Eastport Marriages, 1793-1812 Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 3 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1888). [p. 80] MARRIAGES IN EASTPORT. BEING THE FIRST ON THE TOWN RECORDS.* 1790, Oct. 10, Alexander Morang to Martha Denbow. 1793, April 18, John Cook to Lydia Gannett, No. 2, now Dennysville. 1793, Sept. 8, Josiah Eaton to Eunice Ricker. 1794, July 17, Isaac Hobart to Joanna Hersey, both of Township No. 10 [Edmunds] 1795, Mar. 15, Jonathan Reynolds to Priscilla Wilder of Township No. 2. 1795, July, Joseph Dudley of No. 2, to Ann Chubbuck. 1795, Aug. 30, Daniel Joy to Jane McLarren. 1795, Sept., Benajah Lashure to Fanny Patterson, both of No. 1. [now Perry.] 1796, April, James Murphy to Mary Clark. 1796, May 7, John Burgin to Hannah Walton. 1796, June 20, James Trott of No. 1, to Ann Berry. 1796, Oct. 3, Jonathan Pineo to Mary Ann Doty, both of Machias. 1796, Oct., John Leighton of No. 2, to Sarah Mahar. 1797, April 7, Edward Clark to Jerusha Norwood. 1797, April 17, John Simpson of No. 1, to Mary Cook. 1797, April 23, Joseph Huckins to Mary Clark. 1797, May 7, Jacob Tuttle to Abigail Clark. 1800, Dec. 15, John Pace, Jr., to Bathsheba Joy, 1800, Dec. 15, Jacob Gannet of No. 2, to Charlotte Polley. 1801, Mar. 1, Enoch Fowler to Elisabeth Ramsdell. 1801, April 10, Capt. Oliver Shed to Nancy Folsom Young. 1801, Nov. 10, John Lisenby to Lovey Ramsdell. 1801, Mar. 29, William Bowen to Anna Clark. 1801, April 9, Benj. Frost of No. 1, to Nancy Berry. 1801, Sept. 13, Nathan Andrews of Little Machias, and Mrs. Nabby McGuire, of Eastport. 1801, Dec. 27, Thomas Lacheur of No. 5, [now Calais] and Mrs. Joanna Andrews. 1802, Jan. 19, Owen D. Clark to Anna Hersey, both of No. 2. 1803, July 6, James Maha, of No. 2, to Sally Dunbar. 1802, Aug. 12, James Cox, of No. 2, to Nancy Jones, of No. 9, [now Trescott] 1802, Sept. 2, Robert Huckins of No. 9, to Polly Cox of No. 10. 1802, Dec. 6, Thomas Johnson to Mehetable Clark. 1803, Mar. 13, Samuel Wheeler to Sally Leighton. 1803, Aug. 14, Moses Mosely to Hannah Brown, both of Stephens, Schoodack. 1803, Aug. 14, Jacob McLaughlin to Frances White, both of Stephens, Schoodack. 1803, Dec. 10, William Clark Jr. to Susanna Small. * Except when otherwise noted these parties are supposed to belong to Eastport. Lubec was included in Eastport up to 1811. [p. 99] 1803, Dec. 22, James Kenney to Peggy Denbo. 1803, Dec. 28, Charles M. Young to Abigail L. ______. Residents of Eastport. 1804, Feb. 16, Amos Boyd to Dorcas Tumblesome. 1804, Feb. 29, Nathan Norwood to Elisabeth Norwood. 1804, April 5, William A. Barrett to Salome Ham. 1804, July 12, John Reynolds to Polly McLellan. ? 1804, July 12, David Harris of Poole, Dorsetshire, England, to Lucretia Gaudy. 1804, Oct. 13, Daniel Thayer to Isabella McDonald. 1804, Oct. 14, Samuel Gaudy to Mrs. Katherine Kenston. 1804, Sept. 30, John Smith to Betsey Reynolds, by Lemuel Trescott, Esq., of Eastport. 1805, Feb. 5, John Swett to Polly Wood. 1805, Feb. 17, Robert Newcomb to Elisabeth Coombs. 1805, Mar. 14, Samuel Earl to Mary Duda. 1805, Mar. 24, Stephen Stimpson to Nancy Leighton. 1808, Oct. 23, Horatio Gates Allan of Eastport, to Charlotte Crane of No. 12, by Lemuel Trescott, Esq. 1811, Feb. 31, Benj. Carlow to Lanatia Pendleton. 1812, April 24, Thomas Trickey to Lydia Lincoln, of No. 1.