Early Families of Chesterville
Nason to Young
Plus some additional Misc. Deaths and Marriages

William Nason
 h.w. Aurilla
 Ch: Horace Ferdinand  b. 6-12-1840
        Osgood Dana	b. 12-27-1842  d. 11-18-1867 in Livermore Falls
        Julia Ellen	b. 5-21-1845
        William Albert	b. 10-22-1848

Samuel Neal				d. 11-27-1856
 h.w. Mary
 Ch: Charles Alvin	b. 12-28-1844  d. 3-15-1889

(on the same page with Elijah Gilbert)
Charles Norcross	b. 5-30-1813  d. 3-19-1897
 h.w. Velzora		b. 11-6-1813  d. 11-22-1892
 Ch: Merriamne Gilbert b. 11-20-1841
       Clarissa Jane Gilbreth b. 2-9-1843
       Arvilla Isabor	b. 3-5-1845 d. as Arvilla I Stubbs in Winthrop 12-6-19??
       Hulda G		b. 7-4-1850 d. as Hulda G Chesley 5-12-1914
       Charles Edwin	b. 10-27-1853 d.12-11-1897

Charles S Norcross	b. 1-3-1857 in Brunswick
 h.w. Rose J Riggs	b. 8-29-1863 in Jay
 married: 9-26-1880 in Chesterville
 Ch: Elsie Ray		b. 8-14-1881

Nathaniel Norcross	b. 12-2-1797
 h.w. Elvira		b. 8-22-1801
 Ch: Elvira		b. 9-9-1821
       Mahala Bolan	b. 3-29-1823
       Hannah Fuller	b. 2-2-1825
       Sophy		b. 3-30-1827
       Nathaniel Jeremiah Fuller b. 1-6-1829

Philip Norcross	b. 3-17-1754	d. 10-4-1821
 h.w. Joanna Bracket	b. 9-4-1760	d. 8-9-1831
 married: 3-14-1782
 Ch:  Joanna		b. 12-2-1782
        Elizabeth		b. 6-10-1784
        Sarah		b. 5-30-1787
        Abigail		b. 4-12-1789
        James		b. 1-20-1792
        Susanna		b. 6-9-1794
        Seth		b. 9-12-1796
        Sophia		b. 11-28-1798
        Mary		b. 6-4-1801
        Nancy		b. 11-6-1806

Seth Norcross		b. 9-12-1796	d. 10-31-1877
  h.w. Wealthy Oakes	b. 11-17-1796	d. 8-18-1835
  married: 6-28-1831
  Ch: Philip		b. 4-18-1833	d. 4-  -1885
  ma: 2nd Arabell Higgins on 10-13-1836   
b.  9-14-1802    d. 9-12-1881
  Ch: Arabell		b. 9-18-1840

David Oaks		b. 4-13-1802	d. 10-21-1879
 h.w. Marinda Arnold	b. 12-23-1813	d. 4- -1886
 Ch:  David		b. 11-20-1840 d. 3- -1861
         Augusta Marinda b. 4-20-1843
         Alfred A		b. 4-(10-12?) 1851
         John		b. 3-30-1856
  Georgia A Oakes, wife of Alfred A Oakes d. Mar 17 1879 @29yrs

John Oaks		                         d. 9-7-1839
  h.w. Wealthy 	 
 Ch: Wealthy		b. 11-17-1796
        John		b. 5-30-1798
        Mary		b. 4-20-1800
        David		b. 4-13-1802
        Jeremiah		b. 4-5-1804   	d.2-16-1827
        Elkanah		b. 3-19-1806	
        Francis		b. 10-23-1808  d. 8-27-1837
        Weighty		b. 1-18-1813

John Oakes				d. 6-22-1863 in Minnesota
  h.w.  Jane
  Ch:  Charles Morse	b. 2-16-1824	d. 5-23-1831
         Jeremiah		b. 7-20-1826
         Andrew E	b. 10-22-1829
         Wealthy Elmira  twin
         Weighty Elvira  twin  b. 8-8-1833
         John Jr		b. 10-15-1839
         George Elevy(?) b. 10-14-1850
  All but the last one of their children were born in New Portland

John Parcher
 h.w. Matilda
 Ch:  Persis A		b. 4-14-1828
        Achsah Ramsdell  b. 7-19-1830
        Othniel Pratt	b. 7-6-1833
Zechriah Parcher	b. 7-12-1785  Waterborough Maine  d. 10-13-1856
 h.w. Persis		b. 7-4-1783  Spencer Mass   d. 9-28-1870
 Children born in Leeds
 Ch:  Elizah P		b. 12-4-1812
         Diantha		b. 5-11-1815
         Mary		b. 7-12-1817
         Sally		b. 5-2-1820
         Harriet		b. 2-22-1822	d. 12-2-1901 in Pittson
         Edwin		b. 3-9-1824	d. 3-12-1825
         George		b. 2-25-1827	d. 12-1-1846
         Persis		b. 12-20-1829 in Chesterville
Mary Childs mother of Persis Parker d. 10-12-1838

Elisha Park		b. 5-31-1812
 h.w. Betsey Walton	b. 9-22-1820
 Ch:  Harriet Elizabeth b. 9-12-1846
         Clara Ellen	b. 9-21-1848
         Eva Olive	b. 8-9-1851
         Mary Florence	b. 7-21-1858
 Samuel Park, father of Elish, d. 7-4-1841
 George W Park, nephew of Elisha d. 3-22-1855
 Luther Park, brother of Elisha, d. 1-??-1874
 Joanna, widow of Luther, d. 1-18-1883

Seth Parker
 h.w. Hannah Gordon b. 12-12-1809 in Chesterville
 Ch:  Mary Elizabeth	b. 12-9-1837
         Sarah Ann	b. 11-6-1841
         Seth Albert	b. 9-18-1843
         Hannah Maria	b. 5-30-1845

Jeremiah Parsons			d. 1879
 h.w. Naomi
 Ch:  Horace Leonard	b. 10-24-1840
         Jeremiah Johnson  b. 11-2-1842  d. 11-25-1842
         Naomi Maria	b. 9-3-1845	d. 11-  -1866

Elisha Perry		b. 4-23-1788	d. 3-21-1846
 h.w. Nancy		b. 7-6-1788
Ch: Dearbon		b. 3-1-1816
       Oliver Hazard	b. 1-28-1818 (Jan 28?-difficult to read)d. 8-26-1858
       Elisha		b. 3-28-1819	d. 5-7-1868
       Alaxander		b. 10-12-1820	d. 3-27-1857
       Henry		b. 3-16-1822
       John		b. 6-4-1823
Christopher Columbus b. 4-14-1825
      Martha French	b. 8-17-1828
      Rosan Rowell	b. 8-13-1831
      Solomon		b. 2-1-1844  	d. 3-23-1844
Samuel Perry, father of Elisha, d. 3-23-1821 @86y      

Levi Perry		b. 7-5-1793
 h.w. Nancy		b. 1-27-1793
 Ch: Samuel		b. 5-9-1815
       Mary Jane		b. 2-6-1817
       Hannah Sanborn	b. 1-16-1819
       William		b. 12-19-1820

Samuel Perry				d. 3-23-1821
  h.w. Tabitha				d. 11-28-1855
 Ch: Elisha		b. 4-23-1788
       Hannah		b. 1-4-1791
       Levi		b. 7-5-1793
       Rebecca		b. 5-24-1796	d. 4-20-1801
       Lydia		b. 8-5-1800

Sylvanus B Philbrick	b. 11-20(?) 1825 Mt Vernon
 h.w. Martha K Green	b. 3-17-1830
 married: 11-2-1851 Chesterville
 Ch:  Fred LaRoy	b. 3-25-1856
         Roscoe Herbert	b. 10-21-1863

Abner Pierce		b. 1-9-1809 (added later 1808) d. in Wisconsin 1862
 h.w. Abigail Ann 	b. 4-21-1812
 Ch: Helen Rosamond	b. 10-4-1833
       Lucy Hosmer	b. 7-22-1835 d. 8-3-1851
       Howard Amzi	b. 8-16-1837
       Medovah Frances	b. 4-7-1840
       Juliette Sanborn	b. 9-3-1849

Earl S Pinkham	b. 3-25-1839 in Wayne Maine
 h.w. Emily M French  b. 6-1-1842
 married 3-13-1866 by Rev R B Howard at Farmington
 Ch:  Edgar Eugene	b. 2-20-1872	d. 6-29-1873
         Mary French	b. 8-25-1878

Levi Preble		b. 9-5-1812 in Norridgewock       
 h.w. Cynthia Bean	b. 2-27-1816
 married: Jan 4 1840
 Ch: Relief Bean 	b. 8-7-1841
        Samuel M	b. 4-26-1845
        Charles (L?)	b. 10-19-1847
        Levi Warren	b. 4-4-1853 	d. 4-7-1854
        Florentus H	b. 9-24-1856	d. 10-31-1856
        Susan Elizabeth	b. 11-5-1858
        Annie Cynthia	b. 9-20-1861
Levi F Preble died in Aroostook Co. 1-27-1888
Samuel M Preble b. 4-26-1845
married Anna M Norris  3-25-1866
             Anna M Preble d. 4-15-1867

Otis M Preble		b. 7-13-1824 in Norridgewock  d. 5-23-1863
 h.w. Emeline A Hall	b. 3-26-1834 in Wilton
 married: 10-3-1852 in Wilton
 Ch: Fredd Myron	b. 10-15-1855
        Nell Lucerne	b. 10-15-1855
Motherville Preble, father to Oits, died in Richmond 6-27-1864
Susan Prebel, wife of Motherwill Prebel d. 2-14-1871 in Richmond
Emeline A Packard d. 5-20-1891 in Farmington

William Pulcifer	b. 9-18-1807
 h.w. Eunice W Rich	b. 9-15-1810
 married: 3-31-1834
 Ch: Joseph Melville	b. 5-7-1835
        Martha Ellen	b. 7-10-1837
        Lydia Catherine	b. 1-19-1839
        William Henry Harrison  b. 2-2-1842
        Moses Rich	b. 10-15-1844
        Mary Henrietta	b. 9-13-1847
        Edward Augustus  b. 3-18-1850

Elisha Rand		
 h.w. Angeline Parcher
 Ch:  Sarah Francis Parker	b. 8-7-1839
        Abby Adelaide Parcher	b. 11-18-1844
        Irene Maria Parcher	b. 2-2-1849

Edward Record
 h.w. Emily P
 Ch: Osmond Lothair Elisha    b. 11-??-1848

Joseph H Rich				d. 12-23-1879 in Medfield Mass
 h.w. Martha H			d. 11-26-188? in Medfield Mass
 Ch:  Sarah Almira Collagan  b. 6-10-1844
        Joseph Waldo Vinal       b. 4-3-1849   d. 6-1-1905 Providence RI
        Ella Louisa	           b. 11-19-1850
 Dorcus Rich, mother of Joseph H Rich, d. 3-1-1860
 Moses Rich, father of Joseph H Rich d. 6-20-1865

Horatio N Richards	b. 8-11-1824 in Wayne  d. 9-19-1903
 h.w. Emma U Holmes  b. 9-28-1826 in Chesterville  d. 2-1-1895
 Ch:  Ella E A		b. 2-27-1855
         Edwin E		b. 5-19-1857	d. 10-19-1889
         Rose E		b. 8-9-1861
         Horace N	b. 9-25-1865
         Martha J		b. 3-25-1865
         Otis L		b. 2-27-1867
         Corydon C	b. 11-25-1869
   Ella E A Thompson d. (no date)

Lafayette C Richards	b. 7-3-1832	d. 5-27-1912
 h.w. Eliza S Gardner	b. 6-1-1834	d. 2-11-1908
 married:  9-14-1853
 Ch:  Zella Ophatia	b. 10-26-185(?)  d. 4-27-1863

Simeon E Richards			d. 11-27-1893
 h.w. Ann M Fuller			d. 7-4-1913
 married: 4-30-1854
 Ch:  Joseph E		b. 3-25-1856	d. 4-29-1856
        Fred E		b. 4-14-1857
        John W		b. 12-19-1858
        Joseph S		b. 2-5-1861	d. 5-26-1872
        Willie F		b. 12-3-1862
        Frank N		b. 7-24-1865
        Martha H		b. 8-16-1869
        Drusilla G	b. 1-27-1872

Joseph Ricker		b. 9-23-1820 in Bath  d. 1-5-1891
 h.w. Phebe E Gardner  b. 9-12-1821 in Chesterville  d. 2-22-1869
 Ch:  Augusta F	b. 11-21-1844	d. 2-22-1864
        Maria E		b. 9-23-1840	d. 5-26-1864
        Joseph A		b. 10-15-1843 (6-24-1842 crossed out) d. 4-4-1866
        Phebe I		b. 2-21-1848
        Charles W	b. 3-23-1851	d. 6-9-1873
        Lucretia J	b. 2-2-1854	d. 3-14-1870
        Freddie F		b. 8-29-1864	d. 9-29-1865

George L Riggs	b. 3-14-1823 in New Sharon  d. 8-2-1893
 h.w. Eliza C Pinkham  b. 8-16-1828	d. 9-15-1891
 married: 7-25-1847 in Mercer
 Ch:  Ellen G		b. 4-9-1852	d. 11-7-1866
         Angelia M	b. 7-3-1858
 (on same page)
  Joshua C Stevens b. in Fayette
   h.w. Angelia M Riggs b. in Chesterville 7-3-1858
   married: 12-31-1878 at Kents Hill
   Ch:  Mina Gertrude	b. 10-18-1882
          Marah Beth	b. 2-24-1886
          Mabel C	b. 4-30-1892
George Wesley Riggs	b. 4-26-1842	d. 11-9-1894
  h.w. Harriet Elizabeth Thompson  b. 4-13-1842
  married: 7-25-1863
  Ch:  Rena Ella	b. 5-2-1864 in Fayette
          George Melville  b. 10-20-1866 in Vienna
          Nellie Mae	b. 3-2-1872 in Vienna  d. 5-9-1908

Jason Riggs
 h.w. Martha				d. 7-15-1913 in Wayne Maine
 Ch:  Albert Wing	b. 9-27-1847

Freeman E Ring
 h.w. Rufina A
 Ch:  Ada J		b. 12-24-1854
        Charles H	b. 4-5-1856	d. 2-13-1893
        Cora Bell		b. 3-25-1861

Charles Ripley
 h.w. Martha
  Ch: Moses Harrison	b. 8-29-1840
        Abby Caroline	b. 4-29-1844	d. 9-15-1847
        Elnora 		b. 7-29-1846	d.  9-22-1847
        Almira Roxany	b. 5-18-1849

Simeon Ripley
 h.w. Abigail
 Ch:  Rachel Fenner	b. 5-20-1825
         Mary Pease	b. 5-17-1827
         Ruth Whiting	b. 5-16-1829
         Samuel Dinsmore  b. 8-24-1831
         Sally Avery	b. 3-12-1837  d. 3-2-1842 in Wilton
  Simeon Ripley fell from a load of hay on Saturday and died the day following 8-16-1887

William Robbins
 h.w. Susan
 Ch: Winslow Leroy	
        Flora Addeline  twins b. 11-5-1849
Evander F Rollin	b. 10-11-1808
 h.w. Nancy H Works 	b. 6-18-1818
(note: Rollin's second wife, his first wife having died in Mercer)
 Ch:  Evander Franklin b. 12-28-1838
        Martha Elizabeth  b. 12-14-1840
Isaac G Rollin		b. 3-8-1814
  h.w. Julia C Butterfield   b. 3-17-1824
  married: 12-23-1841
  Ch: Albion 		b. 11-28-1842
         Lafayette	b. 7-14-1850
     (Albion's middle name "Harrison" entered, but then crossed out)

Samuel & Susannah Rollin
 Ch: Susannah Lawrence b. 8-18-1826
       Susannah Rollin d. 9-5-1826 (no indication which Susannah)
       Samuel Rollin d. 9-25-1833

Stanley Rollins
 h.w. Martha
 Ch: Gilman Wallace	b. 8-16-1831
        Martha Jane	b. 7-26-1835
        Irene Morse	b. 8-23-1837
        Sarah Malvina	b. 1-15-1839
        Philip Morse	b. 6-1-1844
 Note: These were born in Jay but not recorded there

William Rollins
 h.w. Almira
 Ch: Desire 		b. 4-  -1847
        Sanford		b. 5-20-1849

John M Ross		b. 2-18-1820 in Gorham  d. 8-18-1887
 h.w. Mary F Thomas  b. 11-17-1829 in Gorham  d. 2-17-1859
 John M Ross ma: 2nd Julia A Chase
 married 11-4-1852
 Walter Ross, father of J M Ross d. 1-23-1846
  The above was also father of Valentine Ross
Valentine Ross	b. 2-14-1807	d. 12-20-1879 in Wayne
 h.w. Dinatha Parcher  b. 5-11-1815	d. 4-  -1862
 Ch: Olive Maria	b. 10-1-1833	d. 11-29-1836
        Mary Ellen	b. 8-26-1835
        Franklin Rollin	b. 4-8-1838
        Charles B	b. 6-6-1844
        Isabel V		b. 4-18-1849
       Mary Ellen Black d. 2-17-1869
       Charles B Ross, a volunteer in the Civil War Col B 28th Maine Regiment 
d.  10-23-1864

James M Rowe	b. 5-1-1838 in Gilead Maine  d. 3-14-1907
 h.w. Susan E Trafton  b. 5-16-1848 in Chesterville  d. 6-4-1910
 married: 8-9-1869
 Ch:  Clinton (Cuvier?)  b. 9-8-19-79

Amzi Sanborn 	b. 1-1-1809 in Parsonfield Maine d. Phillips 1-12-1852 (as "MD")
 h.w. Julia Ann Pierce	b. 3-30-1812 in Norridgewock  d. 11-13-1852
 Ch: Ellen Angeline	b. 5-10-1836
        Juliette Caroline	b. 3-1-1839  d. 8-22-1840
        Marshman Williams b. 2-20-1841 d. Norwood Mass 4-25-1884
        Edward Talbot	b. 2-19-1845  d. Benicia Cal 3-3-1886

John Wan Sanborn	b. 6-3-1806 Andover NH
 h.w. Mary Jane	b. 1-3-1806 in Sanbornton NH 
 Ch:  John Francis	b. 9-19-1834 Lynn Mass
        Thomas W	b. 12-16-1835  Lynn Mass	d. 4-(3?)-1879
        Phillip Augustus	b. 10-31-1836 Lynn Mass	d. 1-15-1863 Natick Mass
        Charles Robie	b. 10-31-1837 Lynn Mass	d. 7-19-1893
        Dearborn C	b. 2-24-1839 Chesterville
        Kendall Clark	b.  2-7-1841 Chesterville

Stephen Sanborn
 h.w. Mary
 Ch:  Lydia		b. 5-28-1818
         Jonathan		b. 2-15-1820
Caleb M Sewall             d. 11-2-1875 in Hamilton Ill.
  h.w.Mary Jane Wheeler d. 10-29-1840
 Ch:  Joseph White	b. 9-27-1837 6-30-1839
 James Sewall, father of Caleb M Sewall d. 2-15-1839
 Elizabeth Sewall, sister of Caleb M Sewall, d. 10-7-1825
 Lucy Ann Sewall (ditto) d. 9-15-1842

Calvin D Sewall	b. 6-12-1822
 h.w. Eliza Mayhew	b. 4-8-1824	d. 1-8-1873
 married: 1-1-1847
 Ch:  Elinar Carrol	b. 5-21-1848
         Carrie Gertrude	b. 11-23-1851
         Nathan Willis	b. 8-21-1854
         Lucy Maria	b. 1-11-1857
         Alice May	b. 8-17-1862
         Oliver Dana	b. 1-23-1865

Daniel Sewall		b. 11-4-1808
  h.w. Angelina Brown   b. 6-4-1811
  married: 10-9-1833
  Ch:  Infant son	b. 6-27-1834	d. 6-29-1834
          Cornelius Harlow  b. 6-26-1835
          Daniel Dana	b. 7-13-1838
Dumner Sewall Jr       b. 8-22-1783
  h.w. Sarah                b. 6-21-1782      d. 7-28-1824  
         ma: 1-12-1808
 Ch: William Dummer   b. 7-15-1813
        Sarah Jane            b. 1-30-1817
 ma: Sarah Wilson        b. 2-1-1799  "the said Sewall was married after
        the death of his first wife and by her had:
        James Fogg           b. 6-7-1825
        Otis Moody	b. 1-28-1828

George O Sewall	b. 12-16-1819
 h.w. Mary L Young	b. 6-2-1823
 married: 12-3-1843
 Ch: Justin Alfred	b. 10-28-1846
Jotham Sewall		b. 1-1-1760	d. 10-30-1850
  h.w. Jenny		b. 9-  - 176?	D. 2-26-1842
  Ch:   Oliver		b. 7-10-1788
          Nathan		b. 4-3-1790	d. 4-29-1790
          Jotham		b. 12-6-1791
          Henry		b. 7-19-1793	
          Jenny		b. 8-9-1795	d. 8-21-1796
          Julia		b. 7-5-1797
          Sarah		b. 7-19-1799	d. 1-11-1803
          Mary		b. 8-1-1801
          Otis		b. 12-4-1802	d. 3-21-1814
         Rachel Crosby	b. 12-15-1804	d. 12-11-1805
         Betsey		b. 11-12-1806
         Daniel		b. 11-4-1808
         David		b. 6-12-1811	d. 6-12-1811

Henry Sewall		b. 7-19-1793
  h.w. Mary		b. 7-11-1786
 Ch:   Mary Jane	b. 1-5-1817
         Otis Henry	b. 11-13-1819

 Howard Sewall 	b. 12-30-1838
  h.w. Florilla Fuller	b. 3-4/6-1842
  Married: 11-8-1863
  Ch: Willis Fuller	b. 8-8-1866

Dummer Sewall	b. 1-15-1761	d. 2-11-1846
  h.w. Jenny		b. 3-19-1763	d. 5-26-1852
  Ch:  Dummer Jr	b. 8-22-1783
         Deborah		b. 12-5-1786
         Polly		b. 5-3-1789
        Hannah		b. 5-20-1791
         Almira		b. 10-28-1793
         Lydia		b. 7-3-1796
         Jenny		b. 7-3-1798
        Otis Crosby	b. 11-19-1800
       William Dunning	b. 3-8-1804
       Samuel Moody	b. 12-17-1806
Note on the Sewall Page:  Lydia Alexander Sewall, daughter of Benjamin & Hannah Alexander was b. 8-4-1817 and was taken into the family of Dummer Sewall and adopted in 1820.

Jotham Sewall Jr	b. 12-6-1791
  h.w. Rachel Crosby	b. 3-7-1794
 Ch:    Stephen Bayley b. 11-22-1815
          David Brainerd	b. 1-18-1817
          Priscilla B	b. 3-8-1819

Oliver Sewall		b. 7-10-1788	d. 5-30-1861
 h.w.	Betsey		b. 11-30-1788
Ch:  Harriet Atwood 	b. 9-11-1814
        Eliza Jane	b. 4-24-1816
        Maria		b. 3-22-1818
        George Oliver	b. 12-16-1819
        Calvin Davenport b. 6-12-1822
        William Sylvester b. 6-5-1824	d. 7-10-1909
           Eliza Jane Davis d. 8-7-1861
           Harriet A Currier d. 3-31-1866

Otis Crosby Sewall	b. 11-19-1800  d. 8-16-1886 at Livermore
 h.w. Abigail		b. 8-18-1802  d. 4-11-1890 at Livermore
  Married Feb 15, 1829
 Ch: Eugene		b. 12-27-1831
        Augusta		b. 3-1-1833
        Howard		b. 12-30-1838
Samuel M Sewall	b. 12-17-1806
 h.w. Hannah H Sewall	b. 11-28-1805
 Ch: Lenora		b. 12-21-1832
       Orlando 		b. 1-11-1834
       Ellen		b. 11-11-1835
William D Sewall	b. 3-8-1804
 h.w. Mary Ann	
  Ch: Jane Dummer	b. 5-10-1828 (1822 written & crossed out)
        Geo Washington	b. 10-12-1829

Gilman B. Shaw	b. 4-19-1795
 h.w. Cyntha		b. 3-14-1798
 Ch:  Jeremiah S	b. 9-24-1822
        Hannah		b. 11-14-1825

John Shaw				d. 6-28-1858			
 h.w. Mary
 Ch: Ann		b. 11-18-1828
        Philena		b. 7-3-1832
        Elmina		b. 3-19-1832
        Vesta		b. 6-27-1834
        Abel		b. 11-28-1836	d. 8-18-1838
        Augusta		b. 8-23-1839  	d. as "Davis" (no date)
Note: The record for Philena & Elmina both have 1832 as their
   date.  An apparent mistake on the clerk's part.

Augustus Smith	b. 5-8-1849 in Scarboro  d. 2-12-1914 in Roxbury Mass
 h.w. Ellen J Jones	b. 11-29-1855 in Great Falls NH
 married: 6-3-1871
 Ch: William G 	b. 11-19-1872

Lemuel Smith		
 h.w. Sophrona
 Ch:  Julia		b. 10-26-1850
         Charles R	b. (no date)
  Charles R Smith, a volunteer, died in 1863

Henry Smith				d. 6-  -1877
 h.w. Dorothy				d. 3-  -1884
 Ch: George Augusta	b. 9-14-1843
        James Albert	b. 12-19-1848

Asa Soper			d. 10-18-1842 @76y 1m 5d
 h.w. Mehitable		d. 12-6-1844 @70y 9m 14d
 Ch:  Jesse		b. 12-12-1794	d. 8-31-1872
        Oliver		b. 5-5-1798
        Pamela		b. 7-20-1800
        Cyrus		b. 3-1-1802
        Noah		b. 1-30-1804
        Betsey		b. 9-3-1805
        Louis		b. 6-13-1807
        Mary		b. 8-1-1808

Cyrus A Stanley	b. 2-26-1843 in Norridgewock
 h.w. Luella B French	b. 2-27-1844 in Chesterville
 married 2-26-1867 in New Sharon
 Ch:  Edith Camilla	b. 5-28-1869
         Ethel Marion	b. 11-24-1870
         Allan Files	b. 9-6-1873
         Benjamin French  b. 1-17-1876

George W Stanley	b. 10-28-1815 in Winthrop  d. 8-9-1890
 h.w. Mary G Jewell	b. 12-25-1819 in Wales  d. 3-18-1902
 married: 5-24-1842
 Ch: Cyrus Adin	b. 2-26-1843
        Allin Files	b. 8-28-1844
        Mary Frances	b. 9-11-1846
        Sarah Ellen	b. 12-17-1848
        Annette		b. 12-6-1850	d. 8-225-1851
        George Elbridge	b. 11-2?-1852
        Addie Jewell	b.  12-25-1854
        Horace Llewellyn  b. 3-14-1857
        Lizzie Shaw	b. 6-22-1859
        Edward Robert	b. 1-9-1862
  Allen F Stanley, a volunteer, died in Donaldsonville La. About 7-20-1863

Nathaniel Staples	b. 3-2-1789
  h.w. Eliza		b. 6-16-1787
 Ch: Persis B		b. 6-4-1811 in Rome
       Harriet D		b. 2-26-1813 in Chesterville
       Roxsena		b. 3-12-1815
       Abigail W		b. 6-28-1817
       John L K 		b. 8-1-1819
William Stickney	
  h.w. Anna	
  Ch: Anna F		b. 11-1-1801  In Hallowell	d. 8-28-1802
        Catharine		b. 6-3-1803     "      "		d. 10-19-1805
        Daniel Smith	b. 11-25-1804 "      "
        Geo. Smith	b. 6-23-1806   "      "
        Abigail		b. 3-29-1808   "   Chesterville
        William T	b. 11-4-1809             "
        Thomas 		b. 6-20-1811             "
        Sarah Ann	b. 9-2-1813               "
        Mary Jane	b. 8-26-1815             "

William Stickney
 h.w. Clarisa	
 Ch:  Sarah Cordelia	b. 10-15-1847
 Sarah R Stickney, first wife of William Stickney d. 7-10-1844
 Clarissa P Stickney, second wife of William Stickney d. 6-17-1890

Benjamin Stinchfield			d. 9-7-1846
 h.w. Sarah		b. 9-18-1797	d. 6-7-1871
 Ch:  William Hartford  b. 11-3-1817
         Nancy Whittier	b. 11-25-1821
         Mary Jane	b. 12-15-1826
         Jeremiah		b. 8-6-1828
         Ann Greely	b. 9-19-1830
         Hiram Adison	b. 9-10-1832	d. 12-22-1853
         Sarah Adla	b. 7-15-1834
         Elizabeth Benson b. 10-7-1837

Robert Stuart
 h.w. Ester				d. 7-13-1850
 Ch:  Robert Estes 	b. 7-13-1850

Israel Sweat		b. 17-
 h.w. Sally		b. 17-
 Ch: Hiram		b. 7-23-1804

Edward P Tobie
 h.w. Caroline Tobie
 Ch: Sarah F		b. 11-16-1829
       Mary M F		b. 2-13-1832

Samuel Tobie		b. 12-28-1802
  h.w. Mary Allen	b. 10-3-1803
  Ch: Caroline		b. 8-15-1828  d. 9-3-1829

Aratus Thompson
 h.w. Jane
 Ch:  Otis Sewall	b. 9-16-1839
         Marcus		b. 1-29-1841
         Augusta		b. 6-1-1843

William Thornton
  h.w. Lucy
  Ch: Lucy		b. 3-2-1834
         Horatio		b. 1-26-1836
         Mary E		b. 8-3-1839
         Sarah Jane	b. 7-7-1842
         Adelia		b. 8-11-1844
         Jeremiah		b. 5-18-1847
 (on same page)
  George Thornton d. 6-28-1831

Lemuel G Tilden			d. 12-1-1882 in Litchfield
 h.w. Hannah B			d. 4-8-1906 in Farmington
 Ch: Abbey Lothrop	b. 5-9-1840
        Horace Wayland	b. 12-22-1841
        Howard Benjamin  b. 9-13-1847
        Herbert		b. 6-17-1850
        Mina		b. 7-25-1858  	d. 3-12-1860
  (on Tilden Page)
 Alvin S Riggs b. 5-3-1835
 Abbie L Tilden  b. 5-9-1840
  married 10-9-1860
 Ch: Annie L	b. 9-2-1861
       Harry T    b. 2-28-1871
  Record furnished by Mrs. Riggs 9-25-1876

Joseph F Tufts
 h.w. Margaret M
 Ch: Franklin A	b. 9-17-1862 in Chesterville
Zebulon Tyler
 h.w. Julia
 Ch: Elizabeth Fergason  b. 1-19-1850

Samuel Valentine
 h.w. Mary
 Ch: Samuel Henry	b. 7-2-1848
        Albert		b. 9-20-1849        

Daniel Vining		b. 2-11-1780
  h.w. Deborah		b. 5-2-1790
  Ch: Moses P		b. 1-21-1810 in Malta (now Windsor)
       Daniel W		b. 12-9-1814 in Malta
       Emeline		b. 7-27-1817

Albion Walker	b. No Livermore 7-25-1813  d. 10-12-1869
  h.w. Eliza Tilton	b. No Livermore 5-10-1821  d. 3-  -1875
  married: 10-16-1844
  Ch:  Milton R	b. 4-7-1846
  Milton R Walker deid at the Soldiers Home Togus Maine 3-22-1912
  He enlisted in Co.F 2nd Me. Cavalry at Farmington Sept 4 1863 and was
  mustered out at Alexandria Va. Oct 22 1864.  He was admitted to Togus from
  Auburn June 5 1878  (copied from Lewiston Journal)

Charles Walton
 h.w. Rosannah
 Ch:  Charles Granville  b. 12-8-1839
         Moses Corydon   b.  4-10-1841

Moses Walton Jr	b. 1-17-1784	d. 9-18-1850
  h.w. Abigail Eaton	b. 10-12-1785	d. 10-19-1828
    ma: 11-19-1810
  Ch:  Hariat		b. 12-7-1811
         Charls		b. 3-20-1814
         John		b. 11-14-1816
         Betsey		b. 9-22-1820
         Abigail Ann	b. 8-7-1833
On Walton Page:
  Betsey Walton d. 12-9-1816
  Polly Walton	   d. 4-16-1825
 Old Mrs. Martha Walton d. 11-16-182?, wife of Moses Walton
 Moses Walton, father of Moses Jr, d. 2-25-183(1 or 7)

Mary Webber		b. 12-13-1815 in Vienna
 Thomas J Clough, her son, b. 6-23-1844
 William Raymond & Mary Webber married 9-11-1853
  Ch: Elzora A		b. 6-23-1854
         Hannah E	b. 1-26-1856
         Mary L		b. 3-12-1858
  William Raymond d. 6-15-1874
  Mary Raymond d. 12-14-1898

Stephen Webber	b. 9-8-1825 in Edgecomb
 h.w. Betsey A Durrell  b. 11-13-1836  in Hodgden
 Ch:  Adelia J		b. 3-13-1858
         Olive A		b. 4-28-1859
         Stephen E	b. 10-1-1860
         Flora B		b. 1-20-1863
         Annie C		b.  3-15-1865
         Hiram R		b.  5-2-1867
         Wallace B	b.  5-29-1870 (above 69 was noted)
         Ozro L		b.  9-25-1873 (above 72 was noted)
  Stephen Webber d. 5-12-1896  (no information which Stephen)

Justus Webster
 wife: Sarah A d. 8-30-1891

Charles H Wellman	b. 8-13-1853 in Jay
 h.w. Ella F Dixon	b. 2-4-1857 in Chesterville
 married 4-2-1873
 Ch: Florence		b. 10-19-1874 Chesterville
        Gilbert A		b. 11-14-1876 Jay
        Samuel B 	b. 5-9-1883 Chesterville
        Ethel L		b. 12-28-1886  Chesterville
        Verne L		b. 2-15-1891 Chesterville
        Orie C		b. 5-4-1897

Charles E Wheeler	b. 12-21-1857
 h.w. Mercie A Allen 	b. 11-19-1858 in Bethel
 married: 8-22-1880
 Ch:  Eva May		b. 6-28-1883
         John Russell	b. 12-14-1885
         Luciene C	b. 3-12-1888
         Florence Muriel	b. 12-16-1891

Edward J Wheeler 	b. 7-16-1780
 h.w. Phebe				d. May 1814	
 h.w. Mercy
Ch: Pamela		b. 12-7-1804
      Lula		b. 3-7-1807
      (Eboy?)		b. 1-6-1809
      Chandler		b. 3-17-1811
      John		b. 3-16-1813
      Elizabeth		b. 12-10-1816
      Selden B		b. 7-23-1818
      Otis T		b. 8-16-1820

John Wheeler  	b. 5-14-1750
 h.w.  Molley		b. 5-14-1755  d. 3-27-1814
 Ch: John Jr		b. 3-15-1777   in York
        Polly		b. 4-20-1778          "
      Edward Ingraham	b. 7-16-1780          "
       Lydia 		b. 10-6-1782	       "	        d. 9-23-1783
       Abigail Milk	b. 8-12-1784          "     
       Elcy		b. 2-16-1787          "
       George		b. 12-16-1789        "
       William Lyman	b. 4-2-1792	       "
       Sally		b. 7-9-1794  Chesterville     d. 6-9-1814
       Jenny Sewall	b. 4-15-1797
(on Wheeler Page) Polly Chandler d. May 15 1814

John Wheeler Jr	b. 3-14-1777	d. 12-2-1855
 h.w. Charity		b. 12-23-1776	d. 5-23-1865
 Ch:  Samuel		b. 5-20-1801
        Charlotte		b. 6-6-1804	d. 7-5-1864
        Oliver		b. 2-15-1811	d. 4-7-1812
        Lydia		b. 9-7-1799	d. 12-4-1799
        Dorcas Dunning  b. 5-3-1814
        Mary Jane	b. 9-17-1820	d. 10-29-1840

John C Wheeler	b. 11-5-1827	d. 11-16-1893
 h.w. Lucinda J Baker	b. 12-14-1829	d. 12-22-1908
 married: 2-23-1856 in Chesterville
 Ch: Charles Everett 	b. 12-24-1851
  (on same page)
  George R Bradbury	b. 10-19-1834
   h.w. Belinda L Baker  b. 8-3-1835
  married 10-8-1856 in St Paul Minn
  Ch:  Fanny W	b. 9-19-1862 in Clearwater Minn.  d. 5-4-1865 Chesterville

Samuel Wheeler         b. 5-20-1801 d. 12-27-1892
 h.w. Nancy Wiggins    b. 5-1-1800  d. 3-29-1875
 Ch:  Jesse Brigs	b. 10-19-1824	 d. 9-23-1826
        Betsy Locke        b. 9-18-1827
        John C                 b. 11-5-1829
        Samuel Shepard   b. 7-14-1833   d. 4-6-1839
        Elye Noyes          b. 12-8-1836   d. 5-11-1878
        Thomas Jefferson   b. 10-13-1840
        Sarah Ellen Frances   b. 4-1-1832  d. 4-23-1832
Betsey L. Baker d.3-31-1873 (on page with Samuel Wheeler)

Thomas J Wheeler	b. 10-13-1840	d. 10-4-1903
 h.w. Alma M Gordon	b. 5-16-1841	d. 6-17-1892
 married: 4-30-1865
 Ch:  Samuel Clinton	 b. 11-24-1869	 d. 5-17-1909
        Clyde Vinton	 b. 10-22-1874 d. 12-16-1892
William Lyman Wheeler	b. 4-2-1792	d. in Deering 12-30-1876(?)
  h.w. Mary			b. 1-23-1794
 Ch:  Benjamin Franklin	b. 10-17-1814
        William Quincy		b. 10-29-1816
        Horatio Quincy		b. 3-8-1819
        James Butterfield	b. 11-13-1823

Jared White				d. 5-18-1864
 h.w. Rebecca				d. 10-5-1865
 Ch:  Myra Ann	b. 3-31-1828
        Charles Leonard  b. 9-24-1831

Ambrose Whitney	b. 7-28-1806	d. 2-19-1870  in Lowell Mass
  h.w. Nancy		b. 3-21-1804	d. 12-9-1835
  Ch:  James		b. 1-31-1827	d. 8-25-1828
        George Shepard	b. 7-26-1829
        Cyrus		b. 5-26-1832
        Granville Sharpe Patterson   b. 6-24-1834  d. 6-10-1854 in Lowell Mass

Cyrus Whitney	b. 10-29-1802 d. 2-5-1830
 h.w. Sophia Stearns	b. 8-31-1802
 Ch: Hervey Stearns	b. 3-27-1825
       Martha Warren	b. 3-6-1828

George F Whitney	b. 9-1-1844 in Chesterville
 h.w. Madorah Tuttle  b. 12-18-1849 in Anson
 married: 8-15-1868
 Ch: Emma Augusta	b. 4-8-1869
        George Henry	b. 4-10-1870
        Minnie Louisa	b. 7-4-1873	d. 4-11-189(8?)
Henry Whitney Jr	b. 2-7-1804  d. 10-16-1871
 h.w. Rebecca Fellows	b. 2-7-1806  d. 9-1-1881
 Married 11-24- 1825
 Ch: Isaac F		b. 10-13-1828  d. 7-2-1887
       Augusta Wing	b. 10-6-1832  d. Augusta W Potter in 1874
       Dexter Waterman	b. 7-8-1838  d. 6-16-1858
      James Henry Warren  b. 12-8-1842  d. 2-20-1870
      George Franklin	b. 9-1-1844  d. 6-21-1899

Henry Whitney	b. 7-24-1767	d. 4-18-1849
  h.w. Abigail		b. 9-  -1779	d. 7-8-1819
 Ch: Betsey 		b. (pencil) 10-3-1795 in North Yarmouth
        Cyrus		b. (pencil) 10-29-1802 in North Yarmouth
        Henry 		b. 2-7-1804
        Ambrose		b. 7-28-1806
        Geo Washington Riggs  b.10-24-1809
        William Gorham	b. 9-6-1811	d. 3-31-1814
        Hiram		b. 9-8-1815
    Henry ma: 2nd:  Martha Warren b. 8-13-1778
       ma: 10-25-1821
   Ch: Abigail Warren b. 7-26-1824  d. 6-27-1838

Timothy Whitney	b. 8-1-1771
  h.w. Martha		b. 10-27-1771   d. 7-26-1831
 Ch: Sally		b. 1-26-1795  in New Gloucester
       Betsey Hopkins	b. 9-19-1796 in Freeport
       Patty		b. 3-8-1798          "
       Hannah		b. 12-1-1799	     "
       Parker		b. 9-14-1801        "  d. 10-30-1816	
       Rebeckah		b. 3-25-1804
       Polly		b. 8-30-1805
       Esther		b. 8-27-1807
       Sylvia		b. 3-18-1811
       John Wells	b. 8-5-1813  In Norridgewock

Widow Agnes Whittier   b. 3-6-1774
 Ch: by William Whittier (deceased)
       Sarah		b. 9-18-1795
       Thomas		b. 3-18-1799
       William		b. 4-24-1801
       Benjamin		b. 12-10-1805

Charles Whittier	b. 12-12-1826
 h.w. Myra A White	b. 3-31-1828
 married 10-3-1850
 Ch: Harriet W		b. 10-29-1851

David W Whittier			d. 3-7-1874
 h.w. Lucinda				d. 9-3-1907 in Portsmouth NH
 Ch: Ellen Alvina	b. 7-22-1844	d. 7-14-1848
        Loren Webster	b. 5-20-1850	d. 10-9-1852
        Ellen Madella	b. 8-29-1853	d. 2-7-1912 in Portsmouth NH
        George Drew	b. 7-29-1857

Moses Whittier	b. 9-14-1764
  h.w. Betsey		b. 9-4-1771
  Ch:  Lydia		b. 12-6-1791	d. 8-28-1800
         Betsey		b. 8-11-1793
         Benjamin	b. 7-26-1795
         Thomas		b. 7-26-1797
         Moses		b. 10-12-1799	d. 9-9-1800
         Lydia		b. 9-13-1801	d. 11-22-1803
         Moses & Mary   b. 8-3-1803
         Isaac		b. 7-30-1805
         Meriam		b. 3-28-1807
         John		b. 5-19-1809
       Henry Augustus	b. 12-3-1811

Nathaniel Whittier
 h.w. Sarah				d. 12-2-1863
 Ch:  Llewllyen	b. 9-25-1846
         Alasio(?)		b. 9-15-1848
         Ida Eldora	b. 10-10-1850

Newell G Whittier	b. 2-9-1825 in Chesterville
 h.w. Harriet N Tilton	b. (no date)(Auderes?) NH
 married: 9-18-1856
  Ch: William (Wirt?)   		d. 4-16-1864
Phineas Whittier	b. 12-2-1823 Chesterville  d. 3-22-1914
 h.w. Sarah G Maddocks  b. 6-26-1828 Chesterville
 married: 8-30-1848
 Ch:  Emma V		b. 3-8-1851
         Grace E		b. 11-6-1858
         Isabel S		b. 10-13-1862

Phinehas Whittier			d. 6-3-1828
  h.w. Mehitable
 Ch:   Josiah		b. 5-5-1791         First 3 ch. Born in NH
         Peter		b. 7-21-1795
         Enoch		b. 10-28-1797	d. Oct 1883  
         Phinehas		b. 1-27-1802	d. 9-20-1804
         Mehitable	b. 7-11-1806

Peter Whittier	b. 7-21-1795	d. 12-21-1873
 h.w. Deborah		b. 12-1-1800	d. 1-11-1867
 Ch: Phinahas		b. 12-2-1823
       Newel G	  	b. 2-9-1825	d. 5-1-19005
       Charles		b. 12-12-1826
       Daniel Elliot	b. 7-9-1831
       Josiah		b. 12-20-1832	d. 3-5-1833
       Eleanor Gorden	b. 12-8-1833
       Weighty Elliot	b. 12-27-1835
        Harriet		b. 1-19-1838
Charles Whittier, a volunteer d. in Louisiana June 1863
Weighty E Butterfield d. 5-30-1885
Harriet Thompson (Norton or Horton) d. 3-31-1890

Sewall Whittier
 h.w. Hannah
 Ch:  Henry		b. 12-23-1847
         Everet		b. 1-11-1850
Nathaniel Whittier Esq	b. 7-14-1779	d. Farmington 5-30-1837
  h.w. Allice		b. 10-22-1785
 Ch:  Hiram Benjamin	b. 7-26-1814
        Mary Jane	b. 4-20-1816	d. 3-11-1818
        William Henry	two entries: 4-29-1818  or 10-19-1817
        Nathaniel Gross	b. 5-17-1820
        Caroline Elizabeth b. in Farmington 4-1-1822
        Mercy Emeline	b. in Farmington 1-5-1825
        Mary Angeline    b. in Farmington 1-5-1825
        Allice Adaline	b. 11-7-1826
Mercy Emeline died in Chesterville 2-12-1894
Peter Whittier	b. 7-21-1795
 h.w. Deborah		b. 12-1-1800
 Ch: Phinahas		b. 12-2-1823
       Newel G		b. 2-9-1825
       Charles		b. 12-12-1826
       Daniel Elliot	b. 7-9-1831
       Josiah		b. 12-20-1832
       Eleanor Gordon	b. 12-8-1833
       Weighy Elliot	b. 

William Whittier	b. 4-24-1801 in Farmington  d. 12-12-1863 "Esq."
  h.w. Rebecca Stinchfield b. 4-14-1796 in New Sharon
  Ch:  Elizabeth Jinks	b. 3-19-1831
         William Addison b. 4-24-1837
         Benjamin	b. 8-12-1840
         Charles Edwin	b. 10-15-1842	d. 11-30-1846      

Alden Wing		b. 12-28-1796
 Charity Marian (?) Stevens b. 4-26-1800
 Ch: Martha Jane	b. 1-9-1823
      Albert		b. 5-6-1824
      Elizabeth		b. 3-14-1827
      John Allen		b. 8-24-1829
      Charles Wesley	b. 2-15-1834

Alden Wing		b. 12-28-1796	d. 10-22-18(??) in Cape Elizabeth
  h.w. Charity		b. 4-26-1800
  Ch:  Martha Jane	b. 1-9-1823
         Albert		b. 5-6-1824
         Elizabeth	b. 3-14-1827
         John Allen	b. 9-24-1829
         Charles Wesley	b. 2-15-1834
On same page is:  Martha Jane Riggs d. 7-15-1913 in Wayne
 (these were two different entries)

David Wing		b.1-3-1795	d. Wayne 1871
  h.w. Alis		b. 11-15-1797	d. Wayne (death rec. says Alice)
 Ch: Eli Lake		b. 1-23-1819
        Gancela		b. 2-9-1820
        Jefferson		b. 9-10-1821	d. 9-27-1832

Elmer E Wing		b. 6-29-1874 in Wayne Maine
 h.w. Iva E Hinkley	b. 4-6-1878 in Chesterville
 married: 4-19-1896 by Rev. H Crockett
 Ch: Herman S		b. 12-12-1897
        Harold M	b. 3-27-1901
        Hartwell A	b. 6-3-1904

Jefferson Gancelo Wing
 h.w. Mary Ann			d. 4-15-1849 in Cleveland Ohio
 Ch:  Ellen Cornelia	b. 12-11-1844 in Porter NY County of Niagra
         Emma Janett	b. 12-7-1846 in Cleveland Ohio
         George Turtelot	b. 3-17-1849 in Cleveland Ohio

Wales Withington	b. 9-3-1793  in Canton Mass d. 10-19-1849
 h.w. Susan Tucker	b. 4-15-1795 in Milton Mass d. 10-6-1849
 married: 12-6-1821
 Ch:  Phineas Mather	b. 1-12-1823
        William		b. 4-16-1824	d. 9-20-1824 Canton Mass
        Horace		b. 2-12-1827	d. 7-14-1827 Canton Mass
        Susan Elithebeth  b. 7-5-1828
        Eunis		b. 6-17-1830	d. 7-1-1851
        Mira Harriet	b. 7-11-1832
        Myron		b. 4-5-1834
        Mary J/T		b. 11-4-1837	d. 12-23-1837 Canton Mass
 All the children were born in Canton Mass

Capt. Thomas Williams b. 2-22-1773  d. 7-19-1810
  h.w. Lydia		b. 3-11-1774
  Ch: Lydia		b. 8-26-1796
        Thomas		b. 9-11-1799
        John		b. 1-6-1801
        Levi Morrill	b. 6-13-1805
        Louisiana		b. 9-14-1809

Thomas Williams			d. 6-12-1871 in Farmington
 h.w. Sally				d. 1885
 Ch: Thomas 		b. 12-15-1842
        George Almond	b. 9-11-1848

Capt. Daniel Wyman
  h.w. Ruth (Wing)
 Ch: John 		b. 11-23-1778		Winthrop  
       Daniel		b. 9-6-1780		Winthrop
       Samuel		b. 4-10-1782		Readfield
       Hannah		b. 1-20-1784		Readfield
       Mary		b. 1-14-1786		Readfield
       Dolly		b. 10-10-1788		Wyman Plt
       Abraham		b. 7-25-1790
       Eliza A		b. 5-29-1792
       Peter		b. 2-7-1794
       William		b. 6-1-1796

Samuel Wyman	b. 17-
  h.w. Peggy		b. 17-
  Ch: James		b. 1-25-1805 in Chesterville

Sylvanus B Wyman			d. 8-18-1865
 h.w.  Dolly L
 Ch:  Rhoda E		b. 10-18-1838
         Valorous F	b.  2-17-1841
         Homer S		b.  6-8-1843
         Sylvanus B	b.  3-4-1845
         Helen Eldora	b. 1-10-1850
         Myrtilla Estelle	b. 2-6-1852
         Arthur		b. 3-7-1854
         Ford Melvin	b.  2-20-1856
         Ella Eliza	b. 12-16-1854
         Abe Lincoln	b. 9-25-1860
  Homer S Wyman, a Union Soldier d. in Florida June 8 1864
  Sylvanus B Wyman, the son, d. in New York Jan 18 1872
 Valorous F Wman, died in Kansas 9-  -1877
 Ford M Wyman d. 8-  -1884
 A Lincoln Wyman d. in Livermore 5-16-1914

William B. Young	
h.w. Fair Rozzeway Young
Ch: Delisla Gilman	b. 5-3-1837
       Parker Delano	b. 8-19-1839

The Clerk of Chesterville is requested to enter on record, that Mary Young,
my adopted daughter, b. 6-2-1823) be known hereafter by the name Mary Long Young.
Dates: 3-22-1843     Signed: Mary Young

Miscellaneous Information:
Nathan Hall		d. 3-11-187?
Harriet T Hall  	d. 3-31-18??
Isaac Knowles		d. 4-4-1821
Prudence Knowles	d. 3-28-1845
Elijah Mears		d. 6-22-1864
Phebe Gibbs		d. 9-(1 or 4)-1850
Frank Gibbs		d. 2-1-1851
Jane Gage		d. 2-16-1851
Mrs. Rufina A Ring 	d. 10-21-1864
Cyrus Pierce		d. 4-28-1851
George Washington Park, nephew of Luther and Elisha, d. 3-22-1855
Augustus J Hall	d. 1-16-1882
Bradbury Hall		d. 12-21-1888
Jonah Vaughn Esq	d. 5-24-18(56?)
Mrs. Julia Pierce, wife of Cyrus d. 4-5-1857
Widow Elizabeth Clifford   d. 10-1-1857 @93y
Ozem Knowles	d. 5-19-1858
Abial Mosher		d. 1-2-186(4 or 6)
Ellen C Thurston	d. 1-25-1891 in Foxboro Mass @19y
Charles F Pinkham	d. 6-25-1885
Rev David Allen	d. 7-11-1885
Maria, wife of John C Downs and daughter of Charles Pinkham d. Sept 1885
Infant son of John C Downs d. 12-13-1885
Jackson Allen		d. 8-1-1887
Mrs Salome Allen	d. 11-22-1885
John W Randall	d. 3-1-1891
Walter Ross		d. 1-23-1846
John C Riggs		d. 12-23-188? (page worn)
Joseph Ingalls		d. 7-15-1846
Mrs. Julia A Farrington  d. 12-5-1846
David B Webster	d. 4-13-18?? (page worn)
Dorothy Judith Barnard  d. 2-14-1850
Charles, son of Luther Park, d. 5-10-1849
Cordelia S Perkins	d. 12-15-1843
Lidia/Lida French	d. 8-8-1849
John H Gould drowned 11-4-1820
Lyman Bean 		d. 12-2-1855
Capt Siimon Pierce	d. 4-9-1814
Samuel Linscott	d. 11-17-1816
Ruth Ingraham		d. 10-19-1816
Comfort Lowell	d. 6-2-1816 (widow)
Anna French, wife of Dearborn French d. 2-1-1812
Jacob Linscott		d. 8-5-1817
Mr. Peckard (Horhor or Porpor) d. 12-10-1819
Elisha Bennett		d. 9-7-1819
Widow Lucy Bennett	d. 3-8-1827
Susan (Earl or Carl)	d. 10-21-1822
Jonathan Daggett	d. 10-22-1822
Mary, wife of Amasa Davis d. 8-23-1835
Phebe, wife of Sumner Russell, d. 9-8-1836
Sarah, wife of Tobias Moore d. 5-5-1833
Hepzibah, widow of Capt Simon Pierce, d. 8-23-1842
Samuel, father of Elisha Park, d. 7-4-1841
Tobias Moore		d. 1-9-1843
Dorcas Sewall, sister of Stephen Sewall of Winthrop, d. 1-23-1843
Anna, wife of Daniel Mitchell d. 1-14-1836
John H Smith		d. 5-10-1837
William Taylor		d. 3-26-1814
Polly, wife of John Chaney Jr., d. 4-4-1814
Rachel, dau of  (Simon?) Ripley d. 4-24-1823
James M Manson, who ma: cyrus Whitney's widow, was drowned in the Sandy River
Peter Young		d. 5-23-1838
Joanna, wife of True Hodgkins Esq, d. 8-10-1849
William Plummer Paul, son of James Paul, d. Jan 1849
Abel Farmington, brother to Lewis and to Dr. Frost's first wife, d. 7-25-1863
David R Presson	d. 10-22-1865 @45y
Mrs. Betsey, wife of Josiah Gordon, and mother of David Gordon, d. 4-28-1842

Marriages performed by Joseph Keith, Justice of the Peace of North Chesterville
 (Keith's Mills)  1828-1854
Records are from a notebook kept by Mr. Keith, and in 1971 was in the the possession
of Mr. Keither's great-granddaughter, Geneva (Keith) Walton of Chesterville.
These records were copied by Dr. F C Lovejoy of Farmington and contributed to the
Town Office's records.

1828, Oct 23  John C Bean of Jay & Olive G Berry of Chesterville
1828, Nov 25  John Lawrence of Newport & Martha L Rollins of Chesterville
1830, Sept 2  Jason Trask of Wilton & Sarah Lawrence of Wilton, at Wilton
1831, Nov 8  Sumner Knowlton & Marianne Gilbert, both of Chesterville
1832, Sept 18  Pecallis Clark & Abigail Cheney, both of Chesterville
1832, Sept 19  Eliphalet G Lane of Livermore & Betsey Berry of Chesterville
1834, March 5  John Rolllin of Newport & Edes S Cummings of Farmington at  
1834, Dec 14  Oliver Cummings & Rebecca Lane, both of Farmington at
1835, Apr 14  Nathaniel F True of Fayette & Betsey Billings of Chesterville
1836, May 31  Collings Lovejoy Jr & Mary Ann Conforth, both of Chesterville
1837, June 4  John H Ripley & Catharine Hanson both of Farmington at Farmington
1837, Oct 19  Samuel Foster & Densey Bean both of Chesterville
1837, Nov (?) Hanson Bean & Mary Ann Smith, both of Chesterville
1839, June 17  Elisha P Parcher, Chesterville & Angeline Manson, Farmington
          at Farmington
1839, July 28  James Dunsmore Jr of Temple & Aurilia Ripley of Farmington at
1840, Mar 12  Jacob W Butterfield Jr of Chesterville & Betsey P Chandler of Wilton
          at Wilton
1841, Mar 21  Charles Norcross & Velzora Gilbert, both of Chesterville
1841, Dec 23  Isaac G Rollins & Julia C Butterfield, both of Chesterville
1847, Aug 26  Isaac P Knowls & Cordelia Ann Folsom, both of Chesterville
1854, Jan 18  Joseph Keith, Jr & Mercy B Gale, both of Chesterville
1854, Mar 8  Freeman E Ring & Rufina A Paul, both of Chesterville