Death Notices From Callaway Newspapers The Telegraph and The Missouri Telegraph 1848 – 1850 Scott Obituary – Died at her residence in Callaway County, Mo., on the 7th of July, Mrs. Mary s. wife of Mr. Reuben Scott, aged 49. The deceased was a native of Tennessee. In the early part of her life, her parents removed with their family to Ky., --. Aug. 4, 1848 4/3 Day At her residence, near Mexico, Audrain County, Mo., Mrs. Catharine Day, consort of Lewis Day, in the 52nd year of her age. – Sept. 15, 1848 4/2 Hobson On the 27th ult. At the residence of her father, Mr. John Hobson, Mrs. Elizabeth Branham Ann Branham, wife of Dr. N. E. Branham, aged 30 years. Mrs. Branham was a native of Virginia, from whence she emigrated with her parents in the year 1839 to this county --. Sept. 15, 1848 4/2 Leeper Died – In this place on Sunday morning the 17th inst., Florence Leeper, aged 83 years. She was a native of Virginia – emigrated to Kentucky at an early period and has been a resident of Missouri for twelve years and for 61 years a member of the Associated Reformed Church. Sept. 22, 1848 4/2 Craghead Died on the 26th ult., at the residence of his daughter Mrs. Craghead, Mr. Robert Dunlap Dunlap, aged 85 years. Mr. Dunlap was born in Ireland 26th Feb., 1763, his father emigrated from that country in 1772 and was engaged in the revolutionary struggles of that period. Mr. Dunlap moved to Callaway County, Mo., in 1818 where he resided until his death. Oct. 6, 1848 4/2 Reed Died near this place, on the evening of Wed., the 13t inst., John, infant and only son of Mr. & Mrs. P. B. Reed, aged two years. Dec. 15, 1848 4/3 Vanmeter Died in Clark county, Ky., on the night of the 24th Nov., Mrs. Lucy M. consort of Hockaday S. Vanmeter (?) and daughter of I. O. Hockaday, -- aged 27 years. Dec. 7, 1849 4/2 Inskeep Died on the 14th ult., in Liberty, Mo., the Rev. J. M. C. (?) Inskeep, aged 28 years. Dec. 7, 1849 4/2 George (lengthy article on people who have gone to Calif. For gold) -- Mr. George Pogue mentions the death of Mr. Pogue formerly a citizen of this county; and also the Henderson death of Henry, a valuable Negro belonging to Mr. J. S. Henderson of Fulton. Nov. 28, 1849 2/2 Gott Died on the 8th inst., near Danville, Mo., Wm. C. Gott, Attorney At Law, in the 29th year of his age. He deceased was a native of Maryland and came a few years since to this State, with a view of a permanent home. – Feb. 1, 1850 2/1 Lane Allen M. Lane, formerly a Register of the Land Office in one of the upper Districts of this State. – died recently in California, whither he went overland last year. Mar. 15, 1850 2/3 Harper Deaths in California – We learn that Albert Harper and Andrew Dunlap Dunlap who left this county last spring, died in California recently. May 29, 1840 2/2 Bagby Fatal Accident - - We learn that Daniel W. Bagby, -- was almost instantly killed by the falling of a tree upon him. – fractured his scull (sic). He lived but a few hours after the accident. He leaves a family --. Mar. 29, 1850 2/2 Darby On the 1st ins., at her residence in this county, Mrs. Marietta Darby, aged 24 years and 3 days. Apr. 5, 1850 4/3 Martin In this county on the 9th inst. Mrs. Judy Martin, wife of Samuel Martin, aged about 35 years. Apr. 12, 1850 4/3 Snell In this county on Friday Inst., Mrs. Barbara Snell, wife of the late John Snell, aged about 70 years. May 3, 1850 4/3 McAfee At his residence in Boone County, Missouri, on Sunday the 28th of April, Mr. James McAfee, in the 78th year of his age. May 10, 1850 3/4 Russell --At his residence, in Oak Hill, St. Louis county, Friday morning, May 3d, James Russell, Esq., in the 65th year of his age. May 10, 1850 3 /4 Mosby --In this county on Sunday last, Mrs. Eliza Mosby, wife of James Mosby. May 24, 1850 4 /4 Harper --In this county on Saturday last, Nicholas Harper, aged 66 years. May 31, 1850 2 /3 Cred Departed this life at the residence of Mr. H. S. Cred (?) in St. Joseph, Curd Missouri, on Sunday the 9th inst. At 3 o’clock a.m. after a short illness of a bilious character, Dr. Isaac Curd, (formerly of this place) in the 67th (?) year of his age. June 21, 1850 3/3 Farmer At the residence of her father, in this county, on the 14th of July, Nancy Jane, eldest daughter of Jessee Farmer, in the fifteenth year of her age. Aug. 9, 1850 4/2 McCord -At the City Hotel, in St. Louis, on Monday, the 12th Instant, Colonel Isaac McCord, formerly of this county, aged about 65 years. Aug. 23, 1850 4/1 Davis -In this county on Thursday last, Mrs. ____Davis, relict of John Davis Esq. Aug. 30, 1850 4/3 Allen -In the evening of the 13th inst., at her late residence in Boone County, Missouri, Mrs. Rebecca W. Allen, consort of Elder Thomas M. Allen, in the fifty-third year of her age. Sept. 20,1850 4/2 Herndon -On Wednesday, 18th inst., Sarah, consort of Mr. Edward T. Herndon of this county. Sept. 27, 1850 4 /3 McClanahan -In this place on Monday evening the 14th inst., Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth McClanahan, aged 3 years and one month. Oct. 18, 1850 4/3 Woods -At his residence near St. Louis, on the 21st inst., Col. N. G. Woods of the firm of Bull, Warren and Woods. Oct 25, 1850 3/3 Wiseman -Nov. 25th, in St. Louis, at the “Charity Hospital”, of hemorrhage of the bowels, Joseph P. Wiseman, of Danville, Mo., aged thirty-six years, 4 months and fifteen days. Dec. 4, 1850 1851 – 1855 Tuttle Died in California near the Nevada Mountains, Thomas D. Tuttle, formerly of this county. – Jan. 3, 1851 4/2 Buckner Died on the evening of the 14th instant, 8 miles below Portland, on his return from California, William C. Buckner, son of Col. R. R. Buckner of this county, in the 19th years of his age. – Feb. 28, 1851 3/2 Sheets -In this county on Sunday night the 23rd instant, Franklin Sheets aged 20 years, son of Benjamin Sheets, Esq. Feb. 28, 1851 3/2 Maddox Died at the residence of his mother, 7 miles north of Fulton, on the night of the 21st inst., Mr. Uriah Maddox in the 30th year of his age --. Feb. 28, 1851 3/2 Boggess Died at his residence, ten miles from Fulton on the 14th of Feb., 1851, Mathew Boggess, aged 36 years. He leaves a wife and three children --. Mar. 7, 1851 4/2 Bennett Died on the 18th inst., at the residence of his son Elijah T. Bennett of this county, Mr. Joseph Bennett, in the 84th year of his age--. Mar. 28, 1851 3/2 Dejarnett -In Audrain County, on the 24th inst., three weeks after his return from California, Mr. Joseph Dejarnett, in the 36th year of his age. Mar. 28, 1851 3/2 Riley Died, near Sacramento City, Calif., on the first of Feb., 1851, Benjamin S. Riley, son of Mr. Samuel Riley of this county. – Apr. 18, 1851 4/3 Basket Departed this life, Apr., 12th, 1851, Mrs. Polly consort of James Basket, in her 52nd year. – She has left a found husband and six children to mourn her loss. Apr. 18, 1851 4/3 Scholl -In this county, on Monday night last, Mrs. S. Scholl, wife of John Scholl. Apr. 25, 1851 3/2 Snell In Monroe County on the 16th inst., ____Snell, an old and respected citizen of that county. Apr. 25, 1851 3/2 Stephens In this county, at the residence of her father, Elder Thomas P. Stephens, on Friday, the 25th day of April 1851, Miss Mariah Hall Stephens, aged 19 years. The decease was a victim of that fell destroyer of the human life, consumption. May 2, 1851 4/3 Steele In this county, on Wednesday night last, Mrs. _____Steele, wife of Sam’l Steele. May 9, 1851 3 /4 Hockaday In Independence on Sunday, April 20th, Sarah H., infant daughter of Isaac and Susan C. Hockaday, aged 11 months. May 8, 1852 3 /4 Bedsworth In this county on Wed., Apr., 17th, 1851, Noah Bedsworth, aged about 50 years. May 9, 1851 3 /4 Miller Died in Portland, Mo., on the evening of the 9th inst., -- of inflammation of the brain, Sarah Preston, only daughter of Richard S. and Mary J. Miller, aged seven months and three days. May 16, 1851 4/3 Salmon In Audrain County, on the 11th inst., William S. Salmon, aged three years and 16 days. May 16, 1851 Dejarnett Died at his residence in Audrain County, Mo., on the 24th of May 1851, Dr. Henry W. Dejarnett, Sen., in the 60th year of his age. He was a native of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. – May 16. (7) 1851 4/3 Jameson On the 7th of April, at her residence on the Grand Prairie, Mrs. Margaret, consort of Thomas Jameson, of typhoid fever, aged 25 years. Apr. 16, 1852 4/1 Scott On Monday evening, Feb. 21, 1852, at his residence in this county, Mathew Scott, of typhoid fever, aged 29 years and one month. – He has left a wife and three small children. – April 16, 1852 4/2 Scott On Friday Feb. 27th (?) 1852, at the residence of his father in this county, Milton P. Scott, of typhoid fever, aged 20 years and 9 months. At the same place on Sunday, Feb. 29th, 1852, George L. Scott, of typhoid fever, aged 22 years, 2 months and 17 days. Apr. 16, 1852 4/2 Scott At the residence of Temple Wayne, in Audrain county, Mo., on Tuesday March Wayne 16, 1852, David G. Scott, of typhoid fever, aged 24 years and 8 months. Apr. 16, 1852 4/2 Bruffey At Boonville, Sunday morning, on the 11th inst., from the effects of cancer, Mrs. Cook Bruffey, widow of the late James Bruffey and mother-in-law to Mr. W. H. Cook of this place, aged 65 years. – Apr. 16, 1852 Ford In this place on the 26th after a short, but severe illness, Daniel Nolley, only son of D. and M. Ford, aged 4 months and 20 days. Apr. 30, 1852 3/2 Dunham In this county on Monday last, Mrs. Semira, wife of George Dunham, and Steele daughter of Samuel Steele, aged 21 years. Apr. 30, 1852 3/2 West Died at his residence in Callaway County, Missouri on the evening of the 25th of April, Maj. Thomas West, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. – member of Presbyterian church of Millersburg. May 7, 1852 4/2 Handy Departed this life in Snow Hill, Maryland, March 26th, 1852, Col. Charles N. Handy, of this State, in the 32nd year of his age. May 7, 1852 4/2 Boggs -On the 30th of April, of erysipelas, Mrs. Boggs, wife of Robert W. Boggs, near Fayette, Howard county, Missouri. May 7, 1852 4/2 Martin -Departed this life on the 15th of March 1852, at the residence of her son Dr. J. W. Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, in the 52nd year of her life. May 7, 1852 4/2 Allen On the 30th ult., at the residence of her son, Dr. A. Allen, in New Bloomfield, in this county, Mrs. Alice Allen. The deceased had numbered more than three scores and ten, -- June 25, 1852 6/2 Browning At her residence in Platte County, Mo., on the 16th day of May 1852, Maria J. Browning, wife of Reuben Browning, Esq., in the 61st year of her age of pleure-pneumonia of ten days duration. June 25, 1852 6/2 Bradley Died – on the 12th inst., in this county, Thomas Bradley, aged about 72 years. Feb. 17, 1854 3/6 Clare At his residence in Cote Sans Dessein, Mo., Feb. 17th, Col. Isaac S. Clare, in his 57th year, after an illness of 11 days. St. Louis Republican and Philadelphia papers please copy. Feb. 24, 1854 3/6 McClanehan Died in Independence, Mo., on Tuesday morning, the 14th inst., Lizzie, infant daughter of Porter and Sarah A. McClanehan, aged one month and nine days. Feb. 24, 1854 3/6 Anderson - On the 19th inst., at the residence of her father, Miss Sarah Anderson, daughter of Capt. James C. Anderson of this county. Feb. 24, 1854 3/6 Kelso Died at the residence of her father, E. B. Sitton – on the 23rd ult., Mrs. Mary B. Sitton Kelso, wife of Isaac S. Kelso, who died recently in California, - his death which occurred in California, Dec. 17th, 1853. Mar. 3, 1854 Northcutt Died – In Boone County, on the 25th ult., after a short illness, John E. Northcutt, Williams aged 24 years. – Mrs. Northcutt – sister of Mrs. Williams of this place. – Mar. 10, 1854 3/7 Turley Died in Audrain County, on Friday last, Mr. George W. Turley, a highly respected citizen of that county. Oct. 13, 1854 3/6 1856 – 1860 Samuel In Jefferson City – Mrs. Elizabeth F. Samuel, wife of Ch___ Samuel, daughter of Ambrose and Rebecca _____formerly of Virginia, in the 26th year of her age. Mrs. S. leaves one child six months old --. Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee papers please copy. Aug. 29, 1856 3/6 Gill Died at the residence of her father, Mr. James Gill, Mrs. Mary A. Jackson, -- Jackson aged 26 years, 3 months and 14 days, consort of Robert W. Jackson of Readsville. She leaves a husband and infant. – (Jefferson Enquirer please copy) Apr. 9, 1858 2/6 Brandon Departed this life, on the 2d inst., Mrs. Jane Brandon, wife and consort of Robert Brandon. She was born in Virginia A. D. 1799, February 12th. Emigrated to Callaway County, Missouri in the year 1832. – member of the Baptist church at Dry Fork. Apr. 9, 1858 2/6 Dozier - In St. Louis on the 31st , Martha J. Dozier elder daughter of Lewis and Cynthia Dozier. Apr. 9, 1858 2/6 Gilbert In this county, on Friday, the 16th inst., at his residence, in this county, Richard Gilbert, aged 65 years. – Mar. 23, 1860 2 /5 Bright Died at the residence of Mr. Washington Bright in Callaway County, Mo., on the 17th ult., Mrs. Sally Bright. Mrs. B. was born at Cloverdale, Bath County, Va., the 17th June 1780, be at the time of her death, eight years, and three months of age. Oct. 26, 1860 2/ 6 Johnson In this city on Tuesday evening, the 24th inst., Micajah Thompson, son of W. A. and M. A. Johnson, aged 4 years and 3 months. Oct. 26, 1860 2/6 Collier Died – In this county, on the 30th, Charlie Hardin, son of Samuel B. and Susan J. Collier, aged one year, 8 months and 11 days. Nov. 2, 1860 2/6 Thomas In Audrain County, Oct. , 23d, 1860, Cootie, infant daughter of John P. and Lizzie W. Thomas, aged 1 year, 1 month and 23 days. Nov. 2, 1860 2/6 1861 – 1865 Miller At the residence of her mother, Mrs. Shanks, in Jackson County, on the 22d ult., Shanks Mrs. Sarah Bell Miller, wife of L. C. Miller, of this city, aged 17 years. Jan. 4, 1861 2/5 Judy In this county, on the 1st day of January, 1861, Mrs. Lavenia Judy, wife of David J. Judy, aged 43 years. Jan. 4, 1861 2/5 Jones On the 22d ult., after a protracted illness, Octave Worth, infant son of J. F. and S. A. Jones, aged 1 year, 3 months and 10 days. Jan. 4, 1861 2/5 King Near New Bloomfield on the 3d inst., Mary Susan, daughter of Wm. And Susan Ann King, aged 6 years, 2 months and 18 days. Jan. 11, 1861 2/7 Smith In St. Louis, on the 29th ult., Laura, wife of John Burgess Smith and youngest Wells daughter of Samuel F. Wells, Esq., of St. Louis county, in the 28th year of her age. Jan. 22, 1861 2/7 Kemp On the 7th inst., at the residence of his father in this county, Wm. R. Kemp, aged about 26 years. Jan. 11, 1861 2/7 Mayfield In this city, Saturday morning March 2d, --Fannie, oldest daughter of Jacob and Jettie Mayfield, aged 4 years, 5 months and 12 days. Mar. 8, 1861 2/5 May On the 19th ult., at the advanced aged of 87 years, Mrs. Nancy May, consort of Henry May deceased. Mar. 8, 1861 2/5 Brookie In California, on the 18th of January, 1861 Mrs. Frances B. Brookie, aged 77 years. Provines The deceased was the mother of Mrs. Mary Provines, wife of Dr. Wm. Provines, of this city. Mar. 8, 1861 2/5 Hook Died on the 22d ult., at the residence of her mother, in this county, of consumption, Miss Zerelda C. Hook, aged 39 years. Paris (Ky.,) Citizen please copy. Mar. 15, 1861 2/5 Duncan On the 3d inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. M. Duncan, Mr. Sheley Singleton Sheley, aged about 70 years. The decease was a member of Col. Johnson’s regiment from Kentucky, in the war of 1812. Mar. 15, 1861 2/5 Trewitt Died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Trewitt, near Millersburg, in this Trimble county on the 24th of February, 1861, Margaret Trimble, widow of the late John Trimble, aged 72 years. Mar. 29, 1861 2/4 Salisbury - In Kansas City, on Thursday, the 14th inst., at the residence of his brother Robert, after a long and painful attack of dropsy, Lord W. Salisbury, formerly of Danville, in the 36th year of his age. Mar. 29, 1861 2/4 Moritz Died, in this city, on Monday evening last, Mrs. Mildred S. Morita, wife of Wm. Moritz, aged 26 years. Apr. 12, 1861 2/3 Brashears Died on the 18th of March, 1861, Levi L. Brashears, at his residence in this county, aged 26 years. Apr. 12, 1861 2/3 Smith On the 6th of Sept., near Readsville, Callaway County, Mo., Mrs. Mary Smith, wife of Wm. H. Smith, in the fifty-third year of her age. Sept. 13, 1861 2/6 Selby Died – In this county, on the 6th inst., Julia A. Selby, consort of William J. Selby, aged 54 years. Oct. 11, 1861 2/7 Callison Mr. M. A. Callison of St. Aubert in this county came to his death in a most horrible manner on Monday last. – Nov. 15, 1861 3/2 Wells Died – On Saturday evening, November 30th, Virginia Artemesia, daughter of Chas. L. and Virginia S. Wells, of Osage City, Missouri, aged 3 years, 16 months and 14 days. Dec. 6, 1861 2/6 Baber In Jefferson City, on the 17th ult., Mrs. Harriet M. Baber, wife of Col. Hiron H. Boone Baber, in the 68th year of her age. She was a native of Fayette County, Ky., and the daughter of Judge B. Boone and grand daughter of the illustrious Col. Daniel Boone. Dec. 6, 1861 2/6 Betz Departed this life on the first inst., in Jefferson City, Mrs. Sallie Betz, wife of Lynch Allen L. Betz, formerly of this city, and daughter of Mrs. Lynch of St. Charles County, Mo. Mar. 7, 1862 3/6 Howe Died March the 4th, 1862, Alex B. Howe, infant son of John W. and Sarah F. Howe, aged 14 months and 15 days. Mar. 14, 1862 2/6 Curd Died at his residence in this city, on Monday, the 28th of April 1862, -- Mr. Hart Thomas Curd, son of Dr. Isaac Curd formerly of this city. The deceased was born in Albermarle Co., Va., on the 17th day of June 1824 and consequently was in his 39th year. – He was married to Mary S. Hart, of Richmond Virginia on the 3d day of May 1860. He leaves a bereaved wife and one child. May 9,1862 4/1 Davis Near Williamsburg, in this county, on the 7th inst., James W. Davis, aged 34 years, seven months and two days. May 9, 1862 2/6 Stephens - In this county, on April 29th of scarlet fever, Nannie Stephens, daughter of Thomas L. and Sarah E. Stephens, aged 11 months and 10 days. May 9, 1862 2/6 Bagby Died on the 11th inst., at the residence of his brother-in-law W. C. Bagby, at St. Dickinson Aubert, S. B. Dickinson May 28, 1862 2/6 Anderson Died on the 8th of June, Martha Ann daughter of Martha and Chesley G. Anderson, aged 3 years and 10 months. June 20, 1862 2/6 Clanton Departed this life on the 20th of this month – Samuel Thomas, son of William H. and Sarah A. Clanton, aged 4 years and one day. June 27, 1862 2/6 McMahan Departed this life, Mrs. Jane McMahan consort of Jefferson McMahan. She was Brooks born September 3, 1818, and departed this life June 18, 1862. She was a daughter of the late Thos. And Elizabeth Brooks. – She leaves a husband and three children -- . July 4, 1862 2/6 Smith Died – On the 25th of October at the residence of James Smith, Emma Kate, daughter of James and Mary Smith, aged 2 years, five months and 26 days. Oct. 31, 1862 2/5 Ferguson - In this county, on the 21st inst., of intermittent fever, Napoleon B., infant son of Swan and Mary T. Ferguson, aged 2 years, two months and fourteen days. Oct. 31, 2861 2/5 Bailey Died May the 3rd, 1863, after an illness of 3 days of scarlet fever, Amanda Ann, daughter of M. & B. F. Bailey, aged 11 years, one month and 8 days. – On the 15th of May, 1863, after an illness of 12 days, Lillie Branham, daughter of M. & B. F. Bailey, aged 4 years, seven months and nine days. May 29, 1863 2/5 Everheart Obituary – Died at Prairie Institute on the 2d inst., Miss Kate Everheart daughter of Joseph Everheart, of this county, aged 15 (?) years one month and one day. Feb. 19, 1863 2/2 Dreps At the residence of Mr. Joseph Dreps, in this city, on Sunday night last, the 21st Langeman inst., Henry Langeman, aged 30 years. – a non-commissioned officer in Capt. Snell’s company. Feb. 26, 1864 Stone -- In this city, on Friday morning last, Virginia L., daughter of Dr. W. B. Stone, aged 2 years. Feb. 26, 1864 2/4 Baker -- At the residence of her husband, in this county, on the 24th of February, Mrs. Kate Baker, wife of Thomas J. Baker, aged 27 years and 27 days. Mar. 24, 1864 2/2 Yates Died at Williamsburg, Mo., March 25th, 1864, of scarlet fever, Georgian, aged three years, daughter of George and Rebecca Yates. Mar. 25, 1864 2/2 Baynham -- In this county, on Monday last, Charles M. Baynham, aged 50 years. Mar. 25, 1864 2/2 Pugh -- At the residence of her brother in DeKalb County, Mo., March 13th, 1864, Miss Virginia Pugh of Callaway County, Mo., aged 24 years and 17 days. Mar. 25, 1864 2/2 Scott James M. Scott and Tillman Vaughan, old citizens of this county, died on Vaughan Wednesday night last. Apr. 1, 1864 2/2 Lawther Died on the 20th day of April 1864, Henry Cooke, youngest son of Hans and Virginia Lawther, aged 2 years, 11 months and 11 days. Apr. 22, 1864 2/6 Osborn -- On the 11th inst., of scarlet fever, Lavinia Jane, aged one year, 11 months, and 11 days; on the 14th inst., Kitty Ann aged 5 years 7 months and 11 days, on the same day George William, aged 2 years one month and 14 days; on the 16th inst., John Simpson, aged 3 years 8 months and 6 days, all children of John P. and Lydia Jane Osborn, of this county. April 22, 1864 2/6 Sallee Mr. John H. Sallee, a highly esteemed citizen of Mexico, Mo., died suddenly on the 15th, at 72 years of age. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 and long a citizen of Missouri. Apr. 29, 1864 2/3 Kidwell Tribute of Respect – Died at Portland, Mo., on the 21st, Washington R. Kidwell in the 53d year of his age. Apr. 29, 1864 2/5 Davis Mrs. Sallie David died at the residence of her mother, in this city, on Wednesday, evening last. Apr. 29, 1864 2/5 Diens In this county, on the 23d of April 1864, Alive V., infant daughter of A. V. and Bettie A. Diens, aged 6 months and 3 days. May 6, 1864 2/6 Hatcher Killed – We regret to learn that Capt. James T. Hatcher, of the steamer Benefit, was killed in Red River by guerrillas firing onto his boat. Capt. Hatcher formerly resided in this county. May 6, 1864 4/1 Kerr Death of Dr. Kerr – On Sunday morning last at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, near this city, Dr. John D. Kerr of Audrain County, breathed his last – son of Prof. W. D. Kerr of this city. May 6, 1864 4/1 Smith Died in Portland, Mo., on the 24th of April last, Sallie, only daughter of R. D. C. and J. E. Smith, aged 10 years. May 13, 1864 2/6 Whiteside Died of consumption, on the 4th of Nov., 1863, in Orange County, Texas, in her Kayser 22nd year, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, wife of C. H. Whiteside and daughter of the late Andrew Kayser of this city. May 13, 1864 2/6 Harris Died – on the 8th of April at the residence of Mr. John Ludwig, Miss Betsy Ann Ludwig Harris, daughter of Mr. Masten Harris and Rachael Harris, aged 20 years. May 13, 1864 2/6 Harrison Died- June 26th, of inflammation of the brain, Linda F., youngest daughter of Wm. And Jaily Harrison, of this county, aged 1 year and nine months. July 8, 1864 2/5 Nichols Died – at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Susan Nichols, in this county on the 25th of Boles June, Mary S. Boles, aged 11 years, seven months and 25 days - July 15, 1864 2/5 Dorton Died – very suddenly on the 3d inst., in the 27th year o her age, Mrs. Harriett Dorton, wife Leopard of Mr. Willis E. Dorton of this county, and daughter of the late John Leopard of Boone County. July 15, 1864 Ellis Died – on the 12th inst., in Boone County, Mrs. Mary J. Ellis wife of E. P. Ellis and Sheley daughter of Horace Sheley of this county, aged 42 years. July 15, 1864 2/5 Rigg June the 17h, in Chariton County, Mo., Eliza Davis Rigg, youngest daughter of C. F. & S. M. Rigg, aged 2 years and five months and three days. July 22, 1864 2/4 Carver Died on the 19th inst., Anna Carver, daughter of Milton and Sallie Carver aged 1 year and 7 months. July 22, 1864 2/4 Thomas Died July 17th, of inflammation of the brain, __attie Lee, infant daughter of B. F. & __nie Thomas. July 22, 1864 2/4 Craighead Died – flux, July 13th, at her residence Mrs. Elizabeth S. Craighead aged ___ years nine months and 25 days. July 29, 1864 2/4 Ryley Sunday last – near this city Arch Ryley – 27th inst. July 29, 1864 2/4 Nesbit At the residence of her son- ___ ____ T. B. Nesbit, in this county, Mrs. _____Robinett Robinett aged about seventy. July 29, 1864 2/4 Mills _____ ___ near this city on the 25th ____ ____ Mrs. Lucy Mills _____ ____ a native of Virginia ____ to Dr. John Mills _____. July 29, 1864 2/4 Patton Miss Emily Patton died on the morning of the 30th ult., at the residence of her father Thomas Patton, Esq., of this city. Aug. 5, 1864 2/4 Dunlap Died on July 28, 1864 in this county Miss Elizabeth Dunlap, daughter of James and Sarah Dunlap, in the 31st year of her age. Aug. 5, 1864 2/4 Henderson Fulton, Mo., Friday morning at the residence of her father __ S. Henderson, Minnie Warner Henderson, aged 20 years, 4 months and 8 days. Aug. 5, 1864 2/4 Wilson Obituary – Died in this city on Monday morning the 18th ult., Mrs. Theodosia A. Wilson, Grant wife of Mr. Wm. R. Wilson and daughter of Col. Sam’l M. Grant late of Jackson County, Mo., in the 37th year of her age. In Feb. 1856, she was married to Mr. Wilson and assumed the relation of mother to his three orpah children. – Aug. 5, 1864 2/5 McKim Departed this life August 24th, Mrs. Julia N. McKim, sonsort of Robert McKim, Esq., aged 29 years and eight months. Aug. 26, 1864 2/4 Miller Died – at his residence, in Callaway County on the 17th day of August, John Miller, aged 29 years and 11 months. He leaves a wife and 2 children. Aug. 26, 1864 2/4 Miller Died on the 11th day of August, Henry Perry, infant son of John and Emily Miller, aged 7 months 2 weeks and 5 days. Aug. 26, 1864 2/4 Whaley Died – In this county, on Saturday night, August 13, 1864, Mrs. Harriet Whaley, consort of Benedict Whaley, aged 57 years, 10 months, and 13 days. Sept. 2, 1864 2/5 Spanhorst Died with the flux on the 27th day of August, Lucy Emma, infant daughter of Frederick and Mary J. Spanhorst, aged 1 year, 2 months and 3 days. Sept. 2, 1864 2/5 Nicolson Died Sept. 3d, 1864 a the residence of her father, in Callaway county Missouri Miss Virginia Nicolson (?) in the 24th (?) year of her age. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Herring Died of Flux on Wednesday August 31st, at the residence of her father in this county, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of James C. and Sarah J. Herring in the thirteenth year of her age. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Betz Died – on the 9th of August 1864, Sallie Mary, daughter of John P. Betz, aged 3 years and 10 months. On the 16th of August, John Henry, son of the same, aged 13 months. On the 2d of Sept., Julia Ann, wife of John F. Betz, aged 26 years. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Smith Died on Tuesday morning Sept. 4th, _____ _____ Miss Lizzie Smith daughter of Elkanah Smith of this place age 26 years. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Humphreys Died at Mahora (?) Osage county, on the 4th day of Sept., Albert T. Humphreys, aged 24 years, he leaves a wife and three children. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Dunlap Died in this county, Sept. 5th, 1864, Benjamin C., son of Richard C. and Susan Dunlap, aged 21 (?) months and 13 days. Sept. 16, 1864 4/2 Dorton Died August 26, 1864, Susan Mary, daughter of W. E. and Harriet Dorton, age one month and 24 days. Died August 24, 1864, Willis E., infant son of W. E. and Harriet Dorton, aged one month and 24 days. Sept. 23, 1864 4/2 Rootes Died on Sept. 17, 1864, Thomas Reed Rootes, son of D. L. and J. A. Rootes, aged 10 years, 5 months and 13 days. Sept. 23, 1864 3/2 Herring Died, Sept., 1, infant son of J. C. and Sarah J. Herring, aged 2 weeks. Sept. 23, 1864. Smith Died on Sunday morning Sept., 4th, Miss Lizzie Smith, daughter of Elkanah Smith of this place, aged 26 years. Sept. 23, 1864 3/2 Read Death of Maj. Robert Read – Departed this life, in this city on the 9th of December, 1864, Coats Major Robert Read. Major Read had lived out more then his three score and ten years. – He was a native of Tennessee – He was in the fight below New Orleans in December, 1814, and participated in the memorable struggle on the 8th of January 1815 and when peace was declared, he returned to his native State and within a few years, he married Miss Coats, and during the territorial existence of this state, he emigrated to and settled in what is now Callaway county. – Dec. 16, 1864 ½ Emison On the 4th of April near Lexington, Mo., Mrs. David Emison, formerl of Scott County, Ky. May 12, 1865 2/6 Brown Died – near this city, Mattie M., oldest daughter of Wm. C. and Lucy A. brown aged 5 years and one month. Nov. 16, 1865 2/4 Thomas on the 6th inst., at his residence near this city, Mr. John W. Tomas --. Nov. 16, 1865 2/4 Ryley -- On the 4th inst., in Columbia, at the residence of her uncle, Dr. A. Young, Miss Emma Young Ryley, daughter of the late Dr. Ryley, of this city. Nov. 16, 1865 1866 – 1870 Pope Died, in Fulton, on Friday January 31st, 1868, Dr. A. B. Pope, formerly of Columbia, Mo., aged about 70 years. Feb. 14, 1868 Whitesides -- In Stockton, Calif., on the 2d ult., Miss Lizzie, daughter of James Whitesides, formerly of this city, in her 19th year. Feb. 14, 1868 2/5 Stephens Obituary – Nancy M. Stephens, wife of the late Elder Thomas P. Stephens departed this Todd life November 10th, 1868, after a short illness at her residence in Callaway County, Mo., near Stephens Store. She was a daughter of Thos. Todd, late of Howard County, Mo., -- was born in Madison county, Ky., in 1799 and was married to Elder Thos. P. Stephens in 1835, she being his third wife. – She survived him about three years and leaves seven children. Dec. 4, 1868 2/6 Thomas Obituary – Felix E. Thomas aged two years and eight months, departed this life at the residence of his parents John W. and Lydia J. Thomas in Newton County, near Sarcoxie, Mo. He died on Tuesday, the 24th ult, --. Dec. 4, 1868 2/6 Flood Died - on th 24th of December, 1868 in Sacramento, Calif., of consumption, Mrs. Frank Flood, wife of Noah T. Flood formerly of this place. Jan. 18, 1869 2/7 Ruhle Obituary – Annie D. daughter of Louis and A. Ruhle aged 13 years, 10 months and 7 days. Feb. 6, 1869 2/7 Turner Dr. James Gardner Turner son of Rev. James Turner, was born in Bedford County, Va., in the year 1794 – He fell asleep in Jesus on the evening of the 24th of January 1869, at his residence near Columbia, Mo. Feb. 6, 1869 2/6 McCann On the night of the 14th inst., Mr. Pleassant McCann, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Monroe, perished form cold and exposure. He had been to Paris, and about 8 o’clock at night started – on horseback for his home, some five or six miles distance. – Mar. 19, 1869 1/4 Van Doren Died in Visalia, Calif., at the residence of F. W. Blake, on Wednesday Fef. 10th, 1869, Miss Wilha, youngest daughter of Prof. Van Doren of Watson Calif., formerly of this city. Mar. 26, 1869 2/5 McKinney Died, in this city on Monday evening last, March 22d, 1869, Riley Beldsoe, daugher of L. W. and L. A. McKinney, aged 6 months and 7 days. Mar. 26, 1869 2/5 Carter Near Millersburg, Callaway County, Mo., on Thursday, the 18th of March, -- Mrs. Mary W. Carter, wife of Creed C. Carter, aged 65years, 7 months and 18 days. Mar. 26, 1869 2/5 MacCubbin Died, Marcy 28, 1869, in Callaway County, Mo., -- Ruta Ann, wife of Mr. Nicholas MacCubbin, aged 31 years. – motherless child -- Apr. 2, 1869 2/7 Craighead Kate Craighead, daughter of I. O. and F. J. Craighead, was born Aug. 13th A. D. 1865 and died April the 4th, 1869, aged 3 years 7 months and 17 days. Apr. 9, 1868. 2/5 Jordan Mrs. Sarah C. Jordan was born January 17, 1850. She was married to Richard Jordan, Gill Oct. 29, 1867. She departed this life on the morning of the 13th ins., at the residence of her father, James Gill, in this county. Apr. 16, 1869 2/4 Bailey Dr. F. J. Bailey of Springfield, Mo., died on the 17th inst. He was a native of Lincoln County, Ky., and settle in this state in 1828. May 7, 1869 ¼ Stucker Died, in this county on the 21st of April 1860, -- Mrs. Annie A. Stucker, in the 19th year (?) of her age. May 7, 1869 2/4 Burdett Death of Mrs. Burdett – We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Martha Ann Burdett, wife of Mr. Geo. F. Burdett. She died at eh residence of her husband in Jackson County on Saturday last, where they have resided since their removal from this city. June 25, 1869 3/1 Chalfant Died on the 21st of August, Sallie Hardon, infant daughter of J. H. & S. D. Chalfant, aged 5 months. Sept. 3, 1869 2/6 Thomas Died in this county on the 19th of August, May J. Thomas, aged 33 years and 12 days. Sept. 3, 1869 4/1 Keene Death of an aged citizen – Died in Boone County, on Friday the 8th inst., Mr. John G. Williams Keene, aged about 76 years. He was the father of Mrs. John B. Williams of this city. Oct. 15, 1869 4/1 Houff Mrs. Mary Eva Houff, died at the residence of Robert M. Hazlett, in this city, after a short illness, aged 73 years 10 months and 14 days. She was the mother of Mr. Jacob Houff, of this vicinity and had resided in this county for 40 years. Oct. 22, 1869 3/1 Hohson Died at his residence, near Williamsburg on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1869, Col. John Hohson, aged about 75 years. Oct. 22, 1869 3/1 Curd Gen. John H. Curd died at his residence in this county, on Friday night last Oct. 15, 1869. Oct. 22, 1869 3/1 Allan Died in Huntsville, Mo., on Sunday Oct. 10, 1869, very suddenly, Mrs. Sarah D. Allan, a Head venerable lady – sister of the late Dr. Head and Mrs. General Sterling Price – Price Nov. 5, 1869 2/6 Victor -- On Tuesday, Oct. 26th, 1869 William W., son of W. L. and Frances Victor, of Boone County, aged 14 years and 4 months. Nov. 5, 1869 2/6 MacFarlane On Nov. 2d in Mexico, Ruth, youngest child of John D. and Laura J. macfarlane, aged one year and less a day. Nov. 5, 1869 2/6 Crow Died in Callaway county, Mo., Oct. 19, 1869, Mrs. Elizabeth Crow. Nov. 12, 1869 2/7 Bowen -- In this county on the 17th of October 1869, Mrs. Mary D. Bowen, wife of James Bowen, aged about 52 years. On the 18th of the same month, Robert son of James Bowen, aged about 18 years. Thus in the short space of two days, two deaths occurred in the same family. Nov. 12, 1869 2/7 Sallee Died on the 15th inst., of consumption, at the residence of her brother, W. H. Sallee, near Thurmond Concord, Mo., Elizabeth E. Thurmond, consort of John A. Thurmond, aged 23 years, 10 months and 12 days leaving behind to mourn, -- an affectionate husband (in charge of two infant children), a family of brothers and sister. – Nov. 19, 1869 2/6 Curd Died on the 15th of October, 1869, at his residence, Gen. John H. Curd, of this county. – Gen. Curd, though a native of Kentucky was a long resident of this State and county. – He served – at eh head of Missouri troops during the Florida war. Subsequently represented Marion county in the Legislature at an early date he removed to this county, married a daughter of Judge Joseph Freeland. Dec. 10, 1869 2/6 Brown Died int his county on Tuesday last, Henry Brown, aged 63 years. Dec. 17, 1869 2/5 Jolly Died at his residence, in this county, on the 3d of December, Maj. M. T. Jolly – aged 58 years. Dec. 17, 1869 2/5 Ewing Died in this county, on the 16th of November, 1869, Mrs. Nannie E. Ewing, wife of Mr. Carrington Alexander C. Ewing, aged 25 years and 11 months, daughter of Judge Wm. Carrington. Dec. 25, 1869 2/5 Caldwell Obituary – Died at hs residence, in Callaway County, Mo., Jan. 4, 1870, Thomas Caldwell, Sr., in the 78th year of his age, one of the early pioneers of the state and the county. – Mr. Caldwell was a native of Kentucky – moved to Missouri in 1826. Jan. 7, 1860 2/5 Wood Death o aged Citizen – Died in Lexington, mo., at he residence of his son-in-law, Judge Broadwell W. T. Wood, Dec. 17, 1869, Mr. William Broadwell, aged 82 years --. His remains will be brought to this city for interment in the family cemetery. Jan. 7, 1870 3/1 Bell Died in this county, Dec. 23, 1869, Lewis Henry, infant son of James W. and Martha J. Bell, aged 6 months and 14 days. Jan. 14, 1870 2/5 Callaway -- Dec. 24, after an illness of six days, William F. Callaway aged 30 years. St. Charles and Sedalia papers please copy. Jan. 14, 1870 2/5 Calvin January 6, 1870, after an illness of 5 days, Mildred F. weife of James A. Calvin. Columbia papers please copy. Jan. 14, 1870 2/5 Seale In St. Louis, on Sunday, January 2d, 1870, Mrs. May A. Seale, aged 42 years. Jan. 14, 1870 2/5 Boyd Near this city, on Nov. 26th, 1869, Robert Boyd, Sen., in the 84th year of his age. Jan. 14, 1870 2/5 Major Death of Dr. H. S. Major – Dr. Herman S. Major, died at his residence in this county, on Flood the 23d ult., of dropsy of the heart, aged about 40 years. He had resided in this county for about twenty years. – Liberty Tribune. - Dr. Majors was a brother of Mrs. Joseph Flood, formerly of this county and also an uncle of Mr. J. A. Flood, of this city. Jan. 14, 1870 2/1 Speed Died in this county, on the 27th of Dec., Mrs. Elizabeth Speed, aged 86 years. Lexington and Louisville (Ky.,) papers copy. Feb. 4, 1870 2/7 Offut Mr. Joseph C. Offut, an old and estimable citizen of Audrain county, died at hs residence in that county one day last week. Feb. 4, 1870 3/3 Slaughter Died at his residence, 8 miles northeast of Mexico, Mo., on the 18th ult., of typhoid pneumonia, Mr. John Slaughter, in the 64th year of his age. Feb. 11, 1870 2/6 Thomas Ded near this place, on Thursday, Feb. 10, 1870, Dollie, daughter of B. F. and Jennie Thomas, aged 10 years. -- Feb. 18, 1870 2/6 Fry -- Near Concord, Callaway County, Mo., December 24, 1869, Mrs. Mary E. Fry, aged 34 Glendy years, 3 months and 21 days, wife of Augustus J. Fry, and daughter of – Mr. Thomas Glendy. – Feb. 18, 1870, 2/6 Dunlap -- In this county, on Saturday, February 5, 1870, Mrs. Fannie Dunlap, wife of Robt., A. Dunlap, aged about 24 years. Feb. 18, 1870 2/6 Offutt -- On the 8th of February 1870, near Readsville, in this county, Mrs. Margaret S. Offutt, aged 74 years. Feb. 18, 1870 2/6 Allen -- On Friday Feb., 11, 1870, Mrs. Mary Allen, wife of Mr. Harvey B. allen, and daughter Pledge of W. N. Pledge, Esq. Feb. 18, 1870 2/6 Ming Died at his residence in this county on the 9th of February, 1870, Charles A. Ming – in the 61st year of his age. Judge C. A. Ming was born in Virginia January 31st, 1809. He emigrated to Missouri in the fall of 1836. Feb. 18, 1870 3/2 Sheley Mr. Horace Sheley died at his residence near New Bloomfield, in this county, on the 13th of February, aged 81 years and 9 months. – He was a native of Virginia, emigrated in early life to Kentucky, and in the fall of 1828, he emigrated to this state. – He was the father of Hon. J. K. Sheley formerly of this county, but now a citizen of Independence, Mo. Feb. 18, 1870 3/2 Blackwell Died in this county on Saturday night, Feb. 19, 1870, Benjamin Henry, son of E. H. and H. M. Blackwell, aged 11 months and 19 days. Feb. 25, 1870 2/2 Denny - Near Liberty, Mo., in the prime of early manhood Portius E. Denny, formerly a student of Westminister College. Feb. 25, 1870 2/2 Brown Stephen Brown died at the residence of his grandsons, Wm. C. and F. E Brown, near this city, on Monday, February 28th, 1870, aged 94 years, 8 months and three days. He was born June 25th, 1775, near New Liberty, Bedford County, Virginia and served in the war of 1812 under Gen. Harrison. Mar. 4, 1870 Persinger Joseph Persinger – one of the earliest and one of the most distinguished pioneers, died at his residence in Boone county, on Saturday February 19, 1870, aged 85 years. Mar. 4, 1870 2/3 Bristow Died at Paducah, Ky., Mar. 1, 1870, Rev. James H. Bristow, in the 57th year of this age. His remains were taken to Louisville, Ky., for interment in Cave Hill cemetery. – Mar. 11, 1870 2/6 Price -- On Saturday, 5th inst., of pneumonia, at the residence of her son, Gen. E. W. Price, Chariton County, Mo., Mrs. Martha Price, wife of the late Major General Sterling Price, aged 59 years, 10 months and 3 days. Mar. 11, 1870 2/6 Henderson Died at Whaley’s Hotel, in this city, march 17, 1870, Lester Warner, only son of Theodore W. and Sallie Henderson, born November 22, 1867. – Mar. 18, 1870 2/5 Gilkey Died at Whaley’s Hotel, in this city, on Saturday morning March 19, after an illness of four days, Eula Lee daughter of B. T. and Lucy Gilkey, aged about 3 years. Funeral services at the Methodist church by the Rev. Mr. Jones. – Mar. 25, 1870 2/5 Bradley Died of a protracted and painful illness, at the residence of Mr. Milton Bradley, in this county, Mr. John G. Goodrich aged about 33 years.. Deceased was born in Montgomery County, Mo. – He was a member of the M. E. Church South. – He leaves a widow. Mar. 25, 1870 ¾ Culbertson - At his residence, near this city, on the 22d inst., Mr. Joseph Culbertson, in his 66th year. Mar. 25, 1870 ¾ Wells - At her residence, near this city, on the 22d inst., Mrs. Sally Wells, wife of the late Elder M. P. Wells, in the 70th year of her age. Mar. 25, 1870 ¾ Wilkerson Died in this city, March 28, 1870, of whooping cough, and measles, Mina Buella, infant daughter of W. H. and S. A. Wilkerson, aged 1 year and 11 months and 20 days. Apr. 1, 1870 2/6 Vivion Died in Boone County, Sept. 28, 1869, John Wallace Vivion, son o f Irvin C. and Mollie A. Vivion, in the fourth year of his age. On the 30th of March 1870, Robert Lee Vivion, son of Irvin C. and Mollie A. Vivion aged two years. Paris (Ky.,) True Kentuckens please copy. Apr. 8, 1870 2/7 Jasper Mrs. Sallie F., wife of Robert D. Jasper, and daughter of James B. and the late Nancy Wood Ann Wood, departed this life March 27, 1870, in the town of New Florence, mo., aged 19 years, 7 months and 16 days. Apr. 8, 1870 2/7 Calvert Died int his city, on Monday morning April 11, 1870, Cora D., infant daughter of J. W. and Katie D. Calvert, aged 13 months. Apr. 15, 1870 Parker Died, in this city, on the 21st inst., Harriet Ellen, daughter of William and Eliza Parker aged 6 years. Apr. 22, 1870 2/5 Bowen Died very suddenly, in this county, on Saturday April 30th, Mr. James Bowen, aged 55 years. May 6,1 870 2/7 Bybee Died, at the residence of Mr. Jas. Knight, on the April 22d, after an illness of fifteen minutes, of disease of the heart, Mr. Jame sBybee, aged 38 years. May 18, 1870 2/5 Adair Died at the residence of her father, John Adair, of this county, on Wednesday May 13, 1870, Miss Nannie Adair, aged 15 years, 11 months and 14 days. May 27, 1870 2/6 Sinclair Died, on Wednesday morning May 25, 1870, near Millersburg, Callaway County, Mo., of dropsy of the heart, Mrs. Anna Sinclair, wife of James Sinclair, in the 50th year of her age. St. Louis Republican and Montreal (Canada) papers please copy. June 9, 1870 2/7 Blount In this county, on the 10th day of May, 1870, Mrs. Jane Blount, wife of John W. Blount, aged 54 years. June 9, 1870 2/7 Sims Died in this city, June 10, 1870, at 8 o’clock, a.m. Elenora, youngst child of Robert M. and Elvira Sims, aged 15 months and 10 days. June 17, 1870 2/7 Hurdle At the residence of her husband, in Audrain County, Mo., on June 10, 1870, Mrs. Lucy Smart Ann Hurdle, consort of Hardy Hurdle Esq., in the 45th year of her age. She was the daughter of Col. David P. Smart who emigrated from Montgomery County, Ky., to this State in 1829. She leaves many relatives and friends with who we deeply sympathize. Independence, Kansas City, Mo., and Mt. Sterling, Ky., papers please copy. June 17, 1870 2/7 Tharp At the residence of her step-father E. J. Tharp, in this county, -- Dora, daughter of Fowler William S. and Eliza B. Fowler. (now Eliza B. Tharp) aged 4 years, 5 months and 25 days. June 17, 1870 2/7 Bailey Obituary – Died near this cit on the 12th inst., of cancer, Mrs. Permelia A. Bailey, consort of Mr. Charles A. Bailey, in the 50th year of her age. – June 17, 1870 2/7 Gray Died at the residence of Col. Geo. B. Hopking, of Callaway County, on May 30, 1870, Mrs. Hattie A. Gray, widow of the late John M. Gray of Cote Sans Desein, aged 32 years. -- July 1, 1870 2/7 Mayfield Died in this city, on the 23d inst., Abraham, infant son of Jacob and Jette Mayfield, aged 29 days. The remains – were taken to St. Louis for interment and placed by the side of his sister, who died some years since in this place. July 29, 1870 2/5 Berghauser In this city on the 21st inst., at the residence of her son (W. E. B.) Mrs. Catharine J. Berghauser, aged 70 years. Funeral services by Rev. Mr. Chide. July 29, 1870 2/5 Sinclair In this county, on the 16th inst., Emma, infant daughter of Chas. B. and Elizabeth Sinclair, aged 11 months. July 29, 1870 2/5 Selby In St. Louis, Sunday July 17th, James R. Selby, of Columbia, Mo., aged about 32 years. July 29, 1870 2/5 Stephens At Stephens Store, Callaway County, on Saturday July 16, 1870, Thomas A. Stephens, son of Dr. Thomas L. Stephens, aged 22 years. July 28, 1870 2/5 Muir Died at his residence in this county, on June 30, 1870, Jeremiah Muri, aged about 84 years. Aug. 5, 1870 2/6 Brandon Very suddenly, in this county, on the 2d of August, 1870, Mrs. Eliza Brandon, wife of Robert Brandon, aged 65 years. Aug. 5, 1870 2/6 Kavanaugh Death of Prof. R. P. Kavanaugh – he was taken ill with congestive fever on the 24th ult., Talbot - morning of the 27th, when he was taken with congestive chill, from shich he never rallied, but passed away almost without a struggle – he was born in Montgomery County, Alabama, and raised in Kentucky, came to Missouri with his father when quite young and settled in Saline county. – He was about 35 years old – married Miss Sallie A. Talbot about twelve years ago, who survives him, also two interesting children. During the late war his father fell a victim to the merciless band of assassins and was murdered by Kansas troops, in Saline County. – Aug. 5, 1870 2/4 Clatterbuck Died on the 17th of May 1870, Mrs. Lucy Ann Clatterbuck in the 26th year of her age, wife of Benjamin Clatterbuck. Aug. 12, 1870 2/6 Humphreys Died in this county, on the evening of the 18th of August, 1870, Mr. Samuel Humphreys aged 75 years, 2 months and thirteen days. Mr. Humphreys was born and reared in Greenbrier County, Va., and moved to the Territory of Missouri in 1818, from which time he lived in what is now Callaway County. He reared a family of six children, five of whom with the aged mother and wife survive him. Sept. 2, 1870 2/4 Craghead Died on the 4th inst., in this county, Bennie, son of Cal and Margaret Craghead, aged 11 months and 17 days. Sept. 9, 1870. 2/4 Yates - On the 25th inst., near Kearney, Clay County, Mary, infant daughter of Dr. W. J. And M. E. Yates, aged one year, three motnhs and five days. Sept. 9, 1870 2/4 Wade Died on the 18th of August 1870, near Millersburg, Callaway County, Mo., of disease of the heart, in the 21st year of his age, Stephen D., son of Benjamin and Elizabeth W. Wade. The decease was born in Green County, Ky., the 11t of June 1850 and came with his father to Misosuri in 1856. – interned – (Friday) at the burying ground onf the Baptist church. – Sept. 16, 1870 2/5 Snell Another Old Citizen Gone – We are again called upon to record the death of an old and much respected citizen. Mr. John Snell, died at his residence near Fayette, Mo., on Monday morning at the advanced age of 70 years. Sept. 23, 1870 1/7 McManaway Died in Butler, Mo., on the 11th inst., Mrs. W. J. McManaway, in the 29th yar of her age. Sept. 23, 1870 2/6 Ricketts Death of Prominent Lawyer – Mr. C. C. Rickets, of Mexico, a prominent and well known lawyer, died recently in that city. Sept 23, 1870 2/1 Snell Died in Macon County, on the 9th inst., Mr. Robert M. Snell, aged 77 years, 3 months and 15 dayw. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and in the battle of the River Raisin. Sept. 23, 1870 2/7 Collins Died in Clinton, Mo., Mrs. Emily M. Collins, daughter of Sarah F. Moore of this county. Moore Sept. 23, 1870 2/7 Bamber Died in this city on Sudnay last, October 2, 1870, Richard Bamber, aged 55 years. Oct. 7, 1870 2/5 Burch In Butler, Mo., on the 3d of October, 1870, of typhoid fever, Miss Nancy Burch in the 54th year of her age. Oct. 7, 1870 2/5 Herekenrath - In this county, Oct. 6th, 1870, Reginia, infant daughter of Hugh and Emma Herekenrath aged 6 months. Oct. 7, 1870 2/5 Miller Died at his residence, near Millersburg, in this county, Thomas Miller, in the 85th year of his age. Millersburg, (Ky.) papers please copy. - Near Millersburg on the 20th day of September Thomas Miler, in the 86th year, of his age. He emigrated to this state from Bourbon County, Ky., in 1826, located the land where Millersburg stand. – Paris, Ky., papers please copy. Oct. 14, 1870 2/5 Barbour On September 3, 1870, at her residence, Elizabethtown, Ky., of inflammation of the stomach and bowels, Mrs. Sarah C. Barbour, wife of the late Dr. Thos. Barbour, of this city, in the 58th year of her age. Oct. 14, 1870 2/5 Hancock - Near Millersburg, Callaway County, Mo., Sept. 15, 1870, Mrs. John Ann Hancock, (nee Doan Doan) wife of Marcus Hancock, Esq., late of Cooper county. Oct. 14, 1870 2/5 Price Obituary – Capt. Joseph Price departed this life Monday morning October 3, 1870, at his residence in Callaway County, Mo., after an illness of ten or twelve days, of pleurisy. – He was born in Virginia, March 1813, came to Missouri in 1831, married Elizabeth Renfro in the year 1841. – Oct. 21, 1870 Beeding Died at the residence of her son, in this county on the 13t inst., Mrs. M. J. Beeding, aged 40 years. Oct. 21 1870 3/3 Craghead - In this county, Oct. 2, 1870, Milton Joel Eldridge, son of Robert P. and Nancy C. Craghead, aged 1 year and 9 days. Oct. 21, 1870 3/3 Williams Died on Sept. 25, 1870, Susan Ann infant daughter of Asa M. and Mary E. Williams, aged one year. Oct. 28,1870. 2/7 Harlan Foul Murder – A cool and deliberated muder occurred in Mexico, Mo., on Wednesday of last week. It appears that a Miss Doolin of that city requested Mr. Jabez Harlan, proprietor of a liver stable, to send a conveyance to her fathers residence for the purpose of conveying herself and trunk to the depot. Mr. Harlan complied with the request. For this and no other reason, Mr. Harlan was killed by the father of the young lady. Mr. Harlan formerly resided in this county; is respectably connected and universally esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Oct. 28, 1870 2/6 Kemp Died at his residence, near Readsville, in this county, on Oct. 15, 1870, Wm. Kemp, aged 57 years old after four weeks sickness. Resident of this county since 1842 – from Virginia. Nov. 4, 1870 2/7 Collier Mr. Joseph J. Collier, of Centralia, died at his residence in that place on the 28t ult., of the wounds he received in the difficulty with James McDowell on the 17th ult. Nov. 11, 1870 1/6 Robnett Died on Sept. 14, 1870, Noah, aged 15 months, youngest son of William and Mary Robnett, of Callaway County. Nov. 11, 1870 2/6 Dunavant - Near this city, Sept. 10, 1870, Johnie Howard, son of James L and Matilda F. Dunavant, aged 4 years, 2 months and 20 days. Nov. 11, 1870 2/6 Ferrier Obituary – Died in Callaway County, Mo., October 14, 1870, Mollie C., youngest daughter of Thomas and Charity Ferrier, aged 14 years. Nov. 11, 1870 2/5 Taylor Died – Nov. 25, 1870, after a protracted illness, George Ann wife of Joseph Taylor, aged 30 years and 11 days. Dec. 9, 1870 3/2 Nichols - At his residence, near New Bloomfield, in this county, Nov. 17, 1870, Garland T. Nichols, aged 50 years, 8 months and 1 day. – Dec. 9, 1870 3/2 Thomas - On the 2d inst., Frankie, infant son of J. Wickliffe and Lydia J. Thomas, aged 7 months and 7 days. Dec. 9, 1870 3/2 Meredith Capt. J. D. Meredith, late sheriff of Marion County, died suddenly of congestion of the brain, a few days ago. Dec. 23, 1870 1/6 Keene Died, in Boone County, Mo., on Thursday, 8th of Dec., 1870, at the residence of her Grant husband, John M. Keene, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Albina Keene, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Grant, in the 36th year of her age. Dec. 23, 1870 2/6 Vandiver - Of pneumonia, at the residence of Vincent L. Vandiver, (his brother-in-law) in Bates Stephenson County, Mo., Nov. 21st, 1870, Richard C. Stephenson, of Boone County, in the 43d year of his age. Dec. 23, 1870 Craghead - On the 27th of November, 1870, at the residence of his father, in this county, John Craghead, aged 45 years, 4 months and 10 days. Dec. 23, 1870 2/6 Hughes Sudden Death – We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Laura A. Hughes, wife of Dr. C. H. Hughes, Superintendent of the State Lunatic Asylum, on Saturday evening, the 17t inst., -- The remains were taken to St. Louis for interment in the Bellefountain cemetery by the side of her mother and child. Dec. 23, 1870 3/2 1871 Glendy Tribute of Respect – The subject of the following resolutions was killed in the confederate army, at the battle of Little Blue, in September, 1864. His father (Mr. Samuel Glendy), being dissatisfied, on account of his remains being buried far off in a strange land, recently went after the remains of his son and brought them home, where they were buried with Masonic honors, in is family burying ground, in Concord, on December 18, 1870. – Brother John G. Glendy – Jan. 6, 1871 2/5 Dickinson Died – Mr. Adam Dickinson, a highly respected citizen, died at his residence in this county, on Wednesday night. Jan. 6, 1871 3/1 Woodson The Louisiana, Mo., Journal, says that Mr. Thos. P. Woodson, an old an most worthy citizen of Spencersburg, was recently killed from a fall while attempting to get out of his buggy. Jan. 20, 1871 ¼ Ford Obituary- Died in this county December 3d, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Melinda Ford, in the 63rd year of her age. Mrs. Ford was a native of Kentucky and removed to this county many years ago. Her husband died when her family were all young – a family of eight children. – She was the mother of seven sons five of whom served in the Confederate army. – Jan. 20, 1871 3/3 Thomas Died in this county, on the 9th inst., after a painful and protracted illness, Joe Johnston Thomas, aged 3 months and 12 days, son of Geo. W. and Sarah R. Thomas. Jan. 20, 1871 3/3 Givens - In this city, on the 5th inst., Charles Givens aged 14 years. Jan. 20, 1871 3/3 Stucker Died in this county, on the 24th ult., after a long a painful illness of consumption, Aramenta D., wife of Wm. R. Stucker, in the 57th year of her age. She was born in Scott County, Ky., -- After removing to this county, which was about 25 years ago. – Jan. 27, 1871 3/2 Dedman - On the 30th of December, 1870, Robert Dedman, in the 89th year of his age, -- Mr. Dedman spent a part of his life in Orange County, a part in Fredericksburg, a part in Rappahannock and died in Loudoun. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Leesburg (Va.) Washingtonian – The decease was the father of our worth friend and fellow citizen, Sam’l L. Dedman of this city --. Jan. 27, 1871 3/2 Johnson Died on the 18th of February, 1871, Jas. W., son of Wm. H. and M. B. Johnson, of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of four weeks. – The deceased was born in Bedford County, Va., in 1851 and was in his twenty-first year. -- Mar. 17, 1871 2 /4 Manchester Death of Mrs. Manchester – We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Nanie R. Manchester, beloved wife of Mr. B. T. Manchester of this place. She died on Wednesday morning – her remains were taken to the new cemetery for interment. Mar. 17, 1871 3/1 Covington Died – In Williamsburg, Callaway County, Mo., February 25th, Mrs. Missouri C. Covington, aged 22 years, and 11 months, wife of James P. Covington. Mar. 24, 1871 Allen - At his residence in Callaway County, Mo., march 3rd, 1871, after a protracted illness, Mr. Charles P. Allen, aged 63 years, 11 months and 21 days. Mar. 24, 1871 2 /3 Nicolson Death of Miss Nicolson – We regret to hear of the death of Miss Bettie A. Nicolson, daughter of Col. Geo. A. Nicolson, of this county. She died at Fort Bridger, Utah Territory on Friday last. Mr. W. W. Tuttle arrived at Mexico yesterday with her remains, which will be conveyed to the Auxvasse church for interment. – Mar. 24, 1871 3 /2 Bowen Death of an Aged Citizen – Mr. Andrew H. Bowen, died on Saturday last, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Carrington, in this county, aged 79 years. Mar. 24, 1871 3/1 Ham Died of paralysis, at his residence, in Johnson County, Mo, March 10, 1871, Jones Skyler B. Ham. The deceased was born in Madison County, Ky., Nov. 24, 1806. AT an early age his family emigrated to Callaway County, Mo., and during 14 years he was a citizen of Fulton. In February, 1833, he was married to Miss Pamelia Jones. (sister of Col. Jeff F. Jones, of Callaway County) Apr. 14, 1871 2/5 Organ Died on the 23ult., after a long and painful illness, Hattie May, daughter of James and Jane Organ, in the third year of her age. Apr. 14, 1871 2/5 Nicholson Died at the residence of Capt. R. H. Carter, near Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory, Miss Bettie Nicholson, daughter of Geo. A. and M. J. Nicholson of this county. Apr. 21, 1871 2/4 Lawrence - In this county, at the residence of his mother – Eva Lawrence – February 9, 1871, Wm. P. Lawrence, son of the late Col. Ed. W. Lawrence, aged twenty-five years, six months, three weeks and five days. – Apr. 21, 1871 2/4 McLanahan Death of J. M. McLanahan – We regret to learn that J. M. (Roe) McLanahan was shot in an altercation on the cars in ___on Wednesday of last week. He was a son of the late Judge McLanahan of Independence formerly of this place --. Apr. 21, 1871 3/1 Allen Died in Eureka, Nevada, on the 11th day of April 1871, Willie S. Allen, aged 5 years and 20 days, the second son of David and Martha F. Allen, formerly of Callaway County and grandson of Sarah J. and the late Dr. A. Allen of New Bloomfield, Mo. – Apr. 28, 1871 2/2 Davis Died April 11th, 1871, at the residence of her husband, Mrs. Alice M., wife of James M. Davis. Apr. 28, 1871 2/2 Dunn Died near New Bloomfield, in this county, on April 30, Mrs. Harriet V. wife of Jas. L. Dunn, aged 23 years old. May 5, 1871 2/6 Law Died in this county, on the 4th inst.,, Mrs. Amanda Law, wife of Col. Geo. W. Law, in her 41st year. May 12, 1871 2/6 Rootes Died on Monday morning, the 8th inst., at the residence in Callaway County, Mo., of her son, Dr. L. J. Rootes, of the decrepitude’s of the advanced aged of 80 years, Mrs. Annie French Rootes. May 19, 1871 2/6 Humphreys --On the 28th of April, 1871, Mrs. Louis A. Humphreys, --at the residence of her son-in-law-, Mr. John C. Pierce, aged 60 years, 3 months and 10 days. – Mexico papers please copy. May 19, 1871 2/6 Harrison Miss Rebecca Harrison, daughter of Major John Harrison, of this county, died in St. Louis on Saturday last. Her remains were brought to this county on Monday and interred in the family cemetery. May 19, 1871 3/1 Porter Died – On Sunday, May 21, 1871, at the residence of her father, Mr. R. R. Porter, P. M. at Pierce, Callaway County, Mo., Miss Kate Porter, in the 21st year of age. May 26, 1871 2/6 Weems Died at the residence of Dr. Wm. Weems, near Moore’s Mill, Callaway County, Tuesday 23d ult., Mrs. Susan Randolph Thonton Weems wife of Dr. Weems, aged 39 years, 1 month and 1 day. June 2, 1871 2/6 Key - On Saturday, at 6 o’clock, Mrs. Malvina Key, wife of Martin Key. June 1, 1871 2/6 Pomi Died on the 2d inst., at the residence of her father, in Millersburg, Miss Mollie Pomi, aged 17 years. June 9, 1871 2/6 Wilkerson On the morning of the 6th, at the residence of her father, Martin Baker, Esq., Mrs. Baker Lou Wilkerson, wife of Dr. A. Wilkerson, of this city. Mrs. W’s remains were interred at the new city cemetery on Wednesday. June 9, 1871 2/6 Sheley Isaiah Sheley, Jr., was born in Callaway County, Mo., April 14, 1854, and died of heart disease, at his home, near Williamsburg, May 15, 1871. June 9, 1871 2/6 Smith Drowned- Mr. Joseph Smith, a German was drowned while bathing in the Missouri river, near Portland on Saturday last. His body has not been recovered. – June 9, 1871 3/1 Bigbee Died in this county on the 26th of May 1871, Mrs. C. J. Bigbee, daughter of Mr. H. Renoe F. Renoe and beloved wife of B. S. Bigbee, aged 41 years, 11 months and 10 days. June 16, 1871 2/6 Flood - On the 13th inst., Maud Miller, infant daughter of John A. and Nealie M. Flood, of this city, aged 19 months and 18 days. June 16, 1871 2/6 McIntire Died near Moore’s Mil, in Callaway Co., on June 17, Mrs. Martha J. McIntire, Wilson wife of James B. McIntire , and daughter of Adam and Dicy Wilson, of Randolph county, Mo., aged 45 years. June 23, 1871 2/7 Turner - On the 5th inst., of scarlet fever Fannie Peck, daughter of Wm. T. and Mollie V. Turner, aged 5 years, 2 months and 6 days. June 23, 1871 2/7 Allen Died June 11, 1871, at his residence, near Readsville, in this county, David P. Allen, aged 67 years, 11 months and 23 days. June 30, 1871 2/8 Kemp Drowned – On Friday evening last, Mr. Geo. W. Kemp anno9unced his intention to bathe in the river near Portland and was last seen on the levee. On Saturday morning, Messrs. Heeneman and John Brashears were going to the landing to look after freight, they discovered Mr. K’s clothing on the levee. Search, was Immediately instituted but as yet no trace of him has been discovered. Hassel Another – On Saturday evening, an old German named Hassel, -- was sent some miles down the river to secure the services of a snag-boat in the search for Mr. Kemp’s body. While walking across the boat, between the two hulls of which it is composed, Hassel missed his footing and fell into the water. His body has not been found. July 7, 1871 3/2 Bailey Died in this city Monday July 10, 1871, Mrs. Helen A. Bailey, wife of Mr. Henry A. Bailey, aged 24 years. July 14, 1871 2/7 Keene Deaths in Boone County – On the 30th ult., at his residence in Boone County, Mr. Richard L. Keene departed this life in the 77th year of his age, a soldier of the war of 1812. July 14, 1871 2/2 Peacher On the 27th ult., Mrs. Ann E. Peacher; wife of Col. Quinton Peacher, -- in the 50th Finley year of her age. Mrs. P. was the daughter of Mr. John B. Finley of this county. July 14, 1871 2/2 Kenyon On Friday last, about noon, Alice, a little daughter of Mr. Wm. Kenyon near this city, was accidentally shot and killed – She, with other children, was playing in the parlor of Mrs. B. F. Bailey, a neighbor of her father’s when James Bailey, a boy some ten or twelve years old, and son of Mrs. B., discovered a pistol in a small box on the center table. It proved to be loaded and a self-cocker, on taking it from the box, he innocently presented it at Alice and drew the trigger. – She died on Saturday. Her funeral was preached on Sunday by Rev. H. M. Richardson and she was buried in the city cemetery. She was just 10 years old. July 14, 1871 3/1 Snedecor Died in this city, July 17, 1871, Walter Scott, infant son of Capt. Isaac D. and Sallie R. Snedecor aged 5 months and 15 days. July 21, 1871 2/7 Jenkins Death of An Old Citizen – Theodrick Jenkins, an old an d estimable citizen, died last week at the residence of his son-in-law, Hon. C. H. Hardin, near this city, at the ripe age of seventy-one years. Mr. Jenkins was a native of Clark County, Ky., -- He has been for a long time a citizen of Missouri and has resided respectively in Boone, Monroe and Audrain counties. – Mexico Ledger July 28, 1871 2/5 Starke Died at her residence, in Boone County, Mo., 9 miles east of Columbia, on July 7th, ‘ 71, Mrs. Priscilla A. Starke, widow of the late Newman P. Starke, aged 71 years. July 28, 1871 2/6 McLanahan - At the residence of his father, in Mexico, Mo., on Tuesday, July 25th, 1871, of consumption, Mr. John McLanahan, Jr., formerly of this city, in his 31st year. July 28, 1871 2/6 Creed Died on the 25th of July 1871, Mrs. Eliza R. Creed, wife of Geo. W. Creed, aged 58 years, 4 months and 15 days. Aug. 4, 1871 2/5 Hill - On the 24th ult., at the residence of her son, Henry Hill, in this county, Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, widow of the late Willis C. Hill, aged 63 years, 6 months and 6 days. Aug. 4, 1871 2/5 Roll Suicide – On the evening of the 26th last, a man named J. J. Roll, who for several years has resided in the southeastern part of this county, near Reform, took a large quantity of strychnine and ended his existence during the night. – He leaves a wife, but we believe, no children. Aug. 4, 1871 3/1 Muir Obituary – Mrs. Anna Leftwick Muir departed this life June 13th, 1871. She was born in Franklin County, Va., June 15th, 1838. In the fall of the same year her parents emigrated to Callaway County, Mo., --She was married to Mr. James H. Muir, September 9, 1858. – She has left a kind husband, four children --. Wilson Death of W. C. Wilson – His funeral was preached, on Sunday afternoon by Rev. H. M. Richardson, of the Baptist church, and his remains were taken in charge by his brother, who removed them to Liberty, Va., of which city he was a native. Mr. Wilson served as a Captain in the confederate service during the last war. – He was about thirty-five years of age. Aug. 25, 1871 3/2 Parker Death of Edwin Parker – Another old citizen of Fulton has departed this life. – Edwin R. Parker, -- was born in Fayette County, near Lexington, Ky., in the year 1815. In 1837 or ’38 he removed form Lexington to Charleston, S. C., returning to his native city in 1839. In 1840 he removed to Fulton. – he died at the Whaley House on Tuesday – in the 57th year of his age. Mr. P. was never married. He leaves a father, brother and sister (Mr. Ed. Henry) in Boone, a brother in Clinton County, a sister in Liberty (Mrs. D. Coulter) and a sister in Independence. (Mrs. Dr. Farrar). He was taken to Columbia for interment. Sept. 1, 1871 3/2 Price Death of Sterling Price. –Died in this city on Thursday of last week. – Mr. Price was a son of Dr. Robert Price, late of Brunswick, a brother of Mr. R. B. Price, banker of Columbia, and a nephew of Gen. Sterling Price, whose name he bore. He leaves a small family. – Sept. 8, 1871 2/1 Shackelford Died in Richmond, Mo., on August 31, 1871, Mrs. M. E. Shackelford, aged 24, wife of Dr. S. S. Shackelford, of this county. Sept. 15, 1871 2/5 Epperson Died in this city, on the 17th of September, 1871, Werter F., son of W. H. and May E. Epperson, aged 2 years and 7 months. Sept. 22, 1871 2/5 Hill Died in Independence, Montgomery County, Kansas, of typhoid fever, on Sunday September 10th, Susan Fannie, daughter of Tandy and Susanna L. Hill, aged 2 years, 2 months and 5 days. Sept. 29th, 1871 2/ 4 Renshaw Died in Mercer County, Pennsylvania on the 11th instant, Howard W. Renshaw, brother of Mr. James C. Renshaw, of this city, in the 31st year of his age. Oct. 20, 1871 2/6 Thomas Died in this county, on the 16th instant, Frank Edmond, son of B. V. And J. S. Thomas, aged 9 months and 4 days. Oct. 27, 1871 3/2 Brandon Died in this city, at the residence of F. Brandon, Esq., or Friday morning, Nov. 10, 1871, Mrs. Jennie A. Brandon, wife of Mr. J. N. Brandon, aged 22 years, 8 months and 26 days. Nov. 17, 1871 2/5 Johnson Died at the residence of his father, Wm. H. Johnson, in Callaway County, Mo., on Friday evening, Nov. 3d, 1871, Cass B. Johnson, aged 23 years and 24 days. – was born in Bedford County, Va., on the 8th day of October 1858. He has been very recently married – Miss Josephine A. Pearcy, of Lafayette County, Mo., on the 28th of last September. Nov. 24, 1871 2/5 Jameson - On the evening of the 21st inst., at the residence of her brother-in-law, J. H. Herndon Jameson, Esq., in this city, Miss Jane Snell Herndon, aged 17 years, daughter of Mrs. Ann Herndon, of this county. Nov. 24, 1871 2/5 Monroe Death of an aged Minister – Rev. Andrew Monroe died at his residence at Mexico, Mo., on Monday morning, Nov. 13, in his 80th year. Nov. 24, 1871 2/1 Yates Died Nov. 4, 1871, at her residence in Callaway County, Mo., Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yates, aged 57 years, wife of John Yates deceased. – Left a widow for eighteen years. – Nov. 24, 1871 2/1 Clanton Died at his residence, six miles south of Mexico, Mo., on the 2d day of December, 1871, Nicholas S. Clanton in the 59th year of his age. Dec. 8, 1871 2/8 Coil John G. Coil, a highly influential citizen of Mexico, died on the 15th ult. Dec. 1, 1871 2/4 Blankfit Wm. Blankfit, of Mexico, was thrown from a wagon last week and died of the injuries received. Dec. 1, 1871 2/4 Weth Died on Sunday morning, 10th inst., at his residence in this city, Wm. Weth, aged nearly 33 years. He was buried on Tuesday with the honored Odd Fellowship. He leaves a wife and child. Dec. 15, 1871 2/6 Kayser - In St. Louis, Dec. 3, 1871, Mrs. Mary A. Brinson, daughter of the late Andrew Brinson Kayser, of this city, aged 34 years. Dec. 15, 1871 2/6 Bennett - Nov. 17, 1871, at Fort Griffin, Texas, George C. Bennett, aged 31 years. He was a native of this county, and a brother to W. P. Bennett of San Antonio Texas. Dec. 15, 1871 2/6 Harris - On the 13th inst., at the residence of her husband, near this city, Mrs. Lucy A. wife of Benj. F. Harris, Esq., aged 33 years. Dec. 15, 1871 2/6 1872 Craig Died of paralysis, at the residence of her step-son, Jos. L. Craig, in this county, on Nov. 26, 1871, Mrs. Hannah Craig, consort of the late Geo. Craig, in the 89th year of her age. Jan. 5, 1872 2/6 Snell - At the residence of his father, in Monroe County, on the 24th ult., after a protracted illness, Levi S. Snell, youngest son of Judge Granville Snell, aged 17 years, 3 months and 17 days. Jan. 5, 1872 2/6 Dixon In Memoriam, Died on the evening of Jan. 5, ’72, Bro. Jonas Dixon, in the 70th year of his age. – a native of North Carolina – made a Mason in North Carolina, 48 years ago. Jan. 12, 1871 2/6 Boyce Obituary – Died near New Bloomfield, Callaway County, Mo., on the 30th ult., of pernicious intermittent fever, Mrs. Ann Boyce, in the 62nd year of her age. Also on the 5th inst., of typhoid pneumonia, her husband, Mr. Robt. C. Boyce, in the 65th year of his age. Mr. & Mrs. Boyce were born and raised in Kentucky but have been resident of this State for more then forty years. Jan. 12, 1872 2/6 Newland Recently Col. Wm. Newland and family of Ralls county followed to the grave the remains of Addie Newland, making the fifth child buried since December 1867. Below we give the list of sad bereavements which have followed each other so rapidly. Geo. W. Newland, born Dec. 25, 1844; died Dec. 26, 1867 Harrison G. Newland, born Sept. 6, 1846; died Mar. 1, 1868 Anne E. Newland, born Jan. 3, 1858; died Mar. 28, 1868 John J. Newland, born Dec. 20, 1855; died Dec. 27, 1871 It is seldom that so sad a list of mortality can be found in the records of a single family. Jan. 12, 1872 3/1 Davis Died in Callaway County, Mo., on Saturday morning Jan. 13, 1872, after a short Overton illness, Mrs. Sallie J. Davis, wife of Charles A. Davis and daughter of Benjamin F. and Annie Overton, in the 35th year of her age. Jan. 26, 1872 3/3 Hodges Judge William V. Hodges, died at his residence in Clay County, Mo., January 15, 1872, aged 67 years, a native of Orange County, Va., emigrated to that county in 1826. Jan. 26, 1872 3/2 Judy Mr. Andrew Judy died some days ago at his residence in Clay County, Mo., aged 69 years. He was a native of Clark County, Ky. – Jan. 27, 1872 3/2 Cheatham Mrs. Nancy Cheatham, wife of Mr. E. O. Cheatham, died last week at her residence in Pettis County, five miles north of Sedalia on the Marshall road. She was about sixty years of age. Jan. 26, 1872 3/2 Dyer Death of S. R. Dyer – We are pained to record the death in Columbia, on the 19th inst., of Mr. S. P. Dyer, formerly of this city. He had been suffering a long time from consumption. – Mr. D. had a large number of relatives in this county of which he was a resident for many years. He was about 48 years of age. Jan. 26, 1871 3/1 Sheley Died, near New Bloomfield, Mo., January 26th, 1872, Benjamin Sheley, in the 86th year of his age. Deceased emigrated from Kentucky to Callaway County, Mo., more than forty years ago; --. He was the last survivor of a large family of brothers and sisters, most of whom were well known in this county. Feb. 2, 1872 2/6 Smith A little son of Andrew Smith, living in the forks of the Chariton, five miles above Glasgow, was burned to death a few days ago by the accidental ignition of his clothing. Feb. 2, 1872 2/3 Priest Obituary- Departed this life on the 9th inst., in this city, Mrs. Mary Ellen, wife of Prof. H. F. Priest. The deceased was born in Van Buren, Arkansas, Sept. 13, 1843 and married August 7, 1865. – She leaves a husband and three little promising children to mourn her untimely loss. – Feb. 16, 1872 2/6 Winn Died in this county, on the 15th inst., of dropsy of the heart, John Winn, in the 58th year of his age. – He leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his loss. Feb. 26, 1872 2/5 Cowles - January 19, Mrs. D. E. Cowles, wife of Mr. Goodwin Cowles, aged 18 years. - On Feb. 12, Mrs. Amanda Cowles – wife of Mr. N. P. Cowles, in the 23d year of her age. Both leave a husband and one child. St. Louis, Mexico and Chillicothe papers please copy. Feb. 27, 1872 2/5 Sallee Died of dropsy, on the 22d ult., Judith Ann, wife of J. P. Sallee, in the 48th year of her age. Mar. 1, 1872 2/5 Atkinson - At Quincy, Calif., Jan. 24th, 1872, Mr. Hugh L. Atkinson, aged 46 years. Mr. Atkinson was a native of this county, and emigrated to California in 1850. Mar. 1, 1872 2/7 Morris - On Sunday, Feb. 28, 1872, Mrs. Mary C. Morris, wife of J. J. Morris, aged 36 years. Mar. 1, 1872 2/7 Scroghem In this county, on the 22nd ult., Mrs. Amelia Scroghem, wife of Mr. Daniel Scroghem, aged 51 years, 1 month and 27 days. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. Mar. 1, 1872 2/7 Evans Died on Wednesday night last, -- Mrs. Catharine J. Evans, wife of B. P. Evans, Esq., of this city. – Mrs. E. was 61 years of age, the mother of a large family. – Her remains were interred in the new city cemetery --. Mar. 1, 1872 3/2 Trewitt Died on the 2d inst., at the residence of her husband, Thomas Trewitt, Sr., near Millersburg, Callaway County, Mrs. Sallie G. Trewitt, in the 75th year of her age. Mar. 8, 1872 2/3 White - In this county, on the 3d of March at the residence of P. Upham, Edmund White, aged 57 years. He was a native of Kentucky, and leaves a wife and many relatives to mourn his loss. Mar. 8, 1872 2/3 Holt Died in this county, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Sarah P., wife of John F. Holt, in the 57th eyar of her age. Mar. 15, 1872 3/3 Bagby Negro Killed – On Wednesday afternoon an affray occurred in the Empire Billiard Saloon of this city, kept by Geo. E. Thomas, between Alex Cochran and Moses Bagby, (the latter colored) in which the Negro was instantly killed by a pistol shot. – (lengthy article) Mar. 15, 1872 3/2 Renoe Died in this county, March 5th, 1872, Priscilla, daughter of J. M. and e. Renoe, aged 12 years, 9 months and 14 days. Mar. 22, 1872 3 /4 Cason - In this county, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Ann E. Cason, wife of Benjamin Cason, aged about 52 years. Mar. 22, 1872 3 /4 Turner Died at her residence, near this city, on the 18th ult., Mrs. Eliza A. Turner, in the 62d year of her age. Apr. 5, 1872 2/8 Loyd - In Callaway County, on the 18th ult., of inflammation of the stomach, Catharine, Adair wife of Isaac Loyd, and daughter of John Adair, aged about 22 years. Apr. 5, 1872 2/8 Nichols Died near Concord, in this county, April 8, 1872, Catharine F. V. Nichols, wife of Fisher John R. Nichols, and daughter of Joseph and Mary Fisher, aged 20 years, 9 months and 25 days. Apr. 12, 1872 2/6 Christ - In this city, on the 10th inst., at the residence of his son, Louis Christ, Esq., Mr. Gottfried Christ, aged 82 years. Apr. 12, 1872 2/6 Tatum We learn form the Cedar City Clarion, that Wiley G. Tatum, an old and respected citizen of this county, died at his residence, seven miles north of that place, Apr. 2nd, 1872. He had been a citizen of Callaway county for over thirty years. April 12, 1872 3/1 Riley Died near Concord, Mo., this county, on the 2d inst., Mrs. Mary Riley, consort of Mr. Samuel Riley, aged __years. Apr. 9, 1872 2/5 Moore Died in this city on Friday, April 19, 1872, at the residence of her step-son, Mr. M. L. Moore, Mrs. Catharine Moore, aged 70 years. Apr. 26, 1872 3/3 Jameson Died, April 23, 1872, at the residence of his father, Samuel Jameson of this county, Tyre Harris Jameson, in the 37th year of his age. Apr. 26, 172 3/3 Hoffman Died at her residence in Callaway County, Mary B., wife of George w. Hoffman on the 4th ult., in the forty-second year of her age. – She died of consumption. She was a great granddaughter of Daniel Boone. May 3, 1872 3/3 Pease In this county, on Sunday last, Mr. T. B. Pease, aged fifty-two years. May 3, 1872 3/3 Dunavant Died in Callaway County, Mo., on Tuesday night, April 16th, 1872, Mrs. Amanda Hyten Dunavant, wife of Wm. Dunavant and daughter of Stephen H. and Nancy Hyten, in the 36th year of her age. May 10, 1872 2/6 Harrison - of eripipelas, (sic) in Audrain County, April 18, 1872, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Baker John T. Harrison and eldest daughter of Jas. Baker, Millersburg, Mo., aged 28 years and eight months. May 10, 1872 2/6 Hobbs - At the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Alice Harrison, in this county, on the 7th inst., Miss Mary E. Hobbs, daughter of the late Charles Hobbs, aged 18 years. Mar 10, 1872 2/6 Porter - In this city, at the Whaley House, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Lucy A. Porter, wife of Mr. James Porter, aged 42 years. May 10, 1872 2/6 Rankin - In Callaway County, on Sunday morning, may 5, Samuel Lowery, infant son of Carey and Fannie Rankin, aged 7 months. May 10, 1872 2/6 Guthrie Mr. Samuel T. Guthrie, died at his residence near New Bloomfield, in this county, on Wed., Apr. 24, 1872, aged 72 years. May 10, 1872. 3/1 Harding Major Elias H. Harding, Sen., died at his residence, near Williamsburg, in this county, on April 30th, 1872, aged 84 years. He had been a citizen of this county for 34 years. May 10, 1872 3/1 Clark John C. Clark, son of Dr. Logan Clark, formerly, of this county, died in Sedalia, Mo., May 4, 1872, aged about 20 years. May 17, 1872 3/2 French Died at her residence in Audrain County, Mo., on Saturday morning, May 11th, 1872, Mrs. Eliza J., wife of Wm. L. French, in the 24th year of her age. May 24, 1872 2/5 Hockaday Died in Montgomery County, on the 8th inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Geo. White, Mr. Philip P. Hockaday, Sr., aged 67 years. Mr. H., was formerly a resident of St. Louis and a brother of the late Judge I. O. Hockaday of this place. May 24, 1872 2/5 Meyers Death of the oldest man in the county. Mr. Lewis Meyers, died near Jones Tan Yard, in this county, on the 27th inst., at the advanced age of 96 years, and was supposed to be the oldest man in the county. May 31 1872 3/1 Smith Died in this city, on Monday last, at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. J. W. Veach, Mrs. Alice Smith, aged 88 years and 3 months. She was a native of Virginia and probably the oldest lady in the county. June 7, 1872 3/1 Lockridge Obituary – Falling asleep in Jesus on the evening of the 27th day of April, 1872, Mrs. Emily Lockridge, wife of James A. Lockridge of Callaway County, Mo., in the 33d year of her age. – June 14, 1872 2/5 Blue - In Audrain county, on the 31st of May, 1872, Mr. Duncan __ Blue, aged 67 years. June 14, 1872 2/5 Stone Mr. Marshal Stone, formerly of Belvidere, Illinois, died in this place on Tuesday morning last, aged 25 years. He was a half-brother of Mr. Horace Stone, of the firm of Messes. Comstock and Co. –June 14, 1872 4/2 Nichols Killed by Lightning – On Thursday evening, the 5th inst., just before the storm passed over the southern section of our county, Felix T. Nichols, son of the late William Nichols, -- was instantly killed by lightning. Mr. Nichols was plowing and as it seems, the terrible instrument of death struck him first on the hand, and passing down his leg tore off his boot and passed into the ground. The mule he was plowing with was also killed instantly. June 14, 1872 4/1 Mannen Died at the residence of his son Robert, near Wellsville, in Montgomery County on the morning of the 9th inst., after an illness of a few days, Mr. Stephen Batcheer Mannen, aged 77 years, 3 months and 13 days. June 21, 172 2/7 May Again we are called upon to announce the death of one of Livingston county’s best citizens. On Monday evening last, - Mr. G. Frank May, died suddenly of pneumonia, at his farm in Cream Ridge township, aged about thirty years. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. Gabriel May, and a brother of Mr. Jas. May, of Cream Ridge township, and was born, we believe, in Callaway county, in this state. He leaves a wife and two children. June 28, 1872 3/6 Wilkerson Died at the residence of Judge Thomas B. Nesbit, near this city, on the 1st inst., Lou Baker, aged 13 months, daughter of Dr. A. Wilkerson of this city. July 5, 1872 2/6 Johnson Died – In this city, on the 3d inst., at the residence of his son, Mr. Woodson A. Johnson, Geo. W. Johnson, aged 82 years. Mr. J. was a soldier of the war of 1812, and has been a resident of this county for many years – Burial – at the old cemetery, west of town. July 5, 1872 3/1 Peacher Col. Quinton Peacher, -- died at his residence in Boone county on Sunday last. July 5, 1872 3/1 Longley Died, near St. Aubert, in this county, July 5, 1872, R. A. Longley, in the 66th year of his age. St. Louis Republican please copy. July 12, 1872 2/6 Jameson - In this city, on Monday morning last Warren Stone, son of John H. and Mary E. Jameson, aged 2 years, 2 months and 20 days. July 12, 1872 2/6 Dunn Died in this city on Wed., night Mrs. Fredonia A. Dunn, wife of S. A. Dunn, aged 23 years. July 19, 1872 2/6 Powell Obituary – Died Ada Powell, daughter of W. A. and Mary C. Powell, of this county, after a short illness, departed this life on the 20th inst., aged 3 months and 20 days. July 26, 1872 2/5 Vertrees Died at her residence, in Troy, Lincoln Co., Mo., July 18, 1872, Mrs. Mary F. Vertrees, aged 62 years, 1 month and 13 days. July 26, 1872 2/4 Tharp Obituary – Died – On July 21st, 1872, near Readsville, in Callaway County, Mo., Sparrel Clark, infant son of E. J. and Eliza B. Tharp, aged 5 months and 13 days. Aug. 2, 1872 2/4 Evans Mr. B. P. Evans – We regret to chronicle the demise of this useful and good citizen who departed this life on last Tuesday evening. – Aug. 2, 1872 3/1 Gilbert Obituary – Departed this life, on July 1, 1872, Mrs. Fannie Gilbert, consort of McCall Thomas K. Gilbert and daughter of William and Milley McCall, after an illness of many years, from that fatal disease, consumption. Mrs. Gilbert was born in Franklin County, Va., in 1815, but for the last twenty years she has lived in Callaway County, Missouri. -- Aug. 9, 1872 2/6 Leeper Died at his residence in Chillicothe, on Tuesday, July 30, 1872, after a long illness, Mr. John B. Leeper, formerly of this city, aged 62 years and 8 months --. Mr. Leeper was born and raised in Fleming County, Ky., and removed to Callaway County, Mo., in the year 1840 and in 1854 came to this county. – He leaves a family of six children, three of whom are married. His beloved companion preceded him to the grave in March last. Aug. 9, 1872 3/2 Wise Died – Nannie Frank, daughter of W. T. & M. E. Wise, of this county after an illness of fourteen days, departed this life on the 25th of July, aged 5 years, 6 months and 4 days. Aug. 9, 1872 5/2 Stephens Obituary – Dr. Thomas L. Stephens departed this life the 26th of April 1872, after Backman a long and protracted illness of pulmonary consumption, a disease which Bright followed him from his cradle to his grave. – He was born in Garrard County, Ky., May 20, 1820. He came to Missouri while an infant, where he spent the remainder of his days. – Dr. Stephens married Augustine Backman in the city of Madison, state of Indiana, Oct. 13, 1853, leaving three children – Thomas A., W. E. and Charlie the third. Mr. Thomas L. Stephens married again March 3, 1859, to Sarah E. Moore Bright, who still survives, with five young children. Aug. 16, 1872 2/4 Manchester Died on the evening of the 5th inst., after an illness of seven weeks, Mary Anna, youngest daughter of Charles F. and J. A. Manchester, aged 1 year, 7 months and 15 days. Aug. 16, 1872 2/4 Martin Died on the 12th inst., at the residence of her brother, J. W. Martin, Miss Sallie Ann Martin. Aug. 16, 1872 2/4 Simpson Died, near Fulton, on the 3d inst., in the 38th year of her pilgrimage Mrs. Paulina, wife of Monroe Simpson --. Aug. 16, 1872 2/4 Jones Annetta E., daughter of James and Sallie Jones, died at her grandpa’s home near Williamsburg, Mo., Aug. 25th, 1872. Age 15 months. Sept. 6, 1872 2/6 Baker In Memoriam – Died, at his residence in this county, near the White Cloud Church, on the 1st inst., Mr. John Baker. – Sept. 6, 1872 2/5 Scholl In Memoriam – Dr. C. R. Scholl was born in Callaway County, in the year 1826 and died at the residence of his father, six miles south of Williamsburg, Mo., Aug. 20, 1872, aged 46 years. Sept. 13, 1872 2/6 Mosley Died – In Callaway County, Sept. 10, 1872, of cholera infantum, Marcus Monroe, infant son of Jas. B. and mary A. Mosley, aged 1 year, 1 month and 25 days. Sept. 20, 1872 2/7 Hull - On Sept. 7th, 1872, Robert Clarence, infant sone of G. M. and Lizzie L. Hull. – After a short live of seven months. Sept. 20, 182 2/7 Bolton In Jefferson City, on the 12th of September, after an illness of a few hours, Lida C. Bolton, infant daughter of W. W. and M. M. Bolton, aged two years and eight months. Sept. 20, 1872 2/7 Grogan Died in Mexico, Mo., on Tuesday September 24th, 1872, William Ricken, son of Pat and Ellen Grogan, aged 7 months and 24 days. The remains were brought to this vicinity for interment in the family cemetery. Sept. 27, 1872 2/5 Brown Obituary – Died at his residence at Concord in this county, on the morning of the 25th of September, Mr. Samuel Brown in the 74th year of his age. Deceased was a native of Greenbrier County, Virginia. From which state he emigrated in the year 1853 and settled in Ralls County, Mo., where he remained up to some five years ago when he removed to this county. – He leaves a widow and seven children )among who are our fellow-citizens) Jas. W. Brown Esq., and Dr. A. H. Brown of Readsville in this county. Oct. 4, 1872 2/4 Martin Died of cancer, September 23d, 1872, Mrs. Winiford martin, wife of Wm. Martin Esq., -- She was born in 1800, January 1st. – Oct. 4, 1872 2/4 Major Died – On Monday, September 16, 1872, at his residence in Clay County, Mo., John S. Major. – a brother of S. C. Major, Sr. of Fayette. Oct. 4, 1872 3/2 Marlow September 29th, 1872, Lucy Hockaday, daughter of Thos. J. and Mary E. Marlow, aged 3 years and one month. Oct. 4, 1872 3/2 Cheatham Died – In Callaway County, Oct. 8th, 1872, of bronchitis, Samuel Clarence Ellison, son of Fannie Cheatham, age 6 months and 4 days. Oct. 18, 1872 2/4 Gilkey Died at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum in this city, Oct 18, Mary D. daughter of B. T. and L. A. Gilkey, aged 6 weeks. Oct. 25, 1872 2/5 Bundy - Near Holts Summit, last Saturday evening, Miss Carrie Bundy, aged about 14 years. Oct. 25, 1872 2/5 Hart - Near Cedar City, in this county, on the evening of the 29th of September, James Bradford Hart, son of John C. and Ann E. Hart, after a protracted illness. Aged 1 year, 6 months and 21 days. Oct. 25, 1872 2/5 Chrisman Death of a Student – James Chrisman, of Independence, Mo., a student at Westminster College, died very suddenly at the residence of Mr. E. Hook in this city, on Friday Oct. 29, 1872. Aged about 18 years. Nov. 1, 1872 3/1 Dyer Death of Mrs. Dyer – Died in Columbia, on Wednesday, October 31, 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Dyer, relict of the late Samuel R. Dyer, formerly of this place. Nov. 8, 1872 3/1 Hill On Saturday, Nov. 9, Sidney youngest child of Derrit M. and Frances M. Hill, aged 6 years, 10 months and 6 days. He died of typhoid fever after a sickness of nineteen days. This is the fourth out of six children lost by these unfortunate parents. Nov. 22, 1872 3/3 Lack Martha A. Lack died Nov. 9, 1872, at her residence in Franklin County, Mo., aged 57 years. – last remains – to the family burying ground and laid beside the ashes of her husband, John A. Lack, who preceded her to the spirit land, near eleven years. Nov. 22, 1872 3/3 Gill Died – On Nov. 20, at the residence of his father, near Readsville, in this county, of confluent small-pox, after an illness of fifteen days, Boony, youngest child of J. P. and Rebecca Gill, aged 1 year, 5 months and 4 days. Nov. 29, 1872 2/5 Baskett Died – On Sunday morning, Dec. 1st, of croup, Clarence, only child of Dr. Thomas J. and Mollie E. Baskett, aged 3 years. Dec. 6, 1872 2/6 McIntyre In Mexico, Mo., Nov. 20, 1872, of typhoid fever, Mrs. C. H. McIntyre, wife of Thomas McIntyre, aged 21 years, 11 months and 21 days. Dec. 6, 1872 2/6 1873 Coons Death of Mrs. Bee Coons – Died of consumption, in this county, at her step Macuben fathers Mr. __Macuben on Dec. 22d, 1872, Mrs. Fannie B. Coons, aged 29 years. Jan. 10, 1873 2/5 Bell In this count, on the 28th of December, 1872, James William Bell, aged 41 years, 5 months and 4 days. Jan. 10, 1873 2/5 Leffingwell Died, in St. Louis, on the morning of December 23d, Hiram Cornell, only child of Dr. H. S. and Elma Leffingwell, aged 1 year, 7 months and 3 days. Jan. 17, 1873 3/2 Smith - Near St. Aubert, on the 11th of December, 1872, after one months illness, Cyrus C. Smith, in his 53d year. Jan. 17, 1873 3/2 Abbot Death of Dr. Abbot – The last Pleasant Hill Dispatch says: At the family residence in this city on Sunday last, January 12, 1873, Dr. Rufus Abbot, formerly of Fulton, But for several years a resident of this place. Dr. Abbot was born at Wilmont, New Hampshire, A. D. 1807, removed to the west in 1833. – Jan. 24, 1873 2/2 Scott Died on Friday, Dec. 27, 1872, in Callaway County, after a long and painful illness, Harvey Scott. He deceased was born in Montgomery County, Ky., Dec. 12, 1810, and came to Callaway County in 1828, where he resided until his death. – Mexico papers please copy. Jan. 24, 1873 3/3 Fant December 16, 1872, Harvey S., infant son of John L. and Cassie Fant. Jan. 24, 1873 2/5 Fant Died – At the residence in this county, on the 24th inst., Mr. Linn J. Fant. The deceased was born in Scott County, Ky., March 2d, 1807, and emigrated to this county in 1858 --. Jan. 31, 1873 2/5 Fant - In Audrain County, Mo., on Dec. 7, 1872, Sallie, wife of Milton Carver and Carver daughter of the late Linn J. Fant, almost 33 years of age. – leaving a husband and six children. – Jan. 31, 1873 2/5 Mitchell - On the 21st inst., in Lexington, Mo., Henry Wallace, son of Hon. Z. J. Mitchell, aged about 3 years. Jan. 31, 1873 2/5 Dorris Dr. Alexander P. Dorris died at hi residence near Cote San Desdin (sic), in this countym on Friday last. Feb. 7, 1873 3/1 Crow John Crow died in the same neighborhood last week. – Feb. 7, 1873 3/1 Crittenden We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Crittenden, widow of the late John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky. She died last Sunday at the residence of her son-in-law, Andrew McKinley, Esq., in St. Louis, at the advanced age of sixty-eight. She first married in 1823 Dr. Daniel P. Wilcox, - physician living in Columbia Mo., who died in 1831, --. In the fall of 1833 she married Gen. Wm. H. Ashley --. In 1853 Mrs. Ashley married Mr. Crittenden – until his death in 1863. Feb. 14, 1873 2/6 Dickey Died in this city on Tuesday morning, February 18, 1873, at the residence of her son-in-law (S. L. Dedman) Mrs. Elizabeth Dickey, aged 70 years. Feb. 21, 1873 2/6 Crow In Memoriam – Died on the 29th of January, after a short illness, John H. Crow, Gathright also Jas. W. Gathright, on the 13th of February. Feb. 21, 1873 2/6 Custard Died on the 3d inst., at her residence in this county, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth, wife of James F. Custard, and only daughter of Mr. Dawson. The deceased was born July 19, 1837. – She leaves a husband and five little boys to mourn her loss. Feb. 28, 1873 2/5 Godfrey It is our melancholy duty to record the death of Mrs. Samuella Godfrey, wife of Mr. P. Godfrey and daughter of Mrs. M. J. Watkins of this city. She died on Wednesday morning, March 5, 1873. – Mar. 7,1873 2/3 Harrison We are pained to announce the death of Mr. Sanford M. Harrison--. He died at his residence near Cote Sans Desein, (sic) in this county, on Monday, 17, 1873 (February ?) Mar. 7, 1873 3/3 Moody Died in Boone County, on the 9th day of March, 1873, Ida, daughter of H. H. and N. N. Moody, aged 8 months and 21 days. Mar. 21, 1873 2/6 Fullilove We are pained to announce the death of Dr. Frazier Fullilove, a promising young physician, and son of Mr. L. B. Fullilove, of this city. He died very suddenly on Friday evening last, at his residence in Carroll County, Mo. Mar. 21, 1872 3/1 Hill Died – at the ersidence ofher husband, Mr. Tazewell B. Hill, Youns Creek, Audrain County, MO., Mrs. Belle Hill, in the 32nd year of her age, of obstruction of the bowels. Mar. 28, 1873 2/7 Fullilove - In the town of Triplitt, March 15, 1873, of cerebral spinal meningistis, Dr. Frazier F. Fullilove, in the 26th year of his age --. Mar. 28, 1873 2/7 Costhwait In this city, on Thusday morning, March 27, 1873, Isaac Costhwait. March 28, 1873 2/7 Patton Death of Thomas M. Patton – attacked but a few days since by that virulent disease, the confluent small-pox, --. Mar. 28, 1873 3/2 Craig Died – In this county, March 17, Mrs. Sicily L. Craig, in the 37th year of her age. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. – Apr. 4, 1873 2/6 McCall Hon. A. S. McCall, a member of the Legislature from Macon County, died at Jefferson City, on Sunday, March 23, 1873. He was a native of Kentucky and aged 63 years. Apr. 4, 1873 3/2 Herring Obituary – In Callaway County, Mo., March 30, 1873, Mrs. Lucy Herring, in the 77th year of her age. The subject of this notice was born in Albermarie County, Va., on the 16th of April, 1796. She with her husband and family emigrated to this state in the fall of 1838, since which time she has resided in this county, --. Apr. 11, 1873 3/6 Clark Mrs. Eleanor T. Clark, wife of Gen. John B. Clark, Sr., of Howard County, on the 29th ult. She was the daughter of the late Phillip Turner of Howard County, --. She was aged 68 years. Apr. 11, 1873 2/3 Thomas Died – At Ft. Lyon, this county, on Saturday, Marc 29, Mr. James P. Thomas. Mr. Thomas moved to this county several years since from Callaway --. Benton County Democrat. Apr. 11, 1873 3/3 Boggess On March 31, at the residence of her son, Wm. H. Boggess in this county, Mrs. Martha J. Boggess, aged 50 years 3 months and 22 days. Apr. 18, 1873 2/2 Kemp In Memoriam – Thomas G. Kemp, after a long and lingering illness. Mary 2, 1873 2/4 Jameson Died in Loyalton, California, on April 20, 1873, Charles E. Worthington, brother Worthington of Mrs. James H. Jameson of this city. May 16, 1873 3/3 Reynolds Died – On April 10, 1873, in this county, at the residence of his son, W. T. Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, aged 69 years, 6 months and 20 days. Hed died of dropsy of the heart. – May 23, 1873 3/3 Ewing In Memoriam – Died in Fulton, at the residence of his brother, William N. Ewing, James M. Ewing, May 5 --. Aged 46 years. May 23, 1873 3/3 McElroy Died – At the Lunatic Asylum on Friday evening, May 23, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Maggie McElroy, aged 24 years. May 30, 1873 2/6 Dunavant Died, in this county, on the 16th ult., William H. Dunavant, aged 39 years, 6 months and 27 days. Deceased was a son of Josephus and Jane Dunavant, and was born in Campbell County, Va. Liberty (Va.,) Sentinel, please copy. June 6, 1873 2/5 Miller Death of a worthy young man – Albert H. Miller – The subject of these lies was a son of Martin A. Miller – the youngest of nine children. He was born Nov. 23, 1849, hence at his death, which occurred on Friday, May 16, his age was 23 years, 5 months and 23 days. He was severely attacked, on Sunday the 11th ult., with acute pneumonia. June 6, 1873 2/5 Canby Died, at the State Lunatic Asylum, in this city, on Monday June 16, 1873, Mr. C. G. C. Canby. Mr. Canby lived at West Ely, Marion County, Mo., and was a highly respected citizen of that place. – His remains were taken home for burial. June 13, 1873 2/1 (paper does say June 13th) Hempstead Horrible Death of an Old Soldier. – Stephen Hempstead, the subject of this notice was born in New London, Connecticut, and at the time of his tragic death was 87 years of age. He came to Missouri in 1819, and settle in St. Louis County. From the latter place he came to Callaway, and settle near St. Aubert, where he lived until the day of his death. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. June 13, 1872 3/2 Bell In this county, on Friday, June 13, 1873, near Moore’s Mill, Mrs. Mary A. D. Bell, daughter of A. B. and Sarah Custard and wife of Charles I. Bell, aged 33 years. June 20, 1873 3/3 Ewing Death of Judge Ephram B. Ewing – On Saturday, June 21st Judge Ewing, one of he Supreme Judges of Missouri, died at Iron Mountain, Mo. Judge Ewing was born in Todd County, Kentucky and was the son of Rev. Finis Ewing, who removed to Missouri while E. B. Ewing his son, was yet a youth. – His remains were brought to St. Louis for burial. June 27, 1873 2/1 Crump The Harvest of Death – Benedict Crump departed this life at his residence in Troy – on Monday the 9th day of this month. Mr. Crump was born in Greenup Co., Kentucky, November 17, 1818. His father moved to Callaway County in this state, when the subject of this sketch was quite a boy; remained in that county until he reached manhood’s estate, when he moved and settled in this place some twenty-eight or thirty years ago. He leaves a wife and 3 children. June 27, 1873 2/6 Shepherd An Old Soldier Gone – Died at the residence of Judge Thomas b. Nesbit, near this city, on the 12th day of April, Thomas C. Shepherd. Mr. Shepherd was at the time of his death eight-one years old, and had been a resident of Callaway County for the last thirty-five years, having moved from Virginia in the fall of 1838. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812. June 27, 1873 3/1 Blount Died – At the residence of her grandfather, Capt. Sam Blount, Miss Sarah Blount, daughter of the late John R. Blount, aged about 16 years. July 4, 1873 2/5 Hayden On the 26th of June 1873, in St. Louis, Mary, infant daughter of H. C. and B (?) C. Hayden, (formerly of this place), aged __months and 17 days. July 4, 1873 2/5 Beauchamp Died in Huntsville, on the 28th of the past month, Miuder, daughter of Rev. S. A. Beauchamp, aged 14 months. July 4, 1873 3/2 Lewis Judge Henry Lewis, said to be on the oldest citizens of this state, died recently at his home near Glasgow, in Howard County, in the 91st year of his age. July 4, 1873 3/2 Price Elder H. M. Price, of the Christian church, died recently at his home at Calhoun, in Johnson County. He was 53 years old, and leaves eight children – his wife having died a few months ago. July 4, 1873 3/2 Hockaday Died – In Columbia, Mo., on the 10th inst., Sallie Rollins Hockaday, daughter of Irvine O. and Laura H. Hockaday, aged six months. July 18, 1873 2/7 Thomas In this city, on Sunday, July 13, of cholera infantum, Lester, son of Geo. E. and S. A. Thomas, aged four months. July 18, 1873 2/7 Bryan Obituary – Died in Centerville, Iowa, May 20, 1873, Thomas L. Bryan, in his 89th year. The deceased was a native of Virginia, was born in Botetourt County, on the 29th day of Dec. 1784, moved to Lincoln County Ky., in 1809, and to Franklin County, in 1810. Was married July 19, 1812, has lived with his present wife near 61 years. He remained in Kentucky until 1826, when he with his family, started to Missouri, and settled in Boone County, where he remained three years, the removed to Callaway County, where he remained fifteen years, thence to Monroe County, two years, and then lived in Putnam County until 1851, when he settled in Centerville, Iowa, where he remained up to the time of his death. – He is he last of his brothers and sisters, all of whom lived to be old – his father lived to upwards of ninety years and a companion of Daniel Boone, in the first settling of Kentucky. – He leaves an aged companion and seven children. July 18, 1873 2/7 Davis Died at the residence of Charles W. Mattox, Esq., on Tuesday, July 15, John W. Davis. Mr. Davis had only been in this county four days. – arriving on Saturday the 12th, the disease of which he died very closely resembled cholera, and the attending physician, Dr. Nixon, pronounced it such. We are informed that Mr. Davis was from Virginia. July 18, 1873 3/3 Cholera – In Troy, Mo., the following is a full list of deaths which have occurred up to our latest dates, Samuel Shirkey, Cyremus Lay, Josiah W. Rogers, child of Mrs. A. Frazier, Mrs. Mary Martin, Miss Josephine Martin, Miss Fanny Carter, Mrs. Joseph Heart and two children, Mrs. Wm. Frazier, Mrs. Thomas Sydnor, Henry James, Mrs. Dr. Roland Berfa, daughter of peter Springston, together with four colored persons. July 25, 1873 Hays Died – At Monroe City, Monroe County, Mo., on Friday, July 18th, Dr. John B. Hays. Dr. Hays was the father of Mrs. John N. Lyle of this city. – July 25, 1873 3 /4 Martin Died – In Lafayette County, Mo., on the 12th day of July, 1873, Mrs. Mary Martin, Hume in the 24th year of her age. Mrs. Martin was the daughter of Wm. N. and E. Hume of this county. Aug. 1, 1873 3 /4 Jolly John Jolly, an old resident of Callaway County, died at his home near Millersburg on July 16th, aged 86 years. – Aug. 1, 1873 3/2 Doniphan Mrs. June Doniphan, wife of Gen. Alexander W. Doniphan, of Richmond, Ray County, died on the 19th of hemorrhage of the lungs. She was a daughter of Col. John Thornton, of Clay County. – She was buried at Liberty, Clay County. Aug. 1, 1873 3/2 Hayden Death of Henry C. Hayden, Esq. – death of Henry C. Hayden, which took place at Long Branch, on Friday August 1, 1873. – Aug. 8, 1873 2/2 Harrison Death of an Aged Lady – Died in this county, on Thursday, July 31, 1873, Mrs. Mary Harrison, wife of Maj. John Harrison, aged 82 years. The subject of this notice left the state of Virginia in the year 1817, and with her husband Maj. John Harrison and son Thomas came to and settled in Saline County, Mo. After living there two years they moved to Boone County and remained there until the year 1827 and then came to Callaway --. After moving to Missouri six children, Rebecca, Crockett, Benjamin F., Samuel, Virginia and James were born --. In May 1871, the eldest daughter, Rebecca died and about six months afterward Crockett followed her. – Aug. 8, 1873 3/3 Smith Died on Wednesday morning, July 30, 1873, Maggie, daughter of Henry and Fannie M. Smith, aged 2 years and 11 months. Aug. 8,1 873 3/3 Flood Death of Rev. Noah Flood – he breathed his last on Monday, the 11th inst., -- . Rev. Noah Flood was the son of Joshua Flood and was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, June 14, 1809. At the age of eighteen he came to St. Charles in this state, --. In 1839 he came to Callaway County – and eventually to the town of Columbia where he died, aged sixty-four years. His funeral took place at the Richland church, six mile from Fulton, on Wednesday last. Aug. 15, 1873 3/3 McGuire Death of a Minister – Elder Levi McGuire, an aged and popular minister of the Old Baptist church, died at his residence in Boone County, on Wednesday. Aug. 22, 1872 3/1 Sitton Died – Near this city, -- Sunday evening, Aug. 17, 1873, of spinal meningitis, Bettie, only daughter of Capt. Isaac N. Sitton, aged 12 years and 11 days. Aug. 22, 1873 3/1 Berry On Sunday, August 17, 1873, Mrs. Eliza Berry, aged fifty-five years. Mrs. Berry was the wife of Mr. Samuel H. Berry. She was born in Mt. Sterling, Ky., and moved to this state in the year 1834. Aug. 22, 1873 3/1 Law It has become our melancholy duty to announce the death of Col. George W. Law, Sheriff of Callaway County which occurred on last Saturday the 23rd inst., resulting from the two wounds received by him at the hands of one or two parties connected with the mob on the 15th inst.. – He was buried the next day (Sunday) on his farm near Reform. – Col. Law was nearly 44 years of age. His wife died about two years since, and he had lost eight children; three are yet living, two of who are to young to feel their great loss. – Aug. 29, 1873 2/1 Day Died at the residence of her husband, and the old homestead of her father, Mrs. Jennie Day, the wife of Mr. Green Day and the youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary Scott. The deceased was born on the 25th day of December, 1850, and died on the 26th day of Aug. 1873. – Sept. 5, 1873 2/5 Henderson On Sunday, August 31, Mrs. Emily Henderson, wife of Judge Jas. S. Henderson died --. Mrs. Henderson, at the time of her death, was in her 63rd year --. She leaves a bereaved husband, two daughters and four sons, two of whom, Wm. H. and Jos. C. are in Nevada. – Hockaday burial ground, south of town. -- Sept. 5, 1873 3/3 Moore Died in St. James, Phelps County, Mo., on Aug. 23, 1873, Isaac, infant son of Jerry and Sallie Moore, aged 2 years and 5 months. Sept. 12, 1873 3/3 Baker Died – At his residence in this county, on Thursday, Sept. 11, 1873, Martin Baker, Esq.,-- His funeral will be preached at White Cloud church, in this county today. (Friday) Sept. 12, 1873, 3/5 Jones Horatio Jones, formerly postmaster of Jones Tan Yard, in this county died on Tuesday night last. – Sept. 19, 1873 2/1 Yates Sudden Death – Died very suddenly in this county, on Sunday morning last Mrs. Yates, wife of Jeptha Yates and sister of Major John Harrison. Sept. 26, 1873 3/1 Luckie Obituary – Departed this life, at his residence in the northern part of Callaway County, Missouri, on the morning of the 30th of September A. D. 1873, Andrew K. Luckie, aged 57 years and 11 months. Deceased was of a good family, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., on the 30th of October, 1815, came to Missouri and settled where he died in the fall of 1843. Oct. 3, 1873 2/7 Thomas Died- On August 14, 1873, near Barkersville, in this county, after a short illness, Clare Atkinson, youngest son of G. N. and P. A. Thomas, aged two years, one month and two days. Oct. 3, 1873 2/7 Allen Died in this county, Oct. 1st, Mr. Thomas N. Allen --. Oct. 3, 1873 3/1 Ruhle Deaths Doings – Mr. Louis Ruhle, for many years a citizen of this place, died at his residence, near Coffeyville, Kansas, on Friday September 26, 1873. Oct. 10, 1873 3/2 Parker Died at Cedar City, Sept. 28, 1873, Mrs. Julia A. Parker, wife of E. J. Parker. – Oct. 10, 1873 3/2 Curtis We record with feeling of profound regret the death of William Hasson Curtis, -- The sad event took place at his residence near this city, on Monday October 6, 1873 --, He was born near Pen Yan County, New York, in 1829. He came to this city in 1852 --, his remains were followed to the new cemetery --. Mr. Curtis was twice married. He first married to Miss Nancy Jane Whaley, in April, 1858 and was married to his present wife Miss Hattie Fant, daughter of Mr. A. B. Fant of this city in 1863. – He leaves a wife and four children. -- Oct. 10, 1873 3/2 Palmer Death of Elder Francis R. Palmer – Died at his residence in Liberty, Mo., on the morning of the 22d, Elder Francis R. Palmer. He was born in Fairfield District South Carolina, August 30th, 1789, removed with his father to Sumner County, Tenn., about the year 1795. – Was in the war of 1812 under Jackson at Pensaula (sic) and New Orleans. Was a member of a spy company. – Removed to Kentucky in 1816. – Removed to Missouri in 1836 and to Clay County in 1865. -- Oct. 31, 1873 2/6 Hemphill Dr. J. W. Hemphill, a prominent city of Pike County, died last week. Oct. 17, 1873 2 /4 Lewis Judge D. P. Lewis, an old citizen of Platte county, and well known throughout the state, Died on October 1st. Oct. 17, 1873 2/4 Clannahan Andrew J. Clannahan, one of Sullivan County’s oldest and most respected citizens, died recently in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Oct. 17, 1873 2/ 4 Carson Bob Carson, brother of the celebrated Kit Carson, died of general debility at his residence near Arrow Rock, on Saturday, Sept. 27, aged seventy-one years. Oct. 17, 1873 2/4 Spears A man by the name of Esau Spears, living about nine miles east of Lancaster, -- fell into a vat of billing molasses, burning him nearly to death. Oct. 17, 1873 2/4 Steel A little girl aged nine years, named Ada Steel, was burned to death in the school room at Lancaster last Monday morning. While standing at the stove her dress caught fire, and in a moment she was wrapped in flames. Oct. 17, 1873 2/4 Willis J. C. Willis, a highly respected citizen of Johnson County, was waylaid and shot through the head and instantly killed, the other day, by some unknown assassin, while going from his home to the house of a neighbor. Oct. 17, 1873 2/4 Stephens Mr. Wm. Stephens, an old and highly respected citizen living near Middle Grove, Monroe County, died recently in the ninety-first year of his age. He was perhaps the oldest man in that county. Nov. 14, 1873 2/7 Gibbs In Memoriam – Lodge No. 48 A. F. & A. M. – Churchill Gibbs -- Nov. 28, 1873 2/6 Baynham Died at his residence near Granby, Newton County, Mo., of hemorrhage of the bowels, on the 23d of October after an illness of twelve days, William C. Baynham, in the 67th year of his age. -- The subject of this memoir was born in Halifax County, Virginia. He moved to Missouri in 1831 and was married to Tabitha Irvin, --. In the year 1838 he was again married to Ann Grant, of this county, who lived – until the year 1865 --. Three years from the day he died, he buried his oldest child, Gabriella --. After her death the world seemed void of beauty and he visited his only surviving brother and sister and many other relatives, in this county to say goodbye --. Nov. 28, 1873 2/6 Adams James Adams, an old and respected citizen of Saline County, died very suddenly on Thursday last, from the rupture of a blood vessel. Nov. 28, 1873 3/2 Strother Master Charles Lewis Strother, a very promising young son of Senator J. R. Strother, died in Marshall, on the day of the 13th. He was only twelve years old. Nov. 18, 1873 3/2 Kincaid John Kincaid, an old pioneer, died at his residence in Boone County, Nov. 5th, aged 77 years. He came to Missouri in 1801, and his father built Kincaids Fort, in Cooper’s bottom. Deceased was a pensioner of the war of 1812. Nov. 28, 1873 3/2 Price In this county, on the 17th inst., Mr. Samuel Price, aged 39 years, 1 month and 13 days. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 Pope On November the 8th inst., in St. Louis, Mo., James O. Pope, in the 37th year of his age. Columbia Papers please copy. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 Rankin In Pilot Point, Texas, on the 29th of Oct., 1873, Johnie, son of A. J. & M. A. Rankin, aged 3 years, 4 months and 28 days. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 Kimbrough In Centralia, Mo., on the 18th inst., of typhoid fever, Mrs. Katurah Kimbrough wife of Geo. Kimbrough Esq., aged 72 years. Her sister, Mrs. Betsey Hitt, died in Sturgeon, on the 10th, aged 78 years. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 Scott In Jefferson City, on Monday, Mrs. Scott, widow of Wm. Scott, deceased a former Judge of Supreme court. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 Games At the residence of his father Craig Games, in Boone County, on November 15, 1873, of Typhoid fever, Thomas G. Games, aged 24 years. Nov. 28, 1873 3/3 1874 Hull Died on December 24, 1873, in this county, Lillie, infant daughter of G. M. and Lizzie L. Hull, aged four days --. Jan. 2, 1874 2/6 Wichman In this city, on December 29, 1873, Anna Elizabeth, wife of Peter H. Wichman, aged twenty-four years, seven months and seven days. Herman papers please copy. Jan. 2, 1874 2/6 Bolton On the 28th of December, 1873, in this city, at the residence of his father, E. M. Bolton, Esq., of consumption, Winston Bolton. Jan. 2, 1874 2/6 Blackburn Obituary – Died at the residence of his father, near this city, December 19, 1873, Charles Eden Blackburn, aged 26 years, 2 months and 13 days. – Jan. 2, 1874 2/6 Bailey On Friday, Jan. 2d, 1874, Amanda, infant daughter of Charles A. and Zenie Bailey, aged four weeks and two days. Jan. 8, 1874 2/6 Crow In this county, near Cote Sans Desein, on Monday, January 12, 1874, George, son of R. H. and Susan Crow. Jan. 16, 1874 2/6 Neal Death of Mr. Neal – Mr. G. C. Neal, a highly respected citizen of this county, died at his residence in new Bloomfield, on Sunday night last. He was formerly assessor of this county. Jan. 30, 1874 3/2 Perry On Wednesday, evening Jan., 17, 1874, in Bucklin, Mo., Timandra E., wife of Mr. Jones S. F. Perry and daughter of David and Ad_eline Jones of this county. Feb. 6, 1874 3/5 Brumfield Death of Mrs. Brumfield – We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Louisa Brumfield. She died at the residence of Mr. John H. Jameson, in this city, on Friday, Feb. 6, 1874, -- leaves three small children in this section of the state. Feb. 13, 1874 3 /4 Hunter Died- in this city on the 5t inst., Bulah F., infant daughter of J. T. and Ida Hunter, aged 11 months and 20 days. Feb. 13, 1874 2/2 Dunn Died – In this county, on the 11th of January, 1874, William E. Dunn, aged 30 years. Feb. 20, 1874 2 /4 Sheley At the institution for the Deaf and Dumb, in this city, on the 11th inst., Irvine W., Son of James K. and Kate Sheley, aged 18 months. Feb. 20, 1874 3/ 4 Lannon On Saturday, Feb., 14th, at Fulton, Mo., Mary J. F. Lannon, aged 23 years. Feb. 27, 1874 2/7 Fricke In this city, on the 22d inst., of pneumonia, Henry J., infant son of Mr. John D. and Mrs. Jennie Fricke. Feb. 27, 1874 2/7 Bullard At the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. L. French, in Audrain Co., on the morning of Feb. 20th, 1874, Mrs. Caroline Bullard, in the 61st year of her age. Feb. 27, 1874 2/7 Harrison Major John Harrison is dead – on the 19th ult., -- came from the north of England at an early age – son of Thomas Harrison of revolutionary fame – was a blood relative of John Harrison – of Robt. H. Harrison – Benj. Harrison and President Wm. Henry Harrison. He was born in Botetourt County – now Roanoke, Va., on the 2nd day of October, 1791. Served as a soldier in the war of 1812; was married on the 14th of February 1816 – moved to and settled in what is now Saline County, Mo., in 1817 – in 1819 removed to Boone County – in 1827 settled in Callaway County --. He died at the age of 82 years, 4 months and 17 days. – Survived his wife 6 months and 17 days. Mar. 6, 1874 2 /4 Whaley In this city, at the residence of his father, Major D. L. Whaley, on Thursday, March 5, 1874, Frederick N. Whaley, aged 31 years. Mar. 8, 1874 3 /4 Fullilove In this city, on Wednesday, Feb. 25, after a brief illness, Cordelia Pearl, infant daughter of the late Dr. Frazier and Nannie Fullilove, aged two years, five months and sixteen days. Mar. 8, 1874 3 /4 Turley Died, at his residence, nine miles west of Fulton, Feb. 24th, William O. Turley, aged 76 years and thirteen days. The deceased was born in Madison County., Ky., Feb. 11, 1798 --. He emigrated to Missouri in 1828, was married 1833 and located in Callaway county. – He leaves a fond wife, sixty-nine years of age, --. He also leaves four children. Mar. 8, 1874 3 /4 Carter We learn that on February 24, 1874, a small child of Mr. R. G. Carter, of this county, was burned to death by its clothes taking fire. -- Mar. 8, 1874 3/2 Boon Died at the residence of her son S. T. Boon, near Williamsburgh (sic), Callaway County, on the 19th of February, 1874, Mrs. Anna Boon, in the 86th year of her age. Sister Boon, was born in Henry County, Ky., March 3d, 1788. Married Capt. Samuel Boon in 1804. Moved to Missouri in 1818. Lived with her husband to the time of his death, September 19, 1869. -- St. Louis and Kentucky papers please copy. Mar. 20, 1874 3/ 4 Kemp On February 27, 1874, of pneumonia, Mrs. Mattie S. Kemp, aged 30 years, wife of Craghead John D. Kemp and daughter of John Craghead. She leaves four small children --. Mar. 20, 1874 ¾ Edgar On Sunday, March 8th, -- near McCredie, Callaway County, Mo., of pneumonia, Edward Emerson Edgar, aged 18 years, 8 months and 22 days, son of J. H. Edgar. St. Louis Republican, Lynchburg and Liberty Virginia papers please copy. Mar. 20, 1874 2/ 4 Boulware In Memoriam – Died at his mother’s residence, near Fulton, Mo., on the night of the 13th, inst., of locked jaw, Stephen A. Boulware, aged 20 years. Mar. 20, 1874 3/2 Harrison Mrs. Dulcenia M. Harrison, widow of the late Micajah V. Harrison – died at her residence, in this county, on Wednesday last. Mar. 27, 1874 ¾ Crooks Mr. John Crooks, -- died at his residence near this city, on Friday last, aged 73 years. Mar. 27, 1874 ¾ King Mr. Jesse E. King – died in this place on Saturday night last. He was a brother of Mr. William King of this city, and leaves a beloved wife and three children. Mar. 27, 1874 3/ 4 Hockaday Obituary – Died March 17th, at her fathers residence in Cass County, Mo., of consumption, Miss Liza W., daughter of Judge G. E. O. Hockaday, in the 27th year of her age. – The subject of this sketch was born in Callaway County, June 2d, 1847, and removed with her father’s family from this county a few years ago. Mar. 27, 1874 ¾ Davis March 4th, 1874, Thomas W., aged 10 months and 13 days, infant son of Edward J. and Martha E. Davis. Mar. 27, 1874 3/1 Johnson March 5th, 1874, Levora Guy, aged 7 months and 5 days, infant son of Henry W. and Joyey G. Johnson. Mar. 27, 1874 3/1 Allen Obituary – Died at the residence of her son, Dr. Elijah T. Scott, in Fulton, Mo., on Saturday Feb. 14, 1874, Mrs. Sarah H. Allen, in the 74th year of her age. She was born in Augusta County, Va., Jan. 9, 1800. In 1806 her father removed to Green County., Ky., where she grew up. On the 7th of May, 1822, she was married to Rev. Wm. Scott, who settled soon after his marriage, in Bloomfield, Ky., -- in 1837 he removed to Callaway County, Mo., where he died very soon after his arrival – leaving a widow and four small children, the oldest only eleven years of age --. Three of her children preceded her to the heavenly inheritance – two of them lovely daughters, just blooming into womanhood, dying within a few weeks of each other. In 1848 Mrs. Scott was married to Dr. Allen, and in 1852, she returned to Fulton, a second time a widow. Apr. 3, 1872 3 /4 Harrison Died of membranous croup, on the 23d of March, Edward Maddox and on the 25th Elizabeth Scott, children of Thomas and Catharine Harrison of this county. Eddie was – one year, eight months and twenty-seven days old. Lizzie – six years and twenty days. Apr. 3, 1874 3/ 4 Crooks Died at his residence near Fulton, Callaway Co., on the 20th of March, 1874, John Hughart Crooks, aged 74 years, five months and 24 days. The deceased was born in Bath County, Ky., on the 26th September, 1799. He was married to Margaret Hughart on the 1st of January, 1822. He removed to Missouri in September 1826 and settled in Callaway County. Apr. 3, 1874 3 /4 Baynham Sudden Death – We regret to learn of the death of Charles W. Baynham, which occurred on Friday, April 3, 1874, at his residence near McCredie, in this county. Apr. 10, 1874 3/1 Bennett In Centralia, Mo., on the 4th inst., very suddenly of heart disease, Miss Maggie Bennett, aged 19 years – a daughter of Elijah Bennett. Arp. 17, 1874 2/6 Judt In this city on the 15th inst., Mrs. Catharine Judt, aged 50 years – wife of Wm. Judt, Esq.--. Apr. 17, 1874 2/6 Boulware In Memoriam – Died in Fulton, Mo., Apr. 16, after several weeks of intense suffering, Maud, daughter of Mr. I. W. and Anna M. Boulware, aged 5 years, 9 months and 22 days. Apr. 24, 1874 2/6 Baber Mr. Albert G. Baber, son of the late Col. H. H. Baber, of Jefferson City, died very suddenly, in that place on Saturday last --. Apr. 24, 1874 4/1 Newland Death of Senator Newland - Hon. William Newland, State Senator, from the Thirteenth senatorial district, died at his residence, in Ralls county, on Sunday, the 25th inst., --. Senator Newland was born in Shelby County, Ky., March 18, 1815, and fifteen years of age accompanied his widowed mother to Ralls county, Mo., where he has since resided. – May 1, 1874 2/1 Doerries In this city, on Friday, April 24, 1874, after a protracted illness of several weeks, Miss Emma F., daughter of Dr. H. T. Doerries – aged 17 years. May 1, 1874 3/1 Boulware In Monroe county on the 14th of April, Miss Susan Boulware, wife of Alfred Boulware, aged 73 years. May 1, 1874 3/1 Bailey In Memoriam – Died at his residence in this county, on the morning of May 1st, David R. Bailey, after a short summons, -- New Bloomfield Lodge (No. 60) of A. F. and A. Masons --. May 8, 1874 3/2 Renshaw At the residence of her son, J. C. Renshaw, in Fulton, Mo., May 4th, 1874, Mrs. Eliza Renshaw, widow of Wm. Renshaw, Sr., late of St. Louis, in the 76th year of her age. St. Louis Republican, Baltimore, Md., and Springfield, Illinois papers please copy. May 8,1 874 3/2 Palmer Died of bronchitis at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum in this city, on the 11th inst., “Cora” daughter of Geo. A. & Margaret B. Palmer, of Montgomery City, Mo. – sweet child of eleven summers. May 15, 1874 3/ 4 Boyd On the 7th of May 1874, near Carrington City, Callaway County, Mo., after a painful and lingering illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd, wife of Robert M. Boyd, aged 36 years. – May 15, 1874 3 /4 MacFarlane Mrs. Laura J. MacFarlane, relict of the late J. D. MacFarlane, Esq., was buried in Montgomery City on Sunday the 3d inst. Her disease was consumption. May 22, 1874 2/2 Reynolds Died in this county on Monday inst., in the neighborhood of Guthrie, Mr. William H. Reynolds, a well known and worthy citizen. May 29, 1874 3/2 Rickenbaugh Mr. Jacob Rickenbaugh, on of our oldest and most respected citizens, died suddenly at his residence in Fulton, on the 14th inst. – He leaves an aged widow and a number of descendants to mourn his death, and among them, Mr. James Rickenbaugh Clerk of the County Court. May 29, 1874 3/3 Patton Mr. Thomas Patton, died on the 18th inst., of cancer. – He leaves a widow and five children who reside in this place and Mexico. – May 29, 1874 3/2 Crump James B. Crump – Mr. Crump was born near Fulton, in Callaway County, Mo., Oct. 12, 1831, and died at Chamois, Osage County, May 28th, 1874, being at the time of his death in his forty-third year. – June 12, 1874 2/6 Hinde In St. Louis, on Monday last, Rhodis H. Hinde, son of Dr. H. K. Hinde, first assistant physician of the State Lunatic Asylum. – June 12, 1874 ¾ Sayle Bettie Sayle, aged twelve years, daughter of George Sayle, of Plattsburg, was burned to death by the explosion of a coal oil can – on Monday evening last. June 19, 1874 2/ 4 Rogers A fatal accident occurred on Sugar Tree Ridge, in New Madrid County, last Sunday. A young man named Scott Rogers, son of Gid Rogers, was the victim. He was walking out on a log for the purpose of shooting fish, when he slipped and fell, his gun was discharged, the contents entering his bowels, causing instant death. A singular fatality has followed this family since 1867, eleven out of twelve children have died. At one time, four of Mr. Rogers’ children lay dead in the house, having died of cholera. June 19, 1874 2/ 4 Boulware Line to the memory of Anna May, infant daughter of I. W. and Anna M. Boulware of this city, died June 22, 1874 – June 26, 1874 3 /4 Turley In this county, on the 20th inst., George Thomas, infant son of Jas. M. and M. C. Turley, aged 2 years, 11 months and 2 days. June 26, 1874 ¾ Rickey Obituary – Died in this city, on Monday morning, June 22d, Joseph Kerr, infant son of Joseph K. and Sallie Rickey, aged 1 year, 5 months and 14 days. June 26, 1874 3/5 Curtis In Memoriam – Died in Callaway County, Missouri, June 16th 1874, Willie Fant, son of J. H. and Mattie Curtis, aged 6 months and 11 days. June 26, 1874 3/2 Jameson In this city, on Tuesday July 1, 1874, Samuel Herndon, infant son of John H. and Mary E. Jameson, aged six months. July 3, 1874 2/3 MacCubbin In Memoriam – Died, near Williamsburg, at the house of his parents, June 26th, 1874, of pulmonary consumption, Zachariah, the only son of Alpheus and Lucy H. MacCubbin aged 19 years, 8 months and 19 days. July 10, 1874 3/3 Bolton On the 13th day of July, at Dr. J. J. Bolton’s, Mrs. Martha Bolton. She was born on the 31 day of January, 1797. – she had nine children, -- three dead, six still living to mourn her loss --. July 24, 1874 3/2 Gilbert In this county, near Calwood, July 23d, 1874, at the residence of A. B. Gilbert, her great uncle, Casandra Victory, infant daughter of Bettie M. and Thos. B. Gilbert, aged 1 year, 11 months and 2 weeks and 2 days. Aug. 7, 1874 3/1 Woolfolk In this city on Wednesday August 12, 1874, of cancer, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Mary E. Woolfolk, wife of Mr. Charles E. Woolfolk. – her remains wee taken to Louisiana, Missouri for burial --. Aug. 14, 1874 3 /4 Woolfolk Mary F. Woolfolk – daugher of John and Louvisa Cook, was born in Boone Cook County in the year 1823 – married to Mr. T. E. Williams in 1845 – her husbands home in Paris, Monroe County. – death of her husband in 1864. – was married in 1869 to Mr. Charles E. Woolfolk . – Aug. 21, 1874 Viers Miss Rosella W. Viers was born May 14, 1856, and died August 20, 1874 of typhoid fever --. Sept. 4, 1874 3 /4 Craghead At her home, August 15, 1874, of consumption, Mrs. Margaret A. Craghead, aged 36 years, 3 months and 18 days. Sept. 4, 1874 3/ 4 Little In Callaway County, Missouri, September 2, 1874, youngest child of Thomas B. and Fannie Little, aged one year, lacking 2 days. Sept. 11, 1874 3/ 4 Smith In Boone County, August 27, 1874, Marcus D. Smith, aged 26 years and fourteen days. Sept. 11, 1874 ¾ Hopson Biographical sketch – Dr. W. H. Hopson --. His father, Dr. Samuel Hopson, moved form Christian County, Ky., during the autumn of 1825, in which county the subject of this sketch was born, April 26, 1823. Dr. Samuel Hopson located in Montgomery County, Missouri, at a place still known as Hopson’s Point. In the spring of 1826, he moved to Fulton --. His practice was divided between Fulton and Nine Mile Prairie. Here he lived and toiled for twenty years, and died in Portland, in 1845, having died a martyr to his profession – growing out of the great flood of 1844. His body was interred at the farm of the late Capt. John Clark, near Williamsburg. – In March, 1848, he was united in marriage to Miss Caroline H. Gray, deceased of Hams Prairie, in this county. – In September, 1849 she died, most triumphantly leaving a child 6 months old, who is now the accomplished and amiable wife of Elder R. Lin Cave of Lexington, Kentucky. – In Dubuque, Iowa on the 30th of September, 1850, he was wedded to Mrs. Ella Chappell (formerly Miss Lord), his present wife. – Sept. 11, 1874 3/3 Caldwell In Benton County, Mo., August 26, 1874, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of James R. Davis Caldwell, and daughter of Gerard and Amelia Davis, in the 46th year of her age. Sept. 25, 1874 3/3 Lee In Callaway County, Mo., on the 24th of Sept., after a severe illness of ten days, Ednie Ramsden, daughter of J. E. and N. E. Lee, aged one year and one day. Sept. 25, 1874 3/3 Bush Of croup on the 18th of Sept., Nannie Bush, aged 2 years, 2 months and 27 days – the daughter of Thomas F. and Mattie E. Bush. Oct. 2, 1874 3/ 4 Marshall In this city, on Sept., 25th, Ella, daughter of W. S. and Dollie S. Marshall, aged 11 months and 7 days. Oct. 2, 1874 ¾ Rice Funeral Services – The remains of Mr. J. K. B. Rice, who died in Pueblo, Colorado Territory on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1874 reached this city on Sunday morning last. – remains were conveyed to the Fulton cemetery for interment. – He was the oldest child of Dr. N. L. Rice of six children. – Mrs. Taylor, of Virginia, Mrs. Dr. Lemoin; of St. Louis, Mrs. J. D. Henderson and Miss Lolla, of this city, and Prof. J. J. Rice of Westminster College. Oct. 16, 1874 3/2 Kennette On the 12th of Oct., 1874, near Carrington City, Callaway County, Mo., of typhoid fever, Millie Price, daughter of William and Julia Kennette, aged 10 years, 11 months and 12 days. Oct. 23, 1874 3/8 Kouns Died in Jefferson City, on Thursday, Oct., 15, 1874, Mrs. Winfred Neville Kouns Wife of Dr. Nathan Kouns, formerly of this city, in the 79th year of her age. Her remains were brought to this county and interred at the family graveyard on the Oakley farm. Oct. 23, 1874 3/8 Kouns Mrs. Winfred N. Kouns – this aged lady, whose death we announced last week, was form any years a citizen of this county. Her husband Dr. N. Kouns survives her. Mrs. K., was a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – a daughter of General Nevill, who was an officer in the Revolution and a member of Congress from Pennsylvania. She was the grand daughter of General Daniel Morgan. – In accordance with her own repeated request, she was quietly buried at Oakley, in this county – beside her sister and her children, where one of her sons, by her own directions, read at her grave --. Oct. 30, 1874 3/4 Brown In Fulton, October 28, 1874, at the residence of her brother, Dr. Jos. T. Brown, Hale after an illness of forty-eight hours, of disease of the bowels, Miss E. Mary Brown, of St. Louis, daughter of Mrs. Charles R. Hale. Oct. 30, 1874 3/3 Smith In Memoriam – Died at the State Lunatic Asylum, Fulton, Mo., Oct., 28,1 874, Andrew Harper Smith, aged 17 years. He was the youngest son and only surviving child but one, of Dr. Turner R. H. Smith and Mary E. Smith. – was borne to this city cemetery. Nov. 6, 1874 2/2 Adair In Mexico, Mo., on the 3d inst., of bronchitis, Elta Elnora, daughter of Hiram and m. Adair, aged five years and two months. Nov. 20, 1874 3/5 Muzzy On the 8th of September, 1874, at his residence, in this county, Mr. Edmund R. Muzzy, in the 52d year of his age. Mr. Muzzy was a native of Guernsey Co., Ohio, where he lived the greater part of his life. About five years ago he settled with his family in this county. Nov. 20, 1874 3/5 Burt Obituary – Died at his residence, in this county, near Williamsburg, Mr. William S. Burt, in the 54th year of his age. Mr. Burt became a citizen of this county about seven years ago, removing from Guernsey County, Ohio. The disease which cut him down in the vigor of his manhood was eucephaloid (?) cancer --. Dec. 4, 1874 Fourt At the residence of Wm. O. Turley, in this county, on the 6th of November, Peter Fourt, aged 57 years. Dec. 4, 1874 2/6 Trimble Obituary – Died at the residence of his father, William H. Trimble, in this county on Friday, November 27, 1874, Thomas N. Trimble, in the 22d year of his age. – Dec. 18, 1874 2/3 Deardorff In Memoriam – Union Grange No. 1346 – Andrew J. Deardorff – bereaved widow and fatherless children. – Dec. 18,1 874 2/3 Day Tuesday morning at the residence of Mrs. Clanton, in Audrain County, Mr. Green Day, a well known citizen of this county. He wad buried at Auxvasse Station on Wednesday last by the Crusade Commandry, No. 28 of Mexico, Mo. Dec. 18, 1874 3/5 Deardorff At his residence in Callaway County, Mo., on the 7th day of December, 1874, after a short but painful illness, Mr. Andrew J. Deardorff in the 46th year of his age. Dec. 18, 1874 3/5 Fullington November 24, 1874, at her home in New Florence, Mo., Mrs. Patience B. Fullington, in the 67th year of her age. Dec. 18, 1874 3/5 Baskett The Shelbyville (Ky.) Sentinel says – Mr. T. L. Baskett, formerly of Shelby County, but now a resident of Fulton, Callaway County, Mo., was recently summoned to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Alfred Baskett, who was not expected to live. – we are glad to learn from him that his mother is recovering. Dec. 25, 1874 3/6 Bell In this county, December 4, 1874, James Paschal, infant son of John P. and Charlotte Bell, aged one year and seven days. Dec. 25, 1874 3/ 4 Neff In this county, December 15, 1874, Conrad Neff, aged 70 years. Mr. Neff came to this county in 1835 --. Dec. 25, 1874 3/ 4 Morris In Memoriam – death of – S. T. Morris == Bourbon Grange --. Dec. 25, 1874 3/ 4