Windham Church Marriage Records 1798-1853 MARRIAGES PERFORMED BY REV. MR. STONE. *These items of his record are here repeated, for convenience, and in order to correct a mistake in a date. 1798 Nov. 29 : Married Solomon Raynes, of New Gloucester, and Nancy Swett, of Windham. 1799 Feb. 14 : Married Daniel Hardy, of Dunstable, and Susannah Hardy, of Windham. 1799 July 4 : Married Joseph Chesley to Sarah Gilpatrick. 1799 Oct. 20 : Married Simeon Gould, and Bethia Osgood. 1799 Dec. 29 : Married Ebenezer Hall, of Gorham, and Susannah Hunnewell of Windham. 1804 Nov. 18 : Married Archelaus Newcomb, of Falmouth, and Sally Walker, of Windham. 1804 Dec. 9 : Married Daniel Ingersoll and Lois Trott. [p. 106] CHURCH RECORDS OF MR. GRAGG. May 19, 1829, Miss Caroline Kellogg was admitted to full communion. MARRIAGES. Dec. 14, 1828, Mr. Joshua L. Brown and Miss Betsey Hawkes. Jan'y 18, 1829, Mr. Thomas Smith, Jr., and Miss Susan Bodge. Jan'y 19, 1829, Mr. Hiram Chase of Waterboro, and Miss Mary Jane Smith of Windham. Feb'y 2, 1829, Mr. Elihu Robinson of Readfield, and Miss Abigail Roberts of Windham. March 12, 1829, Mr. John C. Thomas of Westbrook, and Miss Anna Hawkes of Windham. MARRIAGES RECORDED BY REV. MR. WARREN. Mar. 11 : 1840, Matthew Johnson, of Gorham, to Abigail D. Small of Windham. April 22 : Nehemiah L. Varney, to Loraina Hall. July 1 : 1840, Mr. Charles H. Cressey, of Gorham, to Sarah Anderson, of Windham. July 5 : Mr. Edward R. Babb, to Melinda L. Dolly. Feb'y 2 : 1841, Mr. Gilbert Potter, of Bridgton, to Miss Abba H. White, of Windham. Feb'y 21, Mr. Peter Craig, to Miss Jane B. Elder. March 30 : Mr. Richard Mayberry to Miss Mary Jane Mayberry. April 4, Mr. Jefferson Mayberry to Miss Lucretia Swett, both of Gorham. April 15 : Mr. Enoch Mayberry to Miss Elizabeth Gallison. Nov. 4 : Rev. Freeman Yates, Jr. of Gorham, to Miss Mary L. Hall, of Windham, March 14, 1842, Mr. Joshua [p. 143] W. Mayberry to Miss Lucinda Howard. April 7 : Mr. Matthew Johnson Jr. of Gorham, to Miss Mary Ann Small, of Windham. Nov. 1 : Mr. Samuel Lord, of Effingham, N. H., to Miss Ann White, of Windham. Feb'y 16, 1843, Mr. George Hall of Bridgton, to Miss Louisa Anthoine, of Windham. July 9 : Mr. Otis Purington, of Farmington, to Miss Lydia Small, of Windham. Nov. 20 : Mr. Joseph Harding of Gorham, to Miss Lydia Varney of Windham. Oct. 21 : 1844, Mr. Daniel Glines to Miss Rebecca I. Russell, both of Gorham. Nov. 3 : Mr. William Mugford, to Mrs. Betsey Bragdon. Dec. 2 : Mr. O. T. Hall to Miss Sarah M. Harris, both of Gorham. Dec. 3 : Mr. Marshall Morton, to Miss Abigail Westcott, both of Gorham. Jan'y 12 : 1845, Mr. Isaac McDonald, to Miss Betsey L. Allen. March 16 : Mr. John Goodell, to Miss Esther McCullor. March 8 : Doct. Phineas Ingalls of Standish to Miss Ruth Elder of Gorham. Nov. 10 : Mr. Barney Sanders, of Portland, to Miss Eleanor Brown of Windham. Nov. 28 : Mr. Henry H. Boody of Windham, to Miss Eliza Lombard of Standish. Dec. 2 : Mr. George A. Senter, to Miss Elizabeth Hooper. Jan'y 15 : 1846 Mr. Leander Shaw, to Miss Mary Yates, both of Standish. April 26 : Mr. Joseph W. Parker of Gorham, to Miss Mary Lombard of Standish, and Mr. William W. Colley, to Miss Jane Price, of Standish. July 19 : Mr. James Nason of Gorham, to Miss Rebecca Moody of Standish. June 16 : Mr. James Furbish to Miss Maria Hall. Oct. 4 : Mr. Daniel Hawkes of Portland, to Miss Elizabeth B. Austen of Windham. Oct. : Mr. Joel Rand to Miss Emma Kennard. Nov. 29 : Mr. Robert Dodge of Porter, to Miss Sarah M. Kemp of Gorham. Mr. Mark C. Mayberry, of Gorham, to Miss Ann M. Waite of Standish. Mar. 5, 1847, Mr. Abner Bachelder, to Miss Mary York. April 25, Mr. Samuel Richards of Portland, to Miss Mary Ann Nason of Windham. June 1 : Mr. Barnabas Connell, to Miss Lovina Manchester, both of Gorham. Oct. 13 : Mr. Josiah Little, to Miss Betsey Crague. Jan'y 16 : 1848 Mr. Joseph Elder, of Orono, and Miss Lydia C. Elkins of Windham. April 4 : Mr. Josiah Mayberry, to Miss Rebecca Elkins. April 13 : Mr. Abel F. Hutchinson of Lynn, Mass, to Miss Deborah Hawkes of Windham. June 12 : Mr. Albert P. Pennell of Portland, to Miss Ann M. Varney of Windham. June 18 : Mr. Samuel Cobb to Miss Lucinda Libby. Sept. 19 : Mr. George A. Sawyer of Portland, to Miss E. W. Varney of Windham. Nov. 7 : Mr. Archelaus Dole of Casco, to Miss Sarah Huston of Windham. Dec. 31st Mr. William Elkins of Windham to Miss Caroline M. Elder, of Gorham. April 22 : 1849, Mr. David Phinney, and Miss Persis B. Burbank. Apr. 30 : Samuel Green to Miss Elizabeth Shedd, both of Westbrook. May 1 : Mr. Benaiah Hall of Gorham, to Miss Ann S. Cummins, of Norway. [p. 167] CHURCH RECORDS OF REV. JOHN PERHAM. MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED. March 16, 1851, Mr. Thomas Berry, of Poland, to Miss Eliza Staples, of Windham. Mar. 25, Mr. Isaac Webb, of Bridgton, to Miss Jane W. Fogg, of Windham. [p. 168] April 11, 1852, Mr. Ebenezer Legrow to Miss Elizabeth Ward. May 11, Mr. Reuben Allen, of Windham, to Miss Hannah Coolbroth, of Scarborough. Dec. 16, 1852, Mr. Samuel Garland to Miss Catherine Wiggin. Jan'y 8, 1853, Mr. Albion K. Partridge, of Westbrook, to Miss Sarah P. Hawkes, of Windham. January 26, Mr. Amos Hawkes, of Windham, to Miss Edna Gowen, of Westbrook. March 17, Mr. John Q. A. Eastman, of Buxton, to Miss Mary M. Harding, of Standish. May 10, Mr. Peter McIntosh to Miss Hannah F. Legrow. July 4, Mr. John Elliott, of Falmouth, to Miss Charity Varney, of Windham. July 13, Mr. Edward T. Smith to Miss Eliza Marston. Aug. 6, Mr. Henry M. Allen to Miss Lorana W. Dolley.