Windham Church Birth Records 1798-1853 Source: Extracted from Rev. George M. Bodge, "New Marblehead, Now Windham, Me., Ecclesiastical Matters," The Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. 9 (Portland, Me.: S. M. Watson, 1898). Baptisms. 1799 Feb. 29 : Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Chute.* 1799 June 16 : Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Chute.* 1799 June 16 : William, son of William and Mary Mayberry.* 1799 Aug. 14 : Dorcas, daughter of Josiah and Mary Chute. 1799 Oct. 27 : Nabby Cobham, Curtis Chute, Jeremiah, Thomas and Henry, Children of Jeremiah and Ruth Jordan. 1799 Dec. 22 : Phebe, daughter of James and Sarah Paine. 1800 Nov. 9 : Miriam, daughter of John and Elizabeth Chute. [p. 53] 1801 June 21 : Elizabeth, granddaughter of William and Jane Mayberry. [1801 ____ __] Eliza, daughter of William Mayberry (4), and Mary his wife. [1801] Aug. 2 : Elizabeth, daughter of James and Bathshua Mayberry. [1801] Sept. 19 : James, son of Thomas and Mary Chute. [1801] Oct. 4 : Seth, son of James and Sarah Paine. [1801] Oct. 26 : Enoch, son of Samuel and Mehitable Dole. 1802 June 10 : William, son of Hezekiah and Sarah Smith. 1802 March 7 : John Andrew, son of Rev. Nathaniel Stone and Mary his wife. 1802 March 29 : Jonathan Larrabee, and his children, Joseph, Perses, David, Osmyn, and Jonathan. 1802 Apr. 4 : Sarah, daughter of Paul and Sarah Little. 1802 May 9 : Phebe Jordan, granddaughter of Jeremiah Jordan and his wife. 1802 May 30 : Elizabeth, daughter of John and Abigail Gallison. 1802 Aug. 15 : William Tyng, son of John Tyng and Mary Smith. 1802 Sept. 3 : Rebecca Locke, and William Hunnewell, children of ______ Fogg and Hannah, his wife. 1802, Sept. [_] Mary Ann, daughter of Widow Mary Smith. 1802, Sept. [_] Edward, son of Abraham and Lucy Anderson. 1802, Sept. [_] Jane Hunt Crane, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Winslow of Falmouth. 1802 Nov. 14 : Hannah, Sarah, and Nabby, children of John and Hannah Brown. 1802 Nov. [__] Sally, Apphia, Nancy and Oliver, children of Samuel and Mehitable Dole. 1803 Feb. 20 : Elizabeth Andrew, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel and Mary Stone. 1803 June 12 : Suky Osgood, daughter of Josiah and Mary Chute. 1803 June 12 : Joseph, son of William Mayberry (4), and Mary his wife. 1803 Oct. 23 : John Merchant, and William Fairfield, children of Silvanus and Eunice Gallison. 1803 Oct. 30 : Benaiah Hanson, an adult. [p. 54] 1804 Jan. 24 : Thomas, son of Hezekiah and Sarah Smith. 1804 March 18 : John Andrew, son of Rev. Nathaniel and Mary Stone. 1804 May 6 : Thomas Cutter, son of Calvin and Elizabeth Howe. 1804 June 10 : John, son of Rebecca Robinson. Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bodge. 1804 Aug. 5 : James, son of James and Bathsheba Mayberry. 1804 Aug. 12 : Daniel Lowell and Celia Lowell, children of Joshua and Dorcas Wilson, of Hiram. 1804 Nov. 28 : John, son of John and Mary Swett. 1805 Mar. 25 : Nathan, son of Rev. Nathaniel Stone and Mary, his wife. 1805 Apr. 28 : Jonathan, son of Joshua and Dorcas Wilson. 1805 Sept. 18 : Abraham, son of Abraham and Lucy Anderson. 1805 Sept. 18 : Josiah, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bodge. [1805 ____ __] Caroline, daughter of John Collins. BAPTISMS BY MR. KELLOGG. May 26, 1811, Silvanus, son of Silvanus and Eunice Gallison. June 9, Jonathan Andrew Chute, son of John and Elizabeth. Aug : 5, 1812, Benjamin White Kellogg, son of Gardner and Nabby Kellogg. Mar. 10, 1817, John Clark Frost, son of Hezekiah and Esther Frost. Mar 26, William Hanson Little, son of Thomas and Kezia Little. July 12, 1818, Nathaniel, son of John and Mary Swett [p. 103] Nov. 15, John Albion Andrew, son of Jonathan and Nancy Andrew. Oct. 31, 1819, Isaac Watson Andrew, son of Jonathan and Nancy Andrew. Aug. 11, 1822, William Carr, son of John and Mary Swett. Dec. 29. Charles Barker, son of ______ and Mary Barker. Feb'y 2, 1823, Nathan, son of Nathan Goold. FEMALES. May 12, 1811, Mary, daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah Smith. March __ 1813 Pamela Ann, daughter of James and Pamela Webb. March 6, 1813 Emily, daughter of Sylvanus and Eunice Gallison. January 1, 1815 Harriet Newell Kellogg, daughter of Gardner and Nabby Kellogg; Feb'y 20, Mary Eliza Webb, daughter of James and Pamela; March 31, 1816, Mary Ann, daughter of John and Mary Swett. Feb'y 16, 1817 Sarah, daughter of James and Pamela Webb; April 27, Sarah, daughter of John and Rebecca Collins; May 20, Jane Clark Frost, daughter of Hezekiah and Esther, Susan Farnham, daughter of Hezekiah and Esther Frost; Louisa Bond, daughter of Hezekiah and Esther Frost; June 1, Sally Files dau. of Samuel and Mehitable Dole; 1820 Sarah Matilda, dau. of Thomas and Kezia Little (she was born March 17, 1818); July 2, 1820, Ellen Laura, dau. of Thomas and Kezia Little; Aug. 18, 1822, Mary Ann Hanson, dau. of Thomas and Kezia Little; Oct. __, 1820, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan and Nancy Andrew; February 2, 1823, Miriam, dau. of Nathan Goold; Oct. 9, 1824, Nancy Alfreda, dau. of Jonathan and Nancy Andrew. [p. 108] BAPTISMS BY MR. HALE. May 20, 1832, Samuel Archer and John Marshall, children of John and Rebecca Eveleth. Lucy Elizabeth Farwell and John Anderson, children of John and Ann Waterman. Augustus Hanson, Amos Brayton, Pamelia, Marian Merrill, and George Edward, children of Paul and Huldah Hall. May 29, Eveline, William Farnsworth, Ann Elizabeth Johnson, Laura Frances, and Isabella, children of Asa and Francis Senter. Abby Horton, William Pitt Fessenden, Moses Henry, and Sarah Morton, children of Moses and Hannah Little. Edward Brown and Hannah Aurelia, children of widow Hannah Frost. November 25, 1832, Elizabeth Wendell, Thacher Smith, Edward Farwell, Augustus Benjamin, Lucretia Codman, Lucy Farwell, Olive Ann, and Susan Mary, children of Peter S. and Susan Anderson. August 3, 1834, Augustus Horton, son of Moses Little. August 10, Martha Selina Tenney, daughter of Asa Senter. Mary Ann, Henry Lewis, and Melinda Bryant, children of Henry Houghton. [p. 140] BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. 1836, Aug. 28, Josiah, child of Deacon Samuel Duran. October, Erastus and Actis (?) twin children of Asa and Abigail Legro. Mar. 6, DeWitt Clinton and William Symonds, children of Dr. S. W. and Mary Ann Baker. July, 1837, child of Asa and Abigail Legrow. Nov., Luther Dimmick, son of John W. and Elvira Shepard. April 6, Ann Morrill, John and Ellen, children of John White, just deceased, and Huldah White. May 19, 1839, Sarah Hanson, David Robinson, Charles Morrill, Albert, Lydia and Samuel, children of Samuel R. and Hannah Hawkes. Sept., Edwin Houghton, son of Henry and Susan Houghton. [p. 142] BAPTISMS AND ADMISSIONS TO CHURCH BY MR. WARREN. July 5 : 1840, John Mugford, Adult. Sept. 6 : Lucy Anthoine, Adult. Nov. 8 : Barzilla Nash, Adult. Feb'y 20 : 1841, John P. Davis and George C. Davis, Infants. May 3 : Jason Hanson, Isabella Hanson, Elijah Varney, Mary A. Leonard, Lovina Nash, Barbara Jordan, Adults. July 19 : Amelia Hawkes, Harriet Trickey, Lovina Humphrey, Adults. July 19 : 1842, Mary Small, Adult, Nathan G. Nash, Sarah Ann Nash, William S. Nash, Charles P. Nash, Edward P. Nash, Infants. (Baptized by Rev. Mr. Clark, March 22d, 1841, George William Warren, Albert F. Warren, Franklin H. Houghton, Warren Hanson, Infants.) Dec. 9 : 1842, Margaret Rogers, Adult. No further baptisms or admissions appear on the Church Records though it is noted in the records that during Mr. Warren's pastorate of nearly ten years, some thirty members were received, either by letter or profession, and about the same number were removed by death or otherwise. The aggregate number of members was about sixty.