Records of the First Church of Mount Desert, 1792-1867 Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 73 (Oct. 1919). Notes in double brackets are my own. [p. 279] RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF MOUNT DESERT, MAINE, 1792-1867 Communicated by Belvin Thomas Williston of Somerville, Mass. The first permanent English settlement on the island of Mount Desert was made in 1762, when Abraham Somes of Gloucester, Mass., who had made a trip to the island in the preceding year for barrel staves, came back with his wife and four children and built a log house near the head of Somes Sound. Other settlers followed, and in 1776 they began to hold district meetings, in accordance with an act of the Massachusetts General Court authorizing unincorporated plantations in Maine to hold meetings, choose officers, and transact business "as if they were incorporated into a town." On 17 Feb. 1789 the Plantation of Mount Desert as incorporated as the Town of Mount Desert, the territory of the new town com- [p. 280] prising the entire island of Mount Desert with the smaller islands adjacent. On 23 Feb. 1796 the northern portion of the town was set off as the Town of Eden. On 16 Mar. 1830 the Cranberry Islands with some neighboring isles were set off from Mount Desert and incorporated as the Town of Cranberry Isles. On 3 June 1848 the southern part of Mount Desert was incorporated as the Town of Mansel, a name which was changed, 8 Aug. 1848, to Tremont. This last-mentioned town was divided in Feb. 1905, when the eastern part as set off and incorporated as the Town of Southwest Harbor. Five towns, therefore, now occupy the territory which in 1789 was incorporated as the Town of Mount Desert.* It was thirty years after the first English settlement on the island and more than three years after the incorporation of the town that the first church was organized, 17 Oct. 1792. "Without the aid of council and without any minister present, but following instructions furnished by a Rev. Samuel McClintock of Greenland, N. H., eight women and six men, living at or near Southwest Harbor, subscribed their names to a covenant and organized as the Mount Desert Congregational Church. It was two years more before they were visited by an ordained minister, Rev. Samuel Eaton of Harpswell, when they adopted a new covenant and observed for the first time the Lord's Supper."† From the records of this church the following entries have been extracted by Miss Mary Ann Carroll of Southwest Harbor, who has served as clerk of the church since 1867. Maiden names of some of the married women have been supplied by Miss Carroll and have been, with the usual parentheses to indicate them, enclosed in brackets. Other information given by Miss Carroll has been placed in footnotes. A Record of the Church of Christ in the Town of Mount desert . . . The gethering and forming of a Church in the Town of Mount desert and the Procedings thereof begain on October the 17th Day in the year of our Lord 1792 . . . having Received Instruction from the Revrend Mr Samuel Macclintock with a Covenant—a number of us appinted the 17th Day of October in the year of our Lord 1792 for a Day of fasting and Prayer; for the Purpose of forming our Selves into a Church & Profess to take Christ for our head. Accordingly being assembled and met together we Signed the following Covenant . . . in testimony of our free and full consent to this Declaration profession and *It should be stated, also, that Thompson's Island, lying in Mount Desert Narrows between Mount Desert Island and the mainland, was, with a small portion of Mount Desert Island, set off from Eden, 27 June 1849, and annexed to Trenton on the mainland. In 1838 an ephemeral town called Seaville was formed out of Bartlett's Island and other islands lying west of Mount Desert; but on 24 Feb. 1859 the act of incorporation was repealed, Bartlett's Island was restored to the town of Mount Desert, and Hardwood and Tinker's Islands were annexed to Tremont. †Mount Desert, by the late Rev. George E. Street, D. D., pp. 231-232. From this book most of the information given above has been taken, and to it the reader is referred for an instructive and entertaining history of the island and for genealogies of some of the early settlers. A list of intentions of marriage in Mount Desert, 1789-1809, may be found in Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 5, pp. 143-145. [p. 281] Engadgment we have subscribed our [[names]]; this 17 Day of October in the year 1792 females Rachel Richardson Rachel Wasgat Mary Dodge Hannah Gott Elizabeth Gott Margaret Richardson Ruth Norwood* Nancy Atherton Deaths June 30, 1841 Oct. 7, 1823 May 16, 1844 Sept. 28, 1803 Males James Richardson Thomas Richardson Davis Wasgatt Nathaniel Gott Ezra H. Dodge Paul D. Sargent† Daniel Richardson Deaths Dec. 12, 1807 Feb. 17, 1813 Nov. 27, 1843 Jan. 27, 1841 Mar. 25, 1848 Jan. 12, 1839 [[The format of the following list of admissions and deaths has been slightly altered. The date of admission is first, then the name of the church member, followed by the date of death, when given. Where no date of admission is given but "ditto" is implied, the presumed date is italicized in double brackets.]] Aug. 14, 1794 Mary Manchester Mar. 25, 1857 Nov. 16, 1794 Jacob Lurvey Sept. 11, 1853 Nov. 16, 1794 Samuel Hadlock Sept. 24, 1854 Apr. 16, 1795 Mrs. Hannah Lurvey from the Church in Byfield Apr. 1, 1839 Sept. 4, 1796 Daniel Gott, July 6, 1814 [[Sept. 4, 1796]] Aaron Bunker Feb. 1821 [[Sept. 4, 1796]] Eunice Gilley Mar. 1843 [[Sept. 4, 1796]] Sarah Bunker Feb. 1821 [[Sept. 4, 1796]] Hannah Bunker July 23, 1797 Rubin Noble [[July 23, 1797]] Daniel Gott, Jr.‡ June 1829 [[July 23, 1797]] George Richardson§ Dec. 4, 1828 [[July 23, 1797]] Mrs. Hannah Noble Nov. 12, 1797 Thomas Manchester Jan. 27, 1861 [[Nov. 12, 1797]] Hannah Manchester Nov. 13, 1861 [[Nov. 12, 1797]] Sally Hadlock Oct. 1, 1861 June 24, 1798 Joseph Gott Apr. 29, 1839 [[June 24, 1798]] Samuel Bowden [[June 24, 1798]] Lydia Gott Aug. 10, 1831|| [[June 24, 1798]] Louis Hadlock 1861 Sept. 16, 1798 Charles Gott July 6, 1814 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Jonathan Hadlock 1805 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Petter Gott Mar. 31, 1839 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Isaac Gott Mar. 27, 1866 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Daniel Tarr [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Silas Parker Excumated 1804 [died] May 29, 1844 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] William Rich Dto [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Thomas Summers dismised Apr. 30, 1804 [[no death date]] [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Benjm. Gott Apr. 11, 1824 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Susanna Gott 1808 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Polly Richardson [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Sally Noble [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Rachel Wasgatt [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Elizabeth Manchester [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Esther Tarr [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Hannah Lurvey *She died Nov. 3, 1836, according to a list of deaths. †This name is crossed out in the original records. ‡In another entry the place of death is given as Beach Hill. §In another entry it is stated that he was "drowned off Little Cranberry Island near Mr. Williston's house." ||In another entry the date is given as Aug. 10, 1832. [p. 282] [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Luce Richardson Mar. 10, 1807 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Charity Gott [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Susanna Lurvey [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Charity Gott, 2d Feb. 11, 1816 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Susanna Noble [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Esther Richardson [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Rachel Richardson [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Comfort [(Tarr)] Fernald [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Prudence Rich [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Hannah Appleton July 29, 1803 [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Margrat Bowden [[Sept. 16, 1798]] Presila Noble Nov. 4, 1798 Hannah Benson [[Nov. 4, 1798]] Peggy Rich Sept. 5, 1799 Francis Appleton [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Benjm. Benson [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Enoch Richardson [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Nancy Rufnell [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Elizabeth Richardson June 15, 1808 [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Sarah Ward [[Sept. 5, 1799]] Mary Heath Oct. 27, 1799 Richard Heath [[Oct. 27, 1799]] Lucy Tucker Mar. 13, 1809 [[Oct. 27, 1799]] Else Summers 1837 July 13, 1800 Judith Richardson Somes Mar. 25, 1850 [[July 13, 1800]] Daniel Somes June 1831 [[July 13, 1800]] James Somes [[July 13, 1800]] Clarasa Somes Aug. 1831 [[July 13, 1800]] Mrs. Sarah Wentworth [[July 13, 1800]] Deborah Gott Sept. 10, 1847 [[July 13, 1800]] Tamison freeman July 23,* [[July 13, 1800]] Roda Freeman Mar. 1, 1813 Oct. 5, 1800 Stephen Norwood Aug. 1836 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] John G. Richardson Jan. 29, 1829 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] George Butler [[Oct. 5, 1800]] George Freeman Apr. 18, 1844 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Simeon Millican Dec. 2, 1854 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Benjm. Sayer Mar. 26, 1871 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Bettsy Somes [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Sally Hodgdon Jan. 27, 1850 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Susanna Millican June 6, 1859 [[Oct. 5, 1800]] Phebe Millican Nov. 17, 1812 July 12, 1801 Mrs. Harmon Oct. 18, 1849 July 18, 1802 Augustus Rufnel May 27, 1857 July 5, 1803 Rev. Ebenezer Eaton June 1, 1841 July 10, 1803 Silas Parker confessed & was restored [[July 10, 1800]] Dr. Benj. Kendall Kittredge Dec. 4, 1857 [[July 10, 1800]] & wife Mrs. Sally Kittredge from Penobscot through Sartifacut May 5, 1871 The date of admission of the following persons canot be found. Rev. Micah Stickland† [[no admission date]] Mary Lurvey Stanley Jan. 14, 1843 *Another entry reads: July 23, 1836. †James Richardson, Clerk of the Church, died in 1807. Between the years 1803 and 1816 no admissions were recorded. These persons, known to be church members, were probably admitted during that period. [p. 283] [[no admission date]] Rachel Lurvey Carroll June 11, 1881 [[no admission date]] Hannah Marceys, 2d [[no admission date]] Susanna Richardson Jordan [[no admission date]] Dea. Oliver Higgins Feb. 1870 [[no admission date]] Dea. David King Aug. 11, 1880 [[no admission date]] Dea. Thomas Richardson 1855 [[no admission date]] Abigail Eaton Dec. 16, 1830 [[no admission date]] Spencer Holmes [[no admission date]] Tobias Fernald Oct. 1839 [[no admission date]] Peggy Richardson [[no admission date]] Sally Bunker [[no admission date]] Tabitha Thompson Sept. 29, 1816 Sally [(Stanley)] Williston Aug. 16, 1868 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Enoch Lurvey Nov. 3, 1879 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Jacob Lurvey Aug. 25, 1830 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Isaac Lurvey Apr. 21, 1876 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Nathaniel Gott, 2d Oct. 22, 1867 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] James Brown Nov. 14, 1853 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Elizabeth Stanley June 25, 1857 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Joanna Stanley Jan. 19, 1863 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Mary Densmore* Apr. 13, 1852 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Abigail [(Gilley)] Lurvey Sept. 18, 1866 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Phebe Noble [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Jane [(Dodge)] Gott Nov. 19, 1869 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Abigail [(Dodge)] Lurvey Sept. 20, 1887 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Priscilla Bunker June 1876 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Pamelia Noble [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Martha B. Atherton† Aug. 20, 1864 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Betsy [(Atherton)] Hutchings Dec. 11, 1884 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Fanny [(Spurling)] Stanley Nov. 19, 1849 [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Rhoda [(Lurvey)] Bunker Jan. 1859‡ [[Sept. 29, 1816]] Judith [(Gott)] Cates Dec. 1829 Oct. 6, 1816 Samuel Lurvey Jan. 2, 1870 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Benj. Gott, Jr. Feb. 23, 1870 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Hannah Gott June 21, 1869 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Elizabeth Somes [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Cornelias Wasgatt§ Sept. 16, 1890 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Comfort [(Manchester)] Stanley Nov. 16, 1896 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Jane Gott Dec. 4, 1857 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Betsy Brown|| [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Deborah Gott¶ Nov. 17, 1851 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Polly Richardson Sept. 5, 1845 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Harriet Richardson Aug. 26, 1851 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Polly Richardson, 2d** Oct. 20, 1838 [[Oct. 6, 1816]] Peggy Richardson May 1879 July 1, 1821 Calvin Kittredge†† July 8, 1821 Susanna Miliken July 18, 1852 [[July 8, 1821]] Abigail Sawyer May 2, 1862 *Another entry reads: "Mary Denbow," and another reads: "Mrs. Mary Mayo." †Died in a hospital for the insane. ‡Another entry reads: "Jan. 1854." §Removed to California. ||This name is taken from another list. ¶Another entry reads: "Deborah Gott (Clark.)" **Another entry reads: "Mrs. Polly Mason." ††Taken from another entry. See also under July 1, 1823. [p. 284] July 8, 1821 Samuel Milliken* June 14, 1823† Hosea Kittredge [[June 14, 1823]] Wm. S. Richardson [[June 14, 1823]] Otis Richardson Died at Sea 1829 [[June 14, 1823]] Rachel Somes Mar. 20, 1839 [[June 14, 1823]] Ruth Higgins Oct. 10, 1849 [[June 14, 1823]] Nancy Higgins Mar. 1834 [[June 14, 1823]] Eliza Richardson Aug. 8, 1840 [[June 14, 1823]] Thankful Cousins Jan. 23, 1852 [[June 14, 1823]] Sally Miliken [[June 14, 1823]] Hannah Robbins [[June 14, 1823]] Susanna Pray Jan. 27, 1858 [[June 14, 1823]] Joanna Somes Dec. 17, 1831 [[June 14, 1823]] Olive Higgins* June 21, 1823 Sylvanus Higgins Sept. 4, 1883 [[June 21, 1823]] Lambert Marcyes [[June 21, 1823]] John Smith May 16, 1841 [[June 21, 1823]] Eunice Higgins [[June 21, 1823]] Sally Higgins [[June 21, 1823]] Dianna Norwood Apr. 1884 [[June 21, 1823]] Sally Mayo‡ June [[June 21, 1823]] Hannah Marcyes‡ [[June 21, 1823]] Jane Higgins‡ [[June 21, 1823]] Lovina Higgins‡§ Jan. 19, 1892 July 1, 1823 Calvin Kittredge Apr. 4, 1855 July 8, 1823 Samuel Milican July 26, 1841 [[July 8, 1823]] Rebecca Hopkins‡ July 15, 1823 Amos Thompson June 22, 1834 [[July 15, 1823]] William Higgins Oct. 27, 1869 [[July 15, 1823]] Richard Higgins Apr. 17, 1880 [[July 15, 1823]] Luther Higgins July 5, 1889 [[July 15, 1823]] Dea. Benj. Atherton|| Dis. to Bluehill Sept. 23, 1866 [[no death date]] Aug. 17, 1823 Anne Hodgdon Mar. 6, 1833 [[Aug. 17, 1823]] Phebe Higgins Apr. 1871 [[Aug. 17, 1823]] Hannah Cousins Apr. 1880 Sept. 7, 1823 Elisha Cousins Sept. 25, 1850 [[Sept. 7, 1823]] Isaac Mayo Mar. 20, 1839 [[Sept. 7, 1823]] Ephraim [sic] Higgins [[Sept. 7, 1823]] Annie Smith Dec. 1, 1848 [[Sept. 7, 1823]] Hannah Reed Dec. 18, 1832 Sept. 14, 1823 Timothy Smallidge Dec. 1825 May 23, 1824 Anne Reed Mar. 18, 1877 [[May 23, 1824]] Sarah Peach Apr. 21, 1861 July 18, 1824 Nancy Hodgdon Sept. 16, 1834 Sept. 19, 1824 Rhoda Rich May 25, 1876 [[Sept. 19, 1824]] Mary Holmes Apr. 6, 1876 June 8, 1826 Sally Gott Feb. 23, 1828 July 19, 1828 John Rich Oct. 1, 1875 [[July 19, 1828]] Joseph Gilley 1849¶ *Taken from another entry. See also under July 8, 1823. †Another entry gives the date as June 15, 1823. ‡Another entry gives July 15, 1823, as the date of admission. §Dismissed to Sedgwick. ||Another entry reads: "Benj. Atherton, Jr." ¶Another entry reads: "lost at Sea." [p. 285] July 19, 1828 Benj. Gilley Sept. 9, 1875 [[July 19, 1828]] Abigail [(Parker)] Gilley Apr. 27, 1849 [[July 19, 1828]] Abigail Manchester Gilley Aug. 5, 1881 [[July 19, 1828]] Sarah Newman Sept. 3, 1855 [[July 19, 1828]] Peggy* Gott Aug. 12, 1831 [[July 19, 1828]] Sophia Atherton† Mar. 6, 1895 [[July 19, 1828]] Susanna Brown Dec. 14, 1887 Aug. 17, 1828 Joshua Eaton Dec. 16, 1835 [[Aug. 17, 1828]] Betsy Tucker July 19, 1867 [[Aug. 17, 1828]] Phebe Manchester Apr. 1854 [[Aug. 17, 1828]] Susanna Ladd Candage Aug. 1867 [[Aug. 17, 1828]] Sally Ladd Sept. 3, 1903 [[Aug. 17, 1828]] Joanna Gott May 2, 1850 Sept. 28, 1828 Ann [(Gott)] Parker Dec. 4, 1828 Levi Robinson June 12, 1862 [[Dec. 4, 1828]] Butler Hamblen Dec. 1841 [[Dec. 4, 1828]] Robert Gott Aug. 6, 1859 [[Dec. 4, 1828]] Rhoda [(Gott)] Hamblen [[Dec. 4, 1828]] Nancy [(Lopaus)] Richardson Oct. 17, 1851 May 8, 1829 Hannah [(Lopaus)] Richardson Oct. 23, 1835 Nov. 18, 1832 Lydia Kittredge Nov. 1890 [[Nov. 18, 1832]] Mary Ann Kittredge [[Nov. 18, 1832]] John Somes Feb. 9, 1849 [[Nov. 18, 1832]] Jacob Alley Apr. 12, 1861 [[Nov. 18, 1832]] Benj. Whiting Kittrege May 18, 1892 [[Nov. 18, 1832]] Henry Leland§ [[Nov. 18, 1832]] John Kittredge Jan. 3, 1882 Feb. 18, 1833 Mary Gott Dec. 22, 1844|| Feb. 24, 1833 Jonathan Newman Sept. 5, 1863 June 13, 1833 William Nutter May 2, 1855 [[June 13, 1833]] Susanna Brown [[June 13, 1833]] Lydia Gott June 1883 June 16, 1833 Edward Sawyer Sept. 23, 1882 [[June 16, 1833]] Peter Gott, Lost in Cape Ann Gale Dec. 15, 1839 [[June 16, 1833]] Herrick Eaton [[June 16, 1833]] James Alley Sept. 27, 1859 [[June 16, 1833]] Benj. S. Freeman Feb. 25, 1833 [[June 16, 1833]] Joseph Sherman [[June 16, 1833]] Daniel Smith [[June 16, 1833]] Reuben F. Dodge¶ [[June 16, 1833]] Isreal Atherton June 3, 1845 [[June 16, 1833]] Ethelany Flye May 7, 1834 June 19, 1833 Charlotte Murphy** Sept. 10, 1852 [[June 19, 1833]] Lucy McMullen Sept. 24, 1883 [[June 19, 1833]] Hannah Galley Sept. 1844 [[June 19, 1833]] Daty Rich Apr. 26, 1888 [[June 19, 1833]] Eliza Sawyer [[June 19, 1833]] Saphronia Sawyer Sept. 5, 1895 [[June 19, 1833]] Judith [(Freeman)] Atherton *Another entry reads: "Margaret." †Dismissed to Rockland, June 23, 1866. ‡Another entry reads: "Nancy Richardson (Clark.)" §Dismissed to Bluehill, Mar. 18, 1840. ||Another entry reads: "Dec. 28, 1844." ¶Dismissed to Sedgwick, Me., July 5, 1840. **Mrs. Joseph Murphy. [p. 286] June 19, 1833 Rhoda [(Freeman)] Mitchel [[June 19, 1833]] Lucy King Apr. 19, 1839 [[June 19, 1833]] Esther [(Eaton)] Winsey Jan. 24, 1867 [[June 19, 1833]] Eliza Ann [(Newman)] Whitney Sept. 21, 1888 June 29, 1833* Almena [(Kittredge)] Thompson Sept. 24, 1891 May 24, 1834 Lydia [(Gott)] Finney [[died]] winter 1893 [[May 24, 1834]] Mary [(Manchester)] Moore June 22, 1887 [[May 24, 1834]] Winchester Whitney Sept. 11, 1893 Sept. 16, 1834 Rev. Micah W. Strickland† Feb. 11, 1884 Oct. 19, 1834 Ebenezer Peach Nov. 20, 1862 Aug. 16, 1835 Lydia Dodge [[Aug. 16, 1835]] Thomas B. Finney July 19, 1849 Apr. 3, 1836 Philo L. Beverly June 3, 1838 Martha [(Kittredge)] Haynes Mar. 29, 1840 Lydia [(Bartlett)] Smith May 31, 1840 Jonathan Fisher Atherton Oct. 15, 1891 [[May 31, 1840]] Ann Louisa [(Atherton)] Holmes‡ [[May 31, 1840]] Mercy Jane [(Gott)] Mason Oct. 29, 1903 June 14, 1840 Enoch S. Newman§ Aug. 20, 1872 [[June 14, 1840]] Dorinda G. Newman§ Aug. 9, 1840 Eliza H. Harman Mar. 1884 [[Aug. 9, 1840]] Dr. Joel Richardson Nov. 3, 1883 [[Aug. 9, 1840]] Lucy Jane Tucker|| Feb. 2, 1849 [[Aug. 9, 1840]] Mercy Gilley Sept. 15, 1896 Sept. 13, 1840 Sophia Heath June 18, 1843 John Carroll May 7, 1867 [[June 18, 1843]] George Harman Feb. 13, 1855 [[June 18, 1843]] Samuel Gilpatrick Feb. 1871 [[June 18, 1843]] Esther Gilpatrick June 1886 [[June 18, 1843]] Rebecca [(Higgins)] Lurvey May 13, 1888 June 25, 1843 David Hooper Apr. 1880 [[June 25, 1843]] Amos Hooper [[June 25, 1843]] Julia [(Freeman)] Hooper Feb. 22, 1885 [[June 25, 1843]] Nancy [(Freeman)] Jan. 1873 [[June 25, 1843]] Abigail [(Miliken)] Morrison 1887 May 30, 1847 Hannah [(Kimbal)] Durgin Nov. 1887 Apr. 2, 1848 John Giley, died in Battle of Wilderness May 5, 1864 Oct. 7, 1850 Timothy Mason Aug. 15, 1852 Betsy B. [(Osgood)] Tucker Nov. 1, 1887 [[Aug. 15, 1852]] Hannah [(Davis)] Stanley Jan. 26, 1879 [[Aug. 15, 1852]] John M. Holmes June 10, 1864 July 10, 1853 Lucinda [(Tucker)] Seavey, dis. to Chicago. [[died]] Feb. 28, 1914 Aug. 13, 1853 Mary T. Mason¶ June 16, 1880 [[Aug. 13, 1853]] Susan P. Parker** dis. to Somesville, Dec. 1876. [[no death date]] *Another entry gives the date as June 25, 1833. †Another entry, dated Sept. 6, 1834, shows that Mr. Strickland was admitted on presentation of a letter of dismissal from the Congregational Church in Cumberland. He and his wife, Mary Ann, were dismissed in 1842 from Mount Desert to Amherst, Me. ‡Another entry shows that, as Ann Louisa Payson Atherton, she was baptized the same day. §Dismissed to Orland. ||Another entry (a death entry) reads: "Lucy Jane Tucker-Griffin." ¶Another entry shows that Mrs. Mary T. Mason was admitted by letter from the Congregational Church in Ellsworth [Me.]. **Another entry shows that Mrs. Susan P. Parker was admitted by letter from the Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, Mass. [p. 287] May 1854 Jeremiah Folansbee* Jan. 13, 1855† Jane W. Kittredge‡ [[Jan. 13, 1855]] Adaline [(Freeman)] Somes Nov. 5, 1891 Aug. 1, 1858 William Tinker Aug. 1883 [[Aug. 1, 1858]] Amanda [(Sawyer)] Tinker§ Jan. 20, 1916 [[Aug. 1, 1858]] Lewis Freeman June 26, 1894 [[Aug. 1, 1858]] Deborah Richardson Mar. 31, 1859 [[Aug. 1, 1858]] Mary [(Freeman)] Stanley Feb. 5, 1885 Apr. 1, 1860 Mary Ann Bartlett Jan. 10, 1897 July 8, 1866 Almira [(Gott)] Thurston|| Feb. 1898 Sept. 9, 1866 Mary A. R. Hodgkins¶ May 9, 1883 [[Sept. 9, 1866]] Eliza [(Higgins)] Robinson Oct. 29, 1914 Feb. 24, 1867 Stephen M. Gilley Jan. 28, 1910 [[Feb. 24, 1867]] Wm. Thomas Holmes Sept. 22, 1910 [[Feb. 24, 1867]] James F. Ross, dis. to Greely, Colo., Nov. 1892. [[no death date]]] [[Feb. 24, 1867]] Nancy C. [(Cousins)] Clark Sept. 23, 1886 [[Feb. 24, 1867]] Abbie R. Higgins Jan. 9, 1887 Mar. 24, 1867 Eaton Clark Feb. 23, 1874 [[Mar. 24, 1867]] John Bickford** [[Mar. 24, 1867]] Julia Ann [(Babson)] Clark Aug. 28, 1895 [[Mar. 24, 1867]] Betsy [(Lawson)] Baldwin [[Mar. 24, 1867]] Alice [(Norwood)] Dix, dis. to West Tremont Meth. [[Mar. 24, 1867]] Irene B. Cousins Dec. 13, 1887 May 12, 1867 Judith [(Mitchel)] Benson, removed to Norridgewock. May 19, 1867 Emily [(Babson)] Atherton, dis. to Bangor, 1903. [[died]] Oct. 22, 1913 [[May 19, 1867]] Cynthia R. Smith, dis. to Somesville, 1876. [[no death date]] [[May 19, 1867]] Mary A. [(Googgins)] Hodgdon, dis. to Charlestown, Mass. [[May 19, 1867]] Emma [(Richardson)] Towne, dis. to Somesville. June 26, 1867 Bathshee [(Crane)] Gilley Nov. 6, 1894 [[June 26, 1867]] Mary Ann Carroll [[June 26, 1867]] Phebe [(Holden)] Ross, removed to Greely, Colo. [[died]] Oct. 30, 1892 [[June 26, 1867]] Julia [(Paine)] Gilley, removed to Mass. Apr. 10, 1868 Phebe [(Reed)] Babson, dis. to Somesville. [[died]] Apr. 24, 1915 [[Apr. 10, 1868]] John H. Parker Oct. 1873 [[Apr. 10, 1868]] Letitia H. [(Parker)] Noyes†† [[Apr. 10, 1868]] Sarah J. Somes Mar. 25, 1915 1792. A Record of the Baptizems of the Children of the Church of Christ on Mountdesert. *From the church in Foxcroft, by letter. †Another entry gives the date as Jan. 15, 1855. ‡Mrs., from Ellsworth. §Dismissed to Sedgwick. ||Another entry reads: "Mrs. Almira (Ambrose) Thurston." ¶Another entry reads: "Mrs. Mary Ann (Richardson) Hodgkins." **Removed to Gloucester, Mass. ††Removed to Georgetown, Mass. [p. 288] A Record of Ezra Herrack Dodge's Children Baptized July 1792 the first a Daughter named Lydia Herrack. [[no date given]] the second Roda Richardson.* 1794 there third Child Mary & their fourth a Sun named Ezra Hearrach. Sept. 4, 1796 there fifth Child Abigail.† June 24, 1798 their Sixth Child Named Jane Richardson.‡ June 20, 1802 their Seventh Child Named John Somes. June 10, 1803 their Eaight Child Named Ruben freeman.§ A Record of Mr. Rubin Freeman's Children's Baptizems by his wife Rhoda. Sept. 1, 1796 their first a Son Named Rubin. July 18, 1797 their second a Son Named Isaac Richardson. Apr. 1799 their third a Son Daniel. Aug. 30, 1801 their fourth a Son Joshua. July 10, 1803 their fifth a Daughter Named Rhoda. July 25, 1805 their Sixth Child a Sun Named tyler Reed. A Record of the Baptizms of Mr. Daniel Somes' Children. July 1800 their first Child a Daughter Named Maria. 1801 their Second Child a son Lewis. July 1803 their third Child a son Named Daniel. [[no date given]] their fourth Child a Son Named Edward Beal. A Record of the Baptizems of Mr. John Manchester's Children by his wife Mary. July 23, 1797 their first Child Mary.|| Oct. 27, 1798 their second a son John. Sept. 5, 1799 their third a son Thomas. 1800 their fourth a Daughter Nabby.¶ July 12, 1801 their fifth a Son Stephen. July 28, 1805 their Sixth a Daughter Named Comfort.** [[no date given]] their Seventh a son named Jonathan Gilbert Hadlock. A Record of the Baptizmes of George Freeman's Children by his wife Tamasion. Oct. 5, 1800 their first Child named Tamasion [[same date] also a son named George. July 10, 1802 their third, a son named Benjm. Sawyer. July 21, 1805 their fourth Child a Daughter Named Judith Somes. [[no date given]] their fifth Child a Son named Rubin. A Record of the Baptizmes of Mr. William Gilley's Children by his wife Hannah. Oct. 30, 1806 their first Child a Daughter named Hannah. [[same date]] their second a son named William. A Record of the Baptizms of James Somes' Children by his wife Elizabeth. Aug. 1806 their first Child a Daughter named Hannah Harrack. A Record of the Baptizems of Mr. John Somes' Children by his wife Judith. [[no date given]] their first Child a Sun Named John. [[no date given]] their Socond a Daughter Judith. *She married John Rich, and, as Rhoda Rich, was admitted to the church 19 Sept. 1824. †She married Isaac Lurvey, and was admitted to the church 29 Sept. 1816. ‡She married Nathaniel Gott, and was admitted to the church 29 Sept. 1816. §He married Lydia Tinker. He was admitted to the church 16 June 1833. ||She was born 9 Aug. 1792, married Leonard Holmes, and, as Mary Holmes, was admitted to the church 19 Sept. 1824. ¶Nabby (or Abigail) was born 11 May 1799, married Benjamin Gilley, and was admitted to the church 19 July 1828. **She was born 3 Dec. 1803, married Joseph Stanley, and was admitted to the church 6 Oct. 1816. [p. 289] [[no date given]] their third a Sun, named Jacob. [[no date given]] their fourth Child a sun named Abraham. [[no date given]] their fifth Child a Sun named Benjamin. [[no date given]] their Sixth Child a daughter named Emely. Sept. 28, 1828 At Pretty Marsh, Susanna Parker, child of Ann Parker. Oct. 19, 1828 At Between the Hills,* Laura Kittredge Waterhouse, adopted child of K. & S. Kittredge, & Joseph Richardson & George, children of George & Eliza Hudson. Oct. 14, 1832 Georgianna, Daughter of George & Mehitable Brown. [[presumably the same day]] Mary Manchester, Daughter of Joseph & Abigail Gilley. [[presumably the same day]] Joseph Henry, son, Comfort Standley, daut, of Benj & Abigail Gilley. Feb. 19, 1833 At Seal Cove, six children of Benj & Rachel Atherton on his acct. June 16, [[no year given]] Thomas Wasgatt, Benj. Sawyer Freeman, Isreal, David Hooper, & Wm. Milliken, Children of Isreal and Judith Atherton. [[presumably the same day]] Alexander Fergurson, child of Rhoda Freeman Mitchel. June 25, [[no year given]] At Between the Hills, Daniel Shepherd, Kendal Kittredge, Henrietta, & Sarah Frances, children of sister Elmena Thompson, wife of Capt. Wm. Thompson, who kept toll bridge. Aug. 17, 1834 At South West Harbor, Lucy Ann & David, children of David & Lucy King. Sept. 21, 1834 At Between the Hills, James Otis, Wm. Richardson, & Harriet Eliza, children of George & Eliza Hudson. June 27, 1835 At Between the Hills, Martha Ann Kittredge, child of William and Elmenia Thompson. Aug. 2, 1835 On Gott's Island, Ama Eveline, daughter of Moses & Hannah Richardson. Sept. 20, 1835 At Between the Hills, Mary Isabella, child of George & Eliza Hudson. May 26, 1836 At Norwood's Cove: William Thompson, child of M. W. & Mary Ann Strickland. [[same day and place]] Joshua Eaton & Louis Parker, children of Joseph & Abigail Gilley. [[same day and place]] Daniel Webster, child of Benj. & Abigail Gilley. [[same day and place]] Jacob William, Catherine, & Mary Ann, children of John & Rachel Carroll. June 25, 1836 At Between the Hills, Charles, son of Benj. W. & Lydia Kittredge. Aug. 21, [[no year given]] Wm. Albina Holden, son of Isreal & Judith Atherton. Sept. 3, 1837 Mary Jane & James Alanson, children of Reuben & Lydia Dodge. June 3, 1838 Edward John & Elmenia Thompson, children of John & Martha Haynes. [[same day]] George Wm., son of Wm. & Elmenia Thompson, and Julia Augusta, child of Benj. W. & Lydia Kittredge. Nov. 25, 1838 Alonzo Preston & Orlando Dana, children of Benj. Jr. and Rachel Atherton. Nov. 29, 1838 Edward Payson, child of Benj. & Abigail Gilley, also Emma, child of M. W. & Mary Ann Strickland. Sept. 29, 1839 Julia Sophia, child of Reuben 3d & Sophia Freeman. *Now Somesville. [p. 290] May 20, 1840 Sarah Kittredge, child of M. W. & M. A. Strickland. July 5, [[no year given]] Reuben Alphonzo, child of Reuben F. & Lydia [(Tinker)] Dodge. July 19, [[no year given]] Oren Sikes, child of John & Martha Haynes. July 26, [[no year given]] Isabella, child of Reuben 3d & Sophia Freeman. Sept. 13, [[no year given]] Asabel Sterns, son of John & Martha Haynes. Aug. 8, [[no year given]] Cornelia, Daughter of John & Martha Haynes. July 10, 1842 At Between the Hills, George, son of Benj. Whiting Kittredge & Lydia Kittredge. Aug. 27, [[no year given]] John Livingstone, son of Wm. & Elmena Thompson. Oct. 14, 1843 Amos, Isabella, & Mary W., children of David & Julia Hooper. [same date] Hellen Augusta, adopted child of Natll. & Jane [(Dodge)] Gott. Dec. 3, 1850 In Trenton, a child of the late Joseph Gilley, named Eunice. July 10, 1853 At S. W. Harbor, Arno Adelbert, son of Marcian and Lucinda H. Seavy. July 2, 1854 At Somesville: Charlotte Elizabeth, daut. of Wm. & Jane Kittredge. [[same day and place]] Geo. Sewell, son of John H. & Susan P. Parker. [[same day and place]] Samuel William, son of Saml. & Elizabeth Bowker. List of Deaths in Dr. K. Kittredge's handwriting.* May 1831 Sister Hannah Richardson. June [[no year given]] Sister Sally Mayo. Aug. 1841 Sister Clara Somes. Feb. 11, 1843 Sister Priscilla Higgins. Nov. 20, 1843 Prudence Rich. Mar. 25, 1847 Eunice Higgins. Feb. 27, 1848 Comfort Fernald. Aug. 26, 1851 Daniel Higgins. List of Deaths Beginning May 1st 1835.* Nov. 3, 1836 Ruth Norwood. Nov. 18, 1836 Hannah Gott. May 7, 1842 Nancy Rafanal. Oct. 19, 1857. Names of members connected with the Congregational Church in Tremont, Mt. Desert, & Eden in 1857. Males David King Thomas Manchester Isaac Lurvey Enoch Lurvey Isaac Gott Samuel Gilpatrick Jeremiah Follansbee Kendall Kittredge William Higgins Benjamin Atherton Robert Gott Ebenezer Peach Jonathan Newman Benjamin Gilley Samuel Lurvey John Carroll John Rich Timothy Mason Benj. W. Kittredge Oliver Higins Sylvanus Higgins Nathaniel Gott John Gilley Edward Sawyer *This list repeats, with a few additional entries, death records given in the preceding pages. Only the additional entries are printed here.—Editor. [p. 291] John Kittredge Lewis Freeman William Tinker Thomas Manchester Females Hannah Durgin Elizabeth Tucker Rhoda Rich Sophronia Freeman Mary Holmes Abigail [(Gilley)] Lurvey Comfort Stanley Mary S. Mason Sarah Kittredge Elmena Thompson Jane Kittredge Ruth Higgins Jane [(Dodge)] Gott Sarah Peach Eliza Harmon Ann Loisa Holmes Abigail Sawyer Lois [(Hadlock)] Parker Betsy Tucker Esther Winsey Daty Rich Abigail Gilley Abigail [(Dodge)] Lurvey Rachel Carroll Hannah Manchester Sarah Parker Lydia Kittredge Martha Haynes Adeline Somes Judith Higgins Esther Gilpatrick Ann Parker Anna Reed Dianna Norwood Susanna [(Miliken)] Gott Sally Hadlock June 23, 1866 Mrs. Sophia Freeman dismissed to the Congregational Church in Rockland, and Mrs. H. C. Durgin to the first Cong. Ch. in Bangor.