Guilford, Maine Marriages 1816-1841: Documentary History of Guilford, Maine Sprague's Journal of Maine History Vol. 4 Aug, 1916 No. 2 page 178 to 190 178 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY 1816 Parkman, or No. 5, 6th range, April 1st, 1816. This S. Davis may certify that I have married the year past Mr. 1816 Stedman Davis, -to Miss Abigail Herring. Likewise B. Morgridge Mr. Benjamin Morgridge to Miss Abigail Patten. SAM'L PINGREE, Justice Peace THOMAS MACOMBER, Town Clerk 1817 The following are the persons I have joined in marriage in the year 1817, Viz-: Miss Eunice Noyes, both of Wm. Davis Mr. William Davis, and Guilford 1817 Also, Mr. Zebulon Grover and Miss Mary Morgan, both Z. Grover of Guilford, on the 12th day of March. 1817 Likewise, Mr. Charles Macomber and Miss Susan Mor- C. Macomber gan on the 12th day of March, both of Guilford. THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk THOMAS MACOMBER, Town Clerk of Guilford. No. 5--6th range, July 26th, 1817 18I7 This may certify that I have married the following persons within the last twelve months, Viz.: B. Dunham Mr. Bartimeus Dunham, to Miss Matilda Briggs M. Harris Also, Mr. Moses Harris to Miss Eunice Merrill, all of NO. 5, aforesaid 1817 Also Mr. Shepherd Packard to Miss Polly Jackins, S. Packard both of Moore's town (so called) SAM'L PINGREE, justice of Peace True copy Attest THOMAS MACOMBER, Town Clerk 1818 I hereby certify that the institution of Marriage was Wm. Farnham solemnized between Mr. William Farnham of Sanger- ville and (Widow) Mary Eveleth of Guilford, on the twelfth day of February, 1818, in Guilford, by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1819 I hereby certify that the institution of Marriage was 1. Herring solemnized between Mr. Isaac Herring and Miss Polly Macomber, both of Guilford, on the eighth day of 1819 March 1819 Also between Mr. Daniel Wallis, Jun'r and D. Wallis, Jr. Miss Charlotte Bennett, both of Guilford, on the sixth day of April, 1819, in said town, by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1819 In the year past I have joined the following persons in marriage to wit. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 179 Bennett Mr. Joseph Bennett to Miss Mary Calquham, both of Guilford, on the 3oth day of December, 1819 1820 Mr. William Buck to Miss Betsy Herring, both of Guil- Wm. Buck ford, on the 12th day of January, 1820. 1820 And Ensign John M. Edes to Miss Sally Bennett, both J. M. Edes of Guilford on the 3oth day of March, 1820 ROBERT LOW, justice of the peace True copy ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk of Guilford 1820 I hereby certify that I have solemnized six Marriages since April last, whose names here follow. Macomber, Jr. Mr. Thomas Macomber, Jun'r, to Miss Lucy S. Alden, April 23, 1820 N. Bradbury Mr. Nathaniel M. Bradbury to Miss Nancy Mitchell, May 18th, 1820 W. Waymoth Mr. William Waymoth to Miss Charlotte Herring, Au- gust 12, 1820 M. Low Mr. Moses Low, to Miss Isabella Wallis, August 6th, 1820 J. Cahoon Mr. John Cahoon to Miss Clarina Loring, September 5, 1820 R. Carleton Capt. Robert Carlton to Miss Jane G. Byram, Jan. 30th, 1821 1821 April 1st, 1821. THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1822 The following is a list of the names of the persons I have joined in marriage the past year, Viz.: B. Hammond Mr. Beda Hammond, Jr., with Miss Dorothy Merrill, both of Foxcroft, on the tenth day of October, 1821 R. Morse Mr. Richard Morse with Miss Mary C. Hammond, both of Foxcroft on the tenth day of October, 1821 Guilford, April 1st, 1822 THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Guilford, April 15th, 1822 1822 This may certify that on the fourth day of April, in- S. Coburn stant I joined in marriage Ens. Samuel Coburn of Park- man and Miss Rhoda Barker of Guilford JOSEPH KELSEY, Just. Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1823 I hereby certify that the institution of marriage was J. Grover solemnized between Mr. Jonathan Grover and Miss Pru- dence Macomber, both of Guliford on the twentieth day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty three. By me, THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk March 2oth, 1823 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 180 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY 1823 By this I certify that the following named persons have been joined in marriage by me within the last year, & that they are all who have been so by me joined. Viz.: T. Rose Mr. Timothy Rose and Miss Polly Bennett, both of Guilford, on the 13th day of March, A. D. 1823 S. Beal Mr. Samuel Beal and Miss Esther Herring, both of Guilford, on the 13th day of April, A. D. 1823 Guilford, April 2oth, 1823 ROBERT LOW, Justice of Peace True copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1823 I hereby certify that the institution of Marriage was F. Sturtevant solemnized between Mr. Francis Sturtevant, and Miss Mary Clough, the third day of October, 1823. By me THOMAS MACOMBER, Pastor Guilford, April 3rd, 1824 True copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1823 I hereby certify that the institution of Marriage be- P. Bennett tween Mr. Philemon Bennett and Miss Anne M. Hall on the twenty second day of May, A. D. 1823: And 1824 likewise between Mr. Silas Merrill, and the widow Sally S. Merrill Buck on the fifth day of January, A. D. 1824, by me ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace Guilford, April 3rd, 1824 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1824 I hereby certify that I have joined in marriage the fol- lowing persons since the third day of April, 1824, Viz.: S. Bursley Mr. Silas Bursley and Miss Thankful Glass, on the 25 day of July, A. D., 1824 1824 Mr. Joseph Coombs and the widow Betsey Huston on J. Coombs the 27th day of September, A. D., 1824 1825 Mr. Luther Hersey of Foxcroft and Miss Sarah Jane L. Hersey Allen of Guilford on the 25th day of January, A. D., 1825 1825 Mr. Nathaniel Greaves, Jr., and Miss Ana J. Young on N. Greaves, Jr. the 7th day of April, A. D. 1825 NOTE. Where no town is named, Guilford is intended ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace Guilford, April 8th, 1825 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1824 December 2nd, 1824. Mr. Alanson Soule, and Miss A. Soule- Mary Robbins, both of Guilford, were married by THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 181 1825 I hereby certify that in A. D. 1825 I joined in marriage W. Webber Capt. William Webber and Miss Serena Townsend, both of Guilford, on the 24th of July. ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1826 I hereby certify that on the nineteenth day of March J. Bennett A. D. 1826, I joined in marriage Mr. Joseph Bennett of Guilford and Mrs. Dorcas Small of Pownal, in the county of Cumberland. WILLIAM WEBBER, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1825 I hereby certify the following are the couples that I have joined in marriage since last April, Viz.: E. Glass July 20, 1825, Mr. Ezekiel Glass and Miss Sabina S. Byram, both of Guilford 1825 December 8th, 1825, Mr. John Delano, and Miss Me- J. Delano hetabel Warren, both of Guilford 1826 January 9th, 1826, Mr. Eliphalet Haskell and Miss Jen- E. Haskell nett True, both of Guilford 1826 January 22nd, 1826, Mr. David Herring and Miss 1). Herring Amanda Morgan, both of Guilford THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1. 13. Low I hereby certify that I solemnized a marriage between 1827 Mr. Isaac B. Low and Miss Rachel B. Wright, both of Guilford, on the twenty first day of January, A. D. 1827; and that they are all I have joined in marriage in the year past. April 24th, 1827 WILLIAM WEBBER, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attes, ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk J. True I certify that on the eleventh day of June, 1826, I 1826 joined in marriage Mr. Jacob True and Miss Hannah I S. Coombs. ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk L. D. Chenery March 27th, 1827, Mr. Lucious D. Chenery and Miss 1827 Deliverance S. Macomber, both of Guilford, were mar- . ried by me L. Whiting Also April 10, 1827, Mr. Leonard Whiting of Guilford 1827 and Miss Betsey Hersey of Dover were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk April 25th, 1827 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 182 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY I hereby certify that in the last year I have joined in marriage the following persons, viz.: S. Lombard Mr. Simeon Lombard and Miss Christiana Wharff on 1827 the twenty sixth day of August, A. D. 1827 W. Young Mr. Jonathan W. Young to Miss Mercy Robinson on 1827 the twentieth day of September, A. D. 1827 M. Harriman Mr. Manoah Harriman and Miss Reliance S. Whitney 1827 on the eighteenth day of November, A. D. 1827 ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace April 25, 1827 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Guilford, April 24th, 1828 S. Safford,Jr. March 13th, 1828, Mr. Simeon Safford, Jr., of Ab- 1828 bot and Miss Sarah Washburne of Guilford, were mar- ried by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk I certify that I joined in marriage on the twenty ninth A. Greaves day of April last Mr. Alfred Greaves and Miss 1827 Elizabeth Edes, both of Guilford. WILLIAM WEBBER, just. of Peace April 2oth, 1828 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 1st, 1829 The following are all the persons I have joined in mar- riage the year past, Viz.: 1828 Mr. Elijah Robinson and Miss Deborah Anne Cothran E. Robinson on the IA day of September, A. D. 1828 1828 Mr. Jacob Richardson and Miss Eliza Stevens on the J. Richardson 9th day of November, A. D. 1828 1828 Mr. Samuel C. Cothran and Miss Sarah Robinson on S. Cothran the 25th day of December, A. D. 1828 A. S. Whitney Mr. Annas S. Whitney and Miss Druisilla Wright on the 22nd day of March, 1829 ROBERT LOW, Justice of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 1st, 1829. I hereby certify that the institution of marriage was solemnized between the following per- sons at the following specified times, Viz.: 1828 Mr. George Dunham of Monson and Miss Joanne True of Guilford, on the 26 day of August, 1828. 1829 Mr. Jonathan Richardson and Miss Abigail Grover, both J. Richardson of Guilford, March 18th, 1829 1829 Mr. Kingman Drake and Miss Louisa Parsons, both of K. Drake Sangerville, March 18th, 1829 By me, THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 183 The following by some mistake unknown is not on 1818 record in its proper place, but being now received is here recorded C. Glass, Jr. Mr. Consider Glass, Jr. and Miss Thamson Robbins, both of Guilford, were married by me on the 9th day of July, 1818 THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk 1829 Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 10th, 1829 1829 I joined in Marriage Mr. Seth C. Merrill of Parkman Seth C. and Miss Prudence P. Greaves of Guilford on the 26th Merrill day of November, 1829 ROBERT LOW, justice of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Guilford, April 1st, 1830 1830 The following are the persons I have married the year past, Viz.: C. Whiting March 2nd, 1830, Mr. Charles Whiting and Miss Elvira Woodard, both of Guilford 1830 March 25th, 1830, Mr. Joseph Blanchard of Abbot and J. Blanchard Miss Susan Eells of Guilford THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest WILLIAM STEVENS, Town Clerk Guilford, April 15th, 1831 1830 In the year past I have joined in marriage Mr. Asa A. Harlow Harlow of Parkman and Miss Polly L. Low of Guil- ford on the 2nd day of December ROBERT LOW, Justice of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern. This is to certify that Mr. Richmond Loring and Miss Mary W. Smith both of Guilford, in the county of Penobscot and State of R. Loring Maine, were joined in marriage at said Guilford agree- ably to the laws of said State, on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and thirty two; by me, SETH NELSON, Justice of the Peace. Guilford, March 30th, 1832 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk The following are all the persons I have joined in mar- riage in the year past to this date, Viz.: 184 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY A. Webber Mr. Alvin Webber to Miss Susan Grover, both of 1831 Dover, on the eighth day of December, Anno. Domini, 1831 ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace Guilford, Aprl 3rd, 1832 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Also April 29th, George W. Young & Ruhamah Robin- son, both of Guilford. ROBERT LOW, Just. of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk J. Herring May 5th, 183I, Mr. John Herring & Miss Mercy Ma- 1831 comber, both of Guilford D. Wallis May 15th, 1831, Mr. Daniel Wallis of Bangor and Miss 1831 Susanna True of Guilford J. Soule, Jr. July 3rd, 1831, Mr. Jacob Soule, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth 1831 P. Robbins, both of Guilford E. E. Day October 24th, 1831, Mr. Eliab E. Day of Abbot and Miss 1831 Mary Warren of Guilford J. Greeley March 25th, 1832, Mr. John Greeley and Miss Rachel W. 1832 Herring, both of Guilford The above named couples at the specified times were married by me, (Guilford, May 3rd, 1832) THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk The above is a true copy. Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk This certifies that on the 24th day of November, eighteen hundred and thirty one I joined in marriage C. Loring Mr. Charles Loring and Miss Louisa H. Smith, both of 1831 Guilford; they being all whom I have so joined the last year. April 2oth, 1832 JOHN H. LORING, justice of the Peace Truecopy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk This is to certify that Lewis Harlow of Parkman, County of Somerset; and Emeline Wright of Guilford, L. Harlow County of Penobscot and State of Maine, were joined 1833 in marriage at said Guilford, agreeably to the laws of said state, on the twenty first day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, by me JOHN H. LORING, Justice of the Peace Guilford, April 1st, 1833 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 185 Guilford, April 10th, 1833 I certify that on the fourth day of July, A D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty two I joined in Wm. Stoddard marriage Mr. William S. Stodard and Miss Margaret 1832 P. Noble, the former of Orono, & the latter of Guilford, both in the county of Penobscot ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 4th, 1833- I hereby certify that the followng per- sons are those that I have solemnized the institution of marriage between, since last April, and at the times hereafter named. 1. Blood September 6th, 1832, Mr. Ira Blood of Sebec and Miss 1832 Rachel C. Pratt of Foxcroft I. W. Stevens December 6th, 1832, Mr. Isaac W. Stevens and Miss 1832 Hannah Delanoe, both of Guilford THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 29th, 1834. The following are the persons I ha married the year past, viz.: May 5th, 1833 Mr. John Morgan and Miss Eliza Herring, both Guilford June 24th, 1833 Mr. Walter Leland of Sangerville and Mrs. Hann Bennett of Guilford August 18, 1833 Mr. Sylvanus B. Byram of Guilford and Miss Sar H. Carleton of Sangerville December 15th, 1833 Mr. Shepherd Moses and Miss Sally Herring, both Abbot. (Note. The latter was of Guilford) February 27th, 1834 Mr. Seth C. Pratt of Foxcroft and Miss Polly Herri of Guilford The above named persons at the specified times were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk July iith, 1833, I joined in marriage Mr. Abraham D. Young, Jr., and Miss Eliza Grover, both of Dover. I ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk A. D. Young, Jr., F. C. Pratt, S. Moses, S. B. Bryant, W. Leland, J. Morgan May 20th, 1834, I joined in marriage Mr. Nathan B. N. B. Grover Grover and Miss Nancy Mason, both of Dover, being 1834 all in that political year ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk April 15th, 1835 186 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY June 7th, 1835 I joined in marriage Mr. Stephen Spen- S. Spencer cer with Miss Sarah R. Washburne, the former of Le- 1835 vant, the latter of Guilford W. C. Noble Also same day Mr. William C. Noble and Miss Salome 1835 B. Bayley, both of Foxcroft ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern. A. B. Stevens This is to certify that Anthony B. Stevens, and Sarah 1835 Fogg, both of Guilford, in the county of Penobscot and state of Maine, were joined in marriage at said Guilford agreeably to the laws of said state on the twenty third day of March, A. D. 1835, by me JOHN McLAUGHLIN, Just. Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern. W. Ordway This may certify that Mr. William 0rdway and Miss 1835 Esther Ane Rice were united in the bands of matrimony on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1835, by me SETH NELSON, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk A. Robinson I certify that on the twenty seventh day of December, 1835 A. D. 1835, I joineh in marriage Mr. Arthur Robinson and Miss Zophira Cochran, both of Guilford ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 0. Stodard I certify that on the thirteenth day of March, A. D. 1836 1836 1 joined in marriage Mr. Orin Stodard, late of Parkman with Mrs. Rachel B. Low of Sangerville ROBERT LOW, justice of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk M. Flanders I certify that on the thirty first day of March, 1836, 1 1836 joined in marriage Mr. Moses Flanders and Miss Lydia D. Parsons, both of Sangerville ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Also on the sixteenth day of June, 1836, I joined in E. Glass marriage Mr. Ezekiel Glass and Miss Eunice C. Wash- 1836 burne, both of Guilford ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 187 Wright August 14th, 1836, I joined in marriage Mr. Jacob 1836 Wright and Miss Judith M. Low, both of Guilford ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1836 I certify that on the fourth day of September, A. D. G. L. Dyer 1836, I joined in marriage Mr. George L. Dyer and Miss Jane A. Plummer, the former of Guilford and the latter of Foxcroft ROBERT LOW, Just. of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Lane Also November 3rd, 1836, I joined in marriage Mr. 1836 Benjamin Lane and Miss Hannah Adams, both of San- gerville ROBERT LOW, Just. Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk C. Robinson November 7th, 1836, Mr. Charles Robinson and Miss 1836 Martha Johnson, both of Guilford, were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Guilford, April 7th, 1837 G. H. Douglass June 18th, I solemnized marriage between Mr. George 1837 H. Douglass & Miss Sally Edes, both of Guilford ROBERT LOW, just. of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk J. M. Warren July 3rd, 1837, I joined in marriage Mr. Jesse M. War- 1837 ren to Miss Mary Anne Noble, both of Guilford; also G. B. Fasset August 2, 1837, Mr. George B. Fasset and Miss Mary 1837 Ann W. Herring, both of Guilford T. F. Whitney April 5th, 1838, Mr. Thomas F. Whitney and Miss Ade- 1838 line Wright, both of Guilford ROBERT LOW, Justice of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk W. H. Eells April 23rd, 1838, I joined in marriage Mr. William H. 1838 Eells and Mrs. Josephine Whitcomb, both of Guilford April 18th, 1839 ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk C. Robinson, 2nd This may certify that on the 5th day of April, A. D. 1838, I joined in marriage Mr. Charles Robinson, 2nd, and and Miss Louisa J. Brown, both of Guilford, Coun- ty of Penobscot and State of Maine Guilford 16th, 1838 WILLARD HAMMOND, just. of Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 188 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY D. E. Burbank May 17th, 1837. Rev. Daniel E. Burbank and Miss 1837 Catharine Stevens, both of Guilford, were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk G. R. Sampson September 10th, 1837, Mr. George R. Sampson of Dover 1837 and Miss Mary Ann Cary of Bradford were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk Guilford, April 19th, 1838 The above are (all) the marriages I have solemnized since last April (1837) THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk 1838 June I7th, 1838, Mr. Ward Safford of Dexter, and Aro- W. Safford line A. Macomber of Abbot, were married by me THOMAS MACOMBER, Clerk A true co Attest ROBERT LOW Town Clerk Rec'd April 18th 1839, but without date, as appears R. LOW On the 13th day of May, A. D. 1838, I joined in mar- L. Bearce riage Mr. Levi Bearce of Foxcroft and Miss Susan B. 1839 Skillin of Guilford April 15th, 1839 ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern M. Haskell This is to certify that Moses Haskell and Persis Eliza- 1838 beth Nelson, both of Guilford, in the county of Piscata- quis and State of Maine were joined in marriage at said Guilford agreeably to the laws of said State on the eighteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and thirty eight by me SETH NELSON, Justice of the Peace Guilford, April 18th, 1839 A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I certify that I have joined in marriage the following persons of the places and at the several times, therein mentioned, to wit. A. Greaves Mr. Alfred Greaves of Guilford and Mrs. Calvinda 1839 Warren of Parkman, September 15th, A. D. 1839 E. Flanders Mr. Enos G. Flanders and Miss Susan Adams both of 1839 Sangerville, November 17, 1839 DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF GUILFORD 189 E. Davis Mr. Elisha Davis and Miss Clarissa B. Waterman both 1840 of Sangerville, March 8th, 1840 ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace April 7th, 1840 A true copy , Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk J. W. Coonner I certify that Mr. John W. Coormer and Miss Elizabeth 1840 Barber, both of Guilford were joined in marriage by me on the Fourth day of February, 1840 ADDIDON MARTIN, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern, I certify I have joined in marriage within the last year the following persons, viz.: F. P. Low Mr. Frederic P. Low and Miss Mary Jane Robinson both of Guilford, on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1840 A. Robinson Mr. Alvin W. Robinson and Miss Mary Jane Grover, 1840 both of Guilford, on the 9th day of August, 184o April 22nd, 1841 ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk G. Simpson To all whom it may concern. This is to certify that 1840 Mr. Gilbert Simpson of Monson, & Miss Sarah Cousins of Abbot in the county of Piscataquis were joined in marriage at Guilford agreeably to the laws of the State on the 1i of November, A. D. 1840 SETH NELSON, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk S. Packard This certifies that on the twenty fourth day of October 1841 1841 I joined in marriage Mr. Silas Packard and Miss Susan Keezar C. Jackson Also on the thirtieth day of November, 1841, Mr. Cal 1841 vin Jackson and Miss Joanna Benjamin, both of Abbot ROBERT LOW, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk This may certify that in the town of Guilford on the T. Mason eleventh day of July, 184i, I joined in marriage Mr. 1841 Thomas J. Mason of Corinth and Miss Susan Edes of Guilford JOHN C. GRIFFIN, justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk Note Returns to the Clerk of court are made to this place 190 SPRAGUE'S JOURNAL OF MAINE HISTORY This certifies that Mr. Samuel P. Shaw, Esq'r, of S. P. Shaw & Miss Hannah Buck of Guilford, both of the county of 1841 Piscataquis, were joined in marriage by me in Guilford, December 5, A. D., 1841 Parkman, April 14, 1842 ZENAS HALL, Pastor A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk T. P. Wharff This certifies that Mr. Thomas P. Wharff and Miss Desire F. Herring both of Guilford, were joined in marriage on the first day of May, A. D. 1842, by me ROBERT LOW, Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk E. H. Hunting This certifies that I have this day united in marriage 1842 Mr. Ebenezer Henry Hunting & Miss Sarah Jane Bar- rows. ENOCH HUNTING Guilford, Sept. 15, 1842 , A true copy Attest ROBERT LOW, Town Clerk