Selected Obituaries from the Lincoln Intelligencer & Lincoln Telegraph of Wiscasset, Lincoln Co, Maine compiled by David C. Young AGRY Thomas Capt 60y at Hallowell ME Lincoln Tel 26 Apr 1821 ALBEE Benjamin 85y had 13ch, 87gch, 45 ggch at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 ABBOTT Lydia Mrs 76y at Brunswick ME wid/o ABBOTT Jacob Hon Lincoln Tel 14 June 1821 ACORN Margaret 40y abt at Alna ME Lincoln Intel'r 21 Nov 1828 ADAMS Hannah formerly of Bloomfield (Skowhegan) ME at Vevay Indiana on Sept 1 relict of the late ADAMS Joshua Lincoln Intel'r 22 Nov 1821 AGER Winthrop D a native of Warner NH at Eastport Lt Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 ALDRICH Edwin 17y at Hallowell ME Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 ALLEN Amasa Gen 69y at Walpole MA was a AmRev Lincoln Tel 19 Jul 1821 ALLEN c/o 5y at WIscasset ME c/o ALLEN John Lincoln Tel 26 Apr 1821 ALLEY Sarah K 25y w/o Ephraim ALLEY at Belfast ME on 1st inst Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 ALLY John 13y he was a runaway, small size, dark complex, light colored jacket, dark satinet trowsers & large boots. One cent reward was offered by Jeremiah HENNEY of Boothbay ME at Boothbay ME Lincoln Intel'r 13 Feb 1829 AMES Jeremiah 39y at Sidney ME(?) on 25th ult Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 ANDERSON Thomas Dr 25y formerly of this town (Wiscasset) at Paris Ohio Lincoln Intel'r 7 Mar 1822 ATWOOD William of Orrington ME was drowned crossing the ice [Bangor Gazette] on 19th ult Lincoln Intel'r 3 Dec 1824 AVERY W W Col 76y at North Carolina another AmRev Lincoln Tel 10 May 1821 AYER Martha w/o William AYER at Alna on 7th inst Lincoln Intel'r 13 Feb 1829 AYR James 73y at Alna Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 BABCOCK Elisha Esq propr. of the American Mercury at Hartford CT on 7th ult Lincoln Tel 3 May 1821 BACHELDER John Morrell Bachelder 4y 5m only s/o Col John Bachelder at Union on Fri last Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 BACHELDER Timothy late of Phipsbury ME estnot Lincoln Tel 17 May 1821 BAILEY Isaac H late Deputy Sheriff at North Yarmouth ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 BAKER Jacob 162y a native of Germany, who emigrated in 1740 (ae 73?) at Sunbury PA Lincoln Intel'r 16 Jan 1829 BAKER Joshua Prince 5y s/o Col Joshua BAKER at Woolwich ME on 27th ult & his sister died ae 9y eating the root of the Indian Turnip Lincoln Intel'r 3 Dec 1824 BARNARD Susannah 59y at Nantucket Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 BARNET - see LUCAS BARTLETT John 45y at Waldoboro' on 24th ult Lincoln Intel'r 13 Feb 1829 BARTLETT Joseph 16y at Hope ME Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 BARTLETT Samuel Esq 68y late Register of Deeds of Middlesex Co at Cambridge MA on the 29th ult Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 BATES Silas l/o Hallowell ME, board schr William & Emeline at Havana Lincoln Intel'r 27 Dec 1821 BENNETT Timothy tried for the murder of Alphonso G STEWARD in a duel fought in 1819. at Vamdalia Illinios on 26th last Jul Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 BIGELOW Timothy Hon 55y at Medford MA Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 BIRTHRIGHT PETER 116y at Harpswell ME Lincoln Intel'r 7 Mar 1822 BISHOP Joel 103y Lincoln Intel'r 11 Feb 1825 BLACKMER James D 29 was a mate of Bath ME on board sch NEWS at the Port Antonio Jamaica on the 13 Sept Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 blacks - see POYDRAS Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 BLAIR Rebecca 54y at Dresden ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Dec 1828 BLAKE Mrs 25y w/o Daniel B at Belfast ME Lincoln Intel'r 18 Feb 1825 BLUNT James 42y at Bristol Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 BLUNT Mrs 44y w/o James BLUNT & left 7 children at Bristol Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 BOIS Ann Mrs w/o William BOIS & late of Douglas, Nova Scotia (Canada) was found dead in the chimney fire place & shockingly burned [Boston Centinel] Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 BOND Elijah 21st at Billerica MA on 27th ult of consumption s/o BOND Jonathan of Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 BOOKER Sally 13y at Hallowell d/o BOOKER Isaiah Lincoln Tel 28 June 1821 BORLAND John Capt no insurance at New Castle ME house & barn fire Lincoln Intel'r 29 Oct 1824 BOSWORTH John 50y formerly of Bath ME at Savannah GA Lincoln Intel'r 24 Oct 1828 BOUDINOT Elias Hon 82y President of the American Bible Society at Burlington NJ Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 BOYD Willaim Capt 52y died of apoplexy & for many years a respectable shipmaker of this place at this town Lincoln Intel'r 21 Nov 1828 BOYINGTON Mrs at Monroe ME w/o BOYINGTON Joshua Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 BRIDGE SAmuel Esq 44y formerly of the firm of Barker & Bridges of Boston MA at Dresden ME on Thurs last Lincoln Intel'r 20 Dec 1821 BRIDGE Susan 35y w/o Charles B at Lancaster MA on 19th ult Lincoln Intel'r 4 Mar 1825 BRIGGS Mary Mrs 87y relict of the late Deacon William BRIGGS at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 16 Jan 1829 BRIGGS Robert 28y of yellowell fever, a printer at New Orleans on 19th Sept Lincoln Intel'r 3 Dec 1824 BROOKS John 72y former Gov of Maine-Massachusetts at Medford Lincoln Intel'r 4 Mar 1825 BROWN Eunice 86y at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Dec 1828 BROWN Hannah Mrs 46y at Lincoln Lincoln Tel 7 June 1821 BROWN Jacob 41y at Readfield ME Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 BROWN Obadiah Capt 65y formerly of CT at Hope on 17th inst of a rove cancer Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 BROWN WIlliam was washed overboard on the "John" and after 30 min was saved at sea 25 Jan Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 BUNKER Elizabeth widow 86y at Nantucket Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 BUTLER Joseph 19y please reply to WIlliam Grane of Warren runaway one cent reward Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 CANNING P Capt he was of the His British Majesty's ship Alligator & the son of the late British Prime Minister at Madeira on 26 Sept Lincoln Intel'r 13 Nov 1828 CARLETON William Capt 33y at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 CARR Francis Hon 69y at Bangor ME Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 CASTNER George Capt at Waldoboro ME Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 CHAMBERLAIN Abijah B 18y s/o John C at Hallowell ME Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 CHAMBERLAIN Lyman 15y at Hallowell ME drowmed s/o CHAMBERLAIN John Lincoln Tel 21 June 1821 CHANDLER John 35y at WInthrop ME Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 CHANEY BEnjamin Jr 22y at this town on Sunday last Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 CHASE Benjamin Tappan Capt 35y at St Jago Cuba Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 CHASE William Capt at New Castle Lincoln Intel'r 31 Jan 1822 CHICK Sarah 71y w/o John Chick at Litchfield ME 23d ult Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 CHURCH Ebenezer Capt 100y+ he has left a brother as 93y at Little Compton RI Lincoln Intel'r 25 Feb 1825 CLARK Charlotte at Portsmouth NH w/o CLARK George Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 CLARK Jonas Hon 68y at Kennebunk ME on 8th inst Lincoln Intel'r 13 Nov 1828 CLARK Mrs M 96y at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 4 Apr 1822 CLARK Surviah(?) widow 87y at Hallowell Lincoln Tel 10 May 1821 CLARK - see SAUNDERS Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 CLAXTON Thomas door keeper of the House of Rep USA at Washington (DC) died Lincoln Intel'r 13 Dec 1821 CLIFFORD Robert 51y at Edgecomb ME on 5th inst Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 CLIFFORD Robert 51y at Edgecomb ME on Wed last Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 CLIFFORD Sally w/o Peter C at Patricktown Pain Lincoln Intel'r 4 Feb 1825 COBB Peggy Mrs 40y drunken about a quart of rum & that she came by her death... at POrtland ME Lincoln Tel 10 May 1821 COBURN James 38y at Boxford Lincoln Tel 21 June 1821 COLBY Daniel was found dead with his gun by his side died apparently with out a struggle at Osterville Lincoln Intel'r 13 Nov 1828 COLBY Noah of Edgecomb on the brig Charles Miller of this port at Havana 10 Aug 1821 Lincoln Tel 6 Sept 1821 COLBY - see HARRIMAN Lincoln Intel'r 12 Dec 1828 COLSON David Jr at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 CONWAY W T 49y occ' chemist at Boston MA Lincoln Intel'r 3 Jan 1822 COOK two children of Orchard COOK formerly of this town at Winthrop ME Lincoln Intel'r 11 Mar 1825 COOMBS Nathan 78y at Brunswick ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 CORDWELL William 62y at Boston MA on Sunday Lincoln Intel'r 25 Feb 1825 CRAWFORD Theodore 34y at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 12 Dec 1828 CREDIFORD Noah 19y of Kennebunk ME at Point Petre on board brig Cordelia Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 CROCKER Elijah 19y at Barnstable Lincoln Tel 11 Oct 1821 CROSBY Eunice 71y w/o Stephen CROSBY at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 CROWNSHIELD Benjamin V 21y eldest s/o Hon B W C died at hour he turned age 21yrs at Salem on 2d inst Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 CUNNINGHAM Samuel Capt 58y at New Castle ME Lincoln Intel'r 3 Jan 1822 CURTIS Capt of the brig New England lost his life while the vessel was lying in the harbor at Matanzas. The cook, a black fellow, had got the liquors & was intoxicated ... ... they fought & both fell overboard only the cook was saved. The Capt Curtis belonged to Bowdoinham ME Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 CUSHING Ezekiel 72y at Phipsburg ME Lincoln Intel'r 25 Feb 1825 CUSHMAN Betsey 38y consort Capt Francis CUSHMAN at Woolwich ME on 25th inst Lincoln Intel'r 31 Dec 1824 DAGGETT Sarah 40 at Green ME w/o DAGGETT John Rev Lincoln Intel'r 29/6 Nov/Dec 1821 DAILEY Hannah 77y at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 DANA Dorcas 33y w/o Richard Dana at Hallowell ME on Sun Lincoln Intel'r 12 Nov 1824 DANA William J 29y a native of Hallowell ME at Maine Hospital N York on 3rd Aug last Lincoln Intel'r 26 Nov 1824 DANFORTH J N named in the History of the Vassalboro' Congre Ch Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 DANIELS - see SAUNDERS Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 Calvin 22 formerly of Hallowell ME at Boston MA Lincoln Tel 7 June 1821 DAVIS Amasa Gen at Boston MA Lincoln Intel'r 4 Feb 1825 DAVIS Enoch of Pittston ME. lost leg, fractured by rifle ball & life was in the danger as late as the 28th ult.[Gardiner Chron.] He was report that he was in a fair way of recovery (Jan 4) Lincoln Intel'r 7 Jan 1825 DAVIS Frederick on board ship Frederick Davis of Portsmouth NH at sea on Aug last Lincoln Intel'r 13 Dec 1821 DAVIS James 25y at Sidney ME on Monday last Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 DAVIS Mary (nee' Pierce) (51y) formerly of Scituate ME at Lewiston ME Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 DAVIS Matilda H 4m at Montville ME d/o DAVIS Isaac Lincoln Intel'r 15 Nov 1821 DAVIS MOses Esq 81y born in Salisbury MA & in 1766 moved to Edgecomb and was married 58y with his wife, left 2ch, 22gch, 37 ggch, he was an active J of the Peace for 40y, assessor for the town 30y at Edgecomb ME on the 18th inst Lincoln Intel'r 26 Nov 1824 DAWSETT Charles fell & drowned at sea 6 May Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 DAWSETT Charles fell overboard off the brig "John" and was saved at sea 25 Jan Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 DAWSON Miss & servant at sea on the Sea Fox Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 DAY Sarah Mrs 51y at Newbury MA w/o DAY James Lincoln Tel 21 June 1821 DEANE Edmund of Paris ME, AmRev ae 69y married Rebecca FAUNCE of Buckfield ME ae 19y at Hebron ME Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 DEARBORN Susan 17y At Effingham NH on 13th ult of typhus fever Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 DELAGE Ursula 43y a seamstress drowned while taking a bath Lincoln Intel'r 14 Jan 1825 DELANO Joshua Capt on board schr Farmer of Woolwich ME at sea he was the W master of said vessel Lincoln Tel 17 May 1821 DENNIS Benjamin 86y He lived to fight the battles of his country in four different wars. In the late war, at ae 76y of age, acted as gunner & officer on board several different privateers. at Marblehead Lincoln Intel'r 15 Nov 1821 Devoe Mr & Mrs James Devoe had a son on the 4th inst and on the 7th of another son, the last being born 60 hours after the first and mother & sond were all reported well on the 17th. @ Saddle River Bergen Co NJ the births Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 DICKERSON Mary 19y at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 20 Dec 1821 DILLINGHAM Elizabeth A 32y cosort of Albert D DILLINGHAM formerly of Augusta ME at Bangor ME on 13th inst Lincoln Intel'r 31 Oct 1828 DOANE Thomas 9y died by a blow from a stick of Timber at Alna ME s/o DOANE Capt David Lincoln Tel 26 Apr 1821 DOLE Abigail 28y d/o Enoch Dole Esq at Alna on Sun last Lincoln Intel'r 13 Feb 1829 DOLE Jefferson 17y at Alna on Tues last s/o DOLE John Hon Lincoln Intel'r 15 Nov 1821 DOW Jonathan 81y early settler of the town at Gilmanton Lincoln Tel 3 May 1821 DRINKWATER Daniel 67y at Cumberland ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 DRUMMOND Jane P 27y w/o Capt William DRUMMOND of Phipsburg ME & d/o William POTTER Esq at Georgetown ME on 8th inst Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 DRUMMOND Patrick Capt 62y [Bath Inquirer] at Phippsburg ME Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 DUDLEY Joseph at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 DUDLEY Joseph 37 at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 DUMMER Sophia 42y eldest d/o Richard DUMMER at Hallowell ME on 4th inst Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 DUNN Abigail 25 a native of Wiscasset ME at Boston MA Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 DUNNELL Oliver 68y a AmRev soldier at Portland ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 EAGAN John P 74y at Hallowell ME Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 EAMES Miss 18y at England Lincoln Intel'r 11 Feb 1825 EMMONS Susan Stevens 36y w/o Benjamin EMMONS Jr Esq at Georgetown ME Lincoln Intel'r 21 Nov 1828 EMONS Eunice eldest d/o Judge WILDE late of Hallowell ME at Augusta ME w/o EMMONS William Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 ERVING Mary 72y at WIscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 3 Jan 1822 ESTHER Mr & Mrs ESTHER report that within the last twelve months, Mrs has delivered of five children! one of whom now exists, and is in good health. in Lawrence Co Alabama (births) Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 EUSTIS William Lincoln Intel'r 11 Feb 1825 EZSTERBROOKS Mr his wife & two children at sea on the Sea Fox Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 FALES David Esq 89y lived in town 58 yrs at Thomaston on 4th inst Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 FALES Diedama formerly of Thomaston ME at Washington City w/o FALES Barnabas Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 FARRIN younest child of Winthrop G FARRIN at Bath ME on Monday week last in consequence of a scald on the face & neck Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 FAUNCE Rebecca ae 19y married Edmund DEANE ae 69y at Hebron ME Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 FELKER John C 41y at Wiscasset ME on Sunday late Lincoln Tel 10 May 1821 FERNALD Samuel L 34y formerly of Kittery ME, drowned at Eastport ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 FILLEBROWN Sumner C 3y s/o Thomas F Jr at Washington City Lincoln Intel'r 30 Jan 1829 FLAGG Asa 62y at Hermon Penobscot ME Lincoln Intel'r 15 Nov 1821 FLOOD Andrew 100y at Surry Lincoln Tel 19 Jul 1821 FOLSOM Nathaniel 46y at Hallowelll ME Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 FOOT Martha 78y widow of the John FOOT at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 FOOTE Julia Ann Mrs 27 at Bath ME w/o FOOTE Enoch Lincoln Tel 11 Oct 1821 FOOTE Martha 78y wid/o John F at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 12 Nov 1824 FORSBURY John G & Daniel SWETT ranaway in the company Daniel SWETT age about 14yrs. One was light complex and the other was dark at Bristol ME they ranaway from John STINSON 2d of Bristol ME Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 FOSTER William 77y an officer of AmRev at Bunker Hill at Deer Isle on 1st inst Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 FRENCH Sally 26y at Mt Vernon ME Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 FULLER Louisa L 4y d/o Ebe n FULLER of that town at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 16 Jan 1829 GAGE Capt of this port on passage from Trinidad Cuba off the Capes of the Delaware at sea schr J Q Adams Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 GARFIELD c/o Abraham G 2y at Norridgewock ME Lincoln Intel'r 23 Jan 1829 GATES Joanna 43y w/o Joel GATES at Worrcester MA on the 10th inst Lincoln Intel'r 26 Nov 1824 GAUKER Christiana 20y a native of Germany at Baltimore MD on 25th ult Lincoln Intel'r 14 Mar 1822 GEIGER Dorothea buried with military honours, she was only 18y old when she made the campaigns of 1813-1814. The attestation which was given by her Colonel Madame MAUBOURY; Madame LATEYNIE Lincoln Intel'r 7 Jan 1825 LaFayette Genealogy children of Mrs Brigode had Georgiana; Gabriella Theses all reside at the hospitable mansion of LaGrange Lincoln Intel'r 7 Jan 1825 LaFayette Genealogy George Washington LaFAYETTE's children Natolia; Matilda; Clementina; Oscar; Edmond Lincoln Intel'r 7 Jan 1825 LaFayette Genealogy Madame MAUBOURG has three dau Mrs BRIGODE; Miss Louisa Melanie; Octavia & one son, Jules Lincoln Intel'r 7 Jan 1825 LAIGHTON Ezekiel Maj 73y at Alna ME Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 LaLAWERNE Victor seaman of brig Charles Miller of this port at Havana 10 Aug 1821 Lincoln Tel 6 Sept 1821 LAMBERT - see SAUNDERS Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 LANE Alithrea T 23y Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 LANE Benjamin Capt 52y at Sherburne Lincoln Tel 14 June 1821 LANE James fell from the Jib-boom and was recovered at sea 25 Jan Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 LARNED Sarah W since 1820, she had lost her husband, only child, mother, brother, and only sister all to the same kind of consumption [Nat Intel] Lincoln Intel'r 4 Feb 1825 LAWRENCE Seth 50y at Warren ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Dec 1828 LEASON Edward 50y at Belfast ME Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 LEATHERS Mrs 65y w/o Levi L at Phipsburg ME Lincoln Intel'r 25 Feb 1825 LEAVITT Lucinda 19 at Scarborough ME 27th ult of prevailing fever d/o LEAVITT Joseph Capt Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 LEE William R Esq 80y AmRev Col at Salem Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 LEMONT only s/o Adam L Jr 5y at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 23 Jan 1829 LEWIS - see SIMONS Lincoln Intel'r 14 Jan 1825 LILLEY Robert 8y Isaac LILLEY at Dresden ME on 29th ult Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 LINCOLN Abigail 24y (alias Mrs Nabby HARRINGTON) at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 LINCOLN Amos Capt 71y formerly of Boston MA at Quincy MA Lincoln Intel'r 6 Feb 1829 3 LOMBARD Hannah F 13y eldest d/o LOMBARD Solomon at Readfield ME Lincoln Intel'r 3 Jan 1822 LORING Elisha Mosely 18y at Portland ME on Sat evening last s/o LORING Nicholas Lincoln Intel'r 22 Nov 1821 LORING Elisha Mosely 18y s/o LORING Nicholas at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 LOVEJOY Rev of Fairfax (Albion) named in the History of the Vassalboro' Congre Ch Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 LUCAS John was murdered by a Creek Indian named Barnet, alias O'Riley on road to Natchez Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 LUFKIN William 22y of Freeport ME at Point Petre on board brig Cordelia Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 MACUMBER Samuel 12y at Bowdoinham ME on 2d inst drowned s/o MACUMBER Southerd Lincoln Tel 17 May 1821 MADDOCK John 121 he retained his faculties to the last at Holloway head near Norwich England on 1st Oct Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 MADISON Eleanor at the residence of James Madison, his mother died at Montpelier VA on Wed last Feb [National Intel] Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 MANNING John Dr 87y at Ipswich MA Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 MARDEN Stephen Deacon 55y at Palermo ME on 7th inst Lincoln Intel'r 18 Feb 1825 MARSHALL Elizabeth C 24y w/o Daniel MARSHALL 2nd at Vassalboro ME Lincoln Intel'r 17 Dec 1824 MARSHALL Mr assistant to the light house keeper on Barker's Island & Nathaniel WARD, both drowned at Salem Harbor Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 MARSHALL Walter MAson 6y his death was by the wheels of a cart passing over his body at Hartford ME s/o MARSHALL Walter Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 MARSTON Mary 25 at Cumberland ME Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 MASON Betsey 50y at Pittston ME on 29th ult Lincoln Intel'r 6 Feb 1829 MATHEWS William 46y at Hallowell ME Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 MAXWELL c/o John 6y by the kick of an ox at Cape Elizabeth ME Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 McCobb Joseph Esq at Boothbay ME on 17th inst Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 McCRAY Marica 63y at this town on Thurs on 13th inst Lincoln Intel'r 21 Nov 1828 McCUE Ann Francis an indented servant to the subscriber, has left my house ... $1 reward at Edgecomb ME CARLISLE Joseph of Edgecomb ME Lincoln Intel'r 1 Nov 1821 McDANIELS Elizabeth Mrs 37y formerly of Roxbury MA at Bath ME consort of the late Jacob McDANIELS Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 McKENNEY Charles 49y at Woolwich ME on Tues morning last Lincoln Intel'r 11 Mar 1825 McKOWN William Capt a native of Bristol ME at Wilmington NC Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 McLELLAN George 45y at Thomaston ME Lincoln Intel'r 21 Nov 1828 McLELLAN Jane widow 101 a native of Ireland at Wentworth NH Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 McLELLAN Simon Capt of the schooner Mary of Warren ME "from the effects of blows received early in the evening from persons unknownm while on his way from the sch Harriet, Capt HALL, to his own vessel, Capt McLellan was robbed of $30 at Richard ME & killed Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 McMICHAEL Jane Mrs at Bristol ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 McNEES s/o Capt Lemuel C M in Sept, in a party Missouri to New Mexico Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 MEANS Elizabeth 12y d/o John MEANS at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 MERRILL Abel Jr fire at his store owned by Gen Samuel VEAZIE [Bath Gazette] Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 MERRILL Elias Esq Cumberland Co Treas at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 29 Oct 1824 MERRY SAmuel 64y at Edgecomb ME on 26th ult Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 MERRY Simpson 16y at Edgecomb ME on 25th inst s/o MERRY Samuel Lincoln Intel'r 28 Jan 1822 MESERVEY Rachael 40y w/o Capt Nathaniel M Jr at Jefferson ME Lincoln Intel'r 4 Feb 1825 MILLER Jacob Capt at Waldoboro ME Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 missing Microf MHS Lincoln Tel 13 Sept 1821 missing Microf MHS Lincoln Tel 19 Apr 1821 missing Microf MHS Lincoln Tel 20 Sept 1821 missing microf MHS Lincoln Tel 25 Oct 1821 missing microf MHS Lincoln Tel 5 Jul 1821 missing mircof MHS Lincoln Tel 12 Jul 1821 MITCHELL Dorcas 23y at Bath ME d/o MITCHELL Nicholas L Esq Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 MITCHELL Robert Deacon 45y at Standish ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 MITCHELL William two blacks (seaman) & the cook at sea on the Sea Fox Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 MOODY William Col 50 abt the Sheriff of York Co at Saco ME on 15th inst Lincoln Intel'r 28 Mar 1822 MOOERS Sarah D Mrs 42y widow of the late Edmund MOOERS at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 30 Jan 1829 MOORE Sally Mrs 44y formerly of Newton MA at Union w/o MOORE Obadiah Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 MOORE Wiatt of Edgecomb on board brig Elone at Havana Lincoln Tel 6 Sept 1821 MORRILL Jedediah 58 "put up the first two story house in Lewiston" according to Col Wm Garcelon, a early Historian of Lewiston ME at Windham ME by a fall from his horse (8 Nov 1821) MORRILL/MARRELL Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 MORRILL Jedediah 58y of Lewiston ME at Windham ME on the 8th inst Lincoln Intel'r 22 Nov 1821 MORRILL Nancy 10y d/o Benjamin MERRILL at Norwood on 1st Nov [Concord Patriot] Lincoln Intel'r 17 Dec 1824 MOULTON Eudoxa 19y at Thorndike ME d/o MOULTON Josiah Lincoln Tel 11 Oct 1821 MUNRO Daniel Capt & a son of Capt Lemuel C McNEES, were reported killed by the Indians in Sept, in a party Missouri to New M exico Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 NASH Stephen 25y of Weymouth MA at Gray ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 NASON Richard 30y a seaman of Woolwich ME at sea on 9th Nov Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 negro during the present year a negro woman delivered of three children at a birth, one of the trio is still living. at Richmond VA Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 negro female 140y a colored woman had been nurse to the great granmother of her present owner Kingston Jam Lincoln Intel'r 18 Feb 1825 negro - see HASKIN Lincoln Intel'r 14 Jan 1825 NEWCOMB John Stockbridge 11m s/o Jonathan N at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 NEWELL Betsey 34 at Gerry w/o NEWELL Nathan Lincoln Tel 14 June 1821 NEWELL Samuel Rev missionary of India in India died of Cholera morbus Lincoln Intel'r 22 Nov 1821 NORMAN William E 51y occ' bookseller [New York M Cour] at Hudson on the inst after long illness of 7 or 8y Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 NORTON ELizabeth 57y widow at New Vineyard Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 NORTON Joshua of Edgecomb ME whereas my wife, Sally has left my bed etc Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 NUTE Margaret Mrs 66y at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Tel 17 May 1821 NUTE Paul 75y abt at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 26 Nov 1824 Nye Alvan at Falmouth ME Lincoln Intel'r 9 Jan 1829 OGIER Capt of Camden ME, Supercargo of brig Maine at Samana Hayti Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 OLDS Lydia 18y at Albany Lincoln Intel'r 24 Dec 1824 O'RILEY - see LUCAS OTT Peter Sr 73y a native of Germany Capt Jona LAMBERT; John DANIELS; Josiah STICKNEY; Moses CLARK; Jacob PACKARD all of the 1st parish in that town at Rowley Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 SAWYER Capt at Point Petre on board brig Cordelia Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 SCHWARTZ Jacob Whereas Nancy, my wife, without any ,,,,, left my bed .... at Waldoborough ME Lincoln Intel'r 24 Jan 1822 SCOTT Jonathan E Capt 48 at Wiscasset ME Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 SCOTT - see ROBINSON Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 SCOTT - see SAUNDERS Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 SEAVEY Hannah widow 101y 55d at Kennebunkport ME Lincoln Tel 11 Oct 1821 SEVEY Sarah 48y w/o Capt Michael S at this town on Tues last Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 SEWALL John at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 SEWALL Mary d/o Gen S at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 SHAW Charles Esq 45y formerly of Bath ME at Montgomery Alabama on 1st inst Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 SHAW David A 28y of Thomaston ME formerly of Boston MA at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 30 Jan 1829 SHAW Mercy 28y at Bath on Sun last Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 SHAW Rev his barn struck by lightning & fire ... at Bedford VT Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 SHOVEE Jane 73y at Newcastle ME on 20th ult Lincoln Intel'r 4 Mar 1825 SILVERLOCK John 28y a seaman of New York at sea on 16 Oct Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 SIMONS Eliza at the res/o the family of Capt Winslow LEWIS at Boston Ma on 8th inst Lincoln Intel'r 14 Jan 1825 SIMPSON James 81y at New Castle Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 SIMPSON Margaret Mrs 40y w/o William S at Newcastle ME after 18m of sickness Lincoln Tel 28 June 1821 SIMPSON William Esq 64y AmRev patriot & native of NH at East Machias ME Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 SKOLFIELD Robert 21y of Brunswick ME at Point Petre on board brig Cordelia Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 SMALL Cartharine Lunt 1y d/o James SMALL at Newbury MA Lincoln Intel'r 31 Oct 1828 SMILEY a d/o John 7yy "clothes a fire" at Lexington Lincoln Intel'r 12 Nov 1824 SMITH Francis-Ann at Bath ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 SMITH Hannah Mrs 81y at Litchfield ME on 15th inst w/o SMITH Thomas Deacon Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 SMITH Mamuel 80y one of the 1st settlers at Winslow ME Lincoln Tel 18 Oct 1821 SMITH Manasseh Jr 42(?) he left a wife & 5 children at Berwick ME on 3rd inst Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1822 SMITH Mary 82y consort of the late John SMITH at Surry Lincoln Intel'r 30 Jan 1829 SMITH Nathaniel Dr MD at New Haven CT Lincoln Intel'r 6 Feb 1829 SMITH Sally G at Litchfield d/o SMITH John S Lincoln Intel'r 28 Mar 1822 SMITH Sarah (widow) 80y at Sandbornton NH on 30th ult Lincoln Intel'r 24 Dec 1824 SMITH William T Esq shot in the street by a person supposed to bee a Mr TYLER at Trinidad Lincoln Tel 7 June 1821 Stage Coaches The firsty line of regular Stange Coaches tun in New England was commenced in 1782. Lincoln Intel'r 28 Mar 1822 STANDISH William XCIII "the oldest male descendant of Capt Miles Standish & of the 5th generation at Pembroke on 1st inst Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 STANIFORN Aaron Capt 33 at Portland ME Lincoln Tel 26 Jul 1821 STANWOOD Samuel at Bruswick ME Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 STARBIRD Chloe Mrs 59y at Portland ME w/o STARBIRD John Capt Lincoln Intel'r 14 Mar 1822 STEVENS Pliney 35y l/o Bridgton ME (this was listed with the marriages) at Calais ME on 16th inst Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 STEVENS - see ROGERS Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 STEWARD - see Bennett STEWART Thomas Capt at Belfast ME Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 STICKNEY Mary 56y at Newburyport MA Lincoln Tel 21 June 1821 STICKNEY - see SAUNDERS Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 STINSON George Henry Stead 4y s/o David S Esq at Bath ME "clothes a fire" Lincoln Intel'r 24 Dec 1824 STINSON Martha Mrs 54 d/o TILDEN David Esq late of Boston MA at Woolwich on 22d ult w/o STINSON John R Capt Lincoln Intel'r 7 Mar 1822 STINSON - see FORSBURY Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 STOCKWELL Daniel 61y fell from a loaded cart at Easthampton Lincoln Intel'r 24 Oct 1828 STOOPS Mary 117y res in the same home for last 65y read her Bible without spectacles on the 13th ult at Mont Alto Furnace, in Franklin Co, PA Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 SWETT John Deacon his body was found on the 29th ult about one mile from his residence [Bath Gazette] at Arowsic Island Lincoln Intel'r 10 Dec 1824 SWETT - see FORSBURY Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 TALLIEN Jean Lambert 54y at Paris France Lincoln Tel 19 Jul 1821 TAPPAN Mrs w/o Josiah F T at Brunswick ME Lincoln Intel'r 12 Dec 1828 TAYLOR John Esq 62y at Candia NH on 24th ult Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 TAYLOR WIlliam Rev formerly of the Catholic Church of Boston MA at Paris by the bursting a blood vessel during his serman Lincoln Intel'r 31 Oct 1828 TENNEY Paul Doctor at Nottingham West Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 THOMAS Samuel 25y at Bowdoinham ME on 14th inst Fri Lincoln Intel'r 28 Nov 1828 THOMPSON James 45y at Union ME on 23d ult Lincoln Intel'r 1 Apr 1825 THOMPSON Julia 4y at Wiscasset ME d/o THOMPSON William Lincoln Tel 27 Sept 1821 THWING Nathaniel 28y at Augusta ME on 16th inst Lincoln Tel 30 Aug 1821 TIBBETS Abigail 80y on Tues morning last at Woolwich ME on 3d inst Lincoln Intel'r 11 Mar 1825 TIBBETS Capt w/ his two sons of Boothbay were drowned in Kennebec river at Day's ferry drowned Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 TIBBETS Hannah 59y w/o Giles at Boothbay ME on 22d inst Lincoln Intel'r 29 Oct 1824 TILDEN - see STINSON Lincoln Intel'r 7 Mar 1822 TILTON Benjamin l/o Edgecomb ME estnot Lincoln Tel 24 May 1821 TINTER John 51y at Charlestown Lincoln Tel 14 June 1821 TORREY Elisha 84y AmRev hero at Freeport ME on 13th ult Lincoln Intel'r 19 Dec 1828 TORRY Emily w/o Capt Joseph G TORRY, publisher of Maine Gazette at Bath ME on Wed on 27th ult Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 TRASK Amos Maj 63y formerly from Sutton MA at DIxfield on Wed the 14th of Nov early settler of Dixfield Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 TRASK Jonathan Jr 25y death by falling through a Clothing mill at Jefferson ME Lincoln Intel'r 27 Dec 1821 TREFETHREN John Capt on the sch Ruth died of cholera morbus at Sea of Newcastle ME, the master of the vessel Lincoln Intel'r 13 Dec 1821 TURNER Malbury on board ship Frederick Davis at sea on Aug last of Waldoborough Lincoln Intel'r 13 Dec 1821 TYLER - see SMITH VEAZIE - see MERRILL Lincoln Intel'r 2 Jan 1828(sic)1829 WADE Mary Boyd J 18m only c/o Capt R H WADE at this town ME on 23d inst Lincoln Intel'r 31 Oct 1828 WADE Richard Capt only child of Capt Richard W of this town at Dresden ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 WADE Turner Esq 39y at Woolwiche on the 7th inst Lincoln Intel'r 23 Jan 1829 WALKER J O at sea on the Sea Fox Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 WALKER Samuel Capt 63y formerly of Duxbury MA at Hallowell ME on 14th inst Lincoln Intel'r 23 Jan 1829 WARD Nathaniel he was the keeper of the light house on Barker's Island & his assistant, Mr Marshall, both drowned at Salem Harbor Lincoln Intel'r 18 Mar 1825 WATERMAN Joshua 43y at Anson on 31st ult Lincoln Intel'r 15 Nov 1821 WATERS Abel Dr 80y at Augusta ME Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 WEDGEWOOD Betsey 26y of Parsonsfield ME At Effingham NH on 15th ult SHe died at the funeral of Susan DEARBORN Lincoln Intel'r 11 Apr 1822 WEEKS Matthew 37 at Gilmanton early settler of the town Lincoln Tel 3 May 1821 WELD Joseph Ferdinand 3m s/o Dr at Bath ME Nathaniel W Lincoln Intel'r 20 Feb 1829 WELLINGTON Samuel Maj 79y at Watham Lincoln Tel 14 June 1821 WESTON Azubah 70y w/o John W at Bloomfield ME Lincoln Intel'r 23 Jan 1829 3 br>WHEELER John Capt 22 w/o Capt John WHEELER at Dresden on Tues Lincoln Intel'r 25 Feb 1825 WHITE Robert 45y at Woolwich ME Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 WHITTIER Charles 16m youngest s/o James Whittier at Vienna by swalloing a bean the daay previous Lincoln Intel'r 8 Nov 1821 WILDE - see EMMONS Lincoln Intel'r 29 Nov 1821 WILDES Ephraim Col late of the Eastern Stage House at Boston MA Lincoln Intel'r 27 Feb 1829 WILLIAMS George 28y at Exeter NH Lincoln Intel'r 30 Jan 1829 WILLIAMS Jonathan Capt 23y of the brig Charles Miller of this port at Havana 10 Aug 1821 Lincoln Tel 6 Sept 1821 WILLIAMSON Charles Dr one of the candidates for Congress died of cholera mobus Milledgeville on 16th ult Lincoln Intel'r 7 Nov 1828 WILLIER a c/o Ephraim at Portland ME Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821 WILLIS Elizabeth Sewall 23y d/o MAY Joseph Col of Boston MA at Portland ME w/o WILLIS Benjamin Lincoln Intel'r 14 Mar 1822 WILSON Mr see story at Harrisburg PA Lincoln Intel'r 22 Nov 1821 WILSON Obed 21y s/o Rev O Wilson of Bingham at Waterville college on 15th inst Lincoln Intel'r 24 Dec 1824 WILSON Peter a seaman on board sch NEWS at the Port Antonio Jamaica on the 10 Oct Lincoln Intel'r 19 Nov 1824 WING Joshua W a native of Kennebec Co ME at Louisiana Lincoln Intel'r 26 Dec 1828 WINSLOW Jonathan 27 formerly of Bath ME at Topsham ME Lincoln Intel'r 5 Nov 1824 WOOD Joseph T l/o Wiscasset ME estnot Lincoln Tel 31 May 1821 WOODERSON John 42y late mate of schr Eddington at New York by suicide Lincoln Intel'r 16 Jan 1829 WOODMAN Joseph 22y of Wiscasset ME at Charleston SC Lincoln Tel 4 Oct 1821 WOODWARD Mary Mrs at Augusta ME w/o WOODWARD Noah Lincoln In tel'r 8 Nov 1821 WOODWARD Samuel Deacon 81y at Dresden ME Lincoln  Intel'r 17 Dec 1824 WYMANS Stedman 23y suspended from a tree in the woods not far from his father's where it was supposed he had remained nearly twenty four hours ... at Reading VT on Tues the 11th inst (found) Lincoln Intel'r 4 Feb 1825 YOUNG A B a mate of the brig Liverpool Packet at sea on 17 Nov Lincoln Intel'r 21 Jan 1825 YOUNG James of Bath (ME?), boatswain of Brig Chatham, arrived at Boston a few days since at Ramsgate on 10 Oct Lincoln Intel'r 6 Dec 1821