Marriages by David Dennis of Nobleboro, 1796-1820 MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED BY DAVID DENNIS, J.P., OF NOBLEBOROUGH, ME., 1796-1820 Communicated by Mrs. Mary Kent (Davey) Babcock of Marblehead, Mass. In this article are printed the record of marriages solemnized by David Dennis, Justice of the Peace, of Nobleborough, Lincoln Co., Me., from 28 June 1796 to 1 June 1820, inclusive, a period of almost a quarter of a century. The book in which Squire Dennis entered these marriages contains also many records of cases tried before him and of fines imposed by him. It was "lost" for nearly a century, but was found in Sept. 1929 in the old Jeremiah Knowlton house at Damariscotta, Me., and is now the property of a great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Knowlton, Mrs. Frank S. Hopkins (Martha Robinson Knowlton), who has allowed the present writer to use the contents of the book in any way that will best serve students of genealogy. The writer wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to Mr. Joseph O. Hodgkins, now residing at Sheepscot, [p. 422] Me., an authority on the history of that part of Lincoln County, who was the first to tell her about these records. David Dennis was born at Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized in the South Church there 23 June 1751, the tenth child of Lieut. Thomas and Martha (Kinsman) Dennis. About 1771 he joined a group of Ipswich pioneers who were settling around ancient Walpole in Lincoln County, doubtless drawn thither by the enterprises of another Ipswich man, Maj. John Farley, who was engaged in establishing tanneries and in other alluring undertakings. Many of these families were related to one another by marriage, and thus they formed a strong, cohesive group of industrious settlers. David Dennis married first Susannah Glidden of Newcastle, Me., who died in 1777 and is buried on Glidden Street, Newcastle, with her parents. For his second wife he returned to his native town, where he married, 1 July 1779, Susannah Kinsman, daughter of Pelatiah and Jane (Farley) Kinsman. After the second Susannah's death he again sought a wife in Ipswich, and on 22 Apr. 1809 the marriage intentions of David Dennis and Mary (Knowlton) Kinsman, widow of Michael Kinsman, were published.* Maj. John Farley, uncle of Susannah (Kinsman) Dennis, David Dennis's second wife, was in constant communication with his home town, as were other Ipswich emigrants. Capt. Jeremiah Knowlton, commanding the schooners Speedwell and Sea Flower, voyaged back and forth along the coast, disposing of hides, fish, and lumber from the comparatively new settlement on the Damariscotta River. He, too, was a native of Ipswich, and it was in his house, still owned and occupied by his descendants, that the records given in this article were found. After his second marriage David Dennis built the comfortable house, which is still standing, on Round Top, in the outskirts of Damariscotta. Old deeds style him cordwainer; but on 10 Feb. 1796 he was commissioned a justice of the peace for Lincoln County, and thereafter was known for almost half a century as Squire Dennis. His record books show that he was a busy man, engaged in drawing up wills and deeds, settling disputes—assault and battery, "in evil example to all others," looming large, buying and selling commodities, appraising estates, serving as assessor, marrying his neighbors' children—he left behind him the memory of a busy and useful life. From 1808 through 1811 he was a representative in the Massachusetts General Court from his district. He was one of the founders of Lincoln Academy, at Newcastle, and was a member of its first Board of Trustees. He died at ninety-two, and, with his third wife, lies in the burying ground overlooking the Damariscotta River, not far from the dwelling house where he sat in judgment and held court. * Michael Kinsman (1746-1795) was brother of Susannah, David Dennis's second wife. He married first, 19 Nov. 1768, Mrs. Sarah Tredwell; and after her death he married secondly, 15 Dec. 1783, Mary Knowlton, who was baptized 13 Aug. 1758, daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Lord) Knowlton. Michael and Mary (Knowlton) Kinsman had a daughter, Sarah, who married David Dennis, Jr., also a justice of the peace for Lincoln County, his first commission, issued in 1825, being renewed four times for seven-year periods. [p. 423] 1796 June 28th I joined in marriage* Mr John Groten with Miss Sarah Hall both of Nobleborough Sepbr 22d Mr Samuel Chase with Miss Mary Trask both of Nobleborough Octbr 17th Mr Hugh Cox of Hallowell with Miss Polly Dunbar of Newcastle Octbr 20th Mr Benjamin Day of Bristol with Miss Ruth Chapman of Nobleborough Novbr 9th William Mathews with Lidia Hussey both of Nobleboroug[h] Decembr 15th Mr Samuel Wheelar with Miss Persis Dunbar both of Nobleborough Decbr 26th Mr. Henry Warner [sic, ? Varner or Vannah] with Miss Jane Hall both of Nobleborough 1797 Feby 23 Mr Jonathan Hatch of Noblebor with Miss Elizabeth Linscot of balltown March 2d Mr George Eugley with Miss Elizabeth Benner both of Nobleborough April 30th Major Barzillia Gannet of Pitston with miss Elizabeth farley of Newcastle April 30th Mr Joseph Ross with miss Hannah Linscot both of Nobleborough Sepbr 5th Mr Cudworth Bryant with miss Sarah Clark both of Nobleborough Novbr 30 Mr Jeremiah Linscot with miss Polly Linscott Both of the Plantation of Balltown 1798 Jan 18th Mr Joseph Kenesten with miss Martha Linscot Both of Newcastle Octbr 4 mr Daniel Weeks to miss Martha Taylor both of the plantation of Balltown 1799 August 8th Mr John Wiley to miss Sukey Rust both of Nobleborough Octbr 20th Mr Jonathan Fulsom to mrs Eunice Knowlton both of Nobleboro Octbr 27th Mr Nathaniel Chapman to Miss Sarah Chapman both of Nobleboro Decbr 1st Mr Daniel Hall to mrs Polley Genthner both of Nobleboro Decbr 5th Francis Reed to Mrs Elizabeth Jack both of Bristol 1800 Jany 16th William Hale of Exeter to Miss Salley Farley of Newcastle Feby 3d Capn James Smithwick to Miss Elizabeth Jackson both of Newcastle Janry 23d John Taylor to miss Susanna Peasley both of the plantation of Balltown March 23d Abner Keen of Waldoborough to Miss Allice Jones of Newcastle August 12th Jesse Flint to Miss polley Clap both of Nobleboro * In the original record the words "I joined in marriage" precede the names of the persons married in every entry except that of March 4, 1812, in which this introductory phrase is shortened to "I joined." In this printed copy these introductory words have been retained only in the first entry, [p. 424] [1800] August 17th Daniel Day of Bristol to Miss Nancy Miller of Nobleboro Octbr 9th John Arnold with Miss Betsey Partridge both of Bristol 1801 Feb. 22d Mr John Genthner with Miss Eunice Hall both of Nobleborough March 5th Mr Nathaniel Thompson with Miss Patty Knowlton both of Bristoll [March] 23 Mr Robert Hopkins of Balltown with Miss Priscilla Chapman of Nobleborough [March] 26th Thomas McCrate of Pownalboro with Sukey Dennis of Nobleboro April 12th Mr Elnathan Palmer with Miss Sukey Blackston both of Nobleboro May 24th Benjamin Durin with Miss Mary Rollings both of Nobleboro June 25th Mr. Daniel Plumer of Newmilford with Miss Betsey Plummer of Nobleboro August 6th Mr Daniel Hilton with Miss Patty Wellman both of Bristol Octbr 4th Mr William Elsworth with Miss Hannah Cotter both of Nobleborough Novbr 5th Mr Ezra Teague with Miss Polley McFadean both of Nobleboro Novbr 19th Mr Elkanah Teague with Miss Anna McFadean both of Nobleborough Decbr 1st Mr Thomas Keneda with Miss Sally Weeks both of Balltown Decbr 7th Mr Joseph Knowlton Junr with Miss Anna Hammon both of Bristol Decbr 10th Mr Stephen Hodgdon with Miss Eleanor Rollings both of Nobleborough Decbr 17th Mr Henry Bond with Mary Jackson both of Balltown Decbr 31st Mr James Hall with Miss Lydia Hatch both of Nobleboro 1802 Jany 7th Mr John Chapman with Miss Hannah Chapman both of Nobleboro Febry 9th Mr Ezekiel Moody with Miss Polly Benner both of Nobleboroug[h] Feby 11th Mr Alexander McKeen with Miss Betsey Hammon both of Nobleboro May 6th Mr Joseph Hall of Balltown with miss Betsey Witehouse of Newcastle July 4th Mr John Merrill with Miss Sibil Mason both of Nobleborough July 20th Mr James Symmons of Waldoboro with Miss Christiana Keen of Nobleboro August 1st Mr John Winslow with Miss Anna Hall both of Nobleboro August 31st Mr John Dunbar with Ms Susanna Hall both of Nobleboro Octbr 10th Mr William Keen with Miss Anna Genthner both of Nobleboro [p. 425] 1803 March 17th Mr Thomas Hall with Miss Anna Warner both of Nobleborough Sepbr 15th Mr Daniel Hall with Miss Lucey Hatch both of Nobleboro Octbr 13th Timothy Cotten of Nobleboro with Miss Sukey Glidden of Newcastle Decbr 1st Mr Ebenezer Hall with Miss Sukey Ross both of Nobleborough Decbr 18th Mr Aaron Blaney of Bristol with Betsey Dennis of Nobleborough 1804 Jany 2d Mr Thomas Farror with Miss Elizabeth Wellman both of Bristol Feby 2d Enoch Merrill with Sarah Roling both of Nobleboro Feby 9th Mr Daniel Ross with Miss Mary Calwell both of Nobleboro Feby 23d Mr John Knowlton of Nobleboro with Miss Sally Dean Knowlton of Bristol April 5th Mr John Fuller of Bristol with Miss Elenor Chapman of Nobleborough [April] 22d Mr Samuel Austin of Nobleboro with Miss Olive Jones of Newcastle* May 10th Mr David Clap with Miss Elisabeth Chapman both of Nobleboro Octbr 28th Mr Bartlet Connor of Chestervil with Miss Prissillia Flint of Nobleboro Decbr 25th Mr Jacob Eugley of Waldoboro with Miss Catherine Benner of Nobleboro 1805 Jany 31st Mr George Johnston of Balltown with Miss Martha Hodgkins of Nobleborough June 16th Mr John Blackston with Miss Sally Hussey both of Nobleboro August 29th Mr William Huston with Mrs. Sarah Huston both of Bristol Sepbr 8th Mr Roger Hanley Junr of Bristol with Miss Mary FitzGerald of Waldoboro Sepbr 8th Mr Henry McGuyer with Peggy Hanley both of Bristol Novbr 28th Mr Henry Varner with Miss Elizabeth Keen both of Nobleboro Novbr 28 Mr James Brown with Miss Margaret Winslow both of Nobleboro Decbr 25 Mr Jesse Dunbar with Miss Sally Winslow both of Nobleboro 1806 Jany 1st Mr Levi Moody of Nobleboro with Miss Catharine Ho____† of Waldoboro Jany 1st Mr William Blackston with Mary Clark both of Nobleboro Feby 27th Mr Calvin Farrow with Miss Lowisa Thompson both of Bristol * The words "First wife" (in pencil and in another handwriting) have been added to this entry. † A space was left for the other letters of this surname. [p. 426] [1806] March 6th Mr Abraham Colleny with Miss Polly Hawks both of Newcastle March 20th Mr Benjm Thompson with Miss Hitte Jone both of Bristol March 30th Mr Nathaniel Winslow with Miss Abbigal Hall both of Nobleborough April 16th Mr Stephen Yound with Miss Sarah Morgan both Newcastle April 24th Mr David Pickard with Miss Anna Holland[?] both of Nobleboro Sepbr 15th Mr Winthrop Allen with Miss Martha Kinsman both of Nobleboro Oct 16 Mr David Eugley with Miss Sally Genthner both of Waldoboro Novbr 27 Mr Benjm Mason of Frank[f]ort with Catherine Dunbar Nobleboro Decbr 4th Mr Elijah Linscot of Balltown with Miss Lucy Clapp of Nobleboro Decbr 21st Mr Isaac Hall with Miss Olive Dunbar both of Nobleboro 1807 April 5th Mr Jason Thurston with Mrs Lydia Rolins both Nobro [April 5th] Mr Ephrain Johnson of Jefferson with miss Salley Knowlton of Nobleboro Octbr 29th Mr William Jackson of Jefferson with Miss Abigail Moody of Nobleboro 1808 Feby 23d Mr Benjm Flint with Miss Elisabeth Kinsman both of Nobleboro May 15th Mr John Winslow Jr with Miss Jane Clark both of Nobleboro July 14th Mr Peter Presson with Miss Polly Winslow both of Noble 1809 Jany 2d Mr James Laughton Junr with Miss Sarah Wellman Bristol August 21st Mr James Dire with Mrs Martha Rust both of Nobleborough Octbr 12th Mr Joseph Winslow with Miss Chloe Hall both of Nobleboro Novbr 9th Mr Nicholas Weever with Miss Catherine Seitlinger both of Nobleborough Decbr 28th Mr Thomas Hodgkins with Miss Jane Brown both of Nobleborough 1810 Decbr 13th Mr James Brown with Miss Easter Ross both of Nobleborough 1811 Sepbr 12 Mr Samuel Hodgdon with Miss Nancy Barstow both of Nobleborough 1812 June 25th John Moody 3d with Margaret Umberhind both of Nobleborough 1813 March 4th Mr. Samuel Knowlton of the planta[tion] of Davistown with Miss Marcy Knowlton Bristol May 6th James Ripley with Eunice Linscot both Nobleboro [p. 427] [1813] July 29th Elisha Clap with Sarah Linscot both Nobleboro 1816 Feby 1st Joseph Hodgkins with Mary Hawk both Nobleboro June 16th Mr Joshua Hilton 2d with Miss Abigail Keen both of Bristol 1820 June 1st Mr James Hall 4th with Miss Polly Hodgkins both of Nobleborough