Marriages Performed by Rev. John Ellingwood of Bath (1813-1853) Harold E. Brown of Brunswick submitted the following marriage records to Downeast Ancestry and he wrote: "This is the record of marriages performed by Rev. John W. Ellingwood of the North Congregational Society of Bath, Maine. Rev. Ellingwood was pastor until 1843. In that year the Winter Street Church was built and the Society took this name. Rev. Ellingwood continued to perform marriages until 1853. Rev. Ellingwood faithfully reported these marriages to the Bath Town Clerk but these were destroyed in a fire in the 1850s in which all Bath records to that date were lost. I will send the record of marriages after 1821 as time permits." The marriage records of Rev. Ellingwood were published in Downeast Ancestry, Part I in Volume 8 No. 4 (1984), pp 139-140 and Part II in Volume 8 No. 5 (1985), pp 189-193. Thank you, Harold, for sharing with us. Part I: 1813-1821 10 Jan 1813 Morrison G. Curtis to Phebe Macomber, both of Bath 28 Feb 1813 Mr. Abiather Fisher of Falmouth to Miss Mary Cobb of Bath 28 Feb 1813 Capt. Samuel Lowe to Miss Mary Card, both of Bath 7 Apr 1813 Mr. John Peterson of Brunswick to Miss Mary Footer of Bath 25 Nov 1813 Mr. Samuel Perkins of Woolwich to Miss Sarah Carter of Bath 1 Jun 1814 James Edgecomb to Miss Mary Welch, both of Bath 24 Jul 1814 Mr. Edward Rowse to Miss Mary Blake, both of Bath 6 Nov 1814 Mr. Samuel Robinson to Mrs. Mary Delano, both of Bath 20 Nov 1814 Mr. James Hall to Miss Hannah D. Shepard, both of Bath 9 Jul 1815 Mr. Eliphlet Lowell to Miss Priscilla Rich, both of Bath 6 Oct 1815 Joseph Sprague, Esq. of Thomaston to Miss U. Marsh of Bath 30 Nov 1815 Mr. William Abbott of Livermore to Miss Patience Robinson of Bath 27 Dec 1815 Mr. Lemuel Standish to Miss Eliza Holbrook, both of Bath 25 Jan 1816 Mr. Matthew Bright of Georgetown to Miss Nancy Walker of Bath 10 Mar 1816 Mr. Abel M. Donnell of Brunswick to Miss Elizabeth Woodward of Bath 21 Jul 1816 Mr. Somers Pettingill to Miss Hannah Hogan, both of Bath 25 Jul 1816 Mr. Simon Peters to Miss Reliance Edgecomb, both of Bath 4 Aug 1816 Mr. James Haley to Miss Jane Tubbs, both of Bath 10 Sep 1816 Mr. Charles Grindell to Miss Clarissa Daman, both of Bath 11 Sep 1816 Capt. Truman Allen of Industry to Miss Hannah Small of Bath 6 Mar 1817 Mr. Charles McKinney of St. Johns to Miss Charlotte B. Hall of Bath 24 Apr 1817 Mr. Jeremiah Ellsworth to Miss Martha H. Trott, both of Bath 8 Jun 1817 Mr. John H. Williams to Miss Sarah B. Trufant, both of Bath 15 Jun 1817 Mr. Niel McIntire to Mrs. Betsy Brooks, both of Bath 18 May 1817 Benjamin Randall, Esq. to Miss Welthy B. Jones, both of Bath 4 Dec 1817 Capt. Alden Winter to Miss Mary Pettingill, both of Bath 12 Feb 1818 Dea. John Brown of Litchfield to Mrs. Sarah Young of Bath 16 Mar 1818 Mr. Nathaniel Purington to Miss Lucinda Clapp of Bath 7 Apr 1818 made a return of the above to the Town Clerk 23 Apr 1818 Mr. Oakman Turner to Miss Mary Hodgkins, both of Bath 13 May 1818 Mr. William Donnell to Miss Harriet Emerson, both of Bath 1 Oct 1818 Capt. Lewis Blackmer to Miss Sarah P. Smith, both of Bath 10 Nov 1818 Capt. Gam'l Crooker Jr. to Miss Pamela Loveland, both of Bath 3 Dec 1818 Mr. Joseph Edgcomb to Miss Abigail Smith, both of Bath 15 Dec 1818 Mr. Thomas Tiliston of Boston to Miss Maria Theresa Tallman 31 Dec 1818 Col. John Wilson to Miss Eunice Thompson, both of Topsham 7 Feb 1819 Mr. Henry Sampson of Topsham to Miss Hannah M. Philbrook of Bath 4 Mar 1819 Mr. John Oliver Jr. of Phippsburg to Miss Hulda Robinson of Bath 17 Mar 1819 Mr. John Smith to Miss Elizabeth Page, both of Bath 13 May 1819 Mr. Joshua Brittingham to Miss Margaret Allen, both of Bath 7 Jun 1819 Mr. Calvin Fairbanks of Winthrop to Miss Hannah L. Thompson of Topsham 7 Dec 1819 Capt. Sam'l Preble of Woolwich to Miss Harriet Hodgkins of Bath 26 Dec 1819 Capt. Jeremiah Patten to Miss Azubah Low, both of Bath 5 Feb 1820 Capt. Geo. G. Patten of Topsham to Miss Hannah L. Thomas of Bath 23 Feb 1820 Mr. Joshua Bowman to Miss Hannah F. North, both of Bath 4 Jun 1820 Capt. David Day of Hallowell to Miss Lucretia Rich of Bath 2 Jul 1820 Mr. Sam'l Donnell of Boothbay to Miss Henrietta Hyde of Bath 24 Aug 1820 Mr. James Edgecomb to Miss Nancy Chase, both of Bath 1 Oct 1820 Mr. Henry Richards to Mrs. Fanny Lynch, both of Bath 12 Oct 1820 Capt. Sullivan Dwight of Thomaston to Miss Betty Marsh of Bath 12 Oct 1820 Mr. Isaac Ketchum of St. John, N.B. to Miss Eunice Wells Farley of Bath 1 Jan 1821 Mr. William D. Sewall to Miss Rachel A. Trufant, both of Bath 1 Mar 1821 Mr. Jonathan Winslow to Miss Ruth Ann Wales, both of Bath 19 Apr 1821 Mr. Peleg Sprague Jr. to Miss Charlotte Owen, both of Bath 31 May 1821 Mr. Jonathan Newcomb Jr. to Miss Iris Hussy, both of Bath 9 Sep 1821 Mr. Nathan Lord to Miss Eliza Todd, both of Bath 13 Sep 1821 Mr. James Flagson to Miss Sarah Brooks, both of Bath 16 Sep 1821 Mr. Jonas B. Smith to Miss Lucy B. Holmes, both of Bath 4 Oct 1821 Mr. William S. Crooker of Bath to Mrs. Hannah Jewett of Pittston 18 Nov 1821 Dea. Reuben Higgins to Miss Susannah Phillbrook, both of Bath 20 Nov 1821 Capt. Scott J. Tallman to MIss Salome Waterman, both of Bath 21 Nov 1821 Capt. Roswell Sisson of Boston to Miss Rachel Turner of Bath 4 Dec 1821 Mr. Nathaniel Gross to Miss Mary Webb, both of Bath Part II: 1822-1853 11 Apr 1822 Mr. John Preble to Miss Margaret Lancaster, both of Boothbay 30 May 1822 Mr. James Correll to Miss Ann Webber, both of Bath 10 Jun 1822 Mr. John Wilson 4th of Topsham to Miss Mary Hodgkins of Bath 25 Jul 1822 Mr. Abraham O. Lincoln to Miss Hannah T. Wales, both of Bath 1 Aug 1822 Mr. Brook McKenny to Miss Caroline W. Woodward, both of Bath 13 Aug 1822 Mr. James Cowing of Brunswick to Miss Elizabeth Foote of Bath 15 Sep 1822 Mr. Bartlett Welch to Miss Nancy L. Mallet, both of Bath 1 Oct 1822 Mr. Edmund T. Bridge of Augusta to Miss Ann F. King of Bath 24 Nov 1822 Mr. John D. Blake of Gardiner to Miss Mary G. Sprague of Bath 13 Dec 1822 Mr. Benjamin Pattee to Miss Mary Low, both of Bath 11 May 1823 Mr. Hiram Hastings of Chesterville to Miss Charlotte Swanton of Bath 28 May 1823 Mr. James Foster to Miss Elizabeth W. Crooker, both of Bath 12 Jun 1823 Mr. John Fisher Jr. of Bowdoinham to Miss Joanna Lemont of Bath 23 Jul 1823 Mr. Andrew F. Nelson to Mrs. Sarah Hodgkins, both of Bath 3 Aug 1823 Mr. Charles Snipe of Georgetown to Miss Sophia Young of Phippsburg 5 Aug 1823 Mr. William M. Rogers of Eden to Miss Sarah Hodgkins of Bath 27 Aug 1823 Mr. Charles Robinson to Miss Philenia Oliver, both of Bath 5 Oct 1823 Mr. Charles Lee of Woolwich to Miss Marcia Tubbs of Bath 19 Oct 1823 Mr. Ebenezer Wells of Boothbay to Miss Lydia M. Sewall of Bath 20 Nov 1823 Mr. Calvin Robinson to Miss Elizabeth Osgood, both of Bath 8 Feb 1824 Mr. Jesse Gray to Mrs. Anna Whiting, both of Bath 1 Apr 1824 Mr. Noah Toothaker of Harpswell to Miss Hannah Snow of Bath 13 Apr 1824 Capt. Scott J. Tallman to Miss Mary Ann Waterman, both of Bath 2 Jun 1824 Mr. Robert N. Foster of Thomaston to Miss Sarah J. Allard of Bath 3 Jun 1824 Dea. Samuel Dunlap of Brunswick to Mrs. Huldah Ham of Bath 28 Aug 1824 Mr. JOseph Hall Jr. to Miss Nancy I. Winslow, both of Bath 20 Sep 1824 Capt. William Patten to Miss Paulina Patten, both of Bath 23 Sep 1824 Mr. John Barber to Miss Louisa Farrin, both of Bath 26 Sep 1824 Mr. Matthew Plumstead to Miss Martha Crooker, both of Bath 7 Oct 1824 Mr. John R. Sillsby to MIss Mary S. Lemont, both of Bath 28 Oct 1824 Mr. John Barker of Dresden to Miss Rhoda O. Grant of Bath 12 Jan 1825 Mr. Davis W. Graffam to Miss Mary T. Trufant, both of Bath 7 Sep 1825 Mr. Charles S. Adams of Sullivan to Miss Jane D. Parker of Phippsburg 24 Nov 1825 Col. William M. Reed to Miss Caroline Drummond, both of Phippsburg 8 Dec 1825 Mr. Hartley Gove of Bath to Miss Evelina Hill of Phippsburg 22 Dec 1825 Mr. William Morrow of Winthrop to Miss Gracey Lambard of Bath 19 Jan 1826 Mr. Matthew O'Brien to Miss Eliza Pulcifer, both of Bath 23 Apr 1826 Mr. Samuel G. Stinson to Miss Catherine Gaunch, both of Bath 20 May 1826 Mr. Asa Palmer to Miss Maria Hyde, both of Bath 6 Jul 1826 Mr. Abiather Parkhurst to Miss Sarah L. Young, both of Bath 7 Sep 1826 Mr. Samuel Flanders Jr. to Miss Lucy Atkins, both of Bath 19 Oct 1826 Mr. Joseph Kennedy of Boston to Miss Mary Pulcifer of Bath 28 Dec 1826 Mr. Benjamin Elliot of Brunswick to Miss Ann H. Pulcifer of Bath 31 Dec 1826 Mr. John Whorff of Litchfield to Miss Salome Marshall of Bath 29 Jan 1827 Rev. Seneca White to Miss Elizabeth S. Winslow, both of Bath 11 Apr 1827 Mr. Samuel Donnell to Miss Lucy P. Hyde, both of Bath 1 May 1827 Capt. Joseph G. Torrey to Miss Emeline Adams, both of Bath 13 May 1827 Mr. Samuel H. Rogers to Miss Elcy Donnell, both of Bath 30 Aug 1827 Mr. James Woodward to Miss Jennet Hall, both of Bath 7 Oct 1827 Mr. Woodman Hunt to Miss Eunice Young, both of Bath 10 Oct 1827 Mr. Michael Gannel to Miss Susan S. Stinson, both of Bath 4 Nov 1827 Mr. John Scholfield to Miss Hannah Crooker, both of Bath 11 Nov 1827 Mr. William B. Larrabee to Miss Mary W. Hanson, both of Bath 13 Dec 1827 Mr. Robert Babb to Miss Lydia D. Crooker, both of Bath 27 Dec 1827 Dr. William Hatch of Sidney to Miss Mary R. Adams of Bath 24 Jan 1828 Mr. Benjamin Edgcomb to Miss Martha Ham, both of Bath 3 Apr 1828 Mr. William B. Sprague to Miss Hannah M. Brown, both of Bath 10 Apr 1828 Mr. James Couillard to Miss Elizabeth Ann Sillsby, both of Bath 14 Apr 1828 Mr. Benjamin Davenport to Miss Susan M. Sillsby, both of Bath 20 May 1828 Mr. Urial Williams to Miss Olive Donnell, both of Bath 21 Jul 1828 Mr. John Thompson to Mrs. Hannah Stacy, both of Bath 10 Aug 1828 Mr. Elisha Higgins to Miss Sarah Storer, both of Bath 30 Sep 1828 Mr. Asa B. Russell to Miss Clarissa Stinson, both of Bath 7 Oct 1828 Mr. Charles Crooker to Miss Rachel Sewall, both of Bath 23 Oct 1828 Mr. Hezekiah Prince Jr. of Thomaston to Miss Henrietta L. Marsh of Bath 11 Dec 1828 Mr. Tobias Hill of Brunswick to Miss Harriet Garner of Bath 11 Mar 1829 Mr. Charles Clapp Jr. to Miss Jane T. Sprague, both of Bath 26 Apr 1829 Mr. Stephen Sawyer of Hallowell to Miss Sarah Ann Owen of Bath 9 Jun 1829 Mr. Oliver Moses to Miss Lydia H. Clapp, both of Bath 26 Aug 1829 Capt. George Gardiner of Hallowell to Miss Susan S. Lincoln of Bath 26 Aug 1829 Mr. Daniel Larrabee to Miss Lucy Patten, both of Bath 10 Nov 1829 Mr. Thomas F. Donnell to Miss Margaret B. Robinson, both of Bath 27 May 1830 Mr. James P. Rush to Miss Hannah E. Robinson, both of Bath 1 Aug 1830 Mr. Joseph Emerson to Miss Sarah T. Woodward, both of Bath 7 Oct 1830 Major Thomas Morse of Phippsburg to Miss Arabella G. Hillman of Bath 14 Oct 1830 Mr. David B. Richardson to Miss Sarah L. Fossett, both of Bath 8 Feb 1831 Edmond Russell, Esq. to Miss Elizabeth J. Bradshaw, both of Bath 10 Feb 1831 Mr. JOhn S. Eaton of Topsham to Mrs. Ruth Ann Winslow of Bath 13 Feb 1831 Mr. John Hayden to Miss Martha Ann Brown, both of Bath 3 Mar 1831 Mr. Alexander Rogers to Miss Susan Ham, both of Bath 6 Mar 1831 Mr. Daniel Coombs Jr. to Miss Hannah Holbrook, both of Bath 21 Apr 1831 Mr. William S. Murray to Miss Jane Lemont, both of Bath 22 May 1831 Mr. Noah Rogers to Mrs. Harriet Preble, both of Bath 7 Aug 1831 Capt. Thomas Timmins to Miss Martha Edgecomb, both of Bath 7 Nov 1831 Mr. William G. Forbes of River Township No. 1 to Miss Ann M. Oliver of Bath 13 Dec 1831 Mr.James Denson to Miss Sarah Thornton, both of Bath 21 Jun 1832 Mr. Daniel Marston Jr. to Miss Emily Shaw, both of Bath 15 Aug 1832 Mr. Isaac Hallett of Nantucket to Miss Julia K. Sprague of Bath 26 Aug 1832 Mr. James F. Trott to Miss Frances J. Crooker, both of Bath 29 Aug 1832 Mr. Argalis Pease of Farmington to Miss Ruth Masters of Bath 5 Sep 1832 Mr. Thomas S. Abbott, Esq. of Conway, NH to Miss Mary L. Trott of Bath 25 Sep 1832 Capt. Charles Owen to Miss Elvira Ann Weeks, both of Bath 17 Oct 1832 Mr. George H. Gardiner of Richmond to Miss Caroline Ann Tallman of Bath 19 Nov 1832 Capt. James F. Patten of Topsham to Mrs. Sophia Ann Young of Bath 6 Dec 1832 Mr. William Paine of Phippsburg to Miss Hannah P. Ham of Bath 21 Jan 1833 Hon. Ashur Hinds of Clinton to Mrs. Lucy H. Hunt of Bath 10 Feb 1833 Mr. Benjamin B. Blasland to Miss Elizabeth K. Fassett, both of Bath 4 Apr 1833 Mr. Alexander Robinson to Miss Ann W. Hinkley, both of Bath 15 Aug 1833 Henry Tallman, Esq. to Miss Sarah Fitts, both of Bath 12 Sep 1833 Mr. John Thompson to Ruth Ross, both of Bath 14 Nov 1833 Mr. Robert Thompson of Brunswick to Miss Sylvia Walker of Bath 18 Mar 1834 Mr. Elijah Low of Bangor to Miss Julia A.L. Lemont of Bath 6 Jun 1834 Mr. Sumner Folsom to Miss Eliza L. Lemont, both of Bath 3 Aug 1834 Capt. James Hall of Augusta to Miss Frances Ann Davis of Bath 29 Aug 1834 Mr. John Brown of Boston to Miss Hathea Lynch of Bath 7 Sep 1834 Mr. Josiah S. Swift to Miss Martha C. Flint, both of Bath 10 Sep 1834 Mr. Wilder T. Thompson of Brunswick to Miss Wealthy M> Robinson of Bath 24 Sep 1834 Mr. George B. Mitchell to Miss Celia Ann Lincoln, both of Bath 2 Oct 1834 Mr. Willard Walker to Miss Jane Ham, both of Bath 1 Dec 1834 Mr. Jacob C. Smith of Bangor to Miss Eliza Ann Mitchell of Bath 3 Dec 1834 Mr. Joseph T. Huston to Miss Lucy A. Thompson, both of Bath 3 Dec 1834 Mr. Charles Marston to Miss Abigail L. Davis, both of Bath 7 Dec 1834 Mr. James Allen to Mrs. Sophilia Savage, both of Bath 20 Aug 1835 Mr. Joseph M. Haley to Miss Mary Ann Blasland, both of Bath 27 Sep 1835 Capt. Augustus N. Littlefield to Miss E. Lemont, both of Bath 15 Oct 1835 Mr. Daniel F. Coombs to Miss Mary R. Flint, both of Bath 24 Nov 1835 Mr. Adam L. Stimpson of Brunswick to Miss Mary E. H. Cullen of Bath 2 Dec 1835 Capt. William E. Harriman to Miss Lucy B. Clapp, both of Bath 4 Feb 1836 Mr. Caleb Kimball to Miss Sarah Brown, both of Bath 18 Feb 1836 Mr. John Roberts of Orono to Miss Lydia Edgecomb of Bath 31 May 1836 Mr. Joel Holkins of New York to Lois Gage of Bath 2 Aug 1836 Mr. SHaw Norris of Edgarton, MA to Miss Clarissa N. Flint of Bath 11 Oct 1836 Mr. L. Hill late of Bangor to Miss Sarah E. Smith of Bath 27 Oct 1836 Mr. Woodbury Swett of Georgetown to Miss Lydia H. Owen of Bath 30 Oct 1836 Mr. William Tukey of Newcastle to Miss Eleanor Plummer of Alna 6 Nov 1836 Mr. Harrod O. Grant to Miss Abigail N. Robinson, both of Bath 7 Dec 1836 Nathaniel Gilman, Esq. of New York to MIss Joanna Boyd of Bath 27 Mar 1837 Mr. Samuel McEuchen resident of Bath to Miss Hannah T. Springer of Bath 12 Apr 1837 Peter H. Green, Esq. to Mrs. Louisa Burt, both of Bath 6 Jul 1837 Mr. Nathaniel Octavius Cram of Portland to Miss Mary R. B. Kittridge of Bath 11 Oct 1837 Mr. John H. Hamill a foreigner to Miss Rosanna Chamberlain of Bath 11 Oct 1837 Mr. Charles F. German a foreigner to Miss Harriet I. Chamberlain of Bath 26 Nov 1837 Capt. Mitchell L. Trott to Miss Jane F. Baker, both of Bath 13 Dec 1837 Mr. Francis M. Morse of Brunswick to Miss Harriet E. Sprague of Bath 13 Feb 1838 Rev. David Cushman of Boothbay to Miss Emeline H. Sewall of Bath 5 May 1838 Mr. Augustus L. Dunn of Hallowell to Miss Mary E. Owen of Bath 5 Jul 1838 Mr. George Cotton to Miss Nancy D. Curtis, both of Bath 26 Jul 1838 Mr. John P. Todd to Miss Dorothy Waterhouse, both of Bath 9 Aug 1838 Mr. Ebenezer Dill to MIss Ruth Covell, both of Bath 4 Sep 1838 Mr. Lorenzo Parker to Miss Rachel L. Clarke, both of Bath 6 Sep 1838 Mr. Benjamin G. Quinnam of New Orleans to Miss Nancy L. Haley of Bath 27 Dec 1838 Mr. Nehemiah Peterson Jr. of Brunswick to Miss Frances A. Brown of Bath 7 Jan 1839 Mr. Zebulon Wright of Lewiston to Mrs. Charity Edgecomb of Bath 7 Feb 1839 Capt. William Torrey Jr. to Miss Eleanor F. Patten, both of Bath 19 May 1839 Mr. William F. Stanwood to MIss Mary L. Donnell, both of Bath 28 May 1839 Mr. George Shepard to Miss Georgianna Heath, both of Bath 24 Sep 1839 Mr. James R. Drummond to Mrs. Hannah Gatchell, both of Brunswick 14 May 1840 Mr. Jonathan A. Hyde to Miss Rhoda W. Hildreth, both of Bath 30 Aug 1840 Capt. George F. Mustard to Miss Sarah R. Prior, both of Bath 20 Sep 1840 Mr. JOhn Parshley to Mrs. Abigail Norton, both of Bath 15 Nov 1840 Mr. John W. Hinkley of Georgetown to Miss Sarah S. Collar of Bath 1 Dec 1840 Mr. Joseph G. Darrah to Miss Rosamond I. Osgood, both of Bath 17 Feb 1841 Mr. Nathaniel Clapp of Nobleboro to Miss Lucy D. Robinson of Bath 25 Aug 1841 Capt. John W. Bornholm of Boston to Miss Mary B. McKenny of Bath 18 Sep 1841 Dr. William H. Bennett to Miss Mary E. Baldwin, both of Bath 21 Sep 1841 Mr. Daniel Shaw to Miss Jane P. Smith, both of Bath 14 Oct 1841 Mr. Joseph Betancue of Boston to Miss Mary E. Percy of Bath 14 Oct 1841 Mr. Calvin Percy of Boston to Miss Martha E. Low of Bath 17 Oct 1841 Mr. George Midanic to Miss Sophronia Bolden, both of Bath 12 Oct 1841 Mr. George W. Kendall to Miss Keziak Masters, both of Bath 21 Oct 1841 Mr. Francis Burgoyne to Miss Ann J. Oneil, both of Bath 8 Feb 1842 Mr. Thomas N. Henry of St. George, NB to Miss Jerusha A. Martin of Bath 12 Apr 1842 Mr. James T. Hyde to Miss Almira M. Trott, both of Bath 6 May 1842 Mr. John Silvester to Miss Sarah Savage, both of Bath 1 Jun 1842 Mr. Galen O. Fullerton of Readfield to Miss Sarah A. Ellsworth of Bath 10 Oct 1842 Mr. Frederic Goodridge of New York to Miss Nancy Moody of Bath 19 Oct 1842 Mr. Alexander Robinson of Bath to Miss Almira Harris of Townsend 3 Mar 1843 Mr. Foster Lincoln to Miss Martha Rogers, both of Wiscasset 31 Mar 1843 Mr. George Williams formerly of Boston to Miss Sarah C. Bolden of Bath 28 May 1843 Mr. Reuben S. Hunt to MIss Sarah W. Robinson, both of Bath 30 Aug 1843 Mr. Michael Gannett ot Miss Hannah T. Church, both of Bath 4 Sep 1843 Mr. James McFadden to Miss Lucretia Campbell, both of Bath 12 Oct 1843 Mr. William Gilyson of Liverpool to Miss Sarah Williams of Bath 27 Nov 1843 Mr. Henry D. Howard of Grafton, MA to Miss Nancy Turner of Bath 10 Dec 1843 Mr. Henry Robinson to Miss Mary McIntire of Bath 15 Dec 1843 Mr. Ebenezer Arnold to Miss Lucy Donnell, both of Bath 13 Feb 1844 Mr. Peleg Sprague to Miss Harriet Rogers, both of Bath 21 May 1844 Mr. Robert Lemont to Miss Jemima H. Welsh, both of Bath 23 Jun 1844 Mr. Daniel McDevitt to Mrs. Elizabeth Obrien, both of Bath 22 Aug 1844 Mr. John M. Trott of Woolwich to Miss Mary Ann Bright of Bath 27 Oct 1844 Mr. Francis G. Jordan of Brunswick to Miss Lydia H. Lemont of Bath 16 Oct 1845 Mr. Nicholas H. Nelson to Miss Susan M. Rolden, both of Bath 23 Jul 1846 Mr. Thomas Savage to Miss Mary A. McKenny, both of Bath 19 Sep 1847 Mr. James L. Dustin to Miss Olivia S. Thompson, both of Bath 5 Apr 1848 Mr. James L. Hunt of Bath to Miss Winaford J. Hunt of Georgetown 5 Aug 1848 Mr. John C. Parshley of New Orleans to Miss Eliza A. Murphy of this city 29 Sep 1848 Mr. Eliphalet E. Lowell of West Bath to Miss Nancy J. Maserone of Bath 30 Aug 1849 Mr. Orison C. Albee to Miss Tamson G. Savage, both of Bath 30 Dec 1849 Mr. John Ryan to Miss Olive B. Harlow, both of Bath 22 Dec 1850 Mr. George I. Ripley of Bsoton to Miss Margaretta C. Foster of Bath 14 May 1851 Mr. James J. Tarr to Miss Mary E. Montfort, both of Bath 6 Sep 1851 Mr. Rufus R. Haines to Miss Elizabeth F. Marston, both of Bath 21 Oct 1851 Mr. Isaiah Freeman of Brunswick to Miss Abigail Freeman of Bath 24 Oct 1851 Captain Lorenzo Parker to Miss Elizabeth Sewall, both of Bath 10 Nov 1851 Mr. John H. Fortune of Halifax, NS to Miss Rhoda Johnson of this city 25 Dec 1851 Mr. Othniel B. Mitchell to Miss Mary H. Peters of this city 7 Mar 1852 Mr. Henry P. Potter to Miss Rachel M. Donnell, both of Bath 1 Nov 1852 Mr. Charles H. Winslow to Miss Ann Winslow, both of Bath 27 Nov 1852 Mr. Samuel C. Winslow of Bath to Miss Elizabeth Hinkley of Richmond 14 Dec 1852 Mr. Jonathan Pinkham to Miss Mary Neville, both of Bath 27 Dec 1852 Mr. John G. Ellis of Boston to Miss Eliza F. Jackson of Bath 14 Apr 1853 Mr. Edwin Smiley to Miss Harriet R. Field, both of Sidney 3 May 1853 Mr. E. T. Gatchell of Bath to Miss Marcia E. H. Tappen of Brunswick 13 Jun 1853 Mr. James Church of Norwich, CT to MIss Adrianna Harrison of this city 30 Jun 1853 Mr. John M. Powers to Miss Lydia E. Fogg, both of Bath 31 Jul 1853 Mr. Melvin C. Crooker to Miss Eliza A. Bowing, both of Bath 11 Aug 1853 Mr. John Winslow to Mrs. Jane Smith, both of Brunswick