Welcome to Charleston County South Carolina
 Genealogy Research

Military  Info

 Names of officers and troops in regiments forming continental regiments

 Search for South Carolina confederate soldiers at  National Park Service website
 Search for  South Carolina African American Union troops at National Park Service website
 Search for Charleston born sailors during Civil War (North or South) at Nationa Park Service website
 Confederate Rolls of South Carolina published 1898  at Richland Libarary, South Carolina
  {To locate a soldier it is very helpful to know the soldiers Regiment and Company so you can use the scrollbar
   on the righthand side to get to that regiment and company.   If you do not know the regiment and company
   I recommend going to the  soldiers search at the National Park Service website to find the soldier.  Once found
   that soldiers regiment and company is listed.    If you have problems contact me and I will help get the info.}

 World War I  draft registration card info for people born in Charleston county South Carolina
 World War II army enlistment records
 Charleston county Korean War Deaths
 Charleston county Vietnam War Casualties

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