Baptizms of infants & children Dresden Congregational Church, 1801-1853 1801 Freeman Parker the child of Hector Patten & wife. [no date given] Gowin, child of John Hathorn & wife. 1802 Hannah Hinton, child of Converse Lilly & wife. [no date given] Sarah, Theophilus, James & William, the children of Theophilus Blanchard & wife. [no date given] Lucy & John, children of John Poleretzky & wife. [no date given] Sally, child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Samuel, Ardin, Ezra, Asenath, Jemima, Damaris, children of Samuel Tubbs Junior & wife. 1801 John Reed, Eliza, Jane, & Henry children of Jonn Grenough & wife. 1803 James, the child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Rachel & Caroline children of Saml Tubbs Junior & wife. [no date given] Mary & John, children of John Paris & wife. [no date given] Freeman child of John Grenough & wife. [no date given] Purchase & Mary, children of ______ Lee & wife. [no date given] Abel & Thomas of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Charles, of Daniel Haynes & wife. [no date given] Mary Lowell, of William Bowman & wife. 1804 Nancy of Hector Patten & wife. [no date given] Loring of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Daniel, Samuel, Susannah Spring, & Moses, of Samuel Woodward, Junr [no date given] Julia Ann & Caroline, of Stephen Smith & wife. 1805, April 22. Rebecca Desire, Daughter of Freeman Parker & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth Gray, Daughter of John Hathorn & wife Feb'y. 1806 Sarah Rice, Daughter of Freeman Parker & wife. [no date given] Mira, Daughter of Samuel Woodward, Jun'r, & wife [no date given] Rufus, son of Actor Patten & wife. [no date given] Edward Earnest, son of George Houdlette & wife. [no date given] Rebecca Moulton & John children of John White & wife 1803 Francis, son of John Polereczky & wife. 1806 Mary Hunt, daughter of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Joanna, Catharine, James, Robert, children of George Pouchard & wife. [no date given] Anna Blair daughter of William Blair & wife. [no date given] Warren, son of John & Elizabeth Hathorn. 1807 Ann Sophia, daughter of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [no date given] Nancy Mary, daughter of George & Mary Houdlette. [no date given] Ebenezer, son of Samuel Tubbs & wife. [no date given] Almira & Mary Cavalier children of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [no date given] Abram (Mitchel) on account of Sarah the wife of Convers Lilly. 1808 Joel, son of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Francis Rittal, Alfred Timothy, Nancy Catharine, children of Widow Nancy Call. 1809 May Thomas Rice, son of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [presumably 1809,] March Mary, Mercy & Nathan children of Nathan Lee & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth, daughter of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [no date given] Nancy Mary child of George & Mary Pouchard. [p. 107] [presumably 1809,] Octr Phillip Theobold, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [presumably 1809,] Aug't James Hartwell, child of Sara wife of Hartwell Williams. 1810 July Susanna, child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [1810,] do. William Cobb, George Morrison, Hannah Hinton Lilly, children of George Paris & wife. [1810,] do. George, Louis, Nancy, Children of James Stilfin & wife. [1810,] August. Calvin Tubbs, child of Mark Rollins & wife on account of Samuel Tubbs. [1810,] do. Sally, Lydia, Francis Rice, Martha Custis, Children of Widow Sally Theobald. 1811 April, Margaret, daughter of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [1811,] June William & Henrietta, children of Charles Thayer & wife. [1811,] do. Abigail, children [sic] of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [1811,] July Phillip Frederick, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [1811,] Sepr Polly, child of Jane Stilfin. 1812, June Warren, child of Charles & Patience Thayer. [1812,] do. Cordelia, child of Jonathan Allen & Mary Ann Tupper. [1812,] Septr Sally, child of George and Mary Pouchard. 1813, May Warren Rice, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [1813,] October Lydia Blenn, daughter of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. 1814, May Francis, son of Francis and Eunice Stilfin. [1814,] July Samuel Cobb and Lydia Helen, children of Sally Bishop. [1814,] do. Nathan William, son of Samuel and Mary Bridge. [1814,] do. Elizabeth, daughter of Freeman and Rebecca Parker. [1814,] August. Lucy, daughter of James Stilfin and wife. [1814,] Octr Mercy Elizabeth and Clarissa, children of James Patterson & wife. [1814,] do. Amos & Louisa, children of George Paris and wife. [1814,] do. Daniel, son of Charles and Patience Thayer. [1814] Elizabeth daughter of David and Abigail Meservy. 1815, July. Freeman Richmond, son of George and Mary Pushard. [1815,] August Susanna, daughter of George and Mary Houdlette. [1815,] Octobr Eunice Reed (Curd) and Ebenezer Convers (McLoon) on account of Sally wife of Convers Lilly. 1816 Sarah, daughter of Charles & Patience Thayer. [1816] Bradford, son of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [1816] Nathan, son of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. [1816] Elizabeth daughter of J. A. & Mary Ann Tupper. [1816] Charlotte, daughter of James Patterson & wife. 1817 June Sarah Jane, daughter of George and Lydia Harward. [1817,] Sepr John Thacher, son of George & Lydia Harward. [1817,] do. Benjamin Kidder, son of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. [1817,] Oc'r Sarah Barker, Mary, Charlotte Prebble, Ruth Rebecca, Eleanor, Carr Barker, Samuel Barker, Obed Wood, children of Obed Haynes and wife. [1817,] do. Daniel, son of George Pushard and wife. [1817,] Dec'r Jane Paine, daughter of Samuel Bridge and wife. 1818, Jan'y Susan and James, children of Nathan Lee & wife of Pittston. [1818,] April Susan, child of Charles Houdlette & wife. [1818,] July Calista, child of James Patterson & wife. [1818] Allen, son of J. A. Tupper & wife. [1818,] August Isabella, child of Sarah Williams. [p. 108] 1819, Feb'y Hannah Lilly, child of Francis Stilfin and wife. June 1, 1819 Elbridge, child of Hannah wife of George Paris. March, 1820 Isabella Morrison, of Obed Haynes & wife. [1820,] May 9. Helen Louisa, of George Houdlette & wife. [1820,] June Elisha Parkhurst, of James Patterson and wife. [1820,] July Margaret Ann, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ann Tupper. [1820,] August Franklin, Rufus & Antoinett, of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. May 13, 1821 Mary Reed, of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. 1822, George Theobald, son of George Houdlette & wife. [1822,] Sally Theobald, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. 1823, July, Rebecca Parker, child of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. 1824, Feb'y 29. Paul, child of James Patterson. [1824,] June Martha, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. [1824] Richard Wade, child of Obed & Sarah Haynes. [1824,] October Felinda Gates, child of Levi Woodward & wife. 1826, Feb. Ellen Curlett, child of Saml. & Mary Reed, Woolwich. [presumably the same month] Harriet, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. [1826,] April 24. Martha Eliza Barrett, child of Obed Haynes & wife. [1826,] July Gilbert Elanson, of Levi & Mary Woodward. 1828, June 29. Sarah Augusta, of Ditto. 1831, May 29. Harriet Newall, child of Ditto.