A book of Reecords of berthes in Saco and Biddiford Humphrey the Son of Humphrey and Elizebeth Scammon was Boren March the 2th 1717‡ Ezray the Son of John and Elizebeth Davis was Boren Feubery the 20th 1719/18 Marttheu the son of Mattheu and Margaret Short was born Aprill the 20th 1719 Dominicos the Son of Humphrey and Elizebeth Scammon was born May 22th 1719 John the Sun of John and Darckes Liensey Was Boren Feuebery 20th 1720/21 Ebenezer the Son of Matthew & Margaret Short was born March 21th 1721 * Not Bryant, as Folsom thought possible. For the family, see the will of Jonas Baly. † Rebecka written above Elisabeth crossed out. ‡ Each entry of vital records from 1717 to 1732 is attested "pr Humphrey Scammon town Clarck." [p. 128] Bengiman the son of Ebenezer & Abieall Hill was boren Septembr 25: 1715: Lydia the Dafter of Ebenezer & Abieall Hill was Boren August 25th 1718 James the Son of Humphrey Scammon and Elizebeth was boren Augst 1: 1721: Joshua the Sun of Ebenezer & Abieall Hill was Boren October 17 1721 Judeth the Dafter of Abraham townsend & Judeth was Boren October 29 1722 Rusworth the Sun of Sammil Jordon and Oliey was Boren November 17 1719 Oley the dafter of Sammil Jordon and Oley was boren Juley 1 1722 Mary the dafter of Stephen Stringer and Mary was boren Febuary 23 172/3 Rebacker the dafter of Solomon Smith and Susan was boren March 28 1723 Sarah the Dafter of Robert Eghcumb and [torn] was boren Aprail the 19 1722 Jaramiah the Sun of Ebenezer and Abieal Hill was boren Janeruy 22 1723/4 Nathanel the Sun of Humphrey and Elizebeth Scammon was boren February th 6 1723/4 Marey the Dauester of David and Marey Young was boren November th 6 1721 Sarah the Dauester of Davied and Mary Young was boren March 22 1723 Hipzbah the Daefter of John and Elizebeth Davies was boren Juen the 4 1721 John the Suen of John and Elizebeth Davies was boren September th 1 1723 Toefelos the Suen of Danel and Rebacker Smith was boren November 25 1720 Daniel the Suen of Daniel and Rebacker Smith was boren Aprael the 11 1722 Rebacker the Daefter of Daniel and Rebacker Smith was boeren October the 12 1724 Samuell the Sun of Abrahaem & Judah Townensad was boren Febuarey the 14 1724/5 Robert the Sun of Robert and Sarah Edgcumb was boeren March th 26 1725 Ritchard the Sun of Ritchard and Mary Smith was Boeren Augaest the 29 1724 Benjman the Sun of Humphrey and Elizebeth Scamon was boeren May the 9 1727 Stephen the Sun of David and Elizebeth Briaent was boren March the 8 1724 Susana Dafter of David and Elizebeth Briaent was boren March 23 1727 [torn]anah the Dafter of Robert and Sarah Brocks was boren Setember 11 1724 Thomas the Sun of Ritchard and Mary Smithe Was Boren Juen the 17 1727 Bathsheby Bagley the dafter of Robert and Marttey Baglley was boren March the 14 day in 1727 Humphrey the Sun of John and Marey Tomas was boren May the 26 1727 John the Sun of Edward and Abigaiel Proctor was boeren October the 11 1727 Liedy the Dafter of Daniel and Rebackr Smieth was boeren Desembr 25 1727 Sarah the Dafter of Samiel and Olive Jordan was boeren 5 of Jueley 1724 Hanah the Dafter of Samiel and Olive Jordan was boeren 8 day of Maey 1726 Thomas Eghcomb the Son of Thomas and Sarah Eghcomb was boeren 19 of October 1727 Rachaiel the Dafter of Robert and Sarah Eghcomb was boeren 20 of Augaest 1727 James the Sun of Abraham Townsand and Judath his wief was boeren Januarey the 31 in the year 1729/30 Routh the Dafter of James and Amm Saends was boren 17 Day of November 1729 Mary the Dafter of Daniel Smith and Rebecker was boern Juen the 26 day 1729 Jeriemiah Sun to Humphrey and Elizebeth Scammon was boern May the 12 day 1729 Honur Dafter to John & Eliezebeth tar was boeren Juen the 15 day 1730 Jejima the Dafter of Robert & Sarah Edgcomb was boeren March the 18 day 17[torn] [p. 129] Rachael the Dafter of Thomas Edghcumb & Sarah his wief was boeren May 23 day 1730 Edward the Sun of Edward and Sarah Rumerey was boeren Jueley the 27 day 1730 Joseph the Sun of Benjman & Eliesebeth Hielton was boren Augst the 22 day 1729 Thomas the Sun of Mark Shepaerd & Hanah was boren Juen the 22 day 1730 Mary the Dafter of John & Sarah Sharpe was boeren 30 day of Juen 1730 Sarah the Dafter of John and Dabra Philips was boeren 28 day of Juen 1731 Aliab Sun of Henerey and Debra Pendexter was boren Desember the 6 1729 Mary the Dafter of Henery & Debry Pendexter was boern Desembr 23 day 1730 Henery the Sun of Henery & Debroro Pendexter was boren Juen 18 day 1732 Mary the Dafter of Robert and Sarah Edgcoumb was boren March day 31 1733 William the Sun of William and Saray Raday was boeren Febuery the 11 day 1732/3 James Edgcomb ye Son of Thomas & Sarah Edgcomb was Born Novr 28th 1734 Christian Favour ye Daughter of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Favour was Born May 31 1734 Elizabeth Townsend ye Daughter of Isaac and Mary Townsend was Born May 4th 1731 Abigal Cole the Daughter of Samuel and Esther Cole Was Born June 10th 1734 Samuell Jordan the Son of Samuel Jordan & Olive Jordan was Born April 5th 1729 Tristram Jordan the Son of Samuell Jordan and Olive Jordan was Born May 13th 1731 Anna Townsend ye Daughter of Isaac and Mary Townsend was Born February ye 9th 1734/5 Joel Smith the Son of Joel Smith and Sarah Smith was Born June 29th 1734 Mary Jordan the Daughter of Samuell Jordan and Olive Jordan was Born July 29th 1735 Elizabeth Edgchome ye Daughter of Thomas and Sarah Edgchome was Born Apl 20 1735 Elizabeth Thompson the Daughter of James & Lienie Thompson was Born 13th March 1732/3 Samuel Thompson the Son of James & Lienie Thompson was Born 2d March 1734/5 Thomas Favour the Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Favour was Born Decemr 7th 1735 Samuel Prockter the Son of Edward Prockter and Abigal Prockter was Born Augth 20 1733 Hannah Prockter the Daughter of Edward Prockter and Abigal Prockter was Born December 26th 1735 Rachel Pendexter ye Daughter of Henry and Deborah was Born April 9th 1736 Paul Pendexter ye Son of Henry and Deborah Pendexter was Born Octr 21 1737 Nathaniel Smith ye Son of Daniel and Rebeckah Smith was Born January ye 29 1732 Elexander Smith ye Son of Daniel and Rebeckah Smith was Born May 3d 1734 Noah Smith ye Son of Daniel and Rebeckah Smith was Born May 11th 1735 Hannah Fletcher ye Daughter of Pendleton and Hannah Fletcher Junr was Born July 30 1730 Pendleton Fletcher ye Son of Pendleton Fletcher Junr and Hannah Fletcher was Born January 12th 1732 Abigail Fletcher ye Daughter of Pendleton Fletcher Junr and Hannah Fletcher was Born Decemr 20th 1736 John ye Son of Thomas and Sarah Edgcomb was Born May 25th 1738 Rebeckah the Daughter of Jonathan and Pheba Emery was Born Nov 22 1739 Sarah Sheaperd ye Daughter of Mark and Hannah Sheaperd was Born July 1st Anno Domini 1736 [p. 123] William Rumery the Son of Edward and Sarah Rumery was Born February 3d day 1737 Richard Clay the Son of Richard and Rachel Clay was Born the 3d of June 1739 Jonathan Rumery the Son of Edward and Sarah Rumery was Born the first day of February Anno Domini 1731 Thomas Rumery the Son of Edward and Sarah Rumery was Born the twenty seventh of December Anno Domini 1733 William the Son of Samuel & Rebekah Cole Was Born October 16 1719 James Plaisted Hill the Son of Samll and Sarah Hill was Born Decemr 4th 1739 Samuel the Son of Thomas and Sarah Edgcomb was Born Augt 21 1739 Samuel Scammon the Son of Samuel Scammon Junr & Mehitebal was Born September 3d 1738 Charity Edgcomb the Daughter of Robert & Sarah Edgcomb was Born Octr 6th 1735 Jonathan the Son of Jonathan & Pheba Emery was Born Augt 12 1737 David the Son of Nathan & Lydia Whitney was Born April 8 1732 Abel the Son of Nathan & Lydia Whitney was Born Augt 20th 1734 Lydia the Daughter of Nathan and Lydia Whitney was Born Decr 11 1736 Sarah the Daughter of Nathan and Lydia Whitney was Born August 15 1739 Thomas Fletcher the Son of Pendleton Fletcher Junr and Hannah Fletcher was Born October the 24 1739 John Favour the Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Favour was Born December the 28 1740 Mary Bradbury the Daughter of Crisp and Mary Bradbury was Born August the 16th 1740 Ephraim Stimson the Son of Richard & Elizabeth Stimson was Born Decemr ye 10 1717 Nicholas Edgcomb the Son of Robert & Sarah Edgcomb was Born March 13 1741* James the Son of James and Margrett Pratt was Born July 27 1740 Elisabeth Gray, Mary Gray, Olive Gray Daughters to John and Elisabeth Gray, the Sd John Gray Esqr came into New England with his Excellency Samuel Shute Esqr In ye year 1716. Elisabeth Gray was Born the 3rd of August 1727, Mary Gray was Born December 23 1728 & Olive Gray was Born ye 6th of February 1730, the Sd John Gray Esqr being the Son of Joseph Gray citizen and raetter of London by Occupation a Linning Draper in Said city. I desire youll Record my children In ye form I now Send you Nov 23 1742 John Gray John Bradbury the Son of Chrisp Bradbury and Mary Bradbury was Born the eleaventh of October 1738 Elisabeth Bradbury the Daughter of Chrisp & Mary Bradbury was Born January the fifth Anno Dom 1740 † Thankful Releaf the Daughter of Henry and Deborah Pendexter was Born Sept 15th 1742 Benjamin the Son of Edward and Abigail Prockter was Born Sep. 22 1739 Joseph the Son of Edward and Abigail Prockter was Born February the 12th 1741 Olive the Daughter of Rishw and Abigail Jordan was Born Aprill 14 1743 Jabesh the Son of Thomas & Sarah Bradbury was Born April 22 1749 John the Son of John & Rebeckah Smith was Born June 18 1743 Sarah the Daughter of Richard and Rachel Clay was Born Aprill 27 1743 Nathaniel the Son of Nathaniel & Hannah Whitney was Born March 22 1735 Hannah the Daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah Whitney was Born November 15 1736 Moses the Son of Nathaniel and Hannah Whitney was Born March 17 1739 Aaron the Son of Nathaniel & Hannah Whitney was Born June 7 1741 Miriam the Daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah Whitney was Born Jan. 15 1743 Thomas the Son of Joshua & Elisabeth Hupper was Born Jan. 11 1735 Joshua the Son of Joshua and Elisabeth Hooper was Born Nov. 19 1740 Benjamin the Son of Joshua & Elisabeth Hooper was Bora July 2 1743 Abiel the Daughter of Ebenezer Hill and Joanna Hill was Born April 29 1737 Mary the Daughter of Ebenezer and Joanna Hill was Born Aprll 1 1739 Joshua the Son of Ebenezr & Joanna Hill was Born Aprl 25 1742 Elisabeth the Daughter of Ebenezr & Joanna Hill was Born May 9 1744 Nathan the Son of Nathan and Lydia Whitney was Born Aprll 30th 1742 Matthias the Son of Nathan & Lydia Whitney was Born March the 8th 1743 Abigail the Daughter of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born Aprill 3rd 1745 Sarah the Daughter of Chrisp Bradbury & Mary Bradbury was Born Feb. 10 1744 Brian the Son of Pendleton & Hannah Fletcher was Born November the sixth 1744 Roger the Son of John & Elisabeth Fletcher was Born Aprill the seventh 1739 * This entry and each of the following entries are attested by Rishworth Jordan, town clerk from 1741 to 1780. † The year here given, 1740, should be 1742. The church records read: "Baptized January 23 1742 Elizabeth daughter of Chrisp and Mary Bradbury," and a daughter Mary is recorded as born to these parents 10 Aug. 1740 (vide supra, p. 132). [p. 212] Stephen Stimson the Son of John & Elisabeth Fletcher was Born Augt 15 1742 Susannah the Daughter of John & Elisabeth Fletcher was Born May 2 1744 Sarah the Daughter of Samuel and Sarah Dennitt was Born June the 13th 1743 Nicholas the Son of Samuel & Sarah Dennitt Was Born June 1745 Dominicus the Son of Dominicus and Rebeckah Scamman was Born February the 7 1743 Elisabeth the Daughter of Dominicus and Rebeckah Scamman was Born January the Eleaventh 1744 Rebeckah the Daughter of Theophelus & Olive Smith was Born March 15 1741 Sally Olive the Daughter of Theophelus & Olive Smith was Born March 11 1743 Margret the Daughter of Theophelus & Olive Smith was Born Augt 30th 1745 Gibbs the Son of Thomas & Sarah Edgcomb was Born May the Ninth Anno Domini 1743 Robert the Son of Thomas & Sarah Edgcomb was Born Octobr the Twenty Seventh Anno Domini 1745 Samuel Jordan, the Son of the Revd Mr Moses Morrill and Hannah Morrill was Born December the Seventh Anno Domini 1744 John the Son of ye Revd Mr Moses Morrill and Hannah Morrill was Born Novr 19th 1746 Willard the Son of Edward and Abigail Prockter was Born October 6th 1744 John the Son of Edward and Abigail Prockter was Born July 13th 1747 Jeremiah the Son of Jeremiah and Mary Hill was Born Aprill the Thirtyeth Anno Domini 1747 Marsa the Daughter of Thomas and Sarah Bradbury was Born January 29th Anno Domini 1746 Daniel the Son of Richard and Rachel Clay was Born July 12th 1745 Jonathan the Son of Richard and Rachel Clay was Born June 4 1747 Sarah the Daughter of Rishworth and Abigail Jordan was Born May 18th Anno Domini 1747 Hannah the Daughter of James Smith and Hannah Smith was Born December 12 1742 Elisha the Son of James and Hannah Smith was Born September the Fifteenth Anno Domini 1744 Nathaniel Elliot the Son of James and Hannah Smith was Born Febr the 2d 1746 Abigail the Daughter of Job Roberts and Sarah Roberts was Born January the 12th 1746 Lydia the Daughter of Frances Beatte and Mary Beatte was Born the Sixteenth of January 1748 James the Son of John Stackpole jur and Bethiah Stackpole was Born November 14th 1732 Phebe the Daughter of the Sd Stackpoles was Born Decembr 16th 1734 Hannah the Daughter of the aforesd Stackpoles was Born March 6th 1736 John the Son of the aforesd Stackpole & wife was Born Septembr 28 1739 Sarah the Daughter of the aforesd Stackpole & wife was Born Feb 16 1741 Andrew the Son of the Sd Stackpole & Sd wife was Born March 28th 1745 Joseph Young the Son of ye aforesd Stackpole & his Sd wife was Born Augt 28th 1747 Elisabeth the Daughter of the aforesd Stackpole & his Sd wife was Born Decembr 17 1749 Sible the Son of Henry Pendexter and Dobarah Pendexter was Born Octobr 14th 1744 Barsheba the Daughter of Henry Pendexter and Deborah Pendexter was Born September the 10th 1746 Elisabeth the Daughter of Rishworth Jordan & Abigail Jordan was Born the 19th of September 1749 [p. 213] William the Son of William and Elisabeth Cole was Born November the 22d 1740 Jeremiah the Son of William and Elisabeth Cole was Born August 28 1742 Olive the Daughter of William and Elisabeth Cole was born September 19 1744 Benjamin the Son of William and Elisabeth Cole was Born November 29th 1746 Nathaniel the Son of William and Elisabeth was Born December 12th 1748 Jabesh the Son of Thomas and Sarah Bradbury was Born Aprill 22 1749 and Died May 10th 1749 Olive the Daughter of John Davis jur and Mary Davis was Born Apri 28th 1745 Elisabeth the Daughter of John & Mary Davis was Born December 17th 1746 Eleneor the Daughter of John & Mary Davis was Born October 14 1748 Margret the Daughter of Andrew Stackpole & Mary Stackpole was Born February the Ninth Anno Domini 1748 Sarah the Daughter of Joseph Elwell and Elisabeth Elwell was Born Sepr 17 1730 Elisabeth the Daughter of Joseph and Elisabeth Elwell was Born June 28 1731 Benjamin the Son of Joseph & Elisabeth Elwell was Born Novr 10 1733 Joseph the Son of Joseph Elwell was Born Octobr 2 1734 Mary the Daughter of Joseph and Elisabeth Elwell was Born September 13th 1737 Robert the Son of Joseph and Elisabeth Elwell was Born March ye 10 1739 Sarah the Daughter of Joseph and Elisabeth Elwell was Born Nov 13 1743 John the Son of Joseph and Elisabeth Elwell was Born Augt 10 1746 Rachel the Daughter of William and Rachel Haly was Born February the 27th 1747 John the Son of William and Rachel Haly was Born the Sixteenth of November 1749 Martha the Daughter of John and Ruth Elden jur was Born October the fourteenth 1748 Gideon the Son of John and Mary Davis jur was Born February the fourteenth Anno Domini 1749 Margarit Smith the Dafter of Theophilus & Olive Smith was Born August 30th 1745 Molley Smith the Daughter of Theophilus & Olive Smith was Born August 27th 1750 Ephraim Stimson the Son of Richard & Elisabeth Stimson was Born Decemr ye 10 1717 Richard Stimson the Son of Ephraim & Mary Stimson was Born Aprill 22 1745 ______ Stimson the Daughter of ye Sd Ephraim & Mary Stimson was Born Aprill 22nd 1747 * Sarah the Daughter of Ephraim & Mary was Born July 26th 1750 Patience the Daughter of Nathaniel Whitney & Hannah was Born May 11th 1748 Hipziba the Daughter of Sd Nathaniel & Hannah was Born Augt 29th 1750 Elisabeth the Daughter of Jacob & Elisabeth Davis was Born Aprill 26th 1740 Ruth the Daughter of Sd Jacob & Elisabeth was Born May 8 1742 John Griffin the Son of Jacob & Elisabeth aforesd was Born July 21th 1747 Mary the Daughter of the aforesd Jacob & Elisabeth was Born July 26 1750 Nathaniel the Son of Jeremiah Hill & Mary Hill was Born December the fourth 1748 Lydia the Daughter of Jeremiah & Mary Hill was Born March the Sixth 1750 John Smith the Son of John & Rebeckah Smith was Born June 18 1743 Sarah the Daughter of Sd John & ______ was Born June 28th 1745 * A daughter named Elizabeth was baptized 21 June 1747. [p. 214] Rebeckah the Daughter of ye Sd John & Rebeckah was Born January the 22d 1748 Samuel the Son of ye Sd John & Rebeckah was Born June the 7th 1750 Esther Duer the Daughter of Robin & Margret Duer was Born October 6th 1748 William the Son of Elisha & Sarah Allen was Born August 14 1745 Jeremiah the Son of sd Elisha & Sarah was Born the 23 Decembr 1747 Dorothy the Daughter of the sd Elisha & Sarah was Born March 23 1750 Jacob the Son of ye sd Elisha & Sarah was Born April 18th 1752 Mary the Daughter of Rishworth Jordan & Abigail Jordan was Born the Twenty fifth of December Anno Domini 1751 Nathan the Son of Nathan Whitney & Lydia Whitney was Born Aprl 30 1742 Matthias the Daughter [sic] of the Sd Nathan Whitney was Born March the 12th 1744 John the Son of the sd Nathan & Lydia Whitney was Born Aprl 4 1747 Anna the Daughter of Nathan Whitney & Elisabeth Whitney was Born Sept 5th 1749 Ebenezer the Son of the sd Nathan & Elisabeth was Born July 30 1751 Joseph the Son of Benjamin Gutteredge & Sarah Gutteredge was Born November the tenth 1751 Benjamin the Son of the aforesd Benj. & Sarah was Born May 19th 1753 John Dearing the Son of John Dearing and Eunis Dearing was Born September 10 1753 Samuel the Son of Samuel Jordan and Mercy Jordan was Born May 23 1752 Melatiah the Son of Samuel Jordan & Mercy Jordan was Born December 2 1753 Robert Edgcomb the Son of Benjamin Nason & Jemima Nason was Born January the Thirtyeth 1749 Benjamin the Son of the sd Benjamin Nason & Jemima Nason was Born Aprll Sixteenth day of 1751 Edward the Son of the sd Benjamin Nason & Jemima Nason was Born March the Twenty fourth 1753 Robert the Son of William Haly and Rachel Haly was Born Augst 7th 1752 Joanna the Daughter of David Martyn and Joanna Martyn was Born August the Twenty seventh 1750 Anna the Daughter of John Hurly and Mary Hurly was Born April 28th 1750 John the Son of the sd John & Mary Hurly was Born December 4th 1752 Rishworth the Son of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born the Fourteenth of April 1754 Joseph the Son of Jacob & Elisabeth Davis was Born September 10th 1753 Rachel the Daughter of Richard & Rachel Clay was Born May 10th 1748 Thomas the Son of Richard & Rachel Clay was Born December 5th 1750 Benjamin the Son of Richard & Rachel Clay was Born June 7 1753 Elisabeth the Daughter of Eleazer & Elisabeth Kimbal was Born July 12 1749 Hannah the Daughter of Eleazer & Elisabeth Kimbal was Born February 19th 1750 Joanna the Daughter of John and Hannah Farrin was Born January 14 1753 Elisabeth the Daughter of John & Hannah Farrin was Born June 21th 1754 Margreat & Charity the Daughters of William & Rachel Haly Born March 10 1755 Joseph Gillpatrick the Son of Thomas Gillpatrick jr was Born October the 08th 1741 Margeret Gillpatrick the Daughter of Thomas Gillpatrick jr & Margeret Gillpatrick was Born February 17th 1742 Robert Gillpatrick the Son of Thomas Gillpatrick jur & Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born January the 4th 1744 Elisabeth Gillpatrick the Daughter of Thomas Gillpatrick jur and Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born December the Twenty third 1746 [p. 215] Martha Gillpatrick the Daughter of Thomas Gillpatrick jur and Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born April 30 1748 Thomas Gillpatrick the Son of Thomas Gillpatrick jur & Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born April 27th 1750 Benjn Gillpatrick the Son of Thomas Gillpatrick jur and Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born June 29th 1752 Mary Gillpatrick the Daughter of Thos Gillpatrick jur & Elisabeth Gillpatrick was Born February 16th 1756 Elisabeth the Daughter of Timothy Davis and Margeret Davis was Born April the 15th 1750 John the Son of the sd Timothy Davis and Margeret was Born July 2d 1753 Mary the Daughter of the Sd Timothy Davis and Margeret Davis was Born August 29 1755 Stephen the Son of Isaac Whitney and Sarah Whitney was Born March 19th 1755 Jonathan the Son of Isaac Whitney and Sarah Whitney was Born February the 9th 1757 Hannah Stackpole the Daughter of James Stackpole and Abiel Stackpole was Born September ye 19th 1755 Joseph Stackpole Son of James and Abiel Stackpole was Born February ye 13th Day 1757 Phebe Stackpole the Daughter of James Stackpole and Abiel Stackpole was Born March ye 20th 1759 Samuel the Son of James Stackpole and Abiel Stackpole was Born May the first Day 1761 Joseph Drinkwater the Son of Thoms Drinkwater and Margrett Drinkwater Born February ye 24th 1767 Sarah Drinkwater the Daughter of Thoms and Margrett Drinkwater Born January ye 16th 1769 Mary Drinkwater the Daughter of Thoms and Margrett Drinkwater Born November 16th 1770 Joseph Hill the Son of Jeremiah Hill and Mary Hill was Born the Seventh Day of April 1753 John Hill the Son of the Said Jeremiah and Mary Hill was Born April 17th 1754 Daniel Hill Son of the Said Jeremiah and Mary Hill was Born July 6th 1756 Hannah Hill Daughter of Jeremiah Hill and Mary Hill was Born September 2d 1758 Rebeckah Hill Daughter of the Said Jeremiah & Mary Hill was Born Novembr 13th 1760 Anna Hill Daughter of the Said Jeremiah & Mary Hill was Born March 7 1763 Jane the Daughter of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born November 29th 1756 * Joseph the Son of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born February 7th 1759 Samuel the Son of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born September 1st 1761 Ralph Tristram the Son of Rishworth & Abigail Jordan was Born November 2d 1764 John the Son of John & Bethier Brooks was Born January 19 1751 John the Son of John and Hannah Farrin was Born November the fourth day 1755 Thomas the Son of John and Hannah Farrin was Born February the fifteenth 1757 * On the inside of the cover, at the end of the second book, several birth entries are dimly to be seen through a cloth facing, with which the binding has been reenforced. The official copy of the book, made in 1859 by the city clerk, in which the birth entries are arranged by families, contains this and the next nine entries; and it is probable that they are the entries which are now covered with the cloth reenforcement. [p. 216] Eunice the Daughter of James and Abiel Stackpole was Born May 7 1763 James the Son of James and Abiel Stackpole was Born May 28 1769 Mary the Daughter of James and Abiel Stackpole was Born February 10th 1772