North Yarmouth Deaths 1736-1762 Source: Old Times: devoted to the publication of documents relating to the early history of North Yarmouth, Maine, including Harpswell, Freeport, Cumberland, and Yarmouth, all offshoots of the old town: also genealogical records of the principal families in each town, vol. 8. (Yarmouthville, Me.: A.W. Corliss, 1884). [p. 1105] NORTH YARMOUTH NECROLOGY, 1736 to 1762. [BY REV. AMASA LORING.] (Copied from the diary of Rev. Nicholas Loring.) 1736. Jan. 30 Richard Webber. Feb. 5 Mary P., dau. of Stephen & Margaret Larrabee. Apr. 28 John, son of John & Patience Hammond. May 14 Wife of John Sweetser. Oct. 7 Elise, dau. of Noah & Hannah Mitchell. 19 Child of Susannah Brown. Dec. 7 Lydia, dau. of James Tuttle (the first by throat distemper.) 18 Esther, dau. of Barnabas Winslow. 1737. Jan. 20 Child of Joseph Jones. Mar. — Daughter of Margaret Webber; daughter of James Anderson; son of James Babbage. Apr. — Daughter of Eben Clough; 26 dau. of James Anderson; 28 Sarah Chandler. May 5 son of Jas. Anderson. June 5 Susanna Brown; 7 Child of James Anderson. Aug.— Miriam, Simeon, Daniel and Mary, ch. of Jacob & Mary Brown; — Martha Chandler; 15 ch. of Barnabas Soule. Sept. 13 Huldah Mitchell; — Peter and Daniel, ch. of Peter & Sarah Weare. Oct. 1 Matthew Burnell; 5 Sarah and Robert Burnell; 6 Jas. Burnell; 8 Content, dau. of Peter & Sarah Weare; Capt. Stephen Larrabee. Nov. 10 Sarah, dau. of John Hammond; 17 Stephen, son of Stephen & Margaret Larrabee; 21 George Drinkwater; 29 son of Benjamin Ingersoll; 30 wife of Benj. Welch. [p. 1106] Dec. 1 Benj. Prince; dau. of Geo. Drinkwater; 2 sons of Benj. Ingersoll, Jr.; 5 Rebecca York. In the year 1737, 34 persons died in town,— 11 grown persons, 2 married women, 3 married men, 5 young women, 1 young man and 23 children. 1738. Jan. 7 Daniel McDaniel. Mar. 6 Wife and child of Brion O'Hegan. Apr. — Hannah, Samuel and (May 4) Mary, ch. of Barnabas Seabury. May 28 Susanna Gooding. June 3 Seabury and (17th) Benjamin, sons of Gilbert & Patience Winslow; 19 Stephen, son of Barnabas & Mercy Winslow; — Benj. Day; Mary, Jeremiah and Hannah, ch. of Benoni & Mary Fogg; Peter and Thomas Ring. July 21 Peter Wyman; 22 Eleanor and David Stephens. Aug. 24 Isaac Mitchell. Oct. 30 Naomi Harris. The total is 21 ; 18 children, 2 young men and 1 married woman. 1739. This year, through Divine goodness, no deaths in town. 1740. Feb. 29 Sarah, dau. of Saml. Baker. Apr. — Wife of Robert Dawes. 1741. Apr. 27 Abner Brown. May 16 Miriam, dau. of Jacob Brown; child of Daniel Orr. July 8 Issacher Winslow. 1742. May — John, son of Solomon & Mary Mitchell. Sept. 24 Enos, son of Benoni Fogg. Oct. 3 John Powell, Esq. 1743. Apr. 3 Daughter of Elisha French; 13 (eve.) Capt. Peter Weare (by drowning.) Aug. 30 Thomas Ross. 1744. Jan. 5 Sarah Prince. Apr. 17 Susanna, dau. of Saml. Baker. July 23 Rebecca, wf. of Benj. Prince. — James Russell; wf. of Mr. Gray; Widow Prince. Nov. 17 Andrew Ring. Dec. 21 Dea. Jacob Mitchell, 1st. 8 in all. 1745. Mar. 25 Sarah, dau. of Rev. A. R. Cutter. [p. 1107] 1746. Mar. 7 Silvanus, son of Dea. John White. Apr. 18 Lydia, dau. of Solomon & Deborah Mitchell. May — Mary, wf. of Robert Dore. June 19 Miriam, dau, of Jacob & Lydia Brown. July 28 Mehitable, dau. of Benjamin Mitchell. Aug. 9 Philip Greely, killed by Indians [near No. 9 schoolhouse]; 22 Jacob, son of Ebenezer & Anna Clough. Nov. 7 Joseph Brown. 1747. Mar. 26 Elizabeth, wf. of Capt. Stevens. Apr. 17 Joseph, son of John Sweetser. Sept. 27 William, son of Solomon & Deborah Mitchell. Nov. 1 Dea. John White. 1748. Apr — George Goodwin, & William, his son, drowned. June 20 Ebenezer Eaton, killed by Indians on the Ledge. Aug. 10 Sarah, dau. of John Foss. Oct. 8 ch. of Joseph Mitchell; 18 Rachel, dau. of Amos & Hannah Harris; 23 James, son of Dea. John White; 25 Isaac Howland, son of Joseph; 28 Josiah, son of John Foss; 30 Thomas, son of Dea. John White. Nov. 7 Harriet & Rachel, daus. of Solomon & Elsie Loring; 15 John Foss; 30 John Mitchell, Total, 14. 1749. Aug. 17 Hannah, dau. of Moses Bradbury. 1750. May — Jacob, son of Jacob Brown, Jr. Apr. — Elisha, son of Joseph French. Nov. 6 Samuel, son of Saml. Fisher, Jr. 1751. Feb. 7 Mercy Morton. May 2 Samuel Baker; 12 son of Andrew Tuck; 19 Ephraim, son of John Loring, Senior. Sept. 10 Benj. Larrabee, drowned. Oct. 18 Wife of Moses Brown; 25 Joseph Fellows, killed by a fall. Nov. 12 Wife of Danl. Paul; 22 ch. of Jos. Mitchell, Jr. 1752. May 1 Hannah, wf. of Gideon Eaton; — Ebenezer Bishop. Julv 16 Mrs. Rachel Denny, died in Georgetown, former wife of the late Dea. John White, and sister of Rev. Nicholas Loring. Dec. 13 Ann Drew, small-pox. 1753. Jan. 1 Catherine Loring. Feb. 17 Child of Horton Mitchell. June 15 Axie, dau. of Robert Bailey. Oct. 5 Child of Ebenezer [p. 1108] (Clough?); 6 Judith Sweetser; 30 Zenas Winslow. Nov. 10 James Troughit, an Indian boy. 1754. Jan. 12 Hannah and Joshua, ch. of Zachariah Chandler; 14 wf. of Robert Johnson. May 8 John Larrabee; Margaret, 2d wf. of Dea. Saml. Seabury. June 13 Wife of James Tuttle, Jr. Oct. 8 Jane ______; 22 Nicholas, son of Solomon Loring; 25 William, son of Isaac Bowles. Total, 9. 1755. Jan. 17 Isaac, son of Andrew Tufts; 29 Samuel, son of Saml. Fisher, Jr.; 31 Mercy, dau. of Zachariah Chandler. Mar. 31 Ch. of Joshua Spear. Apr. 11 Benj. Ingersoll; 26 Hannah, wid. of Ebenezer Eaton. May 26 Jacob Mitchell, Jr., drowned, bro. of Hon. David Mitchell. Sept. 23 and 26 Hannah, Jane and James, ch. of Ephraim Sturtevant. Oct. 24 Capt. Cornelius Soule; Abigail Chandler, dau. of Edmund. Nov. 2 Child of Mr. Dillenoe [Delano?]; 4 Rhoda, dau. of Edmund Chandler; 20 Hannah, dau. of Zachariah Chandler; 24 Judith, wf. of John Hayes. Dec. 6 Daniel Paul. Total, 18. 1756. Apr. 5 Benjamin, son of Benj. Prince; 12 Amos, son of Benj. True; 29 James Beverage, killed by Indians in New Boston. May 5 Thos. Maines and infant child, killed by Indians in Freeport June 8 Solomon, son of John Williams, and another child. July 8 Rebecca, wid of Dea. Jacob Mitchell, Senior; 17 Sarah, wid. of John Ross. Dec. — Joseph, son of Joseph Ross. Total, 10. 1757. Jan. 26 Rhoda, dau. of Eleonora Clough. Feb. 9 Celia, dau. of Solomon & Elsie Loring; 16 Rachel, dau. of Jacob, Jr., & Jane Mitchell. Sept. 18 Jonathan, son of John Sweetser, Jr.; 26 Timothy, son of Jonathan Chandler. Oct. 3 Silvester, son of Richmond Scales ; 6 Samuel & Thomas, sons of Nathaniel Blanchard, Jr.; 28 Anna, dau. of Mary Mason. Dec. 19 Andrew Gray, drowned: — Ephraim Sturtevant, died at Albany. 1758. Jan. 8 James Anderson; Widow Sarah Webber. Mar. l9 Mary, dau. of Moses Brown. Apr. 10 Joseph, son of John & Mary Lewis; Joseph Crediford, killed at Ticonderoga. Aug. 26 Reuben Gage; 8 Rebecca, dau. of Joshua Curtis; 9 Joshua [p. 1109] Curtis; 10 David Fogg; 14 the deaths of John Homes, John Hammon, Benjamin Welch & John Williams, at Lake George, soldiers in the war, was heard of. Nov. 18 John Brown. Dec. 6 Jacob Brown & William Hooper, in the war. 1759. Jan. 31 Widow Martha Chandler, wf. of Joseph. Apr. 13 Rebecca, wf. of Samuel Fisher; 15 ch. of Benj. Hammon, Jr.; 18 Bettie, dau. of Joseph Johnson; 25 John, son of John Williams. Sept. 30 Capt. Henry Woolf. 1760. Feb. 14 Negro child of Landers; 28 Judith, dau. of John & Jane Hayes. Mar. 8 Joseph, son of John & Jane Hayes; 25 ch. of Widow Lydia Wyman; 26 Silvester Richmond, son of Thomas Soule; ch. of Eleazer Brown. Aug. 26 Seth Mitchell [1st Ch. Cat. is wrong?] Dec. 19 Child of Joseph Weare. 1761. Jan. 30 Child of Joseph Johnson. Apr. 18 Barnabas Seabury's wife; 25 ch. of William Cutter. June — Content, wf. of Benj. Mitchell. Sept. 7 Elizabeth Loring. Dec. 16 Wife of Nathan Titcomb; 22 William Barre, a stranger. 1762. Jan. 17 David Barker's infant. Apr. 1 Eleazer Brown's infant; 11 Edmund Lewis' infant. May 9 Sarah, wf. of Enoch Harvey; 18 Widow Susanna Soule. June 2 Child of Mr. York. Sept. 9 Samuel Bucknam. Nov. 15 Widow Lydia Wyman; 24 Isaiah Mitchell, drowned; 28 George Bartlett's child.