Records of the Dresden Congregational Church, 1801-1853 Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 66 (Apr. 1912). In some cases of admissions or baptisms where no date is given, "ditto" is no doubt intended. [p. 102] RECORDS OF THE DRESDEN, ME., CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH Communicated by William Davis Patterson of Wiscasset, Me. The Rev. Freeman Parker, by whom these records were begun and under whose direction they were continued, was born at Barnstable, Mass., 13 July, 1776. He was fitted by the Rev. Oakes Shaw of Barnstable for Harvard College, which he entered in 1793. After his graduation in 1797, he studied theology, and upon being licensed by the Andover Association he, after preaching three months in Dresden, Me., became the first ordained and settled minister of the Congregationalist Church in that town, at a salary of $500 per year, under a contract which continued from his settlement in September, 1801, until his release of the town therefrom in 1816. Mr. Parker continued to reside in Dresden until 1829, and to preach occasionally for a society organized there, after the dissolution of his contract with the town, until 1835. He married Rebecca, a daughter of Hon. Thomas Rice of Wiscasset, 6 November, 1804. Upon leaving his home in Dresden he took up residence in Wiscasset, where he lived until his death, 24 April, 1854, in the house which his wife's father had built and lived in. Mr. Parker's sight began to fail about the time of his ordination, and in a few years he became totally blind, and was afterwards known as the "blind preacher of Dresden." Having no successor in Dresden, and the organization of his church apparently lapsing at his removal from that town, his book of records remained in his possession, and in it certain entries were made during his residence in Wiscasset, where he at times preached in the First Parish Church. The book is now in the possession of Mrs. S. D. Brewster of New York City, who is a great-granddaughter of Mr. Parker, and who has kindly allowed a copy to be made for the use of this Society. Church Records Freeman Parker received an invita. from the ch. society in Dresden to settle with them in the work of the gospel ministry Sept. 1st. 1800—gave his answer in the affirmative May 10th 1801, & was ordained Sept 2d 1801. The congregational ch'h was embodied Augst 14 1801, at wh time the covenant was publicly assented to & subscribed Oct. 1801. Samuel Tubbs was chosen deacon. May, 1802. Samuel Woodward was chosen deacon. September 1, 1802, in consequence of a missive letter from the [blank] & society in Wiscassett Voted to attend the installation of the Rev. Hezekiah Packard on the 8th instant. Aug. 15, 1805. Recd a letter missive from the Christian Society in Camden requesting us to Join with other churches in organizing a church in that place & Ordaining Mr. Thomas Cochran on the 11th of September. Voted to attend by Pastor & delagates [sic]. [p. 103] December 17, 1805. Recd a letter missive from the South church & society in Bath requesting our assistance by Pastor & delegates at the Ordination of Mr. William Jenks on the 26th instant. Voted To attend. September 15, 1805. Recd a regular invitation from the church in Belfast to assist in the installation of the Revd Alfred Johnson. Voted That it is not convenient to attend. December 17, 1805. Recd a letter missive from the north church & society in Bath requesting our assistance at the installation of the Rev. Asa Lyman on the first of January 1806. Voted to attend by Pastor & delegates. October 10th 1807. Recd a letter missive from the west church & society in Barnstable requesting our assistance at the Ordination of Mr. Enoch Pratt on the 28 instant. Voted to attend by Pastor & delegates. July 1823. Sam'l Woodward Junr was chosen deacon of the church. Covenant We the sub. desirous of promoting rel. in our own hearts & lives, & in the community, by a regular enjoyment of gospel ord., do hereby covenant & agree together as the first congregational chh in Dresden, upon the following principles, viz. We profess to believe the Holy Scrip. to be the word of God, containing a perfect rule of faith & practice, & pointing out the way to eternal life, thro the Red. of the world. We profess ourselves to be the dis. of J. C. & firmly resolve, with a humble reliance on the grace of God, to conform our temper & practice to the spirit, laws & institutions of Christianity. And esteeming it our duty as ch. brethren, we do hereby promise to love, watch over, counsel, encourage & assist one another, as far as we are able, in our ch. course. And we do likewise hereby agree that in regard to [blank], & all difficulties & differences wch may arise in the chh., we will be governed by the rules prescribed in the gospel, partic. in the 18th ch. of St. Matth. & by the common usage of congregational chhs in New england. And to prevent future difficulties, we do hereby agree yt our minister shall be allowed to baptize no children, unless at least one of the parents or guardians be a baptized person, & a professor of christianity. And we also hereby agree to receive into communion, & equal chh. priviledges with us, all persons, who have suitable religious qualifications, & will assent to the principles asserted in ys covenant. And now it is our utmost prayer that God wd pour out his spirit upon us, & bless us, and from time to time add to our number such as shall be saved, and yt the glorious period may at length arrive, when the whole family of man shall become one christian chh. Freeman Parker Jonathan Bowman Edmund Bridge Samuel Tubbs Samuel Woodward Louis Houdlett John Grenough Peter Poushard George Mayer George Poushard Jonathan Beed John Hawthorn We the subscribers do cordially assent to the above covenant.— Richard Kidder 1801 Hannah Kidder Elizabeth Pottle Asenath Tubbs 1802 Sarah Lilly 1807 James Patterson Sally Theobald 1810 Prudence Lewis 1811 [p. 104] Phebe Bowman 1803 Saml Woodward Junr 1804 Ann Margarett Stilfin 1803 Rebecca Parker 1805 Elizabeth Hathorn 1806 Charles Thayer 1811 Patience Thayer do Sarah Dumaresqu Novr 1814 Lydia Harward Novr 1816 August 1, 1817. Voted that persons on their admittance into the church in future shall not be required as heretofore to subscribe the covenant but shall pubicly give their assent to the following Church confession You do now in the presence of Almighty God and before this Christian assembly profess your sincere belief in the existence providence and government of one God, who is infinitely wise just and good, the searcher of hearts and the judge of all the earth. You believe in the truth, inspiration and sufficiency of the holy Scriptures. You believe that God spake to the fathers by the prophets, and now in the Gospel speaketh unto us by his only begotten Son, who is the brightness of the fathers glory and the express image of his person, and the one mediator between God and man. You believe in mans primeval innocence, voluntary transgression and unhappy apostacy. You believe in the universal sinfulness of mankind, and in the necessity of renovation of heart and life by the Spirit of God. You believe in a future state of righteous retribution, in the resurrection of the body and a final Judgment. You believe that the terms of salvation are repentence for sin, faith in the Saviour, and a life devoted to God in holy obedience. You humbly and penitently confess your sins of every name and nature, and sincerely implore the forgiveness of them through the merits of Jesus Christ in whom we have redemption through his blood according to the riches of his grace. You truly desire to dedicate yourself to God in newness of life and sincerely resolve to deny all ungodliness and conform your temper and practice to the Spirit, laws and institutions of Christianity. You commit yourself to the care and discipline of this Christian Church and promise to comply with its internal rules and regulations, so far as they are agreeable to the Gospel, and to walk in communion with it so long as God shall give you opportunity. Thus you believe, confess, resolve and promise. You are now under the sacred bonds of the covenant. The vows of God are upon you. And in the name of this Church I declare you to be a member of it in full communion, and promise that we will watch over you in the spirit of meekness and charity, and endeavour to promote your present and everlasting welfare. And now it is our most earnest prayer that God would pour out his spirit upon us and bless us and from time to time add to our number such as shall be saved, and that the glorious and blessed day may at length arrive when all the families of the earth shall be united into one christian society under Jesus Christ who is made head over all things to the church. Amen. Rec'd into full communion after the above confession was adopted 1817, August 1. Cordelia White and Deborah Tupper. [1817,] Sepr 2. Mary Haynes [1817,] Octr 5. Elizabeth Goodwin [1817,] Nov'r 3. Rebecca Johnson, Nancy Bowman & Lucy Bridge. 1818, Jan'y 4. Mary Warrol [1818,] June 1. Eunice Stilfin [p. 105] [1818,] Sepr 27. Lydia Theobald [1818,] Nov'r 8. Charles Houdlett 1819, Jan'y 3. Hannah H. Lilly May 7. 1820 Mary Houdlette May, 1825 Benj. B. Carney [no date given] Obed Haynes Oct. 1826 Polly Woodward Admissions into the ch'h of Dresden from other ch'hs. 1801, Phebe the wife of Edmund Bridge from the ch'h in Lexington. [no date given] Elizabeth, the wife of John Hawthorn, from the ch'h in Woolwich. 1803, The widow Lydia Twicross formerly communicant in the Episcopal chh in ys town. 1806, Novr Elizabeth the wife of Peter Pouchard 1814, Octr Rebecca Callahan from the Episcopal church in Halifax. Nov 5, 1826 Polly Woodward from the church in Spencer. [no date given] Obed Hayes from the church in Sudbury. Persons recd into full communion who had before been admitted into the chh for the purpose of being baptized themselves, or having yr children baptized. [no date given] Jonathan Allen Tupper Octr 1, 1811 Sukey Houdlette Persons admitted into the chh for baptizm of yr children. 1801 John Poleretzky & wife. [no date given] Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Theophilus Blanchard. 1803 Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Daniel Haynes & wife. 1806 George Houdlette & wife. [no date given] George Pouchard Jun'r & wife. 1807 Charles & Sukey Houdlette 1808 Widow Nancy Call 1809 August. Sarah Williams. 1810, July. Jane Silfin. 1820. July. Francis & Nancy Houdlette. Adult Baptizms 1802 Samuel Nathan and Mary Blanchard. [no date given] Edward & Benjamin Goodwin. [no date given] Mary & John W. Saunders. Nancy Poleretzky. [no date given] Samuel & Asenath Tubbs. 1803 Mary Mason. Hannah Paris. Octr 1806 Elizabeth Hathorn Novr 1806 Jonathan Allen Tupper 1807 Sepr James Patterson 1811 June Charles Thayer 1814 Novr Sarah Dumaresq. Novr 1816 Lydia Harward August 1817 Cordelia White and Deborah Tupper Septr do Mary Haynes 21 [p. 106] Baptizms of infants & children. 1801 Freeman Parker the child of Hector Patten & wife. [no date given] Gowin, child of John Hathorn & wife. 1802 Hannah Hinton, child of Converse Lilly & wife. [no date given] Sarah, Theophilus, James & William, the children of Theophilus Blanchard & wife. [no date given] Lucy & John, children of John Poleretzky & wife. [no date given] Sally, child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Samuel, Ardin, Ezra, Asenath, Jemima, Damaris, children of Samuel Tubbs Junior & wife. 1801 John Reed, Eliza, Jane, & Henry children of Jonn Grenough & wife. 1803 James, the child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Rachel & Caroline children of Saml Tubbs Junior & wife. [no date given] Mary & John, children of John Paris & wife. [no date given] Freeman child of John Grenough & wife. [no date given] Purchase & Mary, children of ______ Lee & wife. [no date given] Abel & Thomas of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Charles, of Daniel Haynes & wife. [no date given] Mary Lowell, of William Bowman & wife. 1804 Nancy of Hector Patten & wife. [no date given] Loring of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Daniel, Samuel, Susannah Spring, & Moses, of Samuel Woodward, Junr [no date given] Julia Ann & Caroline, of Stephen Smith & wife. 1805, April 22. Rebecca Desire, Daughter of Freeman Parker & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth Gray, Daughter of John Hathorn & wife Feb'y. 1806 Sarah Rice, Daughter of Freeman Parker & wife. [no date given] Mira, Daughter of Samuel Woodward, Jun'r, & wife [no date given] Rufus, son of Actor Patten & wife. [no date given] Edward Earnest, son of George Houdlette & wife. [no date given] Rebecca Moulton & John children of John White & wife 1803 Francis, son of John Polereczky & wife. 1806 Mary Hunt, daughter of Abel Wheeler & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Joanna, Catharine, James, Robert, children of George Pouchard & wife. [no date given] Anna Blair daughter of William Blair & wife. [no date given] Warren, son of John & Elizabeth Hathorn. 1807 Ann Sophia, daughter of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [no date given] Nancy Mary, daughter of George & Mary Houdlette. [no date given] Ebenezer, son of Samuel Tubbs & wife. [no date given] Almira & Mary Cavalier children of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [no date given] Abram (Mitchel) on account of Sarah the wife of Convers Lilly. 1808 Joel, son of Francis Stilfin & wife. [no date given] Francis Rittal, Alfred Timothy, Nancy Catharine, children of Widow Nancy Call. 1809 May Thomas Rice, son of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [presumably 1809,] March Mary, Mercy & Nathan children of Nathan Lee & wife. [no date given] Elizabeth, daughter of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [no date given] Nancy Mary child of George & Mary Pouchard. [p. 107] [presumably 1809,] Octr Phillip Theobold, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [presumably 1809,] Aug't James Hartwell, child of Sara wife of Hartwell Williams. 1810 July Susanna, child of Francis Stilfin & wife. [1810,] do. William Cobb, George Morrison, Hannah Hinton Lilly, children of George Paris & wife. [1810,] do. George, Louis, Nancy, Children of James Stilfin & wife. [1810,] August. Calvin Tubbs, child of Mark Rollins & wife on account of Samuel Tubbs. [1810,] do. Sally, Lydia, Francis Rice, Martha Custis, Children of Widow Sally Theobald. 1811 April, Margaret, daughter of Freeman & Rebecca Parker. [1811,] June William & Henrietta, children of Charles Thayer & wife. [1811,] do. Abigail, children [sic] of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [1811,] July Phillip Frederick, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [1811,] Sepr Polly, child of Jane Stilfin. 1812, June Warren, child of Charles & Patience Thayer. [1812,] do. Cordelia, child of Jonathan Allen & Mary Ann Tupper. [1812,] Septr Sally, child of George and Mary Pouchard. 1813, May Warren Rice, son of George & Mary Houdlette. [1813,] October Lydia Blenn, daughter of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. 1814, May Francis, son of Francis and Eunice Stilfin. [1814,] July Samuel Cobb and Lydia Helen, children of Sally Bishop. [1814,] do. Nathan William, son of Samuel and Mary Bridge. [1814,] do. Elizabeth, daughter of Freeman and Rebecca Parker. [1814,] August. Lucy, daughter of James Stilfin and wife. [1814,] Octr Mercy Elizabeth and Clarissa, children of James Patterson & wife. [1814,] do. Amos & Louisa, children of George Paris and wife. [1814,] do. Daniel, son of Charles and Patience Thayer. [1814] Elizabeth daughter of David and Abigail Meservy. 1815, July. Freeman Richmond, son of George and Mary Pushard. [1815,] August Susanna, daughter of George and Mary Houdlette. [1815,] Octobr Eunice Reed (Curd) and Ebenezer Convers (McLoon) on account of Sally wife of Convers Lilly. 1816 Sarah, daughter of Charles & Patience Thayer. [1816] Bradford, son of Charles & Sukey Houdlette. [1816] Nathan, son of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. [1816] Elizabeth daughter of J. A. & Mary Ann Tupper. [1816] Charlotte, daughter of James Patterson & wife. 1817 June Sarah Jane, daughter of George and Lydia Harward. [1817,] Sepr John Thacher, son of George & Lydia Harward. [1817,] do. Benjamin Kidder, son of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. [1817,] Oc'r Sarah Barker, Mary, Charlotte Prebble, Ruth Rebecca, Eleanor, Carr Barker, Samuel Barker, Obed Wood, children of Obed Haynes and wife. [1817,] do. Daniel, son of George Pushard and wife. [1817,] Dec'r Jane Paine, daughter of Samuel Bridge and wife. 1818, Jan'y Susan and James, children of Nathan Lee & wife of Pittston. [1818,] April Susan, child of Charles Houdlette & wife. [1818,] July Calista, child of James Patterson & wife. [1818] Allen, son of J. A. Tupper & wife. [1818,] August Isabella, child of Sarah Williams. [p. 108] 1819, Feb'y Hannah Lilly, child of Francis Stilfin and wife. June 1, 1819 Elbridge, child of Hannah wife of George Paris. March, 1820 Isabella Morrison, of Obed Haynes & wife. [1820,] May 9. Helen Louisa, of George Houdlette & wife. [1820,] June Elisha Parkhurst, of James Patterson and wife. [1820,] July Margaret Ann, daughter of Mrs. Mary Ann Tupper. [1820,] August Franklin, Rufus & Antoinett, of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. May 13, 1821 Mary Reed, of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. 1822, George Theobald, son of George Houdlette & wife. [1822,] Sally Theobald, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. 1823, July, Rebecca Parker, child of Francis & Eunice Stilfin. 1824, Feb'y 29. Paul, child of James Patterson. [1824,] June Martha, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. [1824] Richard Wade, child of Obed & Sarah Haynes. [1824,] October Felinda Gates, child of Levi Woodward & wife. 1826, Feb. Ellen Curlett, child of Saml. & Mary Reed, Woolwich. [presumably the same month] Harriet, child of Francis & Nancy Houdlette. [1826,] April 24. Martha Eliza Barrett, child of Obed Haynes & wife. [1826,] July Gilbert Elanson, of Levi & Mary Woodward. 1828, June 29. Sarah Augusta, of Ditto. 1831, May 29. Harriet Newall, child of Ditto. Deaths in Dresden 1808 An infant child of Stephen Twycross Marriages 1801, Moses Call & Elizabeth Costaloe. 1802, Jan'y 7. Amos Reed & Mary Poushard. [1802] Ard Godfrey of Stillwater plantation Penobscutt, & Catharine Goubert of Bowd'ham. [1802] Edward Austin & Sarah Poushard. [1802] Daniel Spring of Winslow & Sarah Barker of D. 1803, March 3. Isaac Lewis, Dresden & Harriot Parks of Bowdoinham. [1803,] April 10. Moses Pressy & Susanna Hilton of Dres. [1803, April] 17. Lemuel Trott of Woolwich to Fanny Reed, Dresden. [1803,] May 14. Edward Bethan to Margarett Crocker of Dresden. [1803,] Augst 7 John Hathorn to Elizabeth Bickford. [1803,] Nov. 18 George Houdlett to Mary Theobald. [1803, Nov.] 28. Solomon Arthurs to Susanna Taber of Dresden. [1803,] Dec. 4. Francis Fuller of Reedfield to Sally Denzimore of Dresden. [1803, Dec.] 27. Cornelius Stilfin to Margaret Paris both of Dresden. May 29th 1804 John Forgerson to Sarah Lewis both of Dresden. [1804,] August 1st. Sam'l W. Hayes of Bangor to Nancy Kidder of Dresden. [1804,] Sept. 20. James Stilfin of Dresden to Jane Stinson of Woolwich. [1804, Sept.] 26. David Reed to Mehitable Lilly of Dresden. 1805, Feb. 5. Mark Rollings to Eliza Tubbs both of Dresden. [1804,] Sept. 25. Charles Mayers to Elizabeth Dinsmore both of Dresden. [1804,] Dec. 22. Benjamin Webb to Margaret White [both of Dresden.] [1804, Dec.] 24. Zebadiah Thayer of Wiscassett to Lucy Parker of Dresden. 1806, January 5. Joseph Johnson to Martha Barker both of Dresden. [p. 109] [1806,] June 3. Josiah Trott of Woolwich. Mary Sanders of Dresden. [1806, June] 22. William Patten to Mary Blanchard both of Bowdoinham. [1806,] July 28. Joshua Bolton & Rachel Chapman both of Dresden. [1806,] Octr 5. John Edmunds & Mercy White [both of Dresden.] [1806,] Nov. 16. Samuel Cutts of Pittston, Catharine Woodward of Dresden. [1806, Nov.] 27. Thomas Cushman of Bowdoinham, Rachel Goud of Dresden. 1807, Jan'y 1. Edward Kidder & Lucy Polereczky both of Dresden. [1807,] Feb'y 22. William Parks of Bowdoinham, Nancy Pouchard of Dresden. [1807,] May 11. Thomas Blair & Polly Pugn both of Dresden. 1807, Sepr 7. Lemuel Hathorn to Ruth Barker both of Dresden. [1807,] Dec. 24. Ebenezer Rollins & Sarah Walk both of Dresden. [1807, Dec.] 31. Peter Gubtel of Hamden, Elizabeth Call of Dresden. June 19. 1808 William Colburn of Pittston to Martha Blanchard of Dresden. August 8. 1808 John Coyl & Elizabeth Barker both of Dresden. [1808, August] 31. Thomas Chapman of Mercer, Hannah Hatch of Dresden. [1808,] Octor 6. William Bowman, Sarah Barker both of Dresden. [1808,] Novr 16. Ebenezer Hinkley of Hallowell, Tabitha Austin of Dresden. [1808,] Decr 11. Isaac Sawyer of Gardiner, & Diana Goubert of Bowdoinham. 1809, Feb'y 12. Caleb Barker, Jun., & Mary Woodward both of Dresden. [presumably the same date] Joshua Pray & Sarah White [both of Dresden.] [1809,] March 9. George Mayers & Polly Dinsmore [both of Dresden.] [1809,] July 27. Jacob Basford of Readfield & Abigail Patterson of Dresden. [1809,] May 7. William Burk & Mary Obrien both of Dresden. [1809,] Oc. __ Seth Hathorn of Woolwich & Naamah Hathorn of Dresden. [1809,] Dec'r 7. Nathan Hayward of Fairfax, Sarah Goodwin of Dresden. 1810, Feb. 11. Jesse Conner of Gardiner, Nancy Parks, Bowdoinham. [1810, Feb.] 25. John Boynton & Sally Siegars both of Dresden. [1810,] March 1. William Goud & Lucy McCray both of Dresden. [1810, March] 25. Jacob Bailey of Pittston, Elizabeth Barker of Dresden. 1810, March 26. Daniel Jones of Nobleboro, Nancy Dinsmore of Dresden. [1810,] May 8. Edward Brown and Rachel Goud both of Dresden. [1810,] June 19. George Mayers 2d, Rhoda Singleton [both of Dresden.] [1810,] Dec. 29. Reuel Smith & Elizabeth Mayers [both of Dresden.] 1811, Jan'y 1. Stephen Call to Elizabeth Reed [both of Dresden.] [1811, Jan.] 20. Seth Currier of Canaan to Mary Houdlette of Dresden. [1811,] March 24. William Meagher of Whitefield to Sally Lynes of Dresden. [1811,] June 23. Nathan Call & Lucy Houdlette both of Dresden. 1812, Jan'y 5. William Wadley, Susanna Goud [both of Dresden.] [1812,] May 3. James Patterson & Betsey Pearson [both of Dresden.] [1812, May] 24. Clarkson Turner & Lydia Hatch [both of Dresden.] [1812,] June 21. Stephen Reed & Rebecca Hatch [both of Dresden.] [1812,] July 19. Daniel Cate of Dresden, Margaret Goubert of Bowdoinham. [1812,] Sep. 13. Stephen Twycross & Mary Bailey both of Dresden. [1812,] Nov'r 9. Harrison Blenn & Eunice Meservy [both of Dresden.] [p. 110] [1812, Nov.] 22. David Meservy & Abigail Bickford both of Dresden. [1812,] Dec'r 13. John Turner & Nancy Pollard [both of Dresden.] [1812, Dec.] 17. Barzillai White & Cordelia Tupper both of Bowdoinham. [1812,] Nov. 17. Joseph Whitmore of Unity & Hannah Call of Dresden. 1813, Feb'y 25. Benjamin Goodwin & Sally Lilly both of Dresden. [1813,] June 6. Turner Barker & Isabella Morrison [both of Dresden.] [1813,] August 8. George Allen & Hannah Hatch [both of Dresden.] [1813,] Dec'r 1. Eli Young of Pittston & Eleanor Blenn of Dresden. [1813, Dec.] 28. William Mayers and Nancy Smith both of Dresden. [1813, Dec.] 30. Philip Houdlette & Hannah Blair [both of Dresden.] 1814, Jan'y 2. James Stone and Anna Bickford [both of Dresden.] [1814, Jan.] 2. Daniel Goud and Polly Marson [both of Dresden.] [1814, Jan.] 13. Benjamin Branch of Sidney, Elizabeth Houdlette of Dresden. [1814,] June 2. Francis Houdlette and Nancy Theobald both of Dresden. [1814,] July 31. Joseph Towns of Litchfield & Sophia Parks of Bowdoinham. [1814,] Octy [sic] 9. Ulrich Reed of Woolwich, Anna Costeloe of Dresden. [1814, Oct.] 13. David Pottle & Sarah Blanchard both of Bowdoinham. [1814,] Dec'r 25. John Bickford, Sarah Goubert, both of Dresden. 1815, Feb'y 5. Washington Drake of Fairfax, Betsey Langdon of Bowdoinham. [1815,] July 9. Robert Lynn and Polly Allen both of Dresden. [1815,] Dec'r 3. Samuel Worcester of Gardiner, Nancy Marson of Dresden. 1816, Jan'y 25. Samuel Patterson & Patty Jackins both of Dresden. [1816,] Feb'y 15. Job Jellison of Bowdoinham & Elizabeth Goodwin of Dresden. [1816, Feb.] 22. Stephen Mayers & Polly Smith both of Dresden. 1816, Octr 28. Jacob Reed and Mary Langdon both of Dresden. 1817, Feb'y 23. Benjamin B. Carney of Boston & Lydia C. Lilly of Dresden. [1817,] March 6. Reuben Meservy & Elethere Barker both of Dresden. [1817,] July 10. William Call and Patty King [both of Dresden.] [1817,] Sept. 7. Ephraim Hatch, Jun'r, of Pittston & Catherine Blenn of Dresden. [1817, Sept.] 14. Dudly Young of Pittston & Rebecca Reed of Dresden. 1818, Feb'y 15. Perez T. Records of Paris & Asenath Tubbs of Dresden. [1818,] Dec'r 3. Charles Theobald & Charlotte Saunders both of Dresden. [1818, Dec.] 20. Stephen Prescott of Hallowell & Lavinah Goubert of Bowdoinham. 1819, Feb'y 11. John Brock of Waldoborough, Abigail Dinsmore of Dresden. [1819, Feb.] 21. Samuel Goodwin & Lucy Theobald both of Dresden. [1819, Feb.] 28. Nicholas Goubert & Priscilla Grant both of Bowdoinham. [1819,] April 22. Hartly Hunter & Margaret Knowles both of Dresden. 1821, May 9. Samuel Reed of Woolwich to Mary Worrel of Dresden. [1821,] Sept'r 12. Jonathan Thayer, Esq., of Camden, Sophia Rice, Wiscasset. [1821,] Nov. 29. David Goodwin of Dresden to Hariot Goubert of Bowdoinham. [1821,] Dec. 20. Philip Call & Catharine Turner both of Dresden. [p. 111] [1821, Dec.] 20. Richard H. Wade of Woolwich to Hannah Haynes of Dresden. [1821, Dec.] 23. John Carlisle & Melinda Carney both of Dresden. [1821, Dec.] 30. Benjamin Hatch of Pittston and Sally Theobald of Dresden. Jan. 13, 1822. James Turner, Dresden, to Elizabeth Call, Readfield. [1822,] Nov. 26. Alfred J. S. J. Lithgow & Martha C. Theobald both of Dresden. 1823, Jan. 2. Joel Barrows of Hebron to Damaris Tubbs of Dresden. [1823, Jan.] 22. William Kendal of Pittston to Lydia P. Blen of Dresden. [1823,] Sept. 21. Lewis Stilfin to Cordelia O'Brian both of Dresden. [1823,] Oct. 23. Daniel Woodward of Richmond to Jane Waterhouse of Dresden. [1823,] Dec. 16. Henry Bate to Isabella White both of Dresden. 1824, Jan. 22. David Merryman & Louisa Goubert both of Richmond. [1824,] Feb'y 22. Sam'l Tubbs Junr & Subra Hatch both of Dresden. [1824,] July 11. Samuel Eames of Bath, Joanna C. Pushard of Dresden. [1824,] Nov. 18. Charles Bickford to Mary Houdlette both of Dresden. [1824, Nov.] 21. Warren Prescott of New Sharon to Rebecca Johnson of Dresden. [1824,] Dec. 30. John Lowell, Jr., of Wiscasset to Melinda Hatch of Dresden. 1825, Jan'y 4. Philip Graves to Hannah H. Lilly both of Dresden. 1826, Feb'y 16. Elias Whiting of Winthrop to Nancy R. Blinn of Dresden. [1826,] July 12. Dr. John Hubbard, resident of Dresden to Sarah Barrett of Dresden. [1826,] Oct. __ Charles Theobald & Julia Ann Saunders both of Dresden. [1826,] April 9. Abial Marshal & Nancy C. Call both of Dresden. 1826, Oct. 8. Daniel S. Clark of Boston to Louise Filbrick of Dresden. 1827, April 12. George Theobald to Harriet Saunders both of Dresden. [1827,] July 11. Davis Blanchard to Sarah W. Crawford [both of Dresden.] [1827, July] 12. David Stearns to Lavinia Reed [both of Dresden.] [1827, July] 19. Israel Lindsey to Harriet Prescott both of Thomaston. [1827,] Nov. 15. Frederic W. Saunders & Mary Blanchard both of Dresden. [1827, Nov.] 29. James Goud, 2d & Sally Stilfin [both of Dresden.] 1828, Nov. 4. James B. Beedle of Richmond to Myra Woodward of Dresden. 1829, March 8. Aaron Bickford, jun'r, to Elizabeth Houdlette both of Dresden. [1829,] April 28. Francis R. Theobald to Zorada C. Harward both of Dresden. [1829,] June 4. Bradford Young to Susan M. Boyd both of Wiscasset. [1829, June] 16. Henry Rines of Alna to Isabella Matson of Wiscasset. Oct. 11. 1829. Portor Pollard of Readfield to Jane Stilphin of Dresden. 1830. May 25. John Erskine to Rebecca D. Parker both of Wiscasset. [1830,] Oct. 26. Wilmot Cutter to Hannah S. Taylor [both of Wiscasset.] [1830,] Nov. 21. Joseph West, jr., to Lucinda Williams both of Alna. 1831, Oct. 18. Furber Thompson to Clarrisa Worcester both of Dresden. [1831,] Dec. 22. Daniel Brown of Boston to Sarah Harriden, Wiscasset. 1832, Jan. 8. Edward E. Houdlette to Elizabeth H. Patterson both of Dresden. [p. 112] 1832, Feb'y 22. William Kendall of Pittston and Louisa Chism of Dresden. [1832,] May 17. Benjamin Swett and Isabella W. Robinson both of Wiscasset. [1832,] August 23. Samuel Cottle of Sidney and Caroline Fisher of Alna. [1832,] Oct. 25. Thomas Saunders of Dresden and Sarah E. Felker of Wiscasset. Jan'y 9th 1833. Diconson Lewis and Sarah B. Patten both of Dresden. [1833,] Sept. 18. Henry Masters to Caroline D. C. Prescott both of Bath. 1834, March 5. James Carney of Dresden and Jane Baker of Wiscasset. 1834, June 8th Curtis McCloud of Boston and Sarah G. Smith of Wiscasset. 1835, Oct. 26. John R. C. Stinson & Margaret M. Kingsbury both of Wiscasset. 1837, May 9. Joseph M. Marsh, Boston, Sarah R. Parker, Wiscasset. [1837, May] 31. Isaac Somes & Hannah Hussey both of Wiscasset. [1837,] July 2. Andrew Pendleton, Camden & Mary T. Williamson of Wiscasset. [1837,] Augt 24. Lewis Hubbard & Ann B. Hilton both of Wiscasset. [1837,] Sept. 11. Benj. Lawrence of Gardiner & Mary Ann Felker of Wiscasset. [1837,] Sept. 13. Erick H. Nordstrom & Clarissa Norton both of Wiscasset. [1837,] Nov. 5. Samuel Alley, Jr., & Nancy M. Houdlette both of Dresden. [1837, Nov.] 12. Hiram Cooper of Pittston & Margaret Cate of Dresden. 1837, Nov. 23. Joseph B. Hatch & Mary B. Hilton both of Wiscasset. 1838, May 17. Capt. Wm. M. Boyd & Hannah Miller of Wiscasset. 1843, March 22. Thomas Hilton to Betsey Jordan both of Wiscasset. [1843,] Dec. 21st James W. Gray & Miss Sarah Williamson both of Wiscasset. 1844, April 2d Mrs. John C. Harriman and Miss Sarah R. Clark both of Wiscasset. [1844,] May 5. Mr. Richard Hussey & Miss Hannah Churchill both of Wiscasset. 1844, June 23. Mr. Warren Call & Miss Susan Houdlette both of Dresden. [1844,] Nov. 12th Levi Bean & Mrs. Betsey B. Johnson both of Wiscasset. 1846, Aug. 11th B. F. Parsons of Brooklyn, N. Y. & Sarah Jane Erskine of Wiscasset. 1852, June 12th Samuel Rines & Juliza I. Broach both of Wiscasset. [1852,] Sept. 1st Mr. William Richards & Mrs. Martha Jane McClintock both of Wiscasset. 1853, 17th of July Mr. Orrin Alley of Southport and Mrs. Catherine Kingsbury of Wiscasset. Dec. 17, 1853. Mr. Nelson Call of Dresden & Mrs. Isabella Robinson of Wiscasset.