First Church of Christ Marriages Bath, ME Harold E. Brown submitted the following marriages performed by Rev. Hugh Wallis at First Churcho f Christ in Bath, ME to Downeast Ancestry, Volume 6 No. 2 (Aug 1982), p 66. These records and others of the Winter Street Church (First Church of Christ) in BAth, ME are available in the archives of the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath. 10 Apr 1796 Mr. Nathan Webb of Woolwich to Miss Rhoda Moulton of Bath 8 Jun 1796 Mr. Jacob Malune to Miss Hannah Ingerson, both of Bath 24 Jul 1796 Mr. Joseph White Jr. of Bath to Miss Sarah Curtis of Brunswick 7 Aug 1796 Mr. George C. Clarke to Miss Mary MdCaniel, both of Bath 1 Sep 1796 Mr. William Swanton Blasland to Miss Mary Bussey, both of Bath 4 Sep 1796 Mr. Samuel Shirley Sloan to Miss Rachel Hall, both of Bath 16 Oct 1796 Mr. Joshua Trufant to Miss Abigail Lambert, both of Bath 15 Dec 1796 Mr. Nathaniel Springer to Miss Mary Clarke, both of Bath 1 Jan 1797 Mr. Joseph Staples to Miss Betty Mitchell, both of Bath 29 Apr 1798 Mr. Elijah Low to Miss Elenor Coffin, both of Bath 29 Nov 1798 Mr. John Lemont to Miss Lucy Williams, both of Bath 23 Dec 1798 Mr. James Cook to Miss Jenny Farnham, both of Bath 26 Dec 1798 Mr. James Robinson to Miss Mary Sayward, both of Bath 3 Jan 1799 Mr. William Lambert to Miss Susanna Lemont, both of Bath 26 Jan 1799 Capt. Robert Bosworth to Miss Sally Peterson, both of Bath 2 Sep 1799 Mr. Charles Clapp to Miss Lydia Ham, both of Bath 14 Nov 1799 Mr. John Minot Moody to Nancy Bussey, both of Bath 9 Jan 1800 Mr. William Donnell to Miss Lucy Irish, both of Bath 23 Jan 1800 Mr. Philip Owen to Miss Clarissa Cook, both of Bath 6 Feb 1800 Mr. William Patten to Mrs. Sally Fulton, both of Bath