomas, farmer-grocer, h. 197 Military Grant, Titus, h. North Grant, W. Wallace, emp. F. Titcomb, h. off Bangor Rd. 1 mile out Grass, William, emp. B. & A. R. R., h. off County Rd. n. R. R. bridge Gray, Charles S., laborer, h. George W. do. GRAY, FRANK E., asst. cashier First National Bank, h. 3 Prospect Gray, George W., laborer, h. r. 12 High Gray, Gilbert, laborer, h. Military ½ mile out Gray, Matilda Mrs. (Mark), h. 123 Main Gray, Sadie E., emp. West End Restaurant, b. do. Gray, Samuel A., stoves, ranges, tinware, etc. Gray's blk. Main, h. Military opp. High Green, David W., clerk, h. Park Green, William, laborer, h. off the B Road 2 ½ miles out Griffin, Abbie I., teacher, bds. 30 Market sq. Griffin, Jacob, emp. John Watson, h. Main Griffith, Emma, h. H. S. Sincock Guion, Ernest L., emp. B. & A. R. R., h. 12 Pleasant Guion, Prudence Mrs. (William), h. 12 Pleasant Guion, William H., life ins. agt., h. 12 Pleasant H HACKETT, ANNIE J., h. John D. do. Hackett, Arthur P., hackman, h. Hotel Exchange Hackett, John D., farmer, h. Military 1 mile out Hackett, Lizzie H., h. John D. do. Hackett, Susan Mrs. (James H.) h. Military 1 mile out Hagan, Ellen E., h. James A. do. Hagan, James A., farmer, h. Porter Settlement off Bangor Road Cary's Mills Hagerman, H. Dow, machinist, h. Military opp. High Hall, Frances Mrs., teacher of piano, h. 108 Main HALL, GEORGE A., dealer in horses, carriages, agricultural implements, etc. North, h. 63 do. Hall, Henry, farmer, h. Calais Road 1 ½ miles out Hall, John, h. Kelleran Hall, Lewis, laborer, h. Park n. High Hall, William H., wholesale and retail dealer in meat, h. Highland Ave. Hallett, Alton, laborer, h. George M. Bamford Hall, Bartlett L., carpenter, h. Franklin Ave. Hamm, Edgar E., h. Prospect n. Pleasant Hammond, Addie, h. Mrs. William do. Hammond, David, farmer, h. Mrs. William do. Hammond, George A., farmer, h. Presque Isle Road. 3 miles out Hammond, George L., farmer, Presque Isle Road 2 ½ miles out Hammond, George H., h. North Hammond, Harry, h. Presque Isle Road. Hammond, William Mrs., h. Lowrey Road 4 miles out Hand, John, farmer, h. Spring Hannigan, Caroline, h. David do. Hannigan, David, farmer, h. Calais Road 1 mile out Hannigan, Olanzo, dealer in cattle, sheep and wool, h. Calais Road 1 ¼ miles out Hanning, Obadiah, farmer, h. Bangor Road 2 ½ miles out Hanning, Collingwood., farmer, h. Johnson's Road 4 miles out Hanson, Henry H., milk dealer Bangor Road 2 miles out Hanson, Jeremiah, laborer, h. Kendall n. Bridge Sq. Hanson, Samuel, M. D. physician, h. 8 High Hanson, Stephen H. student, h. 8 High Hanson, William H., officer of Salvation Army, h. 4 Mill Hardimon, Dennis, laborer, h. White Settlement Road 2 miles out Harkins, George, farmer, h. Michael do. Harkins, John, laborer, h. Michael do. " Mary J. h. School Harkins, Michael, farmer, h. off Military n. town line Harper, Isaac M., laborer, h. off Military, Johnson's flat Harrigan, John C., grocer, Court, h. North n. County Road Harris, Daniel P., teaming and jobbing, h. Sussex Harris, E. Miles, laborer, h. Daniel P. do. Harris, James A., laborer, h. Franklin Harris, Sarah, seamstress, h. Daniel P. do. Hart, Fred, laborer, h. Henry do. Hart, Henry, laborer, h. 18 Green Hart, Henry H., laborer, h. Fair Harvey, Ina, h. W. A. Nickerson Haskell, Annie M., teacher, h. Mrs. Mary A. do. Haskell, Haskell, Elmer E., farmer, h. Mrs. Mary A. do. Haskell, Mary A. Mrs. (Amos P.), h. Foxcroft Road 3 ½ miles out Hastings, Otis, locomotive engineer, h. County Road n. Putnam Hatheway, Bradshaw O., h. 20 School HATHEWAY, HENRY J., druggist 60 Main, rms. 62 do. Haven, Joseph B., h. 20 Park Haven, Martha B., dressmaker 20 Park, h. Joseph B. do. Hawkes, Annie, h. Corbet L. Packard Hay, Evelena, h. A. G. Putnam Hay, Thomas D., emp. B. & A. R. R., h. Riverside Hayes, Maurice, h. Military ¾ mile out Haynes, Charles, laborer, h. School Helms, Edward W., laborer, h. Palace Royal, Church Ave. Helms, Henry R., truckman, h. Charles junc. Elm Helms, John R., carpenter, h. Palace Royal, Church Ave. Henderson, Belle, h. Clarence H. Pierce Herrick, A. F., h. Kelleran Herrick, Arthur F. Mrs., h. High n. Weeks Herrick, Frank A., depot carriage, h. Columbia, Fairview Herrin, Nancy P. Mrs. (Nelson), h. 40 Court Herrin, Nelson, prop. Lake View cottage, Nickerson Lake, h. 63 Court Herrin, S. Augusta Miss, teacher of piano and organ, h. 40 Court Hersey, Ira G., attorney-at-law, Miller's blk. Court, h. 3 Winter HEUGHINS, SAMUEL, (Heughins & Co. tanners and curriers, mfrs. moccasins Riverside), h. do. Heywood, Albion P., farmer, h. 27 Water Hickey, John, laborer, h. Franklin Hicks, John, millman, bds. George Alexander Higgins, Ella, emp. Snell House, h. do. Higgins, George P., carpenter and builder, h. 79 Court Higgins, Leonard W. emp. Chadwick & Wiggins, h. Kendall n. Bridge sq. Hill, Eugene M., carpenter, h. Elm Hill, I. M., h. Court Hilton, John E., carpenter, h. High c. Park Hillyard, Edwin J., clerk John Watson, h. 136 Main Hiscock, Elias, farmer, h. Foxcroft rd. 2 ½ miles out Hiscock, Freeman, farmer, h. Foxcroft.Rd. 2 ½ miles out Hiscock, Susan B. Mrs. (Elias), h.. Freeman do. Hogan, Ellen Mrs. (Edward), h. off Ludlow Road. n. the mill Hogan, Fred A., rms. 3 Market sq. Hogan, George, bds. Titcomb's Boarding House Hogan, John, bds. 28 Bangor Hogan, John W., laborer, h. n. Sincock's mill 1 mile out Hogan, William, laborer, b. North n. the bridge Horahan, Thomas, farm hand, h. Daniel McElroy HORTON, GEORGE W. (Horton Bros. mfrs. of finished lumber, Green), h. do. HORTON, THOMAS H. (Horton Bros. mfrs. of finished lumber), h. Green Hosford, Joseph, laborer, h. Porter Settlement Road Houlton, Lyman, dealer in cattle, sheep, etc. h. 44 Court Hovey, Alice, h. Ransford W. Shaw Hovey, William, farmer, h. off White Settlement Road 3 miles out Howard, Allen, mason, rms. Mrs. Sarah F. Lunt Howard, Almond, teaming and jobbing, h. Military c. Pierce Howard, Ira T., laborer, h. Green opp. Horton Bros.’ Mill Howard, Sarah Mrs. (Benjamin), h. Green opp. Horton Bros.’ Mill HUGHES, JOHN K., building mover, Kelleran n. Baptist Church, h. do. HUGHINS, SAMUEL, currier and tanner Riverside, h. do. Hughins, Samuel E., machinist, h. Samuel do. Hughins, Silas E., machinist, h. Samuel do. Hume, Charles G., asst. paymaster C. P. Treat, h. 89 Hume, Frank M., salesman John Watson, h. Kelleran c. Heywood Hume, Lottie M. Mrs. (Bedford), h. 89 Military Hunter, Frank N., farm hand, h. George A. do. Hunter, George A., stone mason, h. Columbia, Fairview Hunter, George B., bookkeeper Horton Bros. h. George A. Hunter Hunter, James, h. off Bangor Road Cary's mills Hunter, Lucy E., h. George A. do. Hussey, Benjamin T., farmer, h. Ludlow rd. 2 ½ miles out Hussey, June A. Miss, h. 45 Court HUTCHINSON, A. A. (A. A. & E. M. Hutchinson, props. Houlton steam laundry and dye house) h. North HUTCHINSON, E. M. (A. A. & E. M. Hutchinson, props. Houlton steam laundry and dye house) h. North Hutchinson, Libbie E., bookkeeper J. C. Harrigan, h. Matthias Hutchinson Hutchinson, Matthias, millman. h. North opp. Maple Grove park INGERHAM, ABIJAH G., laborer, h. Calais Road Ingerham, Burt L., laborer, h. Frank H. do. Ingerham, Frank, farmer, h. Frank H. do. Ingerham, Frank H., farmer, h. Calais rd. 1 mile out Ingersoll, Augustus W., frt. agt. B. & A. R. R., h. Bangor c. Florence Ave. Ingraham, Eleazer S., tinsmith, h. 9 Leonard INGRAHAM, GEORGE, mfr. bottled soda, etc. office pumping station, h. do. Ingraham, George Jr., engineer, h. North n. County Road Ingraham, Harold F., manager Ingraham Clothing Co., h. 139 North Ingraham, Ira, h. Leonard INGRAHAM, ISABEL F., (the Misses Ingraham, dressmakers). bds. Edward Nightingale INGRAHAM, IVA L., (the Misses Ingraham, dressmakers, 61 Main), rms. do. Inman, Abbie Mrs. (George W.), h. 8 Kelleran INMAN, GEORGE W., manager J. M. Rice, h. 1 Summer c. Main Inman, John W., bookkeeper Charles Wilson, h. 8 Kelleran Innis, Frank F. Dr., dentist, 41 Court, h. do. Iott, Daniel, janitor, h. School Iott, Lisam, laborer, h. Putnam's flat Iotte, Theodore, hostler, h. School Iotte, Ira, h. Leonard Ireland, Arthur L., h. 14 Market Sq. Ireland, Emma H. Mrs. (Calvin S.), boarding house, 14 Market Sq. Itallian, Jerry, laborer, h. County Road. ¾ mile out Ives, Alexander, laborer, bds. H. P. Ferris J JACKINS, PULASKI, farmer, h. 24 High Jacobs, Ollie A., fireman B. & A. R. R., h. 67 Military James, Eudocia, h. William Phillips Jefferds, Ivory N., farmer, h. Military ¾ mile out Jefferds, Nettie H., h. Ivory N. do. Jefferds, Willard G., farmer, h. Ivory N. do. Jenkins, Mary M. Mrs. (William), h. Military opp. Catholic church Jenks, W. F., clerk chief engineer B. & A. R. R., h. 8 Park Jewett, Herbert, farm hand, h. Mrs. Mary A. Haskell Johnson, Agnes M., h. 139 North Johnson, Annie, h. James do. Johnson, Archibald S., emp. B. & A. R. R. h. Court n. Pierce Brook Johnson, Elma J., Mrs. (George M.) h. Military ½ mile out Johnson, James, farmer, h. Johnson Road 4 ½ miles out Johnson, Lewis B., pres. Farmers National Bank, h. 71 Military Johnson, William, farmer, h. James do. Johnston, James, h. Elm Jones, Augustus O., ins. agent, h. North opp. Maple Grove park Jones, Edward, locomotive engineer, bds. 44 Court Jones, Frank D., farmer, h. Thomas W. do. Jones, J. Warren, farmer, h. Thomas W. do. Jones, Merrill, h. Thomas W. do. Jones, Reuben, h. Augustus O. do. Jones, John, section foreman B. & A. R. R., h. County Road ¾ mile out Jones, Thomas W., farmer, h. Old Foxcroft Road 2 miles out Jones, William, laborer, h. Oliver Ackerley Jordan, Henry, farmer, h. off Johnson's Road 4 ½ miles out Jordan, Joseph, farmer, h. Ludlow Road 2 ¾ miles out K KANE, JOANNA, tailoress, h. Dennis Sheehan Kay, William A., deputy jailer, h. the jail residence Kearney, John A., carpenter, h. Park n. High Keating, Albert W., h. David do. Keating, Annie M. h. David do. Keating, David, farmer, b. New Limerick Road. 3 miles out KEATON, MENANDER M., (Keaton & Bradbury, furniture dealers and undertakers, Main), h. 14 North Keaton, Miles M., clerk S. Friedman & Co., h. Menander M. Keaton Keefe, Charles, farm hand, h. Dr. F. F. Innis Keenan, Frank, laborer, h. off the B rd. 2 ½ miles out Keene, William, h. Military ¾ mile out Keep, Herbert W., carpenter, bds. Alton J. Reed Keleher, Timothy, prop. Bangor and Aroostook Restaurant, Cogan blk. Bangor, h. do. Kennedy, Douglass M., carpenter, bds. H. P. Ferris Kennedy, Dudley, laborer, rms. Mrs. Sophia Barker Kennedy, Thomas, merchant tailor, h. 23 Charles Kerr, Vincent, laborer, bds. 43 North Ketchum, Richard B., lumber mfr. h. 22 Charles Ketchum, Woodford, farmer, h. Kelleran Kidder, Elbridge H., h. 13 Charles Kidder, James H., register of deeds, h. Court KILBY, CHARLES H., fish, oysters, etc., h. Military opp. Sussex King, Lyman, officer of Salvation Army, h. 4 Mill King, Robert, station agent C. P. R. R., h. Summer n. Main Kingdon, John, h. High c. Heywood Kinney, Aaron P., contractor and builder, h. 12 High Kinney, George H., farmer, h. Foxcroft Road ½ mile out Kinney, Lottie M., vocalist, h. Moses do. Kinney, Moses, farmer, h. off Foxcroft Road ½ mile out Kinney, Theodore H., h. Moses do. Kinney, W. P. Rev., h. Hodgdon Road town line Kirk, Arthur, mason, bds. 43 North Kirk, William, mason, bds. 43 North Kirlin, Barney, teamster, bds. 23 Market sq. Kitchen, Gould, clerk, h. Jarvis H. do. Kitchen, Jarvis H. breeding horses, h. 38 Military L LAMB, HENRY A., laborer, h. Park c. Fair Lamb, James, laborer, bds. H. P. Ferris Lambert, Bancroft, laborer, h. Mrs. Sarah do. Lambert, Sarah Mrs. (Daniel), h. Fair Lambert, Thomas, laborer, h. Michael Raymond Lambert, William, farmer, h. Mrs. Sarah do. Lane, Harold J., clerk, h. 10 Fair Lane, Julius A., manager for C. P. Treat, h 10 Fair LANE, SAMUEL, (Lane & Pearce, dry and fancy goods, 9 Market Sq.) h. Court Langing, Michael, farmer, h. Harkins Road Lanigan, Frank, hairdresser, bds. Clark's Hotel Lapointe, Elodie, tailoress, bds. James Roach Larrabee, Everett B. Mrs., dressmaker, h. Powers Ave. Laskey, Theodore,, h. the B rd. 2 ½ miles out Law, Alexander, carriage painter, h. Powers Ave. Law, J. F., (C. W. Davenport & Co., clothing, etc.) h. 10 Leonard Lawless, John, laborer, bds. Burleigh Bros. opp. foundry Lawlis, Martin, prop. Eureka livery stable Main, h. 101 do. Lawlis, Thomas, teamster, h. Martin do. Lebell, Mary R. Mrs. (John), h. Putnam's flats Ledger, Arthur, bds. 23 Market sq. Leonard, Kate, h. G. W. Richards Leonard, Lizzie, h. Don A. H. Powers Lermond, Alden F., bookkeeper F. W. Titcomb, h. Columbia Lewin Spurgeon, bds. 72 Court Lilley, John W. farmer, h. Foxcroft road 2 ¾ miles out Lincoln, Amos P., farmer, h. Amos P. Cook Lincoln, Bessie B., compositor Pioneer office, bds. 16 High Lincoln, Julia Mrs., h. Amos P. Cook Lindsay, Catherine Mrs. (James), h. Mechanic n. the bridge Lindsay, J. B., grocer and dealer in hides, skins, and wool, Bridge sq.; h. 8 Pleasant Little, Sarah Mrs. (James), h. Archibald Starkey Lizott, Herbert, laborer, h. 189 Military Logan, Christiana Mrs. (John), h. William do. Logan, Henry A., farmer, h. Presque Isle Road 4 miles out Logan, William, farmer, h. Presque Isle Road 4 miles out Lonergan, William Rev., rector of St. Mary's Catholic Church, h. 109 Military Long, Ella C., h. Joseph H. Wingate Long, William, laborer, h. Weeks Long,. Harry, farmer, h. Old Foxcroft Rd. 2 miles out Longstaff, Hanford H., truckman, h. Charles n. Elm Longstaff, Maggie, h. John W. Inman Lougee, Theodore P., painter and paper hanger, h. 23 Park Lovejoy, Anna E. Mrs. (Albert 2nd), h. 4 Kelleran Lovering, Charles E., ice dealer, h. 30 North Lowe, E. A., h. High Lowe, James R., emp. F. W. Titcomb, h. John C. Carpenter Lowrey, Alexander, farmer, h. Lowrey rd. 4 miles out Lowrey, Frank, farmer, h. Alexander do. LUDWIG, LELAND O., cashier Houlton Savings Bank, h. 77 Court Lumbert, Ansell L., counselor-at-law, bds. 54 court Lunt Charles, h. A. G. Putnam Lunt, Sarah F. Mrs. (Francis H.), h. Mechanic n. Pleasant Lyons, Charles A., job printer Main, h. Summer n. Main Lyons, Henry W., h. Elm n. Pleasant Lyons, Samuel, laborer, h. n. Foundry off Military M MACKEY, MITCHELL, electrician, h. County road n. bridge Maddox, F. B., emp. B. & A. R. R. bds. Hotel Exchange Madigan, Albert W., (Madigan & Madigan, attorneys-at-law), h. 97 Military Madigan, John B., (Madigan & Madigan, counselors-at-law), h. 142 Main Madigan, Josephine S., h. Mrs. Marianna do. Madigan, Harriet I. Miss, h. Mrs. Marianna do. Madigan, Marianna Mrs. (James C.), h. 97 Military Mainard, John, h. White Settlement Rd. Manson, Daniel, farmer, h. 187 Presque Isle Rd. Manson, Duncan, farmer, h. Presque Isle Rd. 3 ½ miles out Manson, Ezekiel S., farmer, h. 187 Presque Isle Rd. Mansur, Arthur R., printer, bds. Hotel Exchange Mansur, Leon, student, h. Walter do. Mansur, Margaret Mrs. (Reuben M.), h. Bangor Rd. Cary's Mills Mansur, Mary J. Mrs. (Rufus), h. 40 Main c. Water Mansur, Morrill, starch mfr. h. Bangor Rd. Cary's Mills Mansur, Philip W., clerk office of Water Co., h. 10 Water Mansur, J. Sargent, carpenter, bds. Hotel Excbange MANSUR, WALTER, pres. First National Bank, h. 10 Water Manuel, Alexander E., blacksmith, h. Heywood Marsh, Charles H., laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Martin, Andrew J., commission merchant, h. 158 Military Martin, Etta A., dressmaker, h. Joseph L. do. Martin, Isabel, h. James C. Radigan Martin, Joseph L., carpenter, h. 167 Military Martin, Thomas H., carpenter, bds. David Armstrong Martin, William A., bookkeeper John Watson, h. Joseph L. do. McAtee, Hugh, farmer, h. 86 Main McCann, Charles, h. Robert Stephenson McCann, Herbert Rev., pastor Congregational church, h. Main opp. Summer McCaron, John, bds. Titcomb boarding house McCarthy, Margaret, clerk Harry Briggs, bds. 2 Pleasant McClausland, William, brakeman B. & A. R. R., h. off Bangor n. Bridge Sq. McCluskey, Charles H., harness maker, rms. 3 Market Sq. McCLUSKEY, GEORGE A., prop. West End livery stable, h. 5 Bangor McCluskey, John C., clerk post office, bds. Hotel Exchange McCluskey, M. Alice, clerk J. A. Brown, h. George A. do. McCordic, James, shoemaker, bds. 72 Court McCormick, Athanasius, potato buyer, h. 39 ½ Pleasant McCrossin, David, farmer, h. Bangor road Cary's Mills McCready, Alfred W. (Parks & McCready, skating rink,), h. Park McCready, Caleb J., farmer, h. Porter Settlement, West Houlton McCue, James H., brakeman B. & A. R. R., h. William J. do. McCue, William J., laborer, h. Bangor n. Houlton Foundry McDonald, Alexander, tailor, bds. West End Restaurant McDonald, Annie Mrs. (Harry), bds. William W. do. McDonald, Benjamin H., laborer, h. Calais rd. 1 ½ miles out McDonald, Emma D. Mrs. (William), h. Kendall n. Bridge Sq. McDonald, Finley, carpenter and builder, h. 81 Military McDonald, Henry, bds. Titcomb boarding house McDONALD, JAMES, (McDonald & Goudie, merchant tailors), bds. Snell House McDonald, James, clerk Charles Wilson, bds. 2 Pleasant McDonald, Jeannette A., dressmaker, h. Finley do. McDonald, Jennie, tailoress, bds. Dennis Sheehan McDonald, Nellie M., compositor, Pioneer office, h. Stephen do. McDonald, Robert D., clerk Boston boot and shoe store, h. Finley do. McDonald, Stephen, laborer, h. High c. Park McDONALD, W. W., horseshoer Kendall, h. 36 High McDougall, George B., (McDougall & Rideout, props. Snell House livery and boarding stable), h. 47 Pleasant McElroy, Allen, carpenter, h. Powers Ave. McElroy, Daniel, farmer, h. off Foxcroft Rd. 5 miles out McElwee, Dennis, farmer, h. Green c. Bangor McElwee, Eliza, emp. Isaac Berry, h. Mrs. Sarah A. McElwee McElwee, John, emp. Chadwick & Wiggins, h. Mrs. Sarah A. Elwee McElwee, Miles, carpenter, h. Green n. Bangor McElwee, Sarah A. Mrs. (John), h. Green n. Bangor McFarlane, Calvin, laborer, h. Court n. Pierce Brook McFarlane, Elbridge D. carpenter, h. Green n. Bangor McFarlane, Walter, laborer, h. Green n. Bangor McFarlane, Willard W., moulder, rms. over Houlton Foundry McGann, James, laborer, h. Powers Ave. McGinley, Elizabeth Mrs. (George), h. 28 Kelleran McGinley, George W., farmer. h. Bangor Rd. 2 ½ miles out McGinley, Guy E., clerk, h. William do. McGinley, James, farmer, h. Porter Settlement McGinley, Mary, teacher, h. Mrs. Elizabeth do. McGinley, William, carpenter, h. c. Pierce Ave. and Court McGlinchy, John E. laborer, h. Patrick do. McGlinchy, Patrick, farmer, h. Elm McGlynn, Bridget, h. Mrs. Elizabeth do. McGlynn, Elizabeth Mrs., h. Court next door to Hotel Excbange McGlynn, Lydia T., bds. B. Franklin Clifford McGregor, E. S., painter, bds. Hotel Exchange McGurgin, John J., blacksmith Kendall, bds. Arcbibald Starkey McHugh, John, farmer, h. Presque Isle Rd. 2 ½ miles out McIlroy, Delancy, contractor and builder, h. Kelleran McIlroy, Howard D., painter, h. Delancy do. McIlroy, Worden R., painter and paper hanger, h. Heywood McIntire, Ella N., h. 31 North McIntire, George P., baker, h. 31 North McIntire, Mary A. Mrs. (George), h. 31 North McIntire, Samuel, carriage painter, h. 31 North McIntyre, Birdsell V., clerk H. T. Frisbie, rms. Lizzie M. Bull McIntyre, Jennie V. clerk J. A. Brown & Co., rms. Lizzie M. Bull McINTYRE, JOHN C., wholesale and retail grocer Mechanic, agt. American Ex. Co., h. 109 Main McIntyre, Marion L., h. 109 Main McIsaac, Angus, blacksmith, bds. Isaac M. Harper McIsaac, Mary, h. Matthias Hutchinson McKay, Catherine W., h. Rev. Kenneth do. McKay, Edward, laborer, bds. Mrs. Emeline Dickinson McKay, Kenneth Rev., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, h. 6 High McKeen, Etta Mrs. (Horace), h. 63 Military McKenna, James, farmer, h. White settlement Rd. 3 miles out McLaughlin, George, farmer, h. Presque Isle Rd. 2 ¼ miles out McLaughlin, Mary A., h. George do. McLaughlin, Susan, h. George do. McLauthlin, James, h. Mrs. Sarah McSbeffery McLean, Allen W., emp. Berry & Buzzell, h. 75 Main McLean, A. W. Mrs., dressmaker 75 Main, h. do. McLean, George, carpenter, h. North n. County Road McLean, J. A., restaurant, cigars, tobacco, Sweeney blk. Bangor McLeod, Berta E., clerk Lane & Pearce, h. Donald L. do. McLeod, Donald L., carpenter, h. 20 Kelleran McLeod, Lorn L. clerk, Tenney & Son, h. Donald L. do. McMenniman, John E., deputy collector of customs, bds. Hotel Exchange McMonigal, James Mrs., h. off White Settlement Rd, 3 miles out McNally, Robert P., grocer Military, h. Military n. Catholic Church McNair, George, carpenter, h. Charles n. Elm McNelly, George, laborer, h. over Titcomb's store, Bangor McNerlin. William, porter Snell House, h. do. McPartland, James H., plumber and hot water heating, etc. h. Water opp. post office McPherson, Angus, tailor, bds. West End Restaurant McPherson, Thomas, freight agent B. & A. R. R., h. off Military, ¾ mile out McPherson, William J., teaming and jobbing, h. 206 Military, 1 mil out McPheters, Mary E. dressmaker, h. 13 Pleasant McQuade, Patrick, laborer, h. Willard McSheffery, Amelia, h. Mrs. Sarah do. McSheffery, Sarah Mrs. (John), h. off the B. Rd. 2 ½ miles out McTavish, Donald, produce dealer, h. 17 North McTavish, Gertrude M., compositor, h. Donald do. Melville, Charles, laborer, h. Mrs. Rose E. Boyd Melville, John, laborer, h. John W. Hogan MERRITT, CHARLES D., (E. Merritt & Sons, commission merchants Bridge Sq.) h. Court n. Park Merritt, Edmund W., nurseryman, h. High c. Pierce Ave. Merritt, Eunice Mrs. (Ezekiel), h. Park c. School Merritt, George F. farmer, h. Calais rd. 1 mile out Merritt, Hattie A., h. Charles D. do. . MERRITT, LYMAN B., (E. Merritt & Sons) prop. Houlton flour and plaster mills, h. 5 Park Michael, Charles, peddler, h. Military, ¾ mile out Michell, Albert P., laborer, h. off New Limerick Road n. Wilson’s mill Millbury, George, truckman, h. r. 158 Military MILLAR, JOHN A., grocer 9 and 11 Court, h. Kelleran Miller, Annie P., clerk Gentle & Ludwig, h. 59 North Miller, Hortense J., h. 59 North Miller, Jacob, manager Page & Madigan, h. 59 North Miller, Lucretia A. Mrs. (Arther), h. Kendall n. Bridge Sq. Miller, Mary Mrs. (Crawford), h. High n. Weeks Miller, S. Carrie, bookkeeper town clerk's office h. 59 North Mitchel, Alfred, farmer, h. Hughen do. Mitchel, Belle, h. the B. rd. 4 miles out Mitchel, Ernest A., laborer, h. Heywood Mitchel, Hughen, farmer, h. the B. rd. 4 miles out Mitchel, Mary, h. the B. rd. 4 miles out Mitchel, Theodosia, h. Frank H. Rogers Monahan, Edward, h. School Monahan, E. C., grocer, cigars, tobacco, confectionery etc. Bridge Sq. Monahan, Frank D., clerk John Monahan, Market sq., rms. 3 do. Monahan, Frederick, blacksmith, h. River Side Monahan, Terrence V., granite cutter, rms. 3 Market Sq. Monahan, Thomas W., boarding house, h. 28 Bangor Monson, A. Beecher, foreman Aroostook Pioneer office, h. 124 Main MONSON, LAUREL, grocer, meat and provisions, bakery, Bangor, h. do. Monson, Mary Mrs. (Daniel R.), h. Laurel do. Moody, Eugene A., bookkeeper John Watson, h. 20 Charles Moody, Harry O. hairdresser Court, bds. Hotel Exchange Mooers, Albert E., foreman E. Merritt & Sons' mill, h. Ludlow Rd. 2 ½ miles out Mooers, Dudley H., lumber scaler, h. Mechanic n. the bridge Mooers, Leverett C., clerk Olin Buzzell, h. 27 Charles Mooers, Samuel S., potato buyer, h. Military ½ mile out Moore, Alexander, laborer, h. Richard Fitzgerald Moore, Charles A., carpenter and builder, h. Prospect Moore, Ellen, h. Richard Fitzgerald Moore, Fred H., engineer B. & A. R. R. h. Prospect Moore, George W., farmer, h. Foxcroft Rd. 5 miles out Moore, Maggie, dressmaker, 72 ½ Main, rms. do. Moore, Martha, dressmaker, rms. 72 ½ Main Moore, Mary. A., h. Richard Fitzgerald Moore, Miles, laborer, h. Pleasant n. Willard Moore, Thomas, farmer, h. Richard Fitzgerald Moores, James, laborer, h. opp. Hannond's Mill Morien, Maxin, laborer, h. Military 1 mile out Moroney, Eunice E. Mrs. (Matthew), h. William Green Morrison, Thomas, laborer, bds. 23 Market Sq. Mulherrin, John C., clerk Churchill & Co., h. Mrs. Sarah E. do. Mulherrin, Josephine A., teacher, h. Mrs. Sarah E. do. Mulherrin, Sarah E. Mrs. (Cornelius), h. Bangor, n. Creasy Brook Mulherrin, Sarah E., teacher, h. Mrs. Sarah E. do. Mulholland, James, attorney-at-law, office Gray's blk., bds. Hotel Exchange Mullen, Mary E., h. Military n. Catholic Church Munro, Charles H., tailor, bds. Clark's Hotel Murphy, Daniel, laborer, h. River Side r. woolen mill Murphy, John, farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 miles out Murphy, Patrick, farmer, h. the B. road 3 miles out N NASON, BERTON, laborer, h. Israel do. Nason, Israel, h. Court n. Pierce brook Nason, Israel, emp. M. L. Philbrick, h. Fair Neadeau, Lucy, h. 18 Pleasant Neal, Robert K., laborer, h. 18 Green Nelson, Almatia, h. Charles N. do. Nelson, Charles N., lumberman, h. Main c. Spring Nelson, John D., lumberman, h. Charles N. do. Newell, Charles, h. William H. Esty Newhouse, Estella C., teacher of piano, h. Oscar do. Newhouse, Oscar, clothing, boots, shoes, and groceries, Putnam Blk., h. School n. M. E. church Newhouse, Sigmond, peddler dry goods, h. off Military, Johnson’s flat Nevers, Frank A., M. D. physician and surgeon, h. Court c. Military Nevins, Fred J., painter, bds. Hotel Exchange Nicholson, Catherine J., h. John Campbell Nickerson, George Q., dentist, bds. 9 Winter Nickerson, J. Harry, carpenter, h. Military Nickerson, Henry O., contractor and builder, h. Highland Ave. Nickerson, Mabel G., milliner, h. Henry O. do. Nickerson, Walter. A., dry and fancy goods 63 Main, h. 9 Winter Nightengale, Edward A., laborer, h. Charles junc. Elm Niles, Ann, h. Henry C. do. Niles, Charles H., farmer, h. 104 North Niles, Clarence, grocer, h. Putnam Niles, Edward, farmer, h. the B. rd. 2 ¾ miles out Niles, George B. clerk Berry & Son, h. 43 North Niles, George F., laborer, h. over Titcomb's store, Bangor Niles, Gilfred, carpenter, h. Court n. Pierce Brook Niles, Henry C., farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 miles out Niles, John F., farmer, h. off the B. rd. 3 miles out Niles, John F., h. John W. do. Niles, John W., h. High n. Weeks Niles, Judson J., surveyor of lumber, h. 43 North Niles, J. J. Mrs., boarding house 43 North, h. do. Niles, Mellen C., farmer, h. the B rd. 3 miles out Niles, Samuel, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Niles, Walter, farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 ½ miles out Niles, Walter J., farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 miles out Noman, William, laborer, bds. 23 Market Sq. Noyes, Byron O., clerk James K. Osgood, h. do. Nye, Mary Mrs. (William J.), h. School n. Lawn Nye, Mattie A., clerk Houlton Savings Bank, bds. 12 High 0 OBEY, JOSEPH H., prop. West End Restaurant Bangor c. Bridge Sq., h. do. O'Brien, James, brakeman, h. Military ¾ mile out O’Brien, Joseph, laborer, h. off County Rd. n. R. R. bridge O'Donnell, Robert, farm hand, bds. Albert E. Mooers Ogilvie, John C., laborer, h. Franklin Ave. O'Keefe, M., hairdresser, bds. R. T. Peabody, North Oldenburg, James M., farmer, h. White Settlement Rd. 2 miles out Olson, Olie T., emp. B. & A. R. R., h. River Side n. R. R. bridge Orchard, Harry H., carpenter, h. Charles junc. Elm Ord, Fannie A., h. Olie T. Olson Orr, Alexandrer, h. 16 Pleasant ORR, ALEXANDER MRS., millinery and fancy goods 84 Main, h. 16 Pleasant ORRISS, HERBERT M., book binder 68 Main, h. Main c. Spring Osgood, Charlie S., jeweler, h. James K. do. OSGOOD, JAMES K., watchmaker and jeweler 59 Main, h. Court c. Park Owen, C. E. Rev., pastor Baptist church, h. 7 Leonard P PACKARD, CORBETT L., farmer, h.114Court n. Pierce Brook Page, Adelaide, h. 47 Court c. Leonard Page, George B., h. Main opp. Summer Palmer, Annie, h. Llewellyn Powers Palmer, Calvin, laborer, h. Pleasant n. Willard PALMER, ROBERT A., bottler 13 Kelleran, h. do. Parker, Charles L. Rev., county Sunday school missionary, h. 28 Charles Parker, Robert L., boot and shoemaker 8 Mill, h. do. Parks, Albert, laborer, h. Military, 1 ¼ miles out Parks, David, (Parks & McCready), h. Lowell Van Allen Parks, Emma Mrs., h. Mrs. Mary Miller Parks, Harry, laborer, h. Albert do. Parks, Mary Mrs. (Samuel), h. Military, ¾ mile out Parks, Percy, farmer, h. Zephaniah do. Parks, Zephaniah, farmer, h. White Settlement Rd. 2 miles out Parsons, Charles H., brakeman B. & A. R. R., bds. 10 High Patten, William, mason, h. foot Elm Patton, Emily Mrs. (John), h. George McNair Patton, John, moulder, h. Israel Nason Paul, Edward I., laborer, h. over Titcomb's store, Bangor Peabody, Frank A., bookkeeper, h. 52 North Peabody, James S., farmer, h. Robert F. do. Peabody, John G., farmer, h. 52 North Peabody, J. Howard, teaming and jobbing, h. Stephen F. do. " Robert T. farmer, h. Porter Settlement Peabody, S. Josie, stenographer for Powers & Powers, h. Stephen F. Peabody Peabody, Stephen F., h. Heywood Pearce, Fannie, h. Franklin do. Pearce, Franklin, farmer, h. Court opp. Columbia PEARCE, V ARNEY, (Lane & Pearce, dry and fancy goods) h. 54 Court Pelky, John, laborer, h. Court next door Hotel Exchange Pelkey, Lurbein, h. West End restaurant Pelkey, Virginia, emp. West End restaurant, h. do. Pellum, Mary Mrs. (John), h. Palace Royal, Church Ave. Pellum, John, laborer, h. Mrs. Mary do. Pemington, Annie, teacher, bds. William R. Yerxa Pennington, F. F., h. n. Cary's Mills Pennington, George A., farmer, h. Foxcroft rd. 3 miles out Perkins, Andrew P., deputy sheriff, h. County road Perks, Charles E. (Perks Bros. druggists 35 and 37 Market Sq.) h.2 Winter c. Main Perks, John E., h. 2 Winter Perks, William S., (Perks Bros. druggists) h. Main c. Winter Perks, Winifred E., h. William S. do. Perry, Augusta R., bookkeeper Fred Verplast, h. 67 Military PERRY, F. M., M. D. V. veterinarian, office and residence Hotel Exchange PERRY, J. D., jeweler and optician, silver ware, optical goods, etc. Market Sq., h. 6 Pleasant PERRY, JOHN W., marble and granite worker, h. 58 Military Perry, Peter J., truckman Peterkin, Elden, bds. 23 Market Sq. Peters, George W. carpenter, h. Elm Peters, James, laborer, h. 10 North Pettigrove, Almond Mrs., h. Military, ¾ mile out Philbrick, Charles C., h. 61 Court Philbrick, Merchant L., h. 61 Court Phillips, Anna Mrs. (Joseph), h. Court c. Military Phillips, Jennie, h. William A. Kay Phillips, Richard S., meat and provisions Bridge Sq., bds. Snell House Phillips, William, carpenter, h. Elm Pickering, F. B., clerk R. L. Turney, bds. Hotel Exchange PIERCE, CLARENCE H., (A. H. Fogg & Co.) h.135 Main Pierson, John, laborer, bds. H. P. Ferris Pike, Freeman, h. George W. Auber Pillsbury, Osmer, emp. B. & A. R. R., bds. Hotel Exchange Plant, Levi, laborer, h. Franklin Plant, Peter, laborer, h. Franklin Plummer, .J. K., rms. Mrs. Harriet U. Stimson Plummer, James W. laborer, h. Pierce Ave. Plummer, Silas F., h. Main Pomroy, George F., carpenter, h. 72 Court Pomroy, Horace F., clerk, h. George F. do. Pond, Moses, clerk J. E. Burnham, h. County Rd. c. Putnam Poole, William, carpenter, bds. H. P. Ferris Porter, Alice M., teacher, b. Harris A. do. Porter, Andrew, farmer, h. Porter Settlement 3 miles out Porter, Cora, h. Bangor Rd. Cary's Mills Porter, George, engineer, h. High n. Park Porter, Harris A. potato buyer, h. Court opp. Green Porter, Henry C., laborer, h. off Bangor rd. Cary's Mills Porter, Howard, clerk F. W. Titcomb, bds. 14 Market Sq. Porter, Ira J., farmer, h. Porter Settlement, Homestead farm Porter, James W., farmer and milk dealer, h. Military Porter, Jennie E., h. Harris A. do. Porter, John, h. 14 Kelleran Porter, Joseph J., hairdresser, h. Court n. Columbia Porter, J. Wellington, farmer, h. Bangor Rd. Cary's Mills Porter, Margaret A., teacher, h. Harris A. do. Porter, Sally C., h. Harris A. do. Porter, Sarah E. Mrs. (David), h. 14 Kelleran Porter, Seldon W., farmer, h. Porter Settlement Potter, Almon, emp. Albert Madigan, h. 141 Main Potter, Charles H., conductor B. & A. R. R., bds. Snell House Powell, Robert, carpenter, h. 79 Main Powers, A. E., h. Mrs. Eliza do. Powers, Annie E., emp. Hotel Exchange, bds. do. Powers, Don A. H., (Powers & Powers, attorneys-at-law) h.117 Main Powers, Eliza Mrs. (Cyrus), h. Main c. Burleigh Powers, Frederick A., (Powers & Powers, attorneys-at-law) h. 45 Court Powers, Jeffery, farmer, h. White Settlement Rd. 2 miles out Powers, Llewellyn, attorney-at-law Main, h. 140 do. Powers, Michael, farmer, h. White Settlement Rd. 2 miles out Powers, Patrick, laborer, h. Main c. Military Powers, Samuel H., h. Powers Ave. Pray, Bashaba Mrs. (Elisha C.), h. George R. do. Pray, Edmond D. farmer, h. County Rd. ¾ mile out Pray, George R., farmer, h. County rd. ¾ mile out Pullen, Stephen, mason, h. High n. Park Purrington, George W., carriage mfr., rms. Mrs. Sarah F. Lunt Purrington, Spurgeon L., clerk for M. Schmuckler, h. 43 High Putnam, Albert T., farmer, h. 125 North Putnam, Alvarez G., farmer, h. Calais rd. 1 ¼ miles out Putnam, Beecher, (Putnam & Putnam, counselors-at-law French blk.) h. 13 Park Putnam, B. H., real estate, h. 22 North Putnam, Harry L., M. D. physician French blk., h. 60 Military Putnam, Jennie D. Mrs. (Frank L.), h. 122 Main Putnam, Martha A. Mrs. (Lyman), h. 13 Park Putnam, Mellen D., farmer, h. 139 North Putnam, Ruth Mrs. (Lysander), h. 125 North Putnam, Samuel W., carpenter, h. 6 Leonard Putnam, Thomas P., (Putnam & Putnam, counselors-at-law) h. 13 Park Putnam, William, teaming and jobbing, h. North n. the bridge R Rackliff, Alonzo, horse trainer, h. 38 Pleasant Radigan, James C. boarding house, h. Military opp. Pierce Rafford, Allen, h. Main Rafford, O., h. off Military n. the Old Barracks Raymond, A. H. Mrs., hair work, h. Brook, Fair View Raymond, Benjamin, bds. Titcomb boarding house Raymond, Lewis C., painter, h. Brook, Fair View Raymond, Michael, carpenter, h. Pierce Ave. Reed, Addison, h. Hiram do. Reed, Alton J., foreman Aroostook Times office, h. foot Elm Reed, Fred C., farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 miles out Reed, George W., farmer, h. the B. rd. 2 ½ miles out Reed Henry, h. Main Reed, Hiram, farmer, h. the B. Rd. 2 ½ miles out Rich, Arthur G., potato buyer, rms. 53 Military Richards, George W., (G. W. Richards & Co. dry and fancy goods), h. 28 Pleasant Richardson, E. C., cook Hotel Exchange, h. do. Rideout, A. W. Rev., h. County rd. ¾ mile out Rideout, Abigail Mrs., h. Military, ½ mile out Rideout, Charles H. (McDougall & Rideout, livery and boarding stable Main), h. 3 Heywood Rideout, Laura L., h. Mrs. Abigail do. Rideout, Michael, laborer, h. Putnam c. County Road Rideout, William, h. Market sq. Riley, John, mason, h. Putnam's flat Risteen, Hadar E., potato buyer, h. Columbia Roach, Alice E., teacher, h. Patrick do. Roach, James, farmer, h. Patrick do. Roach, James, blacksmith, h. r. John Millar's store Court Roach, Margaret, h. Patrick do. Roach, Mary E., h. Patrick do. Roach, Patrick, farmer, h. Ludlow road, 3 miles out Roach, Thomas E., h. Patrick do. Roach, William L., h. Patrick do. Robinson, Duncan, laborer, h. off Military n. railroad ROBINSON, JOSEPH E., fruit, confectionery, etc. Times Block, h. Court n. Pierce Ave. Robinson, Maggie M., h. Charles D. Merritt Robinson, Samuel E., dancing teacher, h. Court n. Pierce Ave. Robinson, Wesley, laborer, h. Military, 1 ¼ miles out Rogan, Patrick, emp. Eureka livery stable, rms. do. Rogers, Dennis, bds. Mrs. Susan Gallagher Rogers, Frank H., clerk, h. School Rose, John Mrs., h. 142 Main Ross, Alexander, laborer, h. 79 Main Ross, Daniel, engine oiler, h. Military, ½ mile out Ross, C. Frederick, clerk H. T. Frisbie, h. 53 Military Ross, Leo W., baggage master B. & A. R. R. bds. Hotel E change Ross, William D., farmer, h. the B. rd. 3 miles out Royal, John J., harness maker Kendall, h. Court n. Columbia Rugan, Hannah T., h. Frederick A. Powers Russell, Andrew J., carpenter, h. High n. Weeks Russell, Edward C., emp. Exchange stables, h. Charles n. Elm Russell, Edward F., laborer, h. Andrew J. do. Russell, Frederick M., painter, h. Military n. Johnson's flat Russell, George, laborer, h. 75 Main Russell, George A. asst. clerk Hotel Exchange, h. do. Russell, James, laborer, h. Robert T. Peabody Russell, Martha B., teacher Ricker Classical Institute, rms. Institute dormitory Ruth, Robert N., farmer, h. Calais road, 1 ¾ mile out Ryan, Joseph A., laborer, h. Thomas do. Ryan, Mary A., millinery and fancy goods Main, h. Thomas do. Ryan, Thomas, h., Park opp. Fair S SAMPSON, JOSEPH A., commercial salesman, h. Joseph C. Bachelder Saunders, Benjamin, farmer, h. Presque Isle Rd. 4 miles out Savage, Seldon A., farmer, h. Bangor Rd. Cary's Mills Savoy, John, laborer, bds. Edward Monahan Schmuckler, Morris, clothing and furnishings, trunks, etc. Main, h. 4 School Schools, Neil, h. off Ludlow Rd. Schools, Thomas, emp. M. L. Philbrick, h. do. Scott, William, farm hand, h. Oscar Shirley Seaborn, Nellie Mrs. (William H.), h. Burleigh Hotel Seamans, Everett, millman, h. Bangor Rd. 2 ¾ miles out Seeley, Howard L., farmer, h. Foxcroft Rd. 2 miles out Seeley, John C., farmer, h. Military n. town line Seeley, John J., farmer, h. off Military n. town line, Cary Hill farm Seeley, J. Merville, farmer, h. Foxcroft Road 2 miles out Seeley, Nehemiah, farmer, h. John J. do. Sewel, Louisa E. Mrs., h. Military ½ mile out Shaw, Alice M., h. E. A. Moody Shaw, James A., h. Bangor Road 1 mile out Shaw, Ransford W., attorney-at-law, office French blk., h. 65 Military Shea, Ellen Mrs. (Cornelius), h. over James Cogan store Shea, John J., laborer, h. Mrs. Ellen do. Shea, Margaret, h. Mrs. Ellen do. Sheehan, Dennis, harness maker Main, h. Military opp. Baptist church Sherriff, James W. mason, b. Charles junc. Elm Sherwood, Jesse, laborer, h. Ludlow road 2 1-2 miles out Sherwood, Lorne, laborer, h. Jesse do. Sherwood, Spurgeon, farmer, h. Bangor Rd. 2 ½ miles out Shields, George, blacksmith, bds. 19 North Shields, Herbert, brakeman B. & A. R. R., bds. Mrs. Lucretia A. Miller Shields, Luther C., scaler, h. 20 Green Shields, Noah.J., laborer, h. Green n. Bangor SHIRLEY, OSCAR, prop. of Maple Shade Stock farm, West Houlton, h. Porter Settlement, 3 miles out Shute, Herbert, farm hand, h. A. Woodman DeGrass Simmons, Carrie, h. Mrs. Fannie H. Glidden Sinclair, James H., policeman, b. 69 Military Sinclair, Leadrue R., h. 69 Military SINCOCK, FRANK, carpenter and builder, painter, paper hanger School, h. do. SINCOCK, FRANK MRS. (Sincock & Gillen, millinery and fancy goods 82 Main) h. School Sincock, Henry S. Jr., lumber manufacturer Bangor Road, h. Charles Sincock, Stephen H., h. School SINCOCK, WILLIAM H., prop. West Houlton grist and carding mill Bangor, 2 miles out, h. do. Sites, William, bds. Titcomb boarding house Skiffington, Jeptha, millman, bds. George Alexander Skillin, Warren, cigars, tobacco, etc. 11 Market Sq., h. North Sleeper, Charles H. Jr., farmer, h. Presque Isle Road, 2 miles out Slipp, Benjamin J., carpenter, h. George F. do. Slipp, George F., farmer, h. 22 Kelleran Slipp, George L., farmer, h. Court c. Columbia Slipp, John R., farmer, h. Columbia, Fair View Slipp, --- , laborer, h. off Military n. railroad Slocum, Herbert W., painter and paper hanger, h. 16 Pleasant Small, Bartholomew, h. North Small, Clarence, emp. Charles Wilson, bds. Mrs. Sophia Barker Small, Dora G., emp. Snell House, h. 10 Leonard Small, Ella J., emp. Snell House, h. 10 Leonard Small, Ethan A., bookkeeper Keaton & Bradbury, h. Kelleran n. Militarv Small, E. N., custom cutter, bds. 54 Court Small, George W., teaming and jobbing, h. North Small, Marvin H., teamster, h. County Rd. n. Putnam Small, Silas A., farmer, h. School Small, Walter A., clerk George Richards, bds. 14 Market sq. Small, William, laborer, h. 10 Leonard Small, ---, farmer, h. School Smart, Abisha B., deputy sheriff, h. 21 Charles Smart, Henry D., laborer, h. 17 Kelleran Smith, Addison P., (Smith Bros. stoves and ranges Market sq.) h. High n. Park Smith, Albert M., laborer, h. John do. Smith, Allen T., commercial salesman, h. 30 Pleasant Smith, Anna M., clerk C. P. Tennev & Son, bds. 20 Charles Smith, Elmer B., feed and grain dealer Kendall, h. off Leonard Smith, Elsie I., tailoress, bds. Mrs. Maggie do. Smith, Emily A., h. John do. Smith, Emily L., h. Ezekiel M. do. Smith, Ezekiel M., farmer, h. Presque Isle Road, 1 1/8 miles out Smith, Frank R., (Smith Bros. Stoves, ranges, etc.) h. Elm Smith, Fred O., 2nd, potato buyer, rms. 28 High Smith, George B., laborer, h. James do. Smith, George H., h. Pleasant c. Charles SMITH, HIRAM, grocer, grain, feed, etc. Kendall, h. High n. Weeks Smith, Idella E., milliner, h. Hiram do. Smith, Isaac N., farmer, h. Foxcroft Road, 5 miles out Smith, Jacob H., farmer, h. Foxcroft road, 5 miles out Smith, James, farmer, h. North ¾ mile out Smith, John, farmer, h. off Foxcroft Road, 5 miles out Smith, John, blacksmith, h. foot Spring Smith, Mrs. Maggie, dressmaker 75 Main, rms. do. Smith, Olin M., prop. Excelsior news depot Main, h. Pleasant c. Charles Smith, Parchia, h. Mrs. Anna E. Lovejoy Smith, S. R., insurance agent, h. off Military, ¾ mile out Smith, Van Buren, h. Kelleran n. Military Smith, Wilbur S., laborer, h. John do. Smith, William, supt. Houlton woolen mill, bds. 19 North Snell, M., laborer, h. off Military n. railroad Snider, John, teamster, bds. 23 Market Sq. Snow, Jennie, teacher, h. John E. Hilton Socia, Ella Mrs. (Anthony), h. Palace Royal, Church Ave. Somerville, Alfred, cheese mfr. Green, h. 24 do. Somerville, Salathiel L., clerk J. H. Harrigan & Co. h. 30 Main, Market sq. Somerville, Thomas, h. 19 Charles Somerville, William G., wholesale and retail dealer in meats, h. 19 Charles Spiers, Alice B. Mrs. (John), h. 71 Military Spratt, Sewell C., laborer, h. 5 Weeks Stackpole, Mary G., h. 71 Military Stairs, John D. carpenter, h. Heywood Stanley, Fay, emp. H. & A. station, h. Elmer Smith Starkey, Adam, hostler, bds. Archibald do. Starkey, Archibald, boarding house, h. Military c. Kendall Starrett, Edgar, clerk Fred Verplast, rms. 6 Winter Stephens, Leonard V., carpenter, h. North n. County Road Stephenson, Fred E., ice cream Court, h. Court n. Columbia Stephenson, Henry S., carriage maker, h. 55 North Stephenson, Robert, farmer, h. Old Foxcroft Road, 1 ½ miles out Stevenson, George, hostler, bds. H. P. Ferris Stetson, Charles E. F., civil engineer and surveyor 18 High, h. do. Stetson, Samuel K., h. 17 Kelleran Stevens, Edward L., h. 25 High Stevens, Etta M., artist, h. 25 High Stevens, Frederick, teamster, bds. 23 Market Sq. Stevens, Isabelle E. Mrs., (Boardman J.) bds. 8 Leonard Stevens, Jabez B., emp. Horton Bros. h. Park opp. Fair Stewart, Albion A., farmer, h. Bangor road, 3 miles out Stewart, Ava A., teacher, bds. 14 Kelleran Stewart, Lewis, dentist, bds. 2 Pleasant Stimson, Clara M., bookkeeper, h. Kelleran Stimson, Fred H., dealer in horses, h. Kelleran Stimson, Harriet U. Mrs. (Frederick W.) ,h. Kelleran Stoddard, Sarah M. Mrs., h. Wesley H. do. Stoddard, Wesley H., emp. Frank Titcomb, h. Military n. railroad, ¾ mile out Stone, Carrie Mrs. (Fred), h. George Gerow Stone, --, farmer, h. Lowrey Road, 4 miles out Strickland, L. S., counselor-at-law, Court, h. Bangor opp. Florence Ave Stults, Gilbert, h. High c. Heywood Sullivan, James S., mason. h. 30 Charles Swanton, Caroline R. Mrs. (John Z.), h. 3 Prospect Swanton, John A., pressman, h. 3 Prospect Sweeney, James, h. Main Sweet, Charles A., contractor and builder, h. Elm Sweetland, A. A., emp. B. & A. R. R., bds. Hotel Exchange Swett, Samuel, locomotive engineer, h. High n. Park Swain, James, mason, h. School Syphers, Sarah E. Mrs. (Albion), h. Mr8. Catherine Lindsay T TABER, A. P. M., horseshoer and dentist Mechanic, h. 7 Prospect Taber, Almira Mrs. (Stephen L.), h. 69 Court TABER, GEORGE H., h. Prospect TABER, SILAS W., carriage manufacturer Mechanic, h. Prospect Taggett, David W., teamster John Watson, h.19 North Taggett, David W. Mrs., boarding house 19 North, h. do. Taggart, John, laborer, h. 63 Military Talbot, Alvan A., hairdresser Bangor, h. Pierce Ave. Taylor, Sheppard, farmer, h. off the B. rd. 3 ½ miles out Teed, Charles, laborer, h. Palace Royal, Church Ave. TENNEY, CHARLES P., (C. P. Tenney & Son, dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.) 58 Main, h. 22 Charles TENNEY, JOHN A. (Charles P. Tenney & Son) h. 22 Charles Tenney, Lucy F., h. 22 Charles Terrill, Jacob W., farmer, h. Foxcroft Rd. 3 ¼ miles out Thibedeau, John H. farmer, h. 26 School Thibedeau, Mary A. Mrs. (David H.), h. 26 School Thibedeau, William J., cigars, etc. 73 Main, h. 26 School Thomas, Arthur M., Prof. principal of Ricker Classical Institute, rms. Institute dormitory Thomas, Edmond H., boarding house, h. Cogan blk. Bangor Thomas, Fannie L., clerk A. L. Lumbert, h. 150 North Thomas, Mira J., bookkeeper S. Friedman & Co., h. 150 North Thomas, Robert J., carpenter, h. 150 North Thompson, John, saloon, h. Military, town line Thompson, Owen, farmer, h. Ludlow Rd. 4 miles out Thorn, Charles, (Thorn & Wingate, stoves, ranges, etc.) Main, bds. 8 Kelleran Thornton, Clara Mrs., h. North n. the old church Tierney, Michael, farmer, h. Ridge Road, 4 miles out TIPPETTS, I. F., prop. Houlton Cafe, Main, h.13 Winter Titcomb, Charles, clerk Ingraham Clothing Co., rms. 40 Court TITCOMB, FRANK W., lumber manufacturer and dealer, planing mill Bangor, h. Bangor c. Florence Ave. Titcomb, Walter F., student, h. Frank W. do. Todd, Robert L., boots, shoes and rubbers Main, h. 22 North Toland, John, carpenter, h. foot Spring Tomlinson Paul, private boarding house, h. 54 Court Towle Millard, clerk John Millar, h. 20 Kelleran Tozier, Henry E., farmer, h. New Limerick Road, 3 miles out Travers, Catherine Mrs., h. River Side Travers, Joseph, laborer, h. off Military, ¾ mile out Travers, Peter, h. Lowrey road, 3 ½ miles out Travers, Thomas, farmer, h. the B. road, 2 ½ miles out Trefry, Henry W., carpenter, h. Pierce Ave. Triter, Herbert H., locomotive engineer, bds. Clark's Hotel Tucker, Adoniram J., canvasser, h. 14 Kelleran Tupper, Edward H., emp. A. H. Fogg & Co., h. 70 Court Tupper, Sherman R., laborer, h. Weeks Turner, John, section foreman B. & A. R. R., h. North ¾ mile out TURNEY, RICHARD L., hardware, etc. Main, h. 64 Military V VAIL, CHARLES W., potato buyer, h. Military ½ mile out Van Allen, Lowell, potato buyer, h. c. Park and Kelleran Vandine, Adrian, clerk, h. 39 North Vandine, Gertrude, bookkeeper C. P. Tenney & Son, h. 39 North Vandine, James, farmer, h. Lowrey Rd. 4 miles out Varney, Esther Mrs., emp. Hotel Exchange, bds. do. VARNEY, A. J. MRS., millinery and fancy goods, 41 Main, h. 12 Pleasant Varney, J. R., hairdresser opp. Hotel Exchange, h. 12 Pleasant Verplast, Frederick, boots, shoes, clothing, etc. Main, h. Court c. Military Verrill, Osgood S. Mrs., h. Military ½ mile out Victory, A. W., bds. Thomas Grant Victory, Aura M., h. John H. do. Victory, Charles E., emp. Albert Madigan, h. 141 Main Victory, John H., farmer, h. Porter Settlement, last house Victory, Laura L., h. John H. do. Victory, Willard R., farmer, h. John H. do. Vincent, Charles, potato buyer, h. Winter Vincent, James H., painter, h. 36 Green Virge, Sarah, h. Dr. Charles E. Williams W WALLACE, IRETON E., tinsmith, h. William do. Wallace, William, carpenter, h. Spring Walls, Frank, timekeeper, bds. 2 Pleasant Walsh, Neil, bds. C. Fowler, 23 Market sq. Walsh, Thomas, farmer, h. Bangor Road, ¾ mile out Warner, J. T., civil engineer and surveyor, bds. Hotel Exchange Watson, Augusta Mrs. (Samuel), h. 30 Main Watson, Cyrus S., farmer, h. the B. road, 2 ½ miles out Watson, John, merchant and manufacturer Main, bds. 2 Pleasant WATTS, WILLIAM H., (Billings & Watts, props. Houlton Granite Co.), h. c. Brook and Cleveland, Fairview Waugh, Charles, laborer, h. Sewell Spratt Waugh, William, saloon Bangor, h. School Webb, Alice B., h. Mrs. Deborah do. Webb, Caleb, farmer, h. Mrs. Deborah do. Webb, Deborah Mrs. (Ebenezer), h. off Foxcroft Rd. 2 miles out Webb, Ebenezer, Jr. farmer, h. Mrs. Deborah do. Webb, Howard, farmer, h. the B. road, 3 miles out Webb, Ruth, h. Mrs. Deborah do. Webb, Winfield S., principal grammar school, bds. A. Albion Clement Webber, Josephine, clerk register of deeds office, bds. 2 Pleasant Webber, Richmond, carpenter, h. n. foundry off Military Webber, Samuel, policeman, bds. 2 Pleasant Webster, Daniel, laborer, bds. 43 North Weed, John R., trial justice, h. 31 Charles Weiler, John S. dealer in horses and carriages, h. 97 North Wellington, Ethel, bds. 54 Court Wellington, Harry W., real estate, bds. Snell House Wellington, Mary, bds. 54 Court West, Charles C., painter, h. 108 Main West, Walter C., painter, bds. Dr. F. F. Innis Wetmore, Jennie, manager Western Union Tel. Co., rms. Episcopal rectory Wetmore, Jessie, dressmaker, h. 16 North Wetmore, Robert T., insurance agent, rms. 108 Main Wheaton, Freez, railroad contractor, h. High n. Park Wheaton, Oscar L., locomotive engineer B. & A. R. R., h. Florence Ave. WHENMAN, GEORGE, blacksmith and horse shoer Mechanic, h. 18 Charles White, Charles P., jeweler, h. 16 North WHITE, EDWARD B., jeweler 5 ½ Market Sq., h. 21 High White, Enoch, emp. B. & A. R. R., bds. 23 Market Sq. White, Fred E. Rev., pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church, parsonage, 7 Kelleran White, Greenfield, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. White, Henry M., laborer, h. J. Henry do. White, Hortense R., bookkeeper Churchill & Co. h. 53 Military White, Jacob, h. Franklin Ave. White, James, laborer, h. Pierce Ave. White, John D., farmer, h. Bangor Rd. Frisbie's farm White, Joseph, cook Snell House, h. Military c. Pierce White, J. Henry, h. Pierce Ave. White, Letitia Mrs. (Russell), h. 53 Military White, Richard W., h. J. Henry do. Whitehead, Andrew, h. Military, ¾ mile out Whitehead, Heman, clerk John Watson, bds. 2 Pleasant Whiteman, Clara M. Mrs. (William W.), h. Pierce Ave. WHITMORE, NEWELL, stoves, ranges, etc. 66 Court, h. do. Whitney, Charles W., pensioner, h. Presque Isle Rd. 4 miles out Whitney, Ralph H., blacksmith, h. School n. Lawn Whitney, Ruth Mrs. (James) h. William R. do. Whitney, William R., farmer, h. 200 Presque Isle Rd. WIGGIN, FRANCIS, associate editor Aroostook Pioneer, bds. 34 Pleasant Wiggin, Charles A., farmer, h. Bangor Rd. 2 ¾ miles out Wiggin, Eben, carpenter, h. 9 Leonard Wiggins, W. Ernest, laborer, h. Porter Settlement Rd. WIGGINS, GEORGE (Chadwick & Wiggins, planing and turning mill) h. 13 Kelleran Wiley, James W., laborer, bds. Selden Gellerson Wilkins, Edward, clerk A. H. Fogg & Co., h. 29 High Williams, Charles E., M. D. physician and surgeon, office 33 Market Sq., h. 137 Main Williams, Robert, laborer, bds. H. P. Ferris Wilson, Albert J., hairdresser, h. off Military, Johnson's flat Wilson, Alexander, farmer, h. 75 Court WILSON, C. H., prop. Houlton Grocery, 21 Market Sq., h. Court Wilson, Eva A., teacher, h. Charles H. do. WILSON, FRANK R., (Fowler & Wilson) h. 25 Charles Wilson, Henry, h. Vinal B. do. Wilson, Joseph L., foreman Cary’s Mill farm, h. off Bangor rd. 1 mile out WILSON MATHEW, lumber mfr. off New Limerick Rd. h. Hodgdon Wilson, Nettie, h. Oscar Shirley Wilson, Ransom, laborer, h. Thomas J. do. Wilson, Thomas J., farmer, b. New Limerick Rd. 3 miles out Wilson, Vinal B. (Wilson & Gorham, attorneys-at-law,) Frisbie blk. h. Court n. Park Wingate, Joseph H., (Wingate & Thorn, stoves, ranges, etc.) Main, h. Court n. Park Winship, Benjamin, h. Park c. Court Winslow, Jennie L. Mrs. (William H.), h. 67 Military Wise, Charles, blacksmith, bds. 19 North Wise, Samuel, section hand, bds. 19 North Wise, M., blacksmith B. & A. R. R., h. 19 High Withum, John, baker, bds. 19 North Woodard John, potato buyer, h. off Leonard Woods, Mary E. Mrs. (William), h. Ludlow Rd. 2 miles out Woodworth, Huntley H., electrician, h. Cleveland (Fairview) Wright, Hiram A., laborer, h. Sussex Wyman, Daniel, h. 27 Charles Y YEATON, EBEN, painter, h. Elm Yeaton, George N., painter, h. Elm Yeaton, Isaac, printer, h. Elm Yeaton, Nathan, agent sewing machines, h. 15 Elm Yerxa, Emma A., emp. register of deeds office, h. William L. do. Yerxa, Jennie B., h. S. Hamilton do. Yerxa, Minnie, clerk George Richards & Co., bds. 4 Heywood Yerxa, Minnie E. W. S., h. William L. do. Yerxa, S. Hamilton, overseer Houlton poor farm, h. Presque Isle Rd. 4 rd. 2 miles out Yerxa, Ward, teamster, h. Sussex Yerxa, William L., h. Kelleran n. Park Yerxa, William R., trucking and jobbing, h. 6 Fair York, John H., merchant tailor 72 ½ Main, h. North over C. Niles' store York, William, h. Elm Young, Andrew P., farmer, h. Presque Isle Rd. 1 mile out Young, George E., painter and paper hanger, h. 21 Green Young, Katie, h. H. T. Frisbie Young, Thomas A., carpenter, h. 21 Green